Who cares? It’s gonna suck just as hard as Pathfinder 1e, but in new and exciting ways.
Erik Mona:
>Just wanted to chime in here to say that the depth of options in character creation and advancement is a core principle of Pathfinder's design philosophy, and that has not changed with the new edition. If anything, there are even MORE ways to customize your character with the new rules, but we hope that they are better explained and work together a bit more seamlessly than all of that type of stuff does in the current version of the game.
>While it's reasonable to assume that developments in other games have gone into some of our thinking with this new edition, it'd be wrong to assume that we're explicitly trying to make the game more like 5e, or like any other game. What we're trying to do is make the very best version of Pathfinder that we can.
I don't understand, if you like pathfinder so much, why wouldn't you want to check out 2E?
best case scenario, it improves on that thing you like, worst case scenario you can just keep playing 1E
They're so deep into the sunk cost fallacy that they're running into Chinese people who are angry that they stopped manning that wall they built that one time.
Ahh pf, the game that pretended to be played more then it ever is.
What else do people play? I'm genuinely asking because I never see anything else.
WHere will I get my 3.x content now? Who will replace Paizo. They're dead to me!
because they can't handle the fact that there precious version of DnD has died.
We all know whats coming. They're going to stream line it one way or another.
Scarred Lands?
>that there precious version of DnD
ITT: illiterate, butthurt 4rries
Pathfinder 2e will not find it's way into my home. Pathfinder will never leave our hearts--mine or my wife's five sons.
So wait, does not wanting a second edition make them a cuck or playing pathfinder period?
Joke doesn’t really work considering Paizo has always been catering to betas and the psychologically castrated. They’re undoubtedly trying to cash in on that 5e “we want ALL your casuals and women” philosophy, so they’re going to make the game as accessible and inclusive as possible.
I think that means that low-effort trolling makes you a cuck.
>always been catering to betas and the psychologically castrated.
Imagine being so butthurt about a fantasy roleplaying game to project this hard.
What happened, someone Paizuzu handed your ass in another thread in teegee?
These tears are even more salty and plentiful than when 4e got announced. I was there, on WOTC's forums, when the announcement happened. It was spectacular.
I am never going to be thirsty again.
Because Paizo has spent a decade brainwashing anyone dumb enough to play 3.PF after it became clear that SKR has no idea what he's doing i nto believing that not only is 3.PF perfect, but every other system is blasphemy that should be violently repulsed at every opportunity.
There's a reason why Starfinder got the most heat from 3aboos, because not only was it more of the same, it also wasn't Pathfinder, which meant that it sucked and anyone who enjoys it sucks as well.
Many of those same people are repeating their promise in the announcement comments as well.
Pathfinder is built on people "betrayed" by D&D continuing on past their favorite edition. It was built on being an extension of the same. It is no longer doing that, so the ass ravaging is tremendous.
I do believe Pathfinder appealed to people who mostly started around the late 2nd ed or during 3rd ed, i.e. 1998-2008. 3rd edition was the game they used to and was the game they liked. 4th edition besides being good or bad was different. People wanted to play 3rd ed and they continued with pathfinder.
I'm a 3rded fag myself. But I'm not a pathfinder purist or shit on other editions. Still I do understand where they are coming from
In a decade, that might be (you). Grognard bitterness will always exist. People don't call 3rd ed lovers grognards yet but that time will come, even for the 5th edition.
I do love Ars Magica 5th edition for ths reason, it pays to be a small publisher with a niche community I guess
>Do not change a lot of stuff compared to previous edition
>Reform the rules
>Publish on a consistent and planned basis
>Decide you are done with the edition, stop, do not fucking jump into 6th edition in an instant
The last book of 5th edition was release in 2015. They do plan to move on to 6th edition but they are taking their time. I do like that attitude.
To be fair to SKR, he was just following orders and toeing the party line. It's Jason Bulmahn who is the real shithead here.
The mountains of 4rry salt in this thread is incredible. Congrats on becoming grognards.
>I do believe Pathfinder appealed to people who mostly started around the late 2nd ed or during 3rd ed, i.e. 1998-2008. 3rd edition was the game they used to and was the game they liked.
For what concerns my experience, this is true.
4rrys would be happy that pathfags are being hoisted by their own petards. Especially the ones who believe that Pathfinder is the only reason 4th didn't do well.
They don't want their collection to be "invalidated"
>3.PF sucks
>b-but 4e though
Every single time. What would you blame if 4e wasn't there to be your scapegoat?
>it's different so I hate it
That's literally what they sound like right now. I'm not going to defend 4e because I have never actually played it, so I can't say one way or another if I think it's good or bad, but holy shit. I guess it being different is enough to become a punching bag.
