Exalted General - /exg/

What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here: theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial: mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
. It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on Veeky Forums.

>Resources for Older Editions

Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

>Dragonblooded Charm Previews:

>Other Ex3 Resources

>New NPCs and a Behemoth rework

>House Tepet Preview

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How are the Realm's legionaries dressed and equipped? What kind of armor do they use?

can demons banish themselves or would an unbound 1cd have to walk to the nearest cecelene entrance if it wanted to go back

>can demons banish themselves
Not as far as I know.

>would an unbound 1cd have to walk to the nearest cecelene entrance if it wanted to go back
Yeah, it probably would.

y tho

Hurry home might do it. Iirc spirits can go back to their sanctum but also to the gate to yushan or some other place they last entered creation from

Scribd is such a scam, they built up their database by letting you download something as long as you uploaded something unique 1:1. Most of their stuff is pirated pdfs people just happened to already have and traded for the ones they didn't and the rest is strings of gibberish people shared to get those pdfs. And now they're somehow charging.

How does that work?

Crunchyroll got away with it. Why not scribd, too?

You mean "why would a 1CD want to go back to Hell"? Maybe it finds the Creation a strange and disconcerting place. There are no acid rains, the sky that's also ground with a city on it won't fall down, silence doesn't mean death, wind's not trying to kill you...Shit's just weird, how's a demon to know what's what? The demon might also have an actual life worth living back in Hell. You know, friends, loved ones, a home. Maybe it's a blood ape gang boss ruling over some street or neighbourhood, or the proprietor of a demonic drinking establishment, or generally someone with something to go back to.

1C demons don't have Hurry Home because they don't have sanctums.
Failed binding and failed banishing of a demon that doesn't like being in creation?
I believe this use buff jackets, chopping sword and short bow. Spear can substitute the bow. Personally I give Wyld Hunt fangs javelins instead of bows.

The Realm is China.
Go with that for armor/clothing visuals.

I'm guessing lamelar and cloth for the regular ones since that's what the chinese used and charms to make more armor quickly would lower the cost. I like to think that the training for becoming an DB smith involves forging alot of armor day in and out to build discipline and outfit the houses legions.
Armed with spears and simple swords if their not auxiliaries from the threshold, likely moved to places further away from their home so they cant rebel as easily. and so the zenith can win them over by pointing out that they aren't trusted enough by the realm to give player run armies more diverse troops.

Where are my DBs reeeeeeEEEEEEEEEE

Anyone play this on roll20? Literally never played a ttrpg and really want to give it a try

I don't think roll20 has any support for exalted 3e. At least it didn't when I last checked.

It has some editable character sheets, but that's about it.

Isn't it China-Rome?

Fuck me, all I want is a combat tracker

Are there any reliable ways of keeping an exalt prisoner?

Bound, chained to something, gagged, drugged, and unconscious are a good place to start, tailor based upon ability.

The guys in the back are Realm Legionaries. Major Rome-China hybrid.

2e had some manacles that drained motes but I don't know if they intend to port that over.

Unconscious with some amount of poison is probably the best bet.

collar of dutiful submission from AotC is kind of nice, though its usefulness would limited against any exalt that could easily negate the bashing damage.

I think the sure way would be to keep them at -4 penalty, plus some kind of incapacitating agent, like nightshade or opium

Addict them to sex with you.

How many Defining Intimacies is too many for a starting character, if any? I usually stick with 1 or 2, but I've played with people that have gone up to 5.

It makes you have to flurry to take any action, which isn't nothing, and there aren't really cheap ways to negate an auto-level of bashing.

Considering exalted's relationship with sex, the colar of dutiful submission just isn't as magical realm as I'd wish.

Right now I have a character with 3 Defining, 6 Major and over a dozen Minor. My fellow players have much less than that, and I'm told that's the norm. What can I say, I like giving my GM plenty of plot hooks.

well, it is a 4 dot artifact, which means one could use design beyond limit to give it an evocation that would suit your needs. though i've never known of anyone that wanted to make a tabletop game more magical realmy.

I want to forget too

What success rate can you expect when using Naneke as minesweeprs when delving into one of Orabilis' glass libraries?

All I'm saying is it's the first age. You've got a collar of dutiful submission, a girlfriend who can turn into a cat and a blank pass from the gods of creation that whatever you do is inherently righteous.

