How do Nurglite Cults keep secret?

Especially considering the extensive rot, visible decay, and fact they're carrying and actively spreading a grocery list of fatal diseases. How do they even recruit before they reach the pandemic stage where people convert en masse to escape the horrific suffering they're being forced to endure. Who would /want/ to join Nurgle for the sense of community, when they'd knowingly damning themselves to an eternity wandering Nurgle's Plague Gardens?

I don't actually know how but it seems like they would be less centralized than the other ones and more be everyone who individually falls to a really fucked up disease.


Ask her

I've always thought of Nurgle devouts to be more similar to wandering nomads as opposed to missionaries or cults or whatever. You come down with a horrible disease and you're kind of cast unwillingly out of your group, and you just convert to Nurgle cause what else can you do?

They will infect you and then offer that you join them to make the pain stop. The medical plan at the manufactorum doesn't cover whatever they've given you, so it may seem like your only option.
I imagine they infect food and water, these aren't real face to face people.

Also somebody please drop Nurgle's Champion Typhoid Mary into a dark hershey setting on an industrializing world filled with space micks working the reactor cores for long hours with little or no pay and crowding into disease ridden hab blocks as rural populations rush to the cities.

I would but it's finals week

> tfw will never be a Nurglite able to pop as many zits, pick as many sores, and suck as much phlegmy snot as my inner heart desires

Why is life so cruel bros?

Because they pop up in areas where those things aren't uncommon anyways, like the Underhive's sewers.

Goddamit user I'm not ready for your weird fetishes today

Slaanesh and Nurgle had a retarded child and it managed to break through the warp and into our dimension. That's what that is.

The Carnival only sticks around in town for so long, user. Those cheery chaps in their wonderful and realistic masks need to travel on down the road, spreading joy to everyone!

Is autism a nurgle-approved disease?

Especially considering the extensive rot, visible decay, and fact they're carrying and actively spreading a grocery list of fatal diseases.
They can spