Which chaos god is the biggest asshole and why is it Nurgle?
Which chaos god is the biggest asshole and why is it Nurgle?
>The only one that truly loves you
>more of an asshole than Khorne
Bro, do you even Tzeentch?
Taking a woman to the tortured souls of her children so you can drink her tears is pretty dickish.
>who is Tzeentch
None of the Chaos Gods are as asshole as Fantasy Khaine though
Because he’s the most effective. It’s all fun and good to scream like a maniac lopping people’s heads off. But. Disease, death, and decay will always be there. It’s so sinister because it’s slow and VERY effective
because daemonbane Daemon weapons
Slaanesh must canonically have the largest asshole to accommodate all forms of interplanatery buggery.
Nurgle's is the least of an asshole of them all.
He's the only one that actually cares for his followers, not just uses them as tools or toys.
This ends up horribly for them yes, but hey, he's a Dark God, what do you expect.
The biggest asshole is definitely Tzeentch. His asshole skills are greatest of all multiverses, and he does all that just for the sake of it.
He is using them as tools and toys. He's just doesn't realize it. Nurgle's love is abusive as hell and basically boils down to "convince yourself living the most horrible existence imaginable is actually good because you have lost all hope".
>punishes you with AIDS
>also rewards you with more AIDS
>not more of an asshole than Khorne
Nurgle might 'love' you, but Khorne is the only Chaos God that wants you to succeed.
I mean you try being the embodiment of literally everything that can give you diarrhea for a couple hundred years and see how well your turdcutter holds up.
Oh wait you said "is" not "has."
Well he's rather corpulent and diseased, so I can see why he would have the biggest asshole. Where do you think his diseases come from? His hands? It comes from his butthole.
Do people really believe the "Nurgle loves you" meme?
pathetic losers do. So, Nurgle's target audience.
>Khorne is the only Chaos God that wants you to succeed.
But Khorne is the only Chaos God that has a problem with aiding his followers in battle...
Yes to all. That still makes him less of an asshole than the rest. Not non-asshole, but lessuva.
why do you need help when you are already a strong ass mother fucker
Are you knobs really talking about Nurgle like he's an IRL thing?
Yeah but Nurgle's AIDs are a good thing somehow, right? None of Nurgle's followers seem to die from their various illnesses.
Emperor wants you to convince yourself that living the most horrible existence imagineble is actually good because you believe in him so
Because you still die to bullets.
He’s honorable to a fault. A social Darwinist to the core...but more violent
Basically “if you need help, you’re not worth my time anyways”
>Nurgle punishes you with AIDS
>rewards you by making AIDS into a good thing that doesn't hurt and makes you tough as nails
Loves you in the same way a psychopath serial killer "loves" his victims
>Khorne drives his servants to better themselves
>Slaanesh wants everyone to have a good time
>Tzeentch wants ???????
>Nurgle gives you super AIDS and doesn't even allow you to end your suffering in death
WOOOOOOOOW such a great guy.
He doesn't.
Its not really suffering if he takes away your ability to feel pain
Isn't it canon that Khornates are sent to fight in an eternal battlefield after death, and Slaaneshi experience eternal torment when they die, which they probably get off on because they're so fucked up by that point?
Don't you mean "Which chaos god has the biggest asshole?"
No. Most join with the essence of their god. Some enjoy/endurance special fates by the gods.
Remember, the current state of the imperium has nothing to do with what the Emperor wants
tzeentch is a dick without malice
That's something Slaanesh worshippers would do, not Nurgle's.
>Nurgle accepts his followers for their flaws.
Nurgle is the best option, because he's your only option.
I'm pretty sure the C'Tan are bigger assholes
Because Nurgle is the inconspicuous kind of evil, the one you think is pleasant but under the surface it destroys your life. Nurgle is like the overprotective mother that loves you, so she never lets you go outside and makes you take tons of pills so you never fall ill. Its the kind of love thats bad for you and consumes you, because you're afraid of pain and suffering when those are necessary for existence and life. Nurgle makes you invulnerable and always comfy, so you never want to do or achieve anything despite the fact that you're now a shambling corpulent zombie. You don't suffer, so you have no desire to change. So you just sit there and rot away until Nurgle needs to puppet your corpse for his own doing. And then when Nurgle consumes the universe everything will just be an unending stillness of rot and stagnation, unchanging. Because thats what Nurgle is as the opposite to the Chaos god of Chaotic Change; Hes the God of Stagnation. Neither in their extremes are good for you, but Nurgles is subconsciously alluring, much like slaanesh, and its far more scummy. Thats why hes an asshole.
You don't suffer from Nurgle's gifts when you accept him as your lord and savior.
Nurgle was made to be bullied
Read this and tell me it doesn't fill you with warmth
You literally can't
Nurgle literally did that, though.
Isn't that an Age of Sigmar excerpt of Nurgle's reaction to Nagash? Could you post the ones for Khorne and Tzeentch, if you have them?
Khorne does not care about his followers, just so long the blood flows. Nurgle does and makes you immune to pain.
And SlannyBoyGirl because why the fuck not
Well if anything the 1d4chan image of Nurgle being chill holds true. Cute image of him just cooking in his house.
>It was impossible to describe Impossible to comprehend. To his eyes, it was a wallowing swamp of black stars and dying worlds, of rotting galaxies alive with immense, writhing shapes as large as nebulas. Cosmic maggots, gnawing at the roots of infinity. Galactic plagues, eating away at the very flesh of existence, reducing all that was to leprous ruin in their unending hunger. It was a dark mirror of Azyr, corrupted, reduced, strangled. All glory vanished, all hope quashed. A thunder of screams echoed upwards, driving him back. A million million voices, raised up in anguish and despair. Forever crying out for that which would never come.
>Garradan… help us…
>It hurts… why does it hurt..
>Everything is burning… help us…
>Help us…
>Down below, something began to crawl out of the black heart of that cancerous infinity. It was no shape, and all shapes. Fat and thin, a plume of smoke, a puddle of oil, spreading ever upwards. There were eyes in the smoke, as round as cold, dead suns, and teeth that stretched in a grin as wide as the horizon. Fingers like comets clutched at the void, as the Lord of All Things stirred from his manse, and began the long, arduous climb to his garden. Moons crumbled beneath that impossible bulk, and stars were snuffed out.
>‘He is coming,’ Morbus said, hollowly. ‘An honour, of sorts.’
>Gardus closed his eyes. ‘He is coming for me. I escaped once before. I should not have. My fate was written the day I stepped through the Gates of Dawn.’
>Gardus stepped away from the edge of the cistern. He did not wish to see the swamp of dead universes swirling below, or the thing rising from within them. The thing that had been trying to claim his soul since before the burning of Demesnus Harbour, in one way or another. He looked up, and saw the others approaching. ‘Stay back,’ he roared. He looked at Morbus. ‘Keep them back. Keep them from seeing that, if you can.’
Only the worthy get to experience an afterlife the rest get nommed or fucked in the warp before nommed
Literally not canon.
Remember loyal citizens of the Imperium, any talk regarding Chaos and its Gods is the highest heresy and it will be deal accordingly.
Emperor protects
Doesn't he just fill you with so much despair you stop giving a shit about the pain? Either way, I'll pass on spacecancersyphilisebolaids.