To be honest, most of the first part of the thread is made of people, possibly 4rries but not necessarily, talking about salt and tears.
>mountains of 4rry
Literally not a single mention of 4th edition beyond your dumb ass strawmanning. I only play 5e and a bit of shadow of the demon lord and I can still enjoy seeing the butthurt of the player base paizo has not only courted but encouraged come back and bite them.
>Someone is mocking Paizo
>Must be them 4rries!
It's kinda sad.
>To be honest, most of the first part of the thread is made of people, possibly 4rries but not necessarily, talking about salt and tears.
Because the 3.PF community one of the worst communities in tabletop gaming. Hell, I've never played 4e a day in my life but I've interacted with enough 3aboos to gain immense pleasure from their suffering, especially when it's self-inflicted as well.
Fuck 'em!
You know the people who hated 4th edition so much that they jumped ship to Pathfinder are literally the same people who now (Blindly) hate Pathfinder 2e for the exact same reason.
Look at the OP pic. Several of those people have come forward now to echo their original sentiments. They still hate change. They hated change when Wizards did it, and now they hate it when Paizo does it.
Its not them, its the newfags who discovered rpgs with 5th edition and see Pathfinder and 3rd edition as shit.
Most 4th ed fags here I see were grognards of 1st and early 2nd edition. You don't see many people who join the game between 2008-2014 and become 4th ed purist. They either fall back to 3rd ed or the likes or moved to 5th
>Pathfinder fags are finally gonna cannibalize themselves
D&D was always more popular than PF, both 4e and 5e.
>implying anyone actually likes 4e enough to defend it
>implying fans of 4e are the ones coming out of the woodwork to shit on Pathfinder fans and mock them for taking a grumpy dumpy when a 2nd edition of the game they play comes out because they hate change so much
Were you even paying attention to the last decade of tabletop gaming?
Personally, I'm excited for when Pathfinder gets Pathfinder'd.
People like change if its quite good.
Problem with 4th ed was it was QUITE different than the previous editions without being absolutely good or great. Do ask yourself this, how many people still play 4th ed now? Even fewer than 3rd ed I would say.
That was the problem of 4th ed. If you wanted to change a lot you need to have an absolutely great edition. 4th ed wasnt `bad` but it wasnt `awesomely good` either. But it changed a lot of stuff, hell they even changed the lore so hard that 5e literally had to revert Forgotten realms back to 3rd edition 99% . So you what people got was not a revision and fixing of their favorite game but a different game, which was not groundbreaking.
I say this before and I'll say this again. There was a reason why Pathfinder became so popular then, and, may pathfinderfags forgive me for saying this, there is a reason why pathfinder is on the decline now.
Not popularity per capita but sales speaking
During a short period pf managed to outsell 4e. Which raised quite a bit of alarms.
Is not better or worse than anyone else.
The worst are those that attribute to a single group the faults of some individual.
In Veeky Forums, the worst people I met are 2-3 butthurt 4rries that shit on every single DnD thread because a wizard touched them in a bad place.
The real problem with 4e was that people who play tabletop RPGs are maladjusted manchildren who are all over the autism spectrum. If you remember reading Dragon Magazine back when 3e was coming out, people were complaining in the exact same way as they did when 4e was coming out, and Pathfags are complaining in exactly the same way as they did now that PF 2e is coming.
It's amazing how 3aboos claim 4e is dead while also claiming that everyone who shits on them came from 4e.
It's like Schrodinger's scapegoat, it's simultaneously alive and dead, but only when butthurt fanboys need someone to blame for criticism.
It only outsold when 4e stopped producing content and they were in between editions. No shit that would happen.
>During a short period pf managed to outsell 4e
Just a short period. This is why pathfinder died and 4th edition is stronger as ever, amrite?
This. Plus 4e fans got real fucking salty over 5e so it truly is a universal phenomenon.
Exactly. It's all cyclical. Might as well sit back and drink in the schadenfreude and nerd tears, and play what you like.
Are the "dissociated mechanics" user from the thread last night?
If that existed at all, it was a fucking drop in the bucket compared to the apocalyptic rain of salt that was the 3.5 to 4e transition. Not that I'm calling you a liar, but that I legitimately find it hard to believe that there were enough people left playing 4e who gave a shit about other editions anymore because they were so fucking sick of people giving them shit.
>You start by selecting your ancestry (which used to be called race)
That's a term I've never quite got. D&D is full of such things already. Like the fact that you've got a lovely top-down view of the entire battlefield with no confusion at all.
