have any of you PCs actually use their virginity as political bargaining chip?
Have any of you PCs actually use their virginity as political bargaining chip?
Two of the Dragon Blooded PC's I dm for offered their shared servant a threesome to help him repopulate his species, partially to improve their standing with his race. Does that count?
No. Male virginity is worthless.
Not virginity, but similar principle.
One time my character, due to events in the campaign, was slowly awakening into a goddess.
One BBEG, essentially a Cassanova Dracula, wanted to make her his wife so his demigod vampire children would take over his empire of darkness.
Once we realised this we exploited it to get in close to assassinate him.
We fucked up and he got away though in the end.
Oh, to clarify, they WERE both virgins at the time.
sauce good sir and/or madam?
Nah, just my players.
Record of Grancrest War, episode 9
One of our players sold their half-elf's (presumable) virginity to a Dragonborn PC for eve ISK
most uncomfortable I've felt playing DnD
Not virginity per se, but there have been a couple political marriages here and there.
if you are shota is precious
Uh, sort of. In a highly political game, my character, who was the third prince from a neighbouring kingdom, ended up "winning" the hand of the princess of the most powerful nation by 'gifting' her his twin sister's virginity and service as her mistress. Technically his own virginity was also offered and taken, though she didn't really care for it, being a lesbian and all.
As you can imagine, the marriage overall was one of simple convenience.
Jesus. Hahaha.
>Me, exiled princess trying to avenge father and reclaim crown
>Rest of party are either personal attendants or hired-on mercenaries
>Attempting to gather political and military resources for final push against usurper
>One of the noble houses offers their aid for cheap, moneywise, but demands a favor: I marry their fatass heir.
>GM goes on to describe heir as smart, talented in matters of finance, and reasonable personality, but exceedingly ugly and potentially homosexual.
>They're worried his predilictions will end their line, so they want me to marry him, have his child while they watch on to make sure it sticks.
>Without this family's aid, it's gonna be an uphill battle.
>The rest of the party looks at me like this is an entirely reasonable arraigement
>I try to protest, but the other PCs claim that my younger brother, currently a hostage, will still be king.
>At this point I realize nobody else in the party ever had any intention of putting Me on the throne.
So I'm in the GM's magical realm, and the other PCs are looking at me to seal this deal or I'm messing up half a campaign's worth of progress. What do?
Honestly, it sounds like a fun position to be in since both choices are interesting in their own right. Though I have to wonder: did you as a player actually think their goal was to place your character on the throne? If so, why? Also, what might have made this revelation more obvious beforehand? Aside from simply talking to the other players, of course.
I recognise this. It sent /a/ into a frothing rage almost immediately when it aired.
Basically, the girl in the image is in love with a soft, kind, polite nice guy who's her opposite political number (and is also hopelessly in love with her, they had basically one and a half episodes leading up to this looking at him and her and that they loved each other) following the death of their parents (ruining an arranged marriage). However, because she's trying to win the war between the two alliances of lords, she agrees to trade away her virginity to an arab/black lord who was switching sides to her in exchange for his military assistance (literally - the deal was, she gave him her virginity, he gave her his assistance on the battlefield), which basically made it NTR. The nice guy never finds out, and at the end of the series they wind up married and he never knows what his waifu did.
The only good side to the shitshow is that MC and main heroine hooked up in the same episode with lewdly vanilla sex.
Depends on who you ask.
It’s worth some silver.
You forget how retarded the situation was and about how the LN readers lost sympathy for her thanks to her dumb actions rather than gain.
I suppose it's an out-of-character thing, really. We've been on this fun adventure together, everyone seems motivated and enthusiastic about saving the kingdom and restoring the true line to the throne. I honestly thought we were going with me as queen, them as my braintrust and entourage. But they're going to give the throne to the NPC hostage prince because he has a dick?
Fine then. The other PCs have given up family members, lucrative commissions, etc. Compared to that, marrying into one of the deciding-factor lineages and having a kid with a fruit/pig, just to put the same puppet-prince back on the throne and avenge my father's honor....
