How do the female members of your party get along?

How do the female members of your party get along?

BFFs? Hate each other's guts? Bi-curiousness? Ignore each other on purpose?

>female members of your party

I played with female members on 2 separate occasions.
The first one was it was one of my friend's gf and we always thought she was a total Stacey and would be really out of place, but she ended up really enjoying dnd, and ended up telling one of her weeb friends about it and they became regular members. Buddy's gf was actually a great player, stayed in character and wasn't uncomfortable at all, it was really surprising.
Second campaign was with pathfinder and I had found this group at college and there were 3 girls and 3 guys, plus dm. The girls were weird as fuck and would always try to make gay sex jokes or references and the campaign seemed like a weird fantasy of theirs and was used only as a medium so they could discuss their IRL fetishes. They were robots though.

First week on Veeky Forums, huh.

They mostly get along, but they all give the Tilean a hard time for being...well, himself. The dwarf is also very reserved, socially.

I'm a guy playing a female character, and the only other female character is played by a girl. Our characters interact with mutual respect and kindness, although we but heads due to ethical differences. The same way we interact with all of the male characters.

She has difficulties roleplaying but that’s not odd since 2/5 are uncomfortable roleplaying. She actively tries to improve though and is trying out DMing with her own system. Overall she’s a normal human being, bait-kun.
I wish to god she would just use a premise system but that’s more of a personal thing. I think homebrews tend to be mediocre (coming from a guy who has made several and considers them all trash)

Who are you talking to, bro?

Gaming circle was formed from lifelong friends that contained one chick but everybody got along no matter how weird shit got because we were all like that.
We routinely brought others in but for some reason whenever it was another chick they instantly hated each other though it was usually fairly passive aggressive in nature.


big sister / little sister
One being overprotective, possessive and supportive in tough love kind of a way.
The other being helpless moe made manifest and smart manipulative sociopath

Yuri is shit and so is everyone who is into it


For a while I was the only girl in the party, and I used it as an excuse to try to flex my RP muscles by not making a lesbian character and try to play a nerdy but still hetero girl since its normally too weird for me to try to hit on male characters. But then another player joined our group, and my character and his are just really good friends and im tempted to make her bicurious because they're just too damn cute together.


Only one female char in the party. All dudes OOC. And before you ask, the female is played by someone who can actually roleplay and not a magical realm sperg.

Bromance doesn't have to be gay, even if it's between girls.

What a novel to spell [YOUR FETISH]

Yeah, but we won't judge you for it.

I generally have good experience with female players. Two of them had a strong mentor/student relationship in one game we did.
Funnily, almost every game I've done with a female player saw her be the group's mother. Things tend to deteriorate pretty badly when Mommy misses a session.
If you're asking about PC gender as opposed to player gender, that typically isn't really a big deal except with our resident That Guy. Hilariously, he once tried hitting on a female's PC, forgetting that her character was a dude, and that the player was his sister.

Don't take the bait

I meant

They’re pretty much exactly the same as every other member of the party. They usually get along fine and do their thing. One of my favorite characters to play is an Oath of Devotion paladin chick based on Furiosa. Lost her left arm when she was young and replaced it with a light crossbow.

>t. dicklover