So why is it wrong for Supernatural beings to rule human society from the Shadows, Veeky Forums?

So why is it wrong for Supernatural beings to rule human society from the Shadows, Veeky Forums?

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nothing inherently bad about it, its just that most people use pop culture as an example

and normally anyone who rules the world from the shadows is portrayed as an asshole

See anima why it is a bad idea.
Reminder Imperium was gonna get crusaded after the nonhuman menace was dealt with.

Why are they hiding tho? If they are good, they shouldn't be hiding.

I they are trying to protect themselves from something (i.e. people would riot and start witch hunts) then hiding prevents them from gathering public support over time, and might breed resentment when the truth ultimately comes out.

Because anyone with that sort of power ought to be elected, so even if they don't necessarily faithfully represent the people who voted for them, they can at least be voted out

Well, it probably sucks if you're a human.

I'd rather they do it out in the open and be honest about it.

Storm of Zehir ended this way. You get eight consecutive dialogue options explaining to the bitch why it's a horrible idea, making references to the events of the game and passing lore checks to bring up and critique the aspects of her culture that drive them to do it. She sort of backtracks and concedes some of your points, kind of wilting and drawing into herself as you continue to berate her.

And then you kill her.

It violates the consensus that of the governed if you care about that

It violates the consent

I agree with ruling from the Shadows, Humanity Fuck Yeah is a Mental Illness that needs to be cured.

>It violates

Beyond that, Secret World Fantasy is overdone.

I forget the name of that movie where everyone becomes a vampire but take that and throw in a dash of WoD vampires and let everyone know they are under the rule of vampire overlords

It's not. Ask the Jew.s.

Source on pic?

Kosuzu falls to the Darkside.

It might be just me, but it's the thought of 'you would think someone would have recorded or saw something by now'

Of course not. If only the cattle knew how many times a seemingly miraculous victory was due to the manipulations of the Queen of the Silver Pinnacle.

It left to their own devices, they should have fallen to the northern degenerates or the greenskins long ago.

Why the Jews?

Because you have to hold your leaders accountable. If you have a King, he must defend the realm, protect his people and respect the rights of his subjects, or he will be replaced. If you have a democractically elected body or president, they must respect the constitution of the state, not try to amass more power and carry out their manifesto pledges and do so well or they will be voted out. Now, it's never perfect but the principle and the possibility exists and even the most augustine emperor was human.

With supernatural beings ruling from the shadow, suddenly the dynamic changes; you don't know who is accountable.

I remember reading that Gensokyo is some kind of national park for the last remaining Youkai and they suppress technology on purpose, not so much to stop technology, but to stop rational thought and logic, which is said to be pure cyanide for youkai. I don't remember where I read it though.



Humans for humans.

Letting another species rule is moronic.

Because they're supernatural beings that rule human society from the shadows.

I don't give a fuck who rules society as long as they ain't fucking it up for their own benefits. Let demons, OT spirits who whoever pull the reins just as long as they keep the fucking carriage on the path and not run off into the brush for shits n giggles.

Besides. even when humans rule human society, it's usually a human that not everyone agrees with or even likes, so it's the same shit either way.

What manga?


You're probably right.

He is, we definitely would have seen something by now.

Humans should be ruled from the shadows. They're far too self-destructive for their own good, and are incapable of acting for long term benefit, they only think of short term profit, in a destructive fashion. They need to be protected from themselves, before they drive themselves extinct. In the future, this will be fixed by having the technology to allow humans to ascend into a post-human, superior form. Humans are larva for what comes next, and larva should never be left alone to fend for itself.

See that's what I'm talking about. How can you expect fictional people to figure out supernatural conspiracies if real people can't even tell the difference between WTC 7 and WTC 2?

Things might be better all around if "real" people could tell the difference between "real" planes and "ghost" planes.

Wouldn't a ghost plane just pass through the building though?

That's fine, but only as a sex thing.

>loving your species is mental illness
t. subversive subhuman

Speaking of cattle, get back to work.


There is nothing wrong with supernatural beings ruling humans... Just as there is nothing wrong with humans euthanizing supernatural beings. However, we are all reasonable people, and I'm sure we can come to an agreement not to do either.

