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The Golden Throne Edition


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>new thread on page 6
kys op

1st for Space Gulag

1st for Tau melee protagonists

Big Celestine tits right in my face

first for drukhari

*blocks your path*

Celestines große Titten in mein Gesicht


Are orks the only solution to Slaanesh?


Where was that stated? The preivew seems to indicate they're just like other armies relics, and unless I'm forgetting something, the only special about tau last edition was they could take multiple relics on one unit, not that they could take multiple of the same relic


Hideous. Like it was put together by mekboys. Very skilled mekboys capable of symmetry and smooth surfaces, and straight cuts, but still.

Great paint job, dumb model.

Absolutely ridiculous, where did you see this?

Sixty points for the one character in the army who can cast spells and you can only have one.

Here is the full list of psychic powers so far. I might swap out GENETIC PLASTICITY and rework ANCESTRAL VENGENCE.

whatever-th for fusion blades failing to kill a killa kan, the commander dying in close combat, and the failsafe detonator stratagem whiffing and still failing to kill the killa kan

Oh so the leak got it backwards? They said rapid fire changed to assault

Jesus please be true it would mean there's acurally a -good- sept trait.

Doubt it but I can hope

Don't you insult mekboyz like dat ya slimey git!

How the fuck does that work with flamers?

>new thread this soon


The article doesn't explicitly say either way
>These can then be fitted with a wide variety of equipment. In the Farsight Enclaves, we’d recommend stocking up on close combat options with a couple of returning favourites
>lists fusion blades/onager gauntlet
Given GW's hammy writing (they already had to edit the part about Crisis suits with 4 flamers) & the fact that the onager gauntlet immediately below it says there's only one left, I'd say it's likely still a relic. Shame because otherwise you could stick it on a TX-42 Piranha for giggles

What's keeping you from starting another army? For me it's the others that play it.

>kroot lasthits baneblade
>now its living castle with stick

It's vengeance

For BA, should I go with a Librarian w/ Jump pack or a Dreadnought Librarian w/ Wings power?

>tfw breachers and stealth suits become good
only if

I'm entering an ITC practice tournament soon and I was curious on something. For dedicated transports, can I change up every game who starts inside of them? Or in my list do I have to declare that x unit starts in there and it has to be that unit every game?

Put together by mek boys, not designed by them. I know they'd never be responsible for something so grotesque.

>all the detail is the gun

This guy knows what's up.
Also bring back diaz design gw.

No, but he can take a combi-melta and do more damage than the min-sword commander while still being cheaper
Check mate xenos scum


hasn't been a thing since 6th anyway user, so it's not like you could play it even if you wanted to.
For me it's because I already collect Tau, Orks, AdMech, Black Templars, and Thousand Sons. And Death for AoS. So starting yet another faction will just put even more strain on the whole thing.

Genetic Plasticity is OP as fuck as soon as a unit brings down an enemy heavy. I assume it's duration permanent? What are the durations on AV and AG, and is AG intended to stack with all other shooting, as it appears to do? By the way, vengeance has an a in it.

I've got stuff to paint.

Wordes ar hard

>Would make burst cannons rapid fire 4


>assault 32 hazard suits with ATS

Very doubt


money and the fact I already have 4 almost entirely painted armies that all play completely differently.

I don't really see point to it in 8th edition. I'm just happily building armies within my Grand Alliance.

>gw balancing anything with forgeworld in mind, and vice-versa
It took them three FAQs just to get the hammerhead keyword right in the index. GW couldn't care less if it broke FW units, that's their shit to sort out in FoC.

I'm lazy. Took me a year to make and paint my Guard army. I don't want to do much more. I've been painting my Sigmar army and it's goign to be a much shorter time, but still.

>9d6 flamer hits become 18d6

>Coldstars have four slots no. Only weapon they can equip themselves with is CIB.


AV is intended to last until your next turn, AG only lasts that one turn. I will correct these now.

Wrong way round

Waiting for my next paycheck to start my very first one at the ripe young age of 30.

Night Lords for both 30k and 40k for me.

Is there any other head options for Tau battlesuits? To me that head ruins otherwise awesome model.

Lack of space

I've always wondered, wouldn't those dinky plates on their gatlings not just immediately fly off and rip the gun to shreds, if it starts moving? Or does it not move?

But I already have between 2000 and 8000 points of each of the following (not including soups): CSM, Daemons, Guard, SoBs, Necrons, Tau, Orks, Custodes and Primaris.
Maybe I'll do Eldar or Admech next?

