Warhammer 40000 General /40kg/

Commander spam is death edition


>Warhammer TV Tip of the day:



>Old Black Library Mega:


Stop not linking the old thread

2nd for the dark kin!

Best Legion up in this thread!

Guys I think my corpse-starch rations were only half baked. Any ideas on how to fix it?
What the fuck does someone with no intention of playing IG do with 10 Cadian models? I'd make then Inquisitorial Acoyltes but they're turbotrash as of right now.

TFW you just wanted to field "The Eight" in games and now never will because your local meta is matched play only.


Chart user here, same one doing the graphs. Recently took to plotting distributions over just calculating averages. Anything y'all want to see charted?

I know that feeling. Everything about this is the worst.

Why not use crisis suits to represent them?

I played with a mostly unpainted army.

I like my 3 wound canadian acolytes running around in squads of 5 all armed with plasma guns. They're very effective if they can survive running across the board!

base decoration? nothing like a good guardman corpse or three.

I made mine into Acolytes, but that was for Shadow War which I never got to play anyway.

Because that's not what they are.

how miserable a time will my opponent have if I bring a mono-knight list? am I an ass for doing so?

Convert to CSM Cultists, use for base decoration as corpses or sell on ebay.

Crisis Suits can't be taken solo so you'd have to have them operate as a group of three. It would be an incredibly stripped down approximation of them. Also we all know Crisis Suits are shit.

They're not 3 wounds anymore, haven't been since the first faq

they will enjoy fighting gray knights.

Stop killing the hobby user.

Because Crisis Suits can't take Signature Systems? Without their experimental equipment they would be shells of their former selves.

Sorry, I just enjoy building and playing.

>rainbow wizard

mang base your models with a spray then put bare min. of effort into painting them so they look table top ready

Except in a very narrow range of cases, an all-knight list will represent a pass/fail scenario to you opponent.

Either he has the tools to fuck up multiple knights (in which case he effortlessly stomps you) or he doesn't (in which case the reverse happens). Either way someone isn't having fun, maybe neither.

Now knights aren't very good right now, so it will skew towards you getting fucked up more often than not, but still.

>look at filename

have some sappy writefaggotry, 40kg

I have been playing incredibly incorrect then! Now do I own up to it, or just continue using them as 3 wound models until someone notices....

The more nerfs I see the Tau get, the happier I become.

I'd rather not ruin my models user.

We are everywhere and nowhere.

Hydra dominatus!

Stop being shit at these threads cunt. Do your bare minimum job..

>I don't even know who's Alpharius'ing anymore...

>using base color spray and they a wash or two is hard

For someone like me, yes.

t. 76 IQ


Any info on how this thing was made? I can see goon legs and a ranger head, but not sure on the torso.

>2 units nerfed
>everything else buffed
You must be a sad man then





If only there were footage of this!

You might see it as ruining your models, but you can't do worse than leaving them grey. I'm serious, a monkey with a hand tremor and incontinence paintjob is better than leaving them unpainted.

Sorry anons, a bit out of the loop here, has the Tau dex got a confirmed drop date? And is DE confirmed for coming directly after?

serious dude, give it a try. just get a solid color spray, even just grabbing like a Krylon from walmart and then applying a wash will take it miles. throw on some gunmetal in appropriate places and boom. done (for your level)

No where near as bad as 7th. :D

There is, the bodycam footage was released. I didn’t know officers could say “fuck” so liberals.

Nothing is confirmed about DE or Necrons. Tau codex drops 17 March, and there's a new AdMech/Necron kit coming (and nothing announced at all for DE).

>dead primarch
>best legion
I don't think so tim

So with the advent of mini knights, are we to expect the new knights codex anytime soon?

Tau is the 17th, chances are necrons are after that going by the new boxed game and white dwarf previews

They have a spare.

Show me some Knights you goons.

I've played tau since 5th edition
I never needed more than 2 commanders on the field, my kroot and vespid, plus firewarriors and anti-shit support solves all my issues, and does it better.

Tourney fags playing tau, status >nerfed
Players playing the tau army, status >buffed

Not that it will stop you kids from being salty that tau exists.

A Memphis user on here was saying he got word of a new SKU related to a Dark Eldar Clam pack mini. Not sure what his sources are but he said he used to work in the distribution center or something like that for GW.

So why are you celebrating now as opposed to when the Index came out?



what mini is easiest to smuggle anally?

just the hq options other than commanders seem pretty lame senpai

Stealth Suits

I dunno. Went to my lfgs today it all the Tau players were grumbling about the buffs they have gotten so far are not enough.


I'm just saying we don't know for sure what the plans are for Necrons or DE after tau, except that Necrons are getting the Cryptek in Ogrebane. Tau, then Necrons and DE before other codexes.

>can still fill battalions with 40pt troop choices
Commander spam will survive



Drop pods if you're a real man.

Sheild drones

Plastic Thunderhawk

check the WIP thread archive.


Well it can't be more than 3 unless your playgroup are degenerates.

Also, lel, enjoy all the CP those patrols are giving you.

user it's 2018 you can't call melanin enriched people that anymore we have to be nice and open to having them in the hobby

>Spearhead Detachment
>3x Riptides

>Outrider Detachment
>3x Y'vahras

Without a balanced book there'll always be something to spam

We don't need no primarchs! Each of us is competent enough to act on our own, unlike other legions.

3 of something isn't spam, brainlet.

Riptides are an elite

No, I mean like a monkey. A zoo animal, and not one of those fancy art-making monkeys.


Kinda, gw realised full size knights are a bad idea for a mono army that's why they're rolled into the AdMech codex. The "knight codex" you'll get are just mini knights, 5 variants of

>Knights codex before orks

>tfw Death Guard are my favorite in all things except color scheme
>fuck I hate their color scheme

>an alpha legion infiltrates an alpha legion outpost to disable it so that other alpha legion can sneak by to attack another alpha legion warband.

Yeah, about that competent marines.

You could have linked the old thread yourself instead of pointlessly bitching

Still gets my dick hard.

Sorry, you thought I was posting a complete army list?

Doii okay maybe I am a brainlet tonight


There are several schemes you can do for them, I remember a lot of anons posting them when dark imperium dropped

I need to finish this and my castigator up.

That's 6 Riptides user, just in two variants.

It’s okay user, we all make mistakes sometimes. Have a cool fireblade I found on the internet

You think this is funny? I assure you it's not.
I like that red.

>GW realizing a bad idea and then correcting it
eeeeeeehhhhhh, I don't know...

what would be the fastest legal way of aquiring a T''''au Codex? pre-ordering? going to the store at release date? something else?
I never got a codex before, so apologies for not knowing

On the orders of the Primarch if I remember that novel correctly. Still they are among equals. Read Raven Guard novels to see how Alpha Legion operatives act among lesser legions.

So are their any good books on Angron, outside him being used as a set piece for the Grey Knights to punch.


Commander Brightsword is back!

Damn look at that wraith, I love Eldars.

Look I agree with you they should be in zoo's they're not real people. But it's not politically correct to voice that opinion in the open unfortunately

Will the Farsight get their own supplements? What about other Tau septs?

As someone that didn't play during last 3 editions, why are people STILL butthurt over Riptides half a year after 7th edition is over?