Explain to me the Veeky Forums obsession with Dwarves
Explain to me the Veeky Forums obsession with Dwarves
/r/ that caption that explains how fa/tg/uys are basically dwarves themselves.
Dwarves are cool.
You know somebody will post the caption about how fa/tg/uys are actually elves first.
Veeky Forums has an obsession with dwarves?
>Tolkien writes LotR, the Hobbit, the Silmarillion, etc.
>books enjoy popularity, start getting their lore copied
>people buy into elf stereotypes promoted by bad LotR ripoffs
>elves become all the rage for a while back in the 80s and 90s, into the early 2000's
>elves gradually become a "normie" thing, and proto-Veeky Forums chafes at how elves get away with bullshit in D&D settings
>Veeky Forumsrognards start rebelling by rushing to dwarves as anti-elves, buying into another fake stereotype, i.e. elf-dwarf rivalry
>Veeky Forums decides to take everything about dwarves to their extremes, because anything else is too elfy or feminine
>and now occasionally someone slips up and says "jew" or "nigger" while talking about how all the elves should be exterminated.
Power fantasy. Dwarfs are hairy short autists that are also 'manly and cool'.
The same reason elves 'suck', they remind fa/tg/uys about their insecurities.
A little bit of this But also mostly this
What surprises me is that elves being either helpless weak sissies or pure evil outsiders is now the norm, so logically Veeky Forums should be now saying elves are good boys who didn't do nothing because it's a "normie" thing to hate elves.
I suppose the key difference is that elves are still generally attractive, so it's more contrarian to keep flocking to kobolds.
> Not calling them Dorfs like a pretentious faggot
Gonna need a bigger book
Dorfs are best
Basically what this user said.
Dwarves aren't even Veeky Forums's favorite race. There are far too few threads around here to call anything an obsession.
Dwarves are /ourguy/.
>polluting Bes' good image with MUH DORFS
To be fair tough it is kinda true that dwarves are the "not cool race" of the big three, not that surprising or even bad that people try to make them better and identify with them.
(i don't think you can really salvage them, sadly. The stereotype is really tight. That being said, you can't really salvage the elves either, they're too cool, honestly they just grab every cool thing to them)
nothin to explain, they're just a bit of a bro race, nothign i'd play as myself.
They're kinda boring and samey though.
Read the Fifth Elephant and Thud! Discworld books
Dwarven society is a major factor of both books and they suddenly become a lot more interesting
You're the one who keeps making threads about 'em, dude.
Strike the Earth.
it simple user
dwarves >= humans > all other races > elves
For the average grognard, dwarves exemplify the best ideal traits in humanity.
>Xenophobic to everyone but those that can prove themselves worthy
>Women either don't exist, are never shown, or society has a clear division of labor to keep women out of male professions
Pretty correct. I think the dwarf women problem is actually the biggest blunder to dwarves, narratively speaking.
Yeah, they tend to be too sexy.
Pretty much this
I can't stand the "they have beards too" meme
And you either have to make them short, fat, and ugly, and thus unappealing, or try to make them attractive and then tumblrettes and faggots like will jump down your throat for making them "sexy"
We used to like Dwarf Fortress a lot.
Honestly, I think most of it stems from the utter madness that is Dwarf Fortress.
Wait, don't we still?
>enjoy comfy
>Reading about other people's adventures
>Physically unimposing
>Hairy in odd places
>And you either have to make them short, fat, and ugly, and thus unappealing, or try to make them attractive and then tumblrettes and faggots like will jump down your throat for making them "sexy"
I dunno, I see them portrayed as short stacks all the time. Dragon Age or WoW comes to mind here.
Dude that's Ganondorf
Oh I get it
Even in Zelda elves be kicking the shit out of dorfs, huh?
You know damn well that it will be report spammed for being against board rules.
Veeky Forums is full of angry neckbeard manlets that unironically like beards on women.
Short, hairy, smelly, sometimes career alcoholics, chubby, terrible skin.
They're fa/tg/uys.
It represents neckbeards' childish conceptions of masculinity that they desperately wish they could emulate.