>Taufags unable to cope with the fact that they are mediocre


Want to buy my night Lords?

forgeworld.co.uk/en-IE/Tau-XV9-with-Twin-linked-Burst-Cannon (could be adapted)

>TFW you still want to buy all the FW crisis suits but you already have 15 and they're unusable in any capacity now, you can't even run them as commanders due to the limit.

What is his endgame?

Reminder that "your army isn't fun to play against" is code for "I'm an incompetent player who has built an army that makes no sense, please be as bad at this game as I am".

When will the new tau codex be released?
I want to know if those blue retards are going to be OP again.


I can't even finish my main one.

"Commander" nerf is coming to a lot of armies in the March FAQ, though, so...

What if they buff the BS of crisis suits? Arent they a step or two away from Commanders?

Commander sprue comes with two heads, presumably one is for Enforcer & one for Coldstar. There used to be a commander model which was a Crisis suit with two metal head alternatives, but that's no longer sold

should be the week after next

1 Unit of 6 Bullgryn or 2 units of 3?

To kill the batman


They've already got three previews up. Preorders end of the week. Full leaks with pictures should already be possible. On sale the week after.

>supreme power over commorragh, keeping all other threats relevant, but not dangerous, and maintaining the status quo of utter debauchery in the city
he's living it already.

looks freaking solid, but I kinda hoped to paint my own!

Pre orders this saturday, shipped next week.
No. No they're not. There could potentially be one or two powerful combos, and they're all around much better off for casual play, but they're probably going to be less powerful on the tournament scene, with the commander limit.

What the fuck are they going to limit?

Not like anything was spammed as hard as commanders

Good man. Just thought I’d offer. I always get the itch to sell after they’re nearly done.

>attentionfag unable to cope with lack of (You)s

They're BS 4+, but one of the leaks said no BS buffs were coming. There's just literally no point to using regular Crisis suits until GW gets their heads out of their asses.

Scouts will now be one per Detachment.


The eldar nerf is fake rumors right? We're not getting nerfed because of a bunch of crybabies right?


Either going to limit all big command-type units (I captain, 1 grandmaster, 1 warboss, 1 hive tyrant, etc.) or just whatever is currently being spammed.
I mean, directly just flat-out saying "No." to spam is the most direct method of balancing it, but it's a shame it's hit gap-filler units like the commander. I really wouldn't have minded this change at all if they had just balanced out crisis suits so that they were fucking usable as anything other than commanders.

Ok? No one cares, no one was spamming Chapter Masters or Company/Tank Commanders, even if they do limit the latter two then you still wont care because you were taking a Tank Commander per detachment anyway and Platoon Commanders exist to get more orders.

At most its a nerf to GK but they're so expensive they wont ever run more than one Grandmaster per detachment.

Look at the Tau and tell me GW wont nerf an army to appease whiners.

You declare when you're deploying when a unit starts inside a transport.

Which nerf specifically?

I still don't understand why YYYY/MM/DD and if short MM/DD aren't international standards. They sort automatically and are in an order that makes sense (Like hours, minutes, seconds)

I don't really into other armies, but from what I saw Wraiths, librarians, exarchs, champions, hive tyrants, and commissars.

Oh okay, neat. Thanks.

You ever feel guilty over a win?
>guard player, 100% steel legion
>guy who got me into the game back in 7th is looking to practice for a major tournament coming up
>okay, build a more competitive list
>roll cadian rather than armageddon, tank heavy, with a baneblade that gets regimental bonuses
>almost entirely whiff turn 1
>still have him basically tabled by turn 3
pic related, his admech and my guard, though it was from a different game.

Tank commanders would be slightly annoying as I'm using them to represent skitarii piloted tanks

Did Tau lose markerlight BS buff?
Also, what's the range for markerlight?

Where’d you hear that?

Look at Necrons. They weren't the top army in the last edition, but they are certainly the bottom bitch of 8th edition.

It happened to them. It can happen to you too.

It would make sense if it were - I use it for work document drafts - but no nation actually has that as their standard format. It's DD/MM/YYYY (which has a logical order) or MM/DD/YYYY (which is silly)

Either YYYY/MM/DD or DD/MM/YYYY would be fine, they'd just need international recognition, but the american system may just be the single most retarded thing about their country after the imperial system.

Please use metric you fucking dumb muricans

>directly just flat-out saying "No." to spam is the most direct method of balancing it,
A directly shitty way, yes.

Instead of creating a balanced frame work you get "no you can't do that"

>Personally I'd prefer if they removed the Supreme Command Detachment

As far as I know South Korea uses YYYY/MM/DD. Not sure about other Asian countries.

>murrican logic

Why the fuck are his electropriests so spread out? The hell are they doing? If he needed deepstrike prevention, use rangers not fucking electropriests

Every win