If the collar was for slaves, it'd be called a slave holding collar. If it was for criminals it'd be the torc of for capturing. No one calls it a collar of dutiful submission unless they're marketing to weird fetishist. That first age Twilight new exactly what he was doing when he named that collar.

Or it's a euphemism intended to distance people from the acts they're committing.

collar of dutiful submission sounds like a general purpose artifact, one you could use on an angry slave, a notorious robber, or some exalt who for whatever reason didn't want to fellate you every day for a month. plus i doubt the new writers wanted to name an artifact "collar of fleshy cock sleeve"

What important people/things are inside or outside fate? Is the Broken Winged Crane outside fate? Does the Unconquered Sun have a string on the loom? How about the Maidens?

Does anyone have access to the NPC pastebin in the boilerplate? Eska and Ku Nenavaya both got posted in threads.

Hey, I'm only advocating weird Collar of Dutiful Submission schenangiance within the confines of a loving consensual relationship.

That line gets pretty fucking blurry with social charms, omae.

Which of the Infernal excellencies are the "best."

Who could stand before the dread majesty of malfeas, king of the primordials and first and foremost of his kin?

Clearly the demon city would permit no other excellency to be superior to his own!

This is the type of nigger who'd ask what the ingredients are for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

>not wanting to know the minute details of how peanut butter, jelly, and bread are made
Right, so I'm guessing you don't think highly of the She Who Lives in Her Name excellency.

On a semi-serious note my favorite Excellency is Eddy's followed SWLIHN's.

The primary distinction between a jam and jelly is that a jelly should be strained to remove all solids.

As can be seen, this Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich clearly contains Jam, and not Jelly. Such subtle perfidity clearly lies within the domain of the Ebon Dragon.

Why is the Jam in my Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich? It's the Ebon Dragons' domain, but is he responsible?
It could be that there are rogue Sidereal at play. Or perhaps this is a punishment from Two Loaves, god of sandwiches. I don't think the Raksha are involved in this, but I'm not ruling it out as a possibility.

Wasn't there a Lunar who was trying to protect her Solar-Mate from guild corruption by undermining her catering buisness?

I'm not saying a Lunar did it, but the moontouched are mad enough to replace jelly with jam.

What demon would be a good choice for summoning in the event I need a good chef?

Not his Slayers, is the problem. The obligation to hemorrhage motes for every fucking thing you do with it means that it's the Excellency equivalent of drinking 5 Red Bulls before the marathon. Oh sure, it's all fun and games when you're doing your taxes and washing the laundry to THE INFERNAL MAJESTY OF THE DEMON EMPEROR. But it means that unless you have cults and hearthstones out the wazoo, by the time you get to the actual battle, your mote economy is on the verge of collapse.

The thing everyone seems to miss about Eddy's sometimes, is that it's perfectly valid to use it to defend the weak and innocent against tyranny, and give succor to the famished and spread hope to the masses.

Because the laws of CECELYNE are valid laws to oppose with it, and because most gods are actually pretty massive dicks.

How contemptible is it that I want to do crossovers into all sorts of intellectual properties with Exalted? Like the DC and Marvel universes. And would it be remotely possible for an Exalt to not be hunted by the good guys in those settings?

>would it be remotely possible

The average Exalt would be considered a barbaric warlord in DC, and an acceptable Avengers candidate in Marvel (they employ the fucking Greek god of war, a woman who has caused multiple apocalypses and another woman who wanted America to become an actual police state).

Back to DC, not without a decent loadout of stealth charms. Fear the Flash. Fear the man with effectively infinite Initiative, no action penalties and all of the flurries.

>Moreover, he is The Nemesis, finding greater joy in thwarting the dreams of others than advancing his own agenda.
>The Charm also can’t assist actions that knowingly help anyone else more than they help the Infernal, even when he still stands to profit a great deal.
>He corrupts and seduces others away from virtue and honor because these concepts are poisonous to him rather than because he wants to enlighten or enslave.
>his Excellency enhances actions that attack morality
>The Shadow of All Things gleefully turns heroes into villains

There are only two ways Eddy's excellency can be used to defend the weak and innocent, give succor to the famished, or spread hope to the masses. The first is if doing so would somehow directly enable you to hurt your enemies. I realize this is up to individual ST evaluation, but if I'm running the game I'm going to be pretty strict about what counts as directly enabling you to hurt your enemies. Even then, you can only do it if the level of harm you're inflicting on your enemies is greater than the level of help provided to those masses. The second is if helping the masses would somehow benefit you more than those masses, which is also hard to line up.