Are we doing this again?

There's no love in over-the-top tribalism, only insecurity.

Forbidden Scrollery, it's touhou related

Loving your tribe is the most natural and righteous thing there is.

Building 7 was brought down by ghosts?

>gets enslaved/genocided by an actual unified society
>''H-Heh l-look at all t-those i-insecure pricks''


It's the "if you show any concern you're insecure" fallacy.

Narratively it's tricky 'cause they are either
a) so powerful that it's difficult to play them
b) low level monsters and the GM/author struggles with that and the desire to go full VTM and have them behind everything at the same time.

Morally, in the context of the fiction, 'cause no one ever liked being a marionette without even seeing his puppeteer.

Not an argument

The same as what i replied to.


Why don't they just be our overlords?

It would be impossibly difficult to control all the ambition of all the powerful men in the world unless you were basically all-powerful. If you're all-powerful, why bother hiding?

What does Veeky Forums think of the Lunar War in Touhou?

It implies an incorrect understanding of the powers behind powers. The Jews are not controlling everything. Neither are the global corporations, nor the Deep State, nor the Freemasons, nor the Illuminati (if you believe in such things). Rather, the very simple truth is that nations are controlled by small communities of powerful men--usually friends but often enemies, who are constantly trading power with each other or ceding their position to their juniors.

In other words, there's actually way less conspiracy in the world than you think. It actually is as pants-on-head retarded as it looks, most of the time.



Humanity is weak though.

It's more like you would need to be nearly omnipresent, omniscient, and have such overwhelming power that there is zero reason for you to stay hidden. If you don't have even one of these, people are going to do what they want.

You mean how gods did through all of recorded history?

How would they like it if humans ruled THEM from the shadows, hm? Wouldn't that be dishonorable of us?

>incapable of acting for long term benefit
Name even ONE animal that DOES plan properly for events beyond its own lifespan and that of its immediate descendants. Even ONE. It's just not natural to think so far ahead that you and your entire lineage no longer exist on record.

So why disparage them for it?


Why should anything that powerful care about us? That's ridiculous. Hubristic, even!

Fuck the Lunarians. I support Yukarin!

Lunarians Master Race.

Because Humans are Special

What if I like both HFY and stories about the insignificance of humanity?

No they're not. Sapience is a dime a dozen. The only thing holding corvids back is a lack of hands, the octopodes and dolphins are unfortunately stuck underwater with no access to fire, and chimpanzees are already using spears - how long until they start lighting their own fires? How long until ravens figure out how to no-hands it?

I, for one, welcome our new avian overlords.

Because they'll die. It's not about HFY or some shit. It's just how it works. If the only thing you can keep control over something is through trickery you'll die. There are ways around that but they all need you to amass a more open power during your time of trickery. If you don't do that you'll get your shit pushed in the moment you are found.

It doesn't matter if it's supernatural beings or humans doing it. If you do something from the shadows it means you don't have the power to back up your moves in the open. There is of course always a possibility of doing it for "shits and giggles" and the one in the shadows actually having all the power. But than it is not ruling - it's just a game.

Could we fuck the Female Overlords?

>So why is it wrong for Supernatural beings to rule human society from the Shadows, Veeky Forums?

No accountability, lack of trust and this form of control is vulnerable to chaos, infighting and corruption. Of course if you are conquering the world thenits a viable strategy but if you already took control, kill all schemers and rule in divine glory.

Supernatural beings should rule from the Outer Heavens.

Was Darth Kosuzu in the Right, Veeky Forums? Is Humanity repress in Touhou?

What's happening here?

Aw, look at that applesponger.

World Trade Center building 7 collapsing due to "burning office furniture".

What, you mean jews?

They're not really supernatural.

apollo 11 best day of my life


has Reimu merc'd Kosuzu yet

I fucking wish.

There was no actual war. The Lunarians are just paranoid and assumed that humans wouldn't land on the moon unless they knew about their pocket dimension and how to get into it (because why else would you spend so much money travelling to a barren lump of rock?).