>Are you the*
Jesus I need to slow down when I'm typing
>. If you remember reading Dragon Magazine back when 3e was coming out, people were complaining in the exact same way as they did when 4e was coming out,
Yet 3e went on to become popular and retained a playerbase even after iits official death. 4e hasnt.
They pop up regularly in 4e threads, bitching about how 5e went in the wrong direction.
You say that like I'm trying to defend 4e when I'm really not. I'm just saying it's cyclical. Nerds hate change of any sort.
>"disassociated mechanics" guy
oh fuck he's around often enough to make a name for himself?
Nah it's more of it's fresh in my mind because that shit show between him and the other anons was great to watch unfold.
For what it's worth, I think they're right. But I play and enjoy both editions.
The actual problem with 4e is that they didn't bother hiding the rules behind prose, so people saw it, realized it was different, and recoiled in disgust at the thought that not only was the presentation different, but they also changes several aspects of the way D&D worked in order to make a system that was actually pretty decent at what it was designed to do, which was run combat and depict epic heroes doing heroic things.
It says something about the 3.PF community when they shat on healing surges for supposedly being auto-healing from short rests (even though it was more a limit to how much you could heal throughout an adventuring day, even with magical spells) but the moment 5e drops and introduces Hit Dice (which actually IS auto-healing from short rests), nobody gave a shit because they obfuscated it behind a few lines of prose.
But the funny thing is I know exactly who you're talking about because I saw him saying the exact same shit weeks ago
At this point, sorta. No one's really given him a punchy title though. At this point I am so very sick of 'RPGs be world simulators' stuff. Especially when they are so often done so very poorly.
>build your entire brand in the carcass of an aged game
>Have your fanbase a bunch of grognards who hate change
>Dare to announce the second edition
Now, all it needs is someone announce a pathfinder 1.0 clone and the cycle begins again
As long as you don't throw a hyperbolic shitfit about it, user, I don't care.
And im saying youre wrong. Being able to find someone on some forum somewhere whi mad about any given game is a given, but that doesnt have anything to do with how well or poorly the game will fare. "Lol, nerds be maladjusted" isnt "the real problem" with 4e. You can tell because, even though every new edition has had its detractors, 4e is the only one the nay sayers went on to actually not play.
>if you don't throw a shitfit I won't listen
>Yet 3e went on to become popular and retained a playerbase even after iits official death.
Because 3aboos only ever play 3.PF. The second they think their pet system is threatened, they go nuclear because they've been told for over a decade that 3.PF is perfect and that you don't need another system.
I guess it would retain its playerbase when they're practically more of a fucking cult than a community.
Honestly I don't think 4th would've succeeded no matter what it did.
3rd was too engrained into the gaming scene. The books could shit out candy and people still wouldn't have played it. Even the people who weren't hating it probably didn't want to learn a completely new system after being so familiar with the ogl
lmao look at these salty faggots, still burns?
What are you going to do, use again IRL """magic""" to argue and defend 4th edition?
I honestly feel kind of bad for Paizo with how retarded their fanbase is but they have only themselves to blame.
For what concerns me, is it because we needed a fixed 3.5, we asked for a fixed 3.5 and we got a different game, and the designers produced cartoons and books mocking our tastes and desires.
I got that impression since the ones who got into it with him seemed to recognize his posts right off the bat.
Agreed, I'd rather have the high fantasy martial build in since it's far easier to limit options than to try and add on new ones without unbalancing shit too much.
>Because 3aboos only ever play 3.PF.
Imagine being this guy
This. 4e grognards are defined by their inability to understand that presentation matters, variantions of the phrase "I think you are pretending to be obtuse," and a hilariously overblown persecution complex. Oh yes, and for a long while anyone who didn't like 4e was surely a dirty 3.Pfaggot and deserved nothing but frothing incoherent rage. Merely disliking a game on the other hand is absolutely fine.
Yes and no. I wrote yesterday in the dissociated mechanics shitshow, but on the other hand THERE I was accused to be some sort of FATE user that wrote about some weird shit time ago.
This shows the level of paranoia you bunch of pathetic faggots operate at.
>In a decade, that might be (you). Grognard bitterness will always exist. People don't call 3rd ed lovers grognards yet but that time will come, even for the 5th edition.
I secretely hate OSR and other "Movements" like Paizo's Pathfinder because they are built in said resentment.
At least OSR branched out to other genres and did something non horrible with it (lol Starfinder).
Yes and no, he's been enough of a presence for people to recognize his schtick but not enough of a presence to earn a name for himself like Virt, Richard Petty, or the Eternally Triggered Bitch user guy did.
Chances are he'll fade into obscurity but at least his butthurt is drawing attention back to 4e again while making its detractors look as foolish as possible in the process.
