Age of Sigmar General /aosg/

War of Life Edition

Please stop shitting up the thread with politics, memes, and race-baiting
Do not respond to bait, hide, report, and Party on dudes (And dudettes)

>A Traveller's Guide to the Mortal Realms

>Malign Portents: Behind the Scenes


> Core rules

>General's Handbook 2017!C5BSgTDK!Sx74f87D86frlU0NZ1XKyGP0WEgar52X1Hatj1OA5y0

>Legions of Nagash!L44kEbRJ!VooTlhCe_WTmf5SFEds_wni8Z0EQDfBBsB1KBY_8ZW4

>Malign Portents!7x5hgZZL!l3KcjIUfNjDbEhjFeH31M9mRFfPf03yUFuN-jMU1JBg

>Army and Skirmish Warband builder

>City Generator

Shit OP.

*blocks your path*


Who full body bright coloring their Naga waifu army?

Does there ally thing with SC work both ways?

At least put it on a round.

I did. But it makes moving them more of a pain :(

Why do you keep posting this

Post your current headcanons on the shit still not fully uncovered or explained

Pick one

I need a snek color that goes well with chocolate elf

Just a salty grognard shitposting as usual because his generic rank and flank got replaced by something better.
Ignore him.

>mfw I saved the pics from a thread yesterday
>mfw AOS is the only war game I’ve ever played

Because seeing 3rd party minis triggers people on here :^)


Have fun with your shitty china cast models and never being able to play anywhere.

Don't insult chinacast by comparing them to mantic.


I need two secondary colors, white being one of them.
Yellow and purple might work nice since im a fan of bright vibrant colors

>Gotrek might end up mantling Grimnir
>A Doomfire Warlock might get sufficently powerful as Khaine wills it to do some crazy shit
>An Aelven God might reform before anybody has the chance to steal it's power
>Deepkin are celtic
>Sigmar and Allarile get married

Also pretty interested on what these Shadow Demons Morathi has looks like

well, look at your elf waifu pic and see what other colors fit that

>the army model ranges are half completed at best
And I thought Spartan had ADHD.
Where are the heavy pikemen you twats?

>triggers people on her
Why do you want to do this


Because watching sweaty grognards REE over plastic soldiers a better pastime than uni work

What ever happened to that KoW Paki? I doubt he was really a paki, but I still got a chuckle out of it

Those are neither chocolate or elves.

If you want that here you go Sweaty asocial neckbeard grognard mecca.

But they could be.

you already posted it
Slick lucid black with milk lines hotglued on the flanks

of course cloth must be very pale pink/red or very pale green, while metal silvers and hair milky white too

Whatever floats your boat I guess

What do you think Seraphon do on their days off?

But don’t they actually like using 3rd party minis? They’ve already been burned by GW while the people here are GW purists (mostly)

>No DoK link
Shitty OP

Also because it sometimes brings out really good cryptkeeper tier skeleton puns

You said you wanted grognards, I gave you grognards.


You want the bad quality one?

Fair enough. I’ll give it a look. I’ll also stop posting about mantic skeletons on here unless someone brings them up

According to the fluff, the Witch Elves outside of battle are cold, reserved, and even shy.

However, in battle they become wild and unrestrained. Shrieking and tearing apart their foes with rapturous glee and devotion for their god.

Is this what they moe?

Have you guys heard of North Star minis? They’ve got some pretty good skeletons for the price you pay

>even shy
Bull fucking shit, they are insane murderous zealots.
A cute witch elf makes as much sense as a shy and moe sister of battle (which is not at all).

Of course they're cold, they barely wear anything!

>they are insane murderous zealots.

Only on the battlefield...and their beds

>feet tabs


Praise based Nagash

That's more Sigmar's reaction. Nagash gave her a taste of his pimp hand.

I-I'm not sure if I'd be able to say no. Nagash is a better man than I.

Going bright orange and red, rattlesnake style for them.

Who are you even memeing about?

should be "no way living filth"

I'd say no in her human form.
But if she snekked I'd be down on one knee faster than a femtosecond.

Forgot to erase some lines, forgive me lads

Damn it, threads always die before I can get this answered.

Anyone know if the spiteclaw swarm warscroll from shadespire is any good?

Use Sigmar
Nagash wasn't asked for sex she just offered him power and shit

No, she literally tried to use seduction spells on him.

But I like Nagash


It’s a meme, you can’t change it so easily

>Where once her charms allowed Morathi to manipulate others, her new attempts to entrance were rebuffed. Some, such as Sigmar, simply brushed aside her advances, but Nagash detected her spells of seduction and took great offense, striking her down. In the rage that followed, all saw her serpentine form for the first time, and she fled in shame. It was a blow Morathi would never forgive nor forget.

It says nothing about power. She just tried to seduce both gods.

Because idiots like responding to him.

He doesn't even care about model quality. He's just posting it because retards can't tell bait/shit posting even if it jumped up in bit them in the ass.

Keep scrappin in the red smoke, lads!

Phil Kelly said she offered him power/allegiance on stream.

>Nagash detected her spells of seduction and took great offense, striking her down
That's not what the actual book says.

That text is literally from the battletome. He's wrong.

No, Epub will do

Eh it just sounds like Siggy hit her with the NWF and Nagash literally Bitchslapped her

Nice job tho

Isn't PK the biggest hat in the studio tho?

