how convincing could your party act if polymorphed into an princess (female) to play undercover?
How convincing could your party act if polymorphed into an princess (female) to play undercover?
They wouldn't
they would be princess (male)
Considering thats already my false-identity from the Charlatan background, pretty well actually.
tell me more
congratulations you spotted the joke
My character is a warlock in service to the crown (all the party is actually) and I invested heavily in the roguey skills like Deception. I'm basically a government-sanctioned spy. As such, I've been given the documents and other necessities to "prove" I'm a member of the royal family when it proves advantageous to my job.
The entire party turned into a single princess? Bold move OP! We break out the Everyone is John rules and proceed to be discovered quickly!
I see the newfags are out in force again.
>constant genderswap shit is extremely interesting and important
kys gorillahon
Is this the new shitpost thread?
My character is a barbarian and pretty un-ladylike, so she'd probably not last long before punching some annoying asshole or something
>> My murder hobo’s don’t have an ounce of subtlety.
She IS a princess, so pretty well, would probably have to act more lady like
1 time I played as male elf scout with trap specialty. GM begged me to play him as femine as I can, just for trap puns. For most of the game only me and GM knew my character was male.
Too slutty to be a proper princess.
The whole party polymorphed into one princess? Are we infiltrating Cybertron?
what do Transformers have to do with it?
One of the party members is already the daughter of a noble lord.
I assume one other PC would immediately begin slutting it up, so not well in their case.
Well one character is an orphan who was raised in a swamp and doesn't really know how to act ladylike, plus her snaggletooth would be an immediate giveaway.
One of the characters definitely could act the part of royalty given he basically is, but he also doesn't know anything about how girls act and would probably speg out.
My character is pretty good at playing pretend and is generally quick to pick up proper decorum, but there is no way in hell he'd let anyone touch his pompadour no it's not a jojo reference.
The last guy, well he's something of a wildcard so he could be just the right fit
Well, uuh... the minotaur probably wouldn't pass very well. He's not dumb, but it would be a very stoic, very manly princess.
The wererat is charismatic thanks to his items and actually can bluff pretty well, but he's a slang-slinging litteral street rat, so the manners wouldn't be there.
And my wizard has the manners and the arrogance, but not the sense of duty to go with it.
I suppose they could combine in a relatively-okay princess, though. They complete each other well.
My cleric could act convincingly enough, though some people may think of her as being more pious than she is in later encounters. Acting prim and composed is easy so long as you aren't expected to trade jabs with other nobles too frequently.
I meant they would polymorph into cute boys you dingus.
Do they keep relatively the same physical proportions? Because my big, muscle bound warrior isn't going to be happy being trapped in the body of some noodle armed girl. Though I imagine that's one of you sick fuck's fetish.
If he is now a Amazon Princess, well, then now we get something interesting.
The whole party polymorphed into one princess? Probably not well as the legs and arms and head all do their own thing.
>Though I imagine that's one of you sick fuck's fetish.
Not OP but it is mine.
My party is fucking retarded.
They wouldn't even fucking hold it in if they all shared a body.
Very poorly. I don't think they have the physical or mental coordination to share physical control, let alone something as complicated as coherent speech.
What if insteady of sharing a body, they all get polimorphed into a copy of the princess?
Let's contrive a reason of why the princess needs to be seen in five or more different places at the same time. And why she decided to hire the party for it instead of using her ladies in waiting.
>Let's contrive a reason
My current character would be terrible. He'd end up in a theological debate with some random person or start spouting off about why summoning skeletons is bad and what kinds of alcohol are best.
My character last campaign would do fine. Some assassins sneak in and sneak out, he was more of a talk your way in smash your way out kind of guy. He was great with disguises, impersonations, and the like. Later on he got some magic items and spells that allowed him to permanently have altered self cast and swap between disguises on the fly in addition to using ghost sound. At one point in the campaign he seduced someone while pretending to be a bar maid in order to get them alone in a room to kill them.
He's trying to jerk off, and needs our creative assistance.
Body doubles. Helps to have one that can bench press an ogre or fill somebody's ass with fireballs.
Murder the real princess and hide the body, then take her place.