>muh 4e
Pathfinder fags everyone!
So you are the fag that talked about vodoo and prestidigitation to justify the 4th edition fighter yesterday..
And you have the guts to call other people retarded...
Look at the butthurt being generated just from the concept of a 2nd edition of Pathfinder existing and tell me I'm incorrect.
>Calls others paranoid
>Made this claim:
>2-3 butthurt 4rries that shit on every single DnD thread
Fucking gold m8
Which is a move in the right direction. Elves and dwarves are different specieses, not rtaces of the same species.
>Changing Races to Ancestry
Ah, SocialJusticeFinder is going to be a fun game
And I thought 5E was blacked
Again, I see more in the thread people claiming than they will enjoy the butthurt than anything else.
>Fucking gold m8
yeah, most people are reasonable, but few bad apple make 4th edition players look salty and retarded. I had nice discussions about how 4th handled well some idea even inn Veeky Forums, go figure.
Only way to fix 3.5 was to kill it. 3.5 issue wasn't just classic caster v martials but combat also being very static without DM purposefully creating situations where maneuvering mattered.
4th was indeed a fix. It was a very dramatic fix but it was a fix.
Also if this thread was any indication looks like the 3rd/pf purists do need to be mocked for their salt
Well when you spend several hours moving goalposts, insulting your opponents, and ignoring evidence when it doesn't support your claim or beliefs, you can't exactly be surprised when people start believing you to be mentally impaired.
I mean, keep up the butthurt if that's what helps you sleep at night, ultimately you're only hurting your own position by being intellectually dishonest and people are going to start mocking you the same way we've mocked every shitposter with an ax to grind in regards to D&D.
Last reply you'll get from me btw.
Really makes you think?
3.X worked for many for 18 years.
It needs/needed a lot to improve but the "only creative DM make the combat intersting" betrays the usual mentality that to have some nice move you need the "button" that says "click here to have a nice move" like a fucking videogame.
Salt makes you thirsty, user. The thirst for precious salt shall never be quenched.
All I know is that Pathfinder 2e is gonna be a massive trainwreck if Paizo keeps up the feature bloat, and knowing how little Paizo has learned from the continuous Pathfinder trainwreck... In a year’s time, they will have made an even more bloated, uneven game filled with useless classes, races, and game features, and 5e will still be the king of casual RPG.
And history repeats itself. Pathfinder built its brand by catering to people who couldn't handle change. How else could they possibly expect their fans to react but exactly like this?
I'll laugh my ass off if the not!D&D3.5 that is Pathfinder now spawns a not!Pathfinder in the exact same way.
>Well when you spend several hours moving goalposts
I only remember one user asking for a justification for the 4th edition fighter dailies, and the answers shifting from the usual fatigue/surprise bullshit, and when that was ultimately refused, a clumsy attempt to shift the focus on
>l-look, 3rd editionmagic is dissociated t-too
so when people answered that magic is designed to work like that, the only answers were some bullshit and broscience on sleep cycles, and an attempt to state that IRL magic like vodoo (!) or prestidigitation (!!!) work differently from the in-game magic. Then some even more hazardous logical passage.
Absolutely laughable and furthermore, the way you all wrote about that in the thread shows that you are the ones being butthurt.
5th is doing well, PF is going 2nd sedition, 4th is dead and buried.
Stay mad.
As opposed to you needing a button to push that casts spells or lets you divine smite niggas?
How the fuck can there be more options than literally ten years' worth of bloated splatbooks? And more to the point, why should there be?
>3.X worked for many for 18 years.
Yeah, I can tell by how many houserules you need to invent just to make an experience in which the Fighter and Wizard can coexist without stepping on one another's toes.
>It needs/needed a lot to improve but the "only creative DM make the combat intersting" betrays the usual mentality that to have some nice move you need the "button" that says "click here to have a nice move" like a fucking videogame.
As opposed to 3.PF, which did the same thing but hid all the cool shit behind spells and that said "click here to skip this entire obstacle."
Is a different thing. One should need very generic rules for physical actions.
Not that the "you need Improved Bathroom to shit" mindset of 3.X games is helpful, mind it.
I unironically like Starfinder so I'm looking forward to this. Never played PF
As opposed to 'How do I do a nice move' 'I dunno, no rules for it'? I mean, they didn't even have guidelines to help newbie GMs.
user, if you cannot play with the rules and use the right tools for your game, but you can houserule, more power to you.
I played since the beginning with 0 houserules.
>"click here to skip this entire obstacle."
That just means the GM did not set up a level appropriate obstacle.
>One should need very generic rules for physical actions.
No, fuck that. That's how we got into this mess to begin with.