>Grots want nature to consider all living things anathema
I can’t really see why, but I guess as long as it helps Papa Bones I’m fine with it

Sky larping
They dance and pretend to fight and do stuff in high azyr so that their movements also cause the movement of the costellations they form at a larger scale
but instead of moving the outer spheres in perfect harmony like the angels of the christians god, they move the stars for apparently silly shit and memetic arcane warfare
>the seraphon work tirelessly on amassing crystallised sunshines from the previous dawn to build fasciculated monuments that they can climb on so that the costellation of the middle talon of the auric bird Fl'ippn rises to meet the first rays of light from hysh and the passage of the chaos realmsphere under azyr after every battle
>skink starpriests travel far and wide on cosmic winds carrying mirrors of morning dew in order to focus from afar even the most elusive of signs fleeting the realmspheres of agents like those of eshin so that the costellation of the cobra they make the outer hood of may accurately point towards the hiding place of the vermin and instill in them the venom of paranoia
>kroxigors like catching comet carps passing by with their crocodilian jaws when resting on stardust riverbeds causing the carps to escape in a starfall towards other mortal realms; skink handlers are particularly amused by this and artfully herd the banks of carps to have them meet the kroxigor and fall over in calculated arcs pointing to nagash newest temples

Quick question for you gents.

In a legion of blood army, would you rather want Neferata or a unit of 5 bloodknights and a vampire lord?

Since I have her I would love using her but I would have to lose my only unit of blood knights to get her in.

So? They didn't write it that way, so he's wrong until they amend it.

I think he means grots want OTHER factions to wipe each other out in the mist-rage, then sneak in and take the spoils, or something.

do a flip, toad!

>Than they breath the mist too and becomes grot vampire
Why can’t we have not humans vampires/skeletons/zombies, GW?

I feel like I should let people know that snakes don't have cloacas.

Someone months ago said something about not-human zombies/undead in the making.
But i don't remember who, and idk if it was a reliable source.

Nagash bless you user

Do Yetis and Sabres ACTUALLY serve a function in BCR armies besides filling in minor point gaps the mounted cavalry leave?

Because they look like shit and three BCR start boxes get you over 2000 points easy.

>and even shy

It does not. They're reserved and aloof. Probably modelling themselves after Morathi, who has to keep her emotions under careful control or risk going snekmode in public.

>thinking reality is going to get in the way of monster girl fetishists
I won't fault you for trying thouhg.

Here's my thoughts on a Dispossessed Army List, let me know what I'm missing
>Allegiance: Dispossessed

>Grudgebound War Throng: 160
*1 Warden King [Leader]: 120
*1 Runelord [Leader]: 80
*1 Unforged [Leader]: 100
*10 Longbeards [Battleline]: 120
*10 Longbeards [Battleline]: 120
*10 Quarrellers: 120
*10 Thunderers: 120
*20 Hammerers [Battleline]: 360
*10 Ironbreakers: 160
*10 Irondrakes: 200

>Allies: Ironweld Arsenal
*Cannon [Artillery]: 180
*Gyrocopter: 80
*Gyrocopter: 80

>Points: 2000/2000
*Allies: 340/400

I tried to balance out the main weakness of Dispossessed with the Gyrocopters, as well as add some firepower with the Cannon. The Quarrellers & Thunderers are there to provide different sorts of firepower, but I can concentrate on one rather than the other.

>not humans vampires
In WHFB Vampires were racist literally
The only vampire who could ever entertain the idea had to be some insane fucking twisted degenerate psychopath to ever give the Kiss to a non human
The most based thing he ever did was make an elf a vampire


Chief shill Ben Curry now on warhammer tv. useful idiot that accidentally leaked that sneks were the new faction.

Just use Neferata. She's a great model, is a better general than a vampire lord, and blood knights aren't very good anymore. I'd only use BK if I was trying to use the Shifting Keep battalion or something


On that note, since someone in the past thread talked about the lack of conversion ideas, does anyone here have any ideas on how to convert any of the other races into a Death unit? For most vampires it’s not that hard, particularly for elves: just paint them pale and add some VC shit, but what about less easy options, like vampire grots or zombie dwarves?


I miss him bros


He thought she was a vampire but in truth she wasn't. She was the new Elven goddess of Death, having inherited the power of the previous goddess.


We had non-human skeletons as part of the old regiment of renown - cursed company iirc.

He wrote the book. People don’t understand that seduce does not mean try to have sex with

Huh? Any word on her since? Nagash ate her too?

They should re-release these.

Yeah I do like me some royally looking vampires.

I'm just sad blood knights are that expensive, since I know they are gonna get pop'd as a priority.

How's this for a list then?

Allegiance: Legion of Blood

Neferata Mortarch Of Blood (400)
- General
- Lore of the Dead: Vile Transference (Vampires)
Necromancer (110)
- Lore of the Deathmages: Overwhelming Dread
Vampire Lord On Zombie Dragon (440)
- Deathlance & Shield & Chalice
- Artefact: Soulbound Garments
- Lore of the Vampires: Amaranthine Orb

5 x Dire Wolves (60)
5 x Dire Wolves (60)
40 x Skeleton Warriors (280)
- Ancient Spears

3 x Vargheists (160)

Terrorgheist (300)
Mortis Engine (180)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 128

In case you were wondering, the mortis engine is there because I'm busy converting into a "leisure barge" for vamp handmaidens of the "queen."

While sex is the modern viewed end goal of Seduction it's more about doing something you otherwise wouldn't do like say helping Morathi

is that the guy that identifies as a cisman on twitter?

just read up on Command Traits and Artefacts
>Command Trait: Grudgebearer

>Artefact on Warden King: Resounding Gromrilhorn
>Artefact on Unforged: Ancestral Pickaxe

also bump