These are the new elemental planes
really? That's the best you could think of?
A multiverse worth destroying.
Replace prime material plane with plane of pain and you're good to go.
lame. replace hair with nerve or soul.
british and violins, nigga what?
okay, here you go buddy
>drugs as positive
Do you want another Satanic Panic? Cause that's how you get another Satanic Panic.
I jest, of course. The chart is much better now.
Is that where Forgotten Realms would be located?
The 'surface' of the plane is rather featureless. Ranging in colour from pale pink to dark brown, the only thing that can be found upon the dry skin flats and beneath the dull red sky are hair-like protrusions as large as redwoods, and strange (but harmless) insectoid creatures.
Underground, however, the Plane of Flesh transforms into a beautiful and terrifying place. Endless tunnels snake ever downwards into magnificient organ-structures of living flesh. Lakes of fat and oceans of stomach-acid coalesce in self-contained membranous caverns, and still the tunnels snake ever downwards. many portals can be found in the depths of the Plane of Flesh, and there is much bleed between it and the other Elemental planes. Often, explorers will fall through the floor of their tunnel, and find themselves immersed in the crimson waters of the Plane of Blood, or tangled in the elastic matrix of the Plane of Nerve.
Looking like a cross between a human and an Amoeba, Flesh Genies live in artful flesh-gardens in the upper part of the Plane of Flesh. They are True Neutral more often than not, and wish nothing more than to live their eternal lives cultivating strange organ-plants, contemplating beauty, and engaging in pursuits both poetic and academic. Some can grant minor general wishes, but all can grant major wishes that deal with bodies, healing, change, and art.
awesome, thank you for this
Where is the pants? why change pants to cloth?
Negative bone should be spiders, or more generally any invertebrate.
here you go
forgot image, oops
The structure of the Plane of Blood is, on first inspection, simple. Endless seas of blood course through veiny tunnels to large multi-valved heart-like structures, ranging in size but often larger than the largest caverns in the material plane.
On closer inspection, however, the true complexities of the plane are revealed. valves and ducts pock the surface of the tunnels, opening at set intervals and leading to obscure tunnels. The edges of the tunnels are covered in strange vampiric plants, drawing nutrients from the bloody currents. Shrimp-like creatures feed on these plants, as well as on the cholesterol like substance that grows around them. Many "islands" can be found in the blood; they are shaped like enormous blood cells, and their insides are filled with breathable air.
Looking like dark-red trolls with the legs of frogs, Blood Genies live in great moving barge-fleets within the largest vein-tunnels. Their culture is savage and martial, although their minds are quick and cunning. They are Chaotic Evil or Chaotic Neutral, and wage war with themselves and others often. Their wishes are minor, except for wishes of destruction and transportation.
The Plane of Bone is organized like a great, endless fractal tree. Large, gently curving columns of bone branch from one another, often so large that the fact they are round can barely be noticed. Gravity in the plane of bone is always angled towards the centre of the closest bone column.
The branching pattern does not end beneath the surface of the Plane of Bone. Each column is hollow, and filled with a honeycomb structure of bone. These hollows are often filled with marrow, aw well as precious metals like iron and gold. Demonic dwarves mine the columns of the Plane of Bone, a task fraught with danger; digging too deep wakes the wale-like marrow monsters that live deep in the Bone columns.
Bone Genies are gaunt, androgynous, and have a hard porcelain-like exterior. They live pseudo-ascetic lives in large ivory monasteries carved from whole bone columns. They are almost always Lawful Neutral or Lawful Good, though they are also isolationist and rude to outsiders. Their wishes are minor, but incredibly powerful if the wish is altruistic in nature.
hell yes, excellent ideas
You had me at the "elemental plane of skeletons"
boy have i got news for you
The surface of the Plane of Nerve is structured much like the edge of a brain. Fatty fields and rolling hills extend endlessly. Much of the plane is mountainous, with deep crevices and recesses leading from the grey and pink surface to the deeper reaches.Fields of eye-stalk vegetation grow tall under any number of bright white Sun that float motionless under a pitch black sky.
Beneath the surface, the Plane of Nerve is structured like a spongey mass of tangled connective tissue. In some areas, there is little but open air, save for a few axons connecting to distant clusters. In other places, the nerves are so closely together that they form a tangled canopy upon which one may walk. Mostly, it is dense enough that one may rest, but sparse enough that one may move through. Bolts of lightning often spark between the various tangles of the deep, making the inner Plane of Nerve quite dangerous.
Tall, and with the consistency of braided rope, Nerve Genies live in communal laboratory-cities, where they spend their lives studying and experimenting. They are excitable and manic, but good natured, leaving them Chaotic Good almost as a rule. Their wishes are minor, but can produce Major wishes that deal with the sphere of knowledge, or for anything else whenever they have bursts of great inspiration and/or madness.
Some claim the plane of Plane of Nerve is alive, and concious.
r8 my plane descriptions, Veeky Forums
This goes well with the decanter of endless spiders
Why is Cancer trending towards the Negative Plane? Cancer is a surplus, a dangerous excess, immortal but grows faster than it can be supplied. Positive Energy is more cancerous than not.
Vampires and skeletons are undead and must intrinsically trend towards negative, trending towards positive is impossible.
Furthermore where blood meets bone is obviously marrow.
they are excellent. Love that you included genies for each and really liked each of them.
Some details I really liked: the insectoid creature on the flesh plane's surface, the breathable air in blood cell islands, and the eye-stalk vegetation in the plane of nerve.
I was really hoping you'd do the quasis and paras but they can't really be taken seriously as effectively; maybe you could also do the plane of hair though?
>meat cancer
>british vampires
>gelatin skeletons
>cloth clowns
terrifying game bro dude weed
Fucking amazing.
I'm replacing the elemental planes with Flesh / Blood / Bone / Nerve in my game.
What system?
like this then?
Speaking as a Britfag, there is nothing positive about the British way of life. We're all fuckin' miserable.
>bone, more skeletons and gelatin that close together
>not a single post of skeleton jelly
Where's the clown plane
Improved version
>Trumpet being where skeletons and clowns meet violins and negativity
I actually like the idea of weird planes made of living shit, but then you fucked up with le random XD meme shit like violins and clowns
I like it and now I want a whole setting about the planar body
Intersection of Flesh and Blood is Children,
Makes me giggle.
>Rock and Roll
Do I even want to know?
Some people find it funny even here, but I'll admit they are stupid ideas even if funny.