When the Space Race cooled down, the Lunarians threw a celebration and pat themselves on the back for "defeating the Earthlings". Meanwhile a bunch of moon rabbits started making up stories about being badass war veterans who'd killed a hundred humans, until the majority of moon rabbits believed that there'd been actual combat.

I thought it was Nanase Mizuho, but looking again, I'm not so sure. It might be Yuuki Homura, or even Kotobuki Kazuki.

>So why is it wrong for Supernatural beings to rule human society from the Shadows, Veeky Forums?

Go back to /antipol/

>why is it wrong for Supernatural beings to rule human society from the Shadows
If they are, then they're really bad at it.

Like, if you're good enough to hide massive global conspiracies and the existence of vampires from us, then would it kill you to at least make the trains run on time? I'm not even asking for a dignified puppet-government, just a competent one.

>Why the Jews?
They're the chosen people. Who better would rule mankind?

The first part is correct: Gensokyo exists as a haven for youkai, like a forest preserve.

The second part is not quite right; the real world is separated from Gensokyo to prevent reality from crushing the fantasy of Gensokyo. Technology is allowable, but youkai are old fashioned and Gensokyo was sealed in the 1600s IIRC. One game story arc was a recently transplanted goddess trying to switch portfolios and garner faith by starting an industrial revolution in her dominion. This involved getting a mook to eat Yatagarasu so said goddess could harness nuclear fission/fusion through that mook. When that didn't work, her chief shrine maiden/surrogate daughter/slutty nerd wanted to use cold fusion, since she thought it was enough of a fantasy to work in a fantasy land.

The third part is wrong: a lack of faith in/fear of youkai denies them food and weakens their existence. They need a sense of self so badly Buddhist ego death actually kills them, which leads to them using the main Buddhist temple as a haunted house.

You can't make it too obvious or the puppets rage against their strings.

Do it right, it's like you've done nothing at all.

As explains, Gensokyo exists for the youkai's sake, and youkai are phobophages. They need a human population to live in fear of them, to not go outside the village walls if they don't need to, to never enter the woods at night, because of the youkai.

So if you're a human in Gensokyo, you don't get to live for your own sake. From the moment you're born, there is a purpose to your life, given by uncaring masters. And that purpose is to fear the world you live in, and to never grow beyond that fear.

He's saying the conspiracy that states WTC 7 was brought down by explosives is the same conspiracy that states the planes weren't actually planes at all, being anything from guided missiles to cleverly created holograms.

The fear is more of a healthy respect, since most Human Village humans are descended from hero units and can kick the asses of the average youkai. Low tier youkai like Rumia are too dumb and too weak to pose a threat to the average human, and most man eating sustenance comes from real world people who fall through reality's cracks. There are several named youkai that just kind of exist in the Human Village and nobody freaks out: Kogasa, Sekibanki, the entire Myouren Temple crew.

A current in modern Touhou lore is the denizens of Gensokyo figuring out how to shift from "humans fear youkai" to "humans have faith in youkai," since the old ways are failing and outright war would be a MAD scenario at best for youkai. Kozuzu was just dumb and got possessed by a vengeful spirit since she thought like a D&D PC instead of a CoC PC. Akyuu plays up the danger of youkai because she's a NEET with generations of experience when youkai were actually scary.

She was trying to bring peace, freedom, justice, and security to her new empire.

>The fear is more of a healthy respect, since most Human Village humans are descended from hero units and can kick the asses of the average youkai
I've never heard of this. Are you 100% sure?
>Low tier youkai like Rumia are too dumb and too weak to pose a threat to the average human
Isn't Rumia's power sealed? And there's an ExRumia bonus boss, where she's unsealed.
>There are several named youkai that just kind of exist in the Human Village and nobody freaks out: Kogasa, Sekibanki, the entire Myouren Temple crew.
I double checked the wiki, and it says that Sekibanki is in disguise as a human, and Kogasa is a nomadic joke character.

Rumia can't remove the ofuda in her hair that acts like a ribbon. No reason has been given for it's purpose.

No.Kosuzu is undergoing Sith Training.

They'd probably do a better job of it than bankers and businessmen do, considering civilization today. I'm willing to give it a shot.


There is literally nothing wrong with liking Lunarians

Say that again.