What are isolated modern locations for a horror story to be set in that a group of teenagers could plausibly end up in with a monster nearby? So far I have:
>Cruise ship
>Empty mall
>Camp grounds
>The wilderness
What are isolated modern locations for a horror story to be set in that a group of teenagers could plausibly end up in...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Cabin in the woods
>Boarding School over winter break
Veeky Forums.
Copper Mountain in Nevada
Abandoned mining towns in Pennsylvania
Abandoned neighborhood in Detroit
Flooded out and destroyed neighborhood or factory in New Orleans (great place for voodoo shenanigans)
Any large swath of undeveloped land bought up by a petroleum company
Industrial districts. Huge stretches of NOTHING between sections.
Abandoned school
Misc country backwoods
If you add in supernatural fuckery any sort of building can become isolated from the outside
That shit in Saints Row 2 with underground hobo societies in abandoned subway tunnels with things consumed by the subsequent quake
>Stuck in an elevator, preferable in an empty building. A cable car also work.
You can use weather or natural disasters as a way to isolate basically any small town type place. Like a snow/rain storm knocks out communications/power and travel. Bonus points if the monster likes or hates the weather for some reason.
Also long stretches of highway in the country are pretty isolating if your car suddenly stops working. Could be miles to the nearest person even if you just walk along the road.
The realm of an eldritch horror that feeds on hope and makes them constantly try to escape the grasp of a rotating cast of killers
Or the Australian outback I guess
A play-by-post forum. Those things are deserted and no-one will come if you scream for help.
archaeological dig
plane crash
anywhere that was just hit by a natural (or supernatural) disaster
any kind of road-trip could leave you stranded if something breaks down
jail, detention, fat camp, pray the gay away camp
undeveloped tourist country which just had a political revolution
middle of a riot - there's people everywhere, but they won't help you
If you're willing to be a bit flexible with the 'teenagers' bit, a military camp or oil rig will usually have a bunch of young people.
>Slasher at a fat camp
I'd pay good money to see that.
"Hope you enjoyed your last meal."
"They can't run, and they can't hide."
"He'll help you cut off a few pounds."
Fuck user, these are golden
Please post more
"Prepare to DIEt"
"Revenge is sweet."
"Murder is on the menu today."
"Don't run, you'll just get stringy and tough."
Fat Camp Murders sounds wonderful.
The killer could drown one kid in gravy, beat another to death with a box of frozen peas, and so on.
Heres a fun little somewhat random thing I made a while back, could be useful to you.
Also roll'em if you want to, as its a dice thing relating to geographic location and year.
Wait, wasn't the Sleepaway Camp trilogy set at a fat camp? It's been so long I can't really remember.
At least in the first one the camp is just a regular summer camp.
Heres a fun scenario; A sincerely despicable character who is on his or her last legs with the camp (long-running staff member), attempts to add some extra 'spice' to the otherwise bland meals, by trying to drug/poison everyone or something similar, i.e. adding something theres no way in hell he or she doesn't know for sure shouldn't be added.
Plot Twist: Backfire situation - the fatty fat fatties didn't die, they just turned into something flesh eating or worse than flesh eating, and now 'The dinner bell is ringing.'
Addendum to An experimental energy drink named 'Blue Taurus' makes the fat-beasts explode violently.
If you wanted to really really jam a lot of b-movie references into it though, you could end it the same way critters one ended, in a scenario in which the fat-creatures get all lured to one location and then destroyed in an explosion.
There should definitely be a scene where the overbearing pushy mom of one of the campers who was introduced at the beginning returns early to pick her kid up and gets caught and devoured by her son and the others.
Plot twist; she's fatter than the campers are.
I really like the way this thread is going, sadly, I must go for a long while, and I'll be leaving now, though I'll be returning to this thread sometime today, so I'll see your response, albeit it may be hours later.
All of this.
Just add "Abandoned" to whatever location and UrbEx will explain away why a group of teenagers are there.
I had the same thought.
>fat mom drops her son off at fat camp, confiscates his favorite candy bar and puts it in her purse
>returns to the camp after dark, wanders around confused at all the mess and no apparent counselors
>opens up her purse and takes out the candy bar
>close-up of her biting into it
>turns around, surprise zombie son
>"They can't run, and they can't hide."
Fuck you I am laughing my ass off.
Now, who would be the protagonists? Some of the staff members and a few fatties who didn't get turned into engorged ghouls?
>Now, who would be the protagonists? Some of the staff members and a few fatties who didn't get turned into engorged ghouls?
Yeah, the husky counselor who gets bullied by his coworkers but keeps with it because he knows how hard it was to be a fat kid, and a few of the campers who are identified through the opening scenes to be worthy of living through the ending credits.
Counselor can have a heroic death scene where he gets to personally take out the counselors and the worst of the campers that mistreated him right before he's eaten by the rest of the swarm as the kids escape.
Turbo Chad and Stacy Counselors who die by Sex
Cool somewhat fat counselor played by Jack Black
Ed Neil as an exasperated administrator who just makes fun of fat kids
Augustus Gloop
Fat Albert
Fatboy Slim
Fat Bottomed Girls
When would a group of teenagers be allowed to be out alone without parental supervision?
Kill the adult first- then the monster disappears.
The real horror is not in surviving the monster but in Gen Z trying to survive without an adult present.
>cruise ship
That one was the worst.
I feel like this sounded a lot more witty and outrageous in your head.
Unfortunately you made a very boring and worthless post. Please delete it if you still have time, and try again later when you're ready.
Post hurricane new orleans/puerto rico
no (You)
>What are isolated modern locations for a horror story to be set in that a group of teenagers could plausibly end up in with a monster nearby?
Modern teenagers spend too much time in their bedrooms.
You need a monster who:
> Isolates them there, or begins to
> Is undeterred by technology, and technology is not the answer to it
> Masquerades itself so that adults will not help
I recommend some kind of AI ghost that has personality warping powers. Uses subliminals to kill targets who spend time alone with their screens, or turns them into puppets.
Running into the dark woods, having sex with actual girls, throwing away your phone and failing to prepare (or at least not preparing with things you bought from stores/with a card/near CCTV/online) are all ways to SAVE your life, and not doom it.
>the monster is a troll that murders each PC but it looks like suicide.
Yeah, I'd play it.
the "abandoned psychiatric ward" is totally overdone, but it's overdone for a reason. abandoned buildings in general. /k/ nutballs out looking to play Stalker.
lots of ghost towns in the wilderness. i've gone looking for a few. whatever resource they were built to exploit dries up (e.g. silver mine) and then everybody realizes it's a shitty place to build a town and it's too hard to get in / out in the wintertime so they all vanish. often they have old "boot hill" cemeteries for extra horror tropes.
here in Southern Idaho we fucked around out in the desert all the time as kids. looking for caves, ruined buildings, sand pits, etc. old highways that got abandoned by the county when a better route went in and went from broken pavement to gravel to dirt to mysterious tracks through the sagebrush and then all of a sudden you find the remnants of a concrete overpass or a canal or something out in the middle of nowhere.
get the party somewhere with shitty cell reception and you need a 4WD to get in / out and then their dad's truck breaks down, bam, isolated.
9 was worse.
Abandoned steel factory
Old military base
Vacation island/resort
Naval vessel (if your "teens" are all young kids who just enlisted)
The ghetto
Amusement Park/Carnival/Fair/Theme Park
Tag line: "Think you'll survive? Fat chance."
What about a scuttled navy ship? An obsolete one that's decommissioned just hanging out on a beach somewhere all by itself.
>What are isolated modern locations for a horror story to be set in that a group of teenagers
Any fucking place in Russia.
Parking building