In most situations the use of the Ebon Dragon's excellency is just going to move the world closer to being a shitty place.

>How contemptible is it
A bit. Original work is better for improving as an author. Fan fiction sucks, one way or another.
You do you though.

It's normal for an exalt to be a nice, respectable citizen. Occasionally anathema will sway some from the path of righteousness, but they're not in marvel or DC.

>a woman who has caused multiple apocalypses and another woman who wanted America to become an actual police state
Fucking who and how?

>Back to DC, not without a decent loadout of stealth charms.
Would it be possible to somehow persuade the League to think of you as a good guy?

>How contemptible is it that I want to do crossovers into all sorts of intellectual properties with Exalted?
The contempt is off chart. A singularity of contempt. A black hole is forming and your dignity will never escape its event horizon.

>Like the DC and Marvel universes.
Present Marvel crosses particularly well with 3e. Black women, trans, trans black women, genderfluidity, it's practically the same universe so to speak. Go wild.

>And would it be remotely possible for an Exalt to not be hunted by the good guys in those settings?
Present Marvel does anti-hero very well too. The average Marvel transblack genderfluid "hero" is a massive jerk that is never called on by the narrative. Fuck, it's just a Solar with the serial numbers filled off, sometimes almost constantly on limit break.

And I accept that different STs and the tone of the game will inevitably dictate a lot of what Infernal Excellencies can do in practice, but considering the complicated and fragmented political situation in Creation it occurs to me the sensible Fiend would gain much more out of cultivating goodwill in the downtrodden masses than twirling his moustache while tying people to train tracks or turning them into demons. You're vastly outnumbered, your main advantage is nobody really knows what your deal is, you can sell the Yozis as benevolent forces like An-Teng's interpretation of SWLIHN. The most stupid thing a master of disguise could do when confronted with a Creation culturally compelled to hate demons, is act like a damn demon.

You can make the world a shitty place on the down low, but when it comes to drumming up support I consider it valid to put a lot of work into the bread and circuses.

Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel (Carol), respectively.

Sure, it's just that trying to use social/presence Charms to overwhelm everyone with your god-king majesty is possibly the worst way to go about it, and an approach I've noticed the average Solar PC favors.

>The average Marvel transblack genderfluid "hero" is a massive jerk that is never called on by the narrative

And at the other end of the scale, there is Dr. Doom: An outstanding role model for all Twilights and Defilers (SWLIHN really needs to work on that brand image), and also probably the Magnus' alternate universe counterpart.

>Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel (Carol), respectively.
Okay, but how?

Also, I am the dude who is hell bent on playing a Night caste in every campaign because i want to stay under the radar at all times.

Have you looked at the fucking cover of Exalted 1e core or are you fucking blind. Have you read scavenger sons? Fucking anything? Anything my dude?

It's always some variation of chaos magic going out of control plus her connection to the Elder God Cthon (for reference, an Elder God is pretty much the closest thing Marvel has to a Primordial except they have no subsouls) causing the apocalypse for the former.

And for the latter, it's mostly her recent storylining badly botching trying to make her out to be Marvel's Wonder Woman, so she has to take charge against the OTHER Avengers leader, Tony. The problem is, opposing Tony in this context means beating up innocent children/businesswoman all because you just discovered a precog mutant, and the plot expects you to treat this as a gamechanging WMD even though precogs have existed since forever.

Where can I find information about how exhaustion works on 3e?

Any notable 1CD from Kimbery?

232 has deprivation rules, but other than that I don't think there's more on exhaustion.



Anyone got a download link for the Exalted comic?

It's in the boilerplate, broseph. At least the 3E one is, under "3E Core and Splats".

No, I mean the older one by Udon.

Would Mastery of Small Manners allow you to catch yourself before you call a Dereth man a he if you're completely unfamiliar with Delzhan culture?

I'd say so. The charm is nothing short of magic.

It "prevents a character from committing any major faux pas", so yes.

How would you word it, if you were the ST and the character or player is unfamiliar with Southern culture?

>user: I tell the Dereth, "You're a smart man, you-"
>GM: Before you can say "man," your Mastery of Small Manners pings, and you realize that male Dereths don't use male pronouns.
>user: Okay. I tell the Dereth, "You're a smart person, you..."

