Prove me wrong
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pokemon tcg> ygo and magic
Wait, he fucked the black magician girl?
How? When?
Too bad only canon stuff gets me off
>yugioh's story is better than Magic's.
u wot m8? In Yugioh every problem is solved by playing a children's card game. In Magic people actually get their shit fucked up.
Yami would fuck Jace up with his sick mind games.
Then Nicol Bolas just steps on him.
Mirror Force
Is either a piece of cardboard that does nothing or is simply countered.
Countered by what?
>planewalkers can't solve shit
>suddenly Kaiba
>solves everything with his cards and autism
Any number of counterspells Nicol Bolas knows. Yami may be a Pharaoh, but Bolas is a God-Pharaoh.
They can't can't counter Trap Cards.
You can't tell the God-Pharaoh what he can't counter.
this thread is of the highest grade autism
the only ppl i see playing yugioh are niggers or 12 year olds
in this year of our lord, 2018, it cant be done
You dont know life till you see a 2m gangsta nigga with a Glock behind his belt in full gang collors screaming "you activaited my trap card" at a nother gangsta nigga in a casual meet up
It was Jaden's Yugi-looking friend that fucked BMG.
The buff dude got an amazoness.
>be me, 12yo visiting Washington DC
>be in bookstore with parents with cafe
>two black dudes in their 20s or 30s playing Yu-Gi-Oh, stand near the table at a respectful distance watching the game
It was weird back then, I didn't imagine adults played TCGs in general.
>piece of cardboard that does nothing
Have you seen what Kaiba can do with a piece of cardboard?
I can tell what one game's cards do when I read them once and the other game makes me squint and re-read them multiple times because its a wall of tiny poorly-worded, and formatted text.
YGO's card formatting is fucking awful and Konami can't manage a banlist for shit
both games have there flaws
>yugioh needs to use power creep to make new sets relevant
>mtg just doesnt print good cards anymore
>yugioh doesn't use keywords and creates text boxes so long they require size 6 font
>mtg has the stack, which is prone to tomfuckery
>yugiohs art is bland
>mtg is printed on cardboard prone to curling up so tight when exposed to Air that you can cram your whole deck up your anus
the players of yugioh are so shit that they tell you to hire off duty cops to be security for any tournament, and this still doesn't stop people being robbed and stabbed in the middle of matches
Why IS Yu Gi Oh the preferred TCG of African American gentlemen anyway?
As opposed to Magic, which has no security and the people that run it accept pedos as judges.
This is furry porn
Bait thread is bait.
That said, as fucked as modern magic design is YGO has a long and varied history of mixed quality and banning fun.
I'll always ultimately side with magic for having actual comprehensive rules instead of the three different regional rule sets based on judge precedent YGO operates under.
Found this kind of hard to understand. What does this card do? :/
>heart of the wallet
should have been seto's battlecry
Eh, I would agree with you wholeheartedly, except I'm not a huge fan of these newest sets and the kind of meta it brings.
I will return though. Until then I've been messing around with duel links. It's trash, but a comfortable trash. As long as you don't care about having an actually decent deck it's fun, just unlocking all the characters and making weird janky decks from the trash you inevitably pulled because Konami really wants those whalebucks so your free gems have to be a drop in the bucket to what you'd actually need to make a decent deck.
If mtg would make a decent mobile client I'd maybe deal with it instead just because of local popularity.
It's a card back from the earliest sets that was banned. YuGiOh spell and trap cards don't have a cost to play and it allowed you to draw two cards with no wait time (which trap cards have for activation). Effectively making your 40 card deck only 39 cards and is a free two cards to your hand. A similar card, Maxx C, appears in current meta and can be discarded to draw a card. It's limited to one per deck as the card effectively shrinks deck size by replacing itself in the hand.
What a miserable life you must lead
>hear of the cards
With Maxx C you draw a card only when the opponent special summons a monster. You're probably thinking of Upstart Goblin.
Far as I can tell Maxx C is also banned right now.
I wonder if anyone would get on your case if you had a joke card print placed in front of the actual card in the sleeve at a tournament.
Yugioh players are a blight on society as a whole, all but 2 stores in the area that I'm aware of have outright stopped selling it due to all the thieves it attracts.
Daily reminder that Kaiba out-eviled his evil counterpart that was specifically created to beat him. Off-screen.
I can play yugioh for free easily and their sims are fantastic and quickly updated.
Magic simulators are either P2P or god awful.
The existence of good free sims instantly makes any cardgame 1000x better.
sorry but yugioh already beat mtg in the digital race so they won the market. On tcgs there
Also Kaiba is the best character, Y/Y?
>shit in his cup
fucking 4kids
>Last season of YGO GX
>Actual Big Bad since the beginning of the series takes the matter in their own hands
>Summon an evil counterpart of every single person living in the world to beat them in a duel
>Being meaner, cunnier and frownier, the evil counterparts always win the fuel and make their original disappears from reality
>Jaden enters the Kaiba Corp Tower and find a printed list of its employees
>Follow a 20 seconds scene in which each name on the list disappear progressively, except the first one
Some autismo would rrreeeeee, yes
pic related
Here's a vid too youtube.com
Why are YGO fans so insecure if their game's only getting more and more popular as they say?
YGO general is always worded like that because it has trouble staying up so they use the b8 op to bump while having discussion too sometimes hopefully.
A thread died for this console war shit post. Both TCGs are pay-to-win, lootbox-based, luck-of-the-draw-more-than-strategy games
>they don't play force of will
>instead they continue to give money to two greedy corporations who make plenty already...one of which harbors pedophiles.
both of you should be ashamed.
I'm so confused, wouldn't blast held by a tribute still affect blue eyes white dragon because he tribute summoned it?
Ruleswise yes, contentwise no
in the anime it only worked since he tributed ishizus monster for it, so it got planted in obelisk. Then he sacrificed his own monster, destroying the bomb it took from ishizu.