Who knows, maybe after this, I'll get used to wearing a strap-on with my gay best-friend/husband?
Yes, it ultimately meaning literally nothing because Theo kills the arab anyway just adds insult to injury.
>not fucking the arab
What a pussy.
He would never NTR his waifu, user.
You fucker
As for how this revelation could have been made more obvious, that one's also on me. I mean, one of the things the BBEG has been using as justification for his current steward position, besides calling us traitors and claiming to be the prince's godfather (falsely) is my character's femininity, which he claims outweighs my primogeniture. If that's a good enough reason for people to align themselves with the BBEG, why wouldn't it affect people on my side of the conflict as well? Most of the other party members, regardless of their friendship with the princess, are in it for either Justice against the kingslayer, or personal Vengeance for personal begrievments. Even the princess's own political standing was a distant secondary motif in the beginning.
As the campaign grew, though, as she began to gain allies and gain victories over the usurper's forces, the notion of becoming Queen after avenging her father just sort of crept in. She thought those nobles, merchants, and other allies were on Her side. But they're not. They're on Team Kill The Usurper, not Team Queen-Me.
The other party members were starting to drop hints, I suppose, over the last three sessions, as our plans increasingly were about finding ways to sneak into the castle and rescue the hostage-prince. The princess cares for her brother, so naturally she'd want to rescue him as well, but it felt a tad off. Rescuing him would be important to destablizing the usurper's claims of guardianship, and she'd get back the brother she had been forced to leave behind, but this mission seemed to consume almost everybody's attention. Only this other focus, namely getting the Noble Family mentioned earlier to sign on to our side of the conflict, had more attention being paid to it.
>Be young paladin
>Be virgin because I am young, am expected to remain as virtuous as possible, and I have had next to zero contact with women
>Party essentially has the idea of "we need to get you laid bro"
>Party buys me a high class whore, I spend my time talking to her about how she shouldn't be a whore and shit
>Party still obsessed with getting my character laid
>Have another whore sneak into my bed while I am sleeping
>Decide to try and manipulate my naive idealism by trying to get me to fall for random women at pretty much every place we visit
>Party druid tries to seduce my character, awkwardly turn her down
>These hijinks continue throughout the campaign
Eventually my character fell for a young noblewoman and since he was a virtuous paladin spent his time courting her, and married her at the end of the campaign when he would be able to settle down.
>The wife's face
My brother of gilded armor and righteousness.
And then she joint locks the dude for her husband. Best possible ending, all told.
You are the hero we need
>be obsessed with knowledge
>meet gnome with giant library
>he begs me never to tell anyone he lives here
>ask if he would like to make a binding contract
>he agrees to never take anything of mine in exchange for me never telling of his location or else i get everything he owns
>convince him to sex
>exclaim i now own his library because he took my virginity
>DM mad at technicality and says his tiny dick didnt break my hymen
He didn't take your virginity, you offered it up in your seduction of him.
You are technically wrong. The best kind of wrong.
still took something of mine regardless if i hand it to him or not
I'm pretty sure the only virgin in the party is the noblewoman, and she would probably snap someone's neck before literally selling her virginity.
>But they're going to give the throne to the NPC hostage prince because he has a dick?
Probably more because legally, he's the heir and you're not.
Was the offer predicated upon if he took anything by force or stealth, or simply took anything at all, even if it's not something that can be physically handled and was freely offered?
Because if it's the second one, that's an insanely narrow interpretation based purely on language. For example, what if you told him some information that you had no way to verify, and he believed you? He would have to take your word for it. Would that count as him breaking the agreement?
Basically if I was your DM I would just say "No, he hasn't broken the spirit of the agreement. You're not dealing with a djinn or a devil."
Not for politics... My friend "sell" his virginity for a bed in a tavern.
It was for two 60 old woman, a cat end something else.
He had probably smoke weed before the session
It was with*
idk he was some powerful mage and these contracts were magical
took is the past tense of take and take has a LOT of definitions
none of it really mattered though because in the end he got fried to a crisp and i now own a floating library that projects a barrier than not even gods can enter
Two sixty-year old cat woman would have been something worth it
>using the english name
fuck off to /r/anime faggot
Fine, Boku No Boobuhime, episode 9.
Shouldn't that be Baku no Oppaihime?
You'd think so, but they used partial Romaji for some reason. Stylistic choice, I guess.
So it was done entirely for creepy otaku fanservice?
thanks for entirely misunderstanding the purpose of the scene. you can go back to tumblr now
>hurr tumblr
Don't be a faggot user.
maybe if you had any sense of what the show was about or the context of the scene (or you know, fucking watched the show), you wouldn't have to be a normalfag
Christ user- Tumblr, normalfag... what other tired buzzwords you got in your limited lexicon, 'Moralfag' maybe?
>2018 of our lord
>still using ellipsises
you need to get checked. maybe try watching a show before shitposting about it.
>Thot expected throne while male heir lives
Lmao. No, no that's not how it works. You're next in line AFTER your brother and male cousins. If all.of then croak then you can be Queen-Protector until you squat out a male child
Though really, it depends on the rules of succession and - in many cases - just how well-connected and charismatic the prospective female ruler is.
Considering her fellows are loyal more to the system than her, that kinda rules out yassssssss queen reign.
There's always the chance her brother "gets sick" or "has an accident" after this whole usurper thing blows over.
i would have failed at the druid, no doubt
I am beginning to see the main issue here. The laws of the land stipulate the eldest child,not the eldest son, inherits.... but having a girl being the eldest has only happened twice before. First time it happened, she only lived long enough to have a child with her consort, and the second time the Queen and her new consort basically co-ruled, to the point most people acted like they were one monarch.
Nobody was honestly expecting me to fight this hard to be Queen, especially since up until the incident mentioned above I had no consort or paramour the others could look towards.
No wonder convincing the other nobles was so hard. By the letter of the law, I'm the Queen, but it's always been with the auspices of matrimony or shared dominion historically.
Question: should I press the issue of being Queen? I think that'd make the family I'm marrying into extremely happy, since their son and potential heir would be royalty, but it could destabilize my entire side if people are being super-picky about this.
It might make them happy, but it also might not since their son is marrying into the royal family, not a royal marrying into their family.
as a dm it is on a list of things i almost always include every time, some other notable mentions are pentagrams on the floor, skeletons, kidnapped underage nonhuman female, ya know just the basics
I don't know what your character's personality is like, but I think this could be the good catalyst to your walter white final form.
This is where you begin to change, you have this moment of disgust when you're going to go through with it, in the room, and you break. You need to have some sort of plan, either escape or start killing/ taking noble hostages. They need the piggy for the continuation of his bloodline, capture him and send them ransom saying you'll castrate him if they do not support your claim. Slowly over the next sessions you will begin your transformation, fuelled by your ambition to restore the true bloodline to the throne on your terms. You don't want to have to bend to the world and water down your cause just to get a golden hat. You want your bloodright, and you will not let this mean and corrupt world prey on you. So what if these mercenaries don't support you now, they will learn to support you in time, you have shown them nothing but kindness and acceptance, and they didn't respect you, but they will respect the new you, they will respect you when you rule with an iron fist.
Essentially machiavellian shit. I wouldn't force this if this is too out of left field, but I think it would be really good.
Never surrender, not even in the face of Apocalypse.
Vengeance will be yours!
Kill this lad and his weak line, seize their realm, and deplete its manpower and coffers reconquering your birthright.
Never give up. Death before dishonor.
Multiple times.
Once for each PC, or multiple times for the same PC?
[Spoiler] No [/Spoiler]
Honestly this sounds like something you should talk to both ooc and ic with the GM and rest of party. Maybe ask your GM about the different factions involved on both sides and what your character knows about how they feel about you becoming queen
For a culture that is tradition-bound, there might actually be less opposition to a female heir than one would expect from a traditional medieval society, but this depends a lot on the culture and how your GM interprets things. The rest of the party seem to have their own notions of who will inherit the crown if you marry the fat boy, did they get this notion from GM or assume it because of preconceived notions about feudal monarchies?
The most important thing in many monarchies is keeping the royal family dominant. In some systems your husband would become prince-consort instead of king. Has your GM done a lot of research on monarchies and picked a clear system? Or is the setting in enough flux that anything can be justified by victory (including crowning yourself queen and exiling your little brother after victory is achieved)?
You might not have a chance if the GM wants a culture where male heirs are favored. But it might also just be an obstacle that he figures you might surmount.
Did you already agree to marry fat boy or not? Note that his family's motivations doesn't seem to be grabbing power from what you wrote, merely to have his son marry a woman and have children. Of course they could hide the real reason and hope you become queen so they have children become royals, or strong ties to royal family if your brother becomes king. So possibility for you if they aren't just power-hungry is to arrange the boy's marriage to another woman. Since their family is wealthy, you could gain an ally or strengthen an alliance by finding a girl from a decent lineage but in a family that has lost its wealth from war or other circ
The fact that your character is unwed seems to me like an advantage in this campaign.
Same PC, was particularly good at bargaining.
No, it hasn't ever come up. Though given I have a firstborn son knight in Pendragon, he's probably gonna get browbeaten by his mother into marrying someone who's politically useful/rich. He's gotten an unusually high amount of glory for such a young fellow and he's a hopeless romantic, so he's probably going to demand he stay single until his perfect waifu comes along. That ought to be interesting to RP out.
Well according to your DM, fatso is smart, decent with people and potentially a good king, I can see most of your faction being happier with a good king than keeping your puppet brother who can be easily use, as this whole conflict showed.
Give us what we want, or I'll rape all the women in your village." Does that count?
Did you rape all the women anyway?
She should get him as an advisor if not as a husband. Having Jolly Saint Nick as a minister seems like a good idea.
Yes. He was disappointed when she didn't take the bait
What user is saying is that the purpose of her sacrifice was all for naught since the man she gave her maidenhead to doesn’t accomplish anything. Given the pointlessness of the scene, user suggests it was for creepy sex fan-service since the scene adds nothing to the show beyond titillation.
Once. We managed in the course of the game to get the bard titled but he had jackshit for power or land or anything really. So we decided he'd adopt me then try to marry me off to somebody who we could later murder and I'd just work my way up or we'd plateau somewhere nice or something because in this setting most kingdom's go surviving spouse then named heir for inheritance.
All of us became fairly famous during the war so we all already had suitors so instead of choosing the best after weighing options or something similar we held an highly publicized auction for basically anybody because money. In the end there was some rich as shit poo in loo sultan type who basically had it in the bag until he started insulting the bard and his manhood and how he couldn't land me himself so he had to settle for the next best thing.
The bard and him had a bidding/insult war and every bid costs something like 1000g which wasn't much but enough that it should have stopped this exact thing from occurring. After a day of bidding both were broke, I became double rich, and the bard won.
Now, this shit was highly illegal so it never actually got cashed and I bought out the sultans shit by paying him my earnings so it all sort of worked out but the bard was salty as shit because he never got his money back so we had to put him and his peasant army down.
Which is false because it shows to the viewer the lengths she is willing to go to accomplish her goal of uniting the continent. And besides, its not pointless because it gives her a significant military advantage in the war. If you actually watch the scene you can see that the scene wasn't for titillating fanservice due to the way its shot and described. It isn't even rape because they both consent to it beforehand. If neither of you hadn't jumped to conclusions about it being for "creepy otaku" because "anime weird lmao" you might actually understand the point of the scene.
It's such a shame all her effort is going to get blown out by some hick and his magical girlfriend.
thats what you get for wearing black clothes, you done fucked up man
>what other tired buzzwords you got in your limited lexicon
At least try not being a hypocrite.
>a bunch of dudes actively spent every session trying to erp with you
I don’t think anime fans care, user. They see a pretty blonde woman getting deflowered by some dark-skinned dude while she’s involved with Mr. Protagonist and he doesn’t find out about it.
>i know literally nothing about anime or the industry but let me make baseless assumptions about it anyways
Give me a fucking break.
Yes, I'll talk to the other players; I think they just assumed father-to-son inheritance, rather than eldest-to-eldest, but I'm not sure; a lot of under-the-table notes have been passed around (I'm no exception).
The GM has told me that it's simply eldest-wins, but some people prefer males heirs due to the patron god of law and fair dealing being a dude. Seeing a woman actually in-charge of a guild or place, even if she's the eldest, is sort of uncommon.
I have not formally agreed yet; this thread was actually quite timely. As for the situation with fatboy, they definitely want me, specifically; one of the other PCs, my noble-blooded lady-in-waiting/spymaster already tried asking (she thought he'd be easily manipulated), and the parents rejected the offer. If we want their direct aid in this conflict (troops, overt support so as to pressure other houses to join in), they want the princess. Fatboy, will side with his family's wishes, but wishes me luck regardless.
My main issues are:
1) I don't want to defeat one puppetmaster just to see my brother or myself being puppeted again.
2) The GM's magical realm definitely has something to do with forcing gay characters into straight relationships through either violence or politics. He tried something similar to one of the PCs (lady knight) by trying to her kidnapped and sold to some island-nation merchant. We stopped it and told him to knock it off, but here we are.
Na it's just a sexy woman having sex, that would be to normal for anime weirdos. Waifuism is about abstract purity and idea-constructs that only ever have contact with sex through five layers of references.
And god help you if anything female-ish ever talks to a man other than (You).
>Waifuism is about abstract purity and idea-constructs that only ever have contact with sex through five layers of references.
Meanwhile my waifu lost her virginity and got knocked up in chapter 77. I'll leave it to you lot to figure out my waifu.
Wasn't there a notable game company in Japan that went under specifically because of a passing NTR reference with one of their characters?
not that i can recall no
>unironically using the term waifuism
Fucking neck yourself normalfag
>The GM's magical realm definitely has something to do with forcing gay characters into straight relationships through either violence or politics. He tried something similar to one of the PCs (lady knight) by trying to her kidnapped and sold to some island-nation merchant. We stopped it and told him to knock it off, but here we are.
What a weird fetish.
My magical realm is princesses overcoming all odds and becoming ruthless tyrants. Best of luck to you.
Please stick to traditional games.
Yes, and?
No, the closest I've gotten was when one of my player's characters sols out another player's character as a sex slave to a giantess against his will. It made for some good ERP and the giantess eventually freed him to use as her spy inside the party.
Autism, the post.
She is not involved with the protagonist at all. The protagonist is busy declaring his love for best girl and being a chad about how he feels.
>a person wrote this post
So I get the typical sob story of "I have to marry guy for the good of the family despite having a lover" deal, but based on my borderline nonexistant understanding of this anime's story, the arab dude is a mercenary. So he just gave his Sword to that chick just to fuck her once? How is that valuable to him? Why was he so thirsty?
He wanted her to prove to him that she would give anything in order to win. She valued her virginity as something she only wanted to ever give to the man she loved. So by surrendering it to him, she would prove that she was willing to do anything to win.
Worth also noting that the scene is clearly supposed to exist in contrast to MC and main heroine, as they fuck in the same episode except what they do is obviously loving and special, by comparison.
Oh. I just thought he had her in a really compromising military situation and she couldn't shoot down any price he demanded. That's ten times more retarded.
Fuck you, some people want to use the words that they know the meaning of rather than the words that they don't know the meaning of.
That doesn't create contrast it just undermines the relationship. It was totally pointless.
Oh, she couldn't really turn him down, no. He had plenty of military support that she wanted and needed. It was more the point of why he asked for that.