Body language probably, they carry themselves as their chosen gender. If there's multiple delzhan you can compound that with the grey cloth that no one else uses in that culture. The very socially sharp character could pick this up.

This is how you tell a bad ST from a good one, folks.

>Come back to Exalted after a hiatus near the end of 2e
>Still no splat books for other Exalt types except maybe DBs
>Some non-splat supplements
>No scroll of the monk or compass equivalents for 3e yet

The fuck is going on?

Long story short: there was drama with the first developers and they intentionally dragged their feet. But they're gone now.
No scroll of the monk; most of the martial arts styles are already in the corebook anyway.

The Perfect of Paragon did nothing wrong.

Ah. So new splatbooks when?

>The Perfect of Paragon did nothing

DB book is completely written. They're in the formatting and art stage. Hopefully it comes out soon.

Lunars and Sids and Liminals when?

Leak when though?

Hopefully after Exigents

IDK I've been out of these threads for a couple months, and little has changed. Could be they'll release any day now. IIRC the release for Arms of the Chosen was a lot like that.

Exalted is an open system, user.

But who's what?
The Realm is supposedly in final manuscript also

>But who's what?
What, can't you tell?

No because I'm one of the two
No bully

You're being pretentious, so I'm guessing you think the second person is better

Oh neat, I'm the other one. May the best man win!

Of course it's better to give a reasonable explanation for how the Solar's sharp social intuition lets him figure things out than to just say that "your Charm tells you this". It's pretty damn obvious. That said, it's an unfair exaggeration to say that the first guy is a bad GM for something like that.

But it's not the solar's sharp social intuition that found that out. Mastery of Small Manners is literally magical self-programming. "The Solar attunes herself to the patterns of social inter- action, allowing Essence to guide her responses."

Of course it's sharp social intuition. That's what attuning to patterns of social interaction is about. Solar Charms are all about application of skill.

The problem lies in the fact that it's a Reflexive non-zero cost action. How the hell would it work without the ST stepping in and saying that the player is about to violate a taboo and whether they want to activate the Charm or not?

That's an excuse more than an explination. Appropriately enough, Solar charms go so beyond normal skill that describing them as normal skill is often reductive. When you're so smart that you can retroactively 'predict' the apocalypse by just thinking a bit, or be so patient that you instantly become one with the whole universe, it becomes counterproductive to describe those things as anything other than bullshit magic; it just doesn't make sense otherwise.

It's a scene-long Charm. Why would the fact that it can be activated reflexively matter? It's not a reaction to any particular event, it's about the Solar paying particular attention to social cues when entering some social situation. If hte Charm is active, the Solar picks up all sorts of cues that let him behave himself. If the Charm isn't active, he doesn't necessarily pick up those cues.

In this particular case, however, the explanation offered makes sense, and giving that explanation adds just a little bit of extra flavor to things compared to just offering the info.

It's effect is reflexive. Your ST isn't gonna tell you about the faux pas you almost did before you even make the faux pas in the first place. That'd just be the ST briefing you on all possible social mistakes you could make when you activate the charm.

I respectfully disagree, and I don't think that makes me a bad ST. Furthermore, I'm not gonna give a colourful explanation for a fucking greentext, that was just supposed to be
>player almost makes mistake
>ST informs them of the mistake they were just about to make
>player gets a retry.

ITT People with no real social life skills try to imagine what supernatural applications of that skill would look like without any understanding of gradient or nuance including what some skilled social operators already do.

Let me put it in stupid speak for you: Some things social solar charms do are things people in real life can already do, or approximations thereof.

We're not talking about 'some things;' we're talking about something that's impossible in real life: namely, interacting perfectly and without error with a culture that you've never met and never heard of.

>It's effect is reflexive. Your ST isn't gonna tell you about the faux pas you almost did before you even make the faux pas in the first place.
This doesn't seem to relate to anything in my post. Of course your ST won't brief you on all possible social mistakes you could make. Of course he just stops you when you're about to commit a faux pas and either tells you that your social intuition says it's bad idea, or explains how you figure out it being a bad idea if he has an explanation in mind. That is, of course, assuming that you have the Charm active.

We're talking about noticing and interpreting social cues, only better and faster than regular people can do.

Guy got a harem of DBs.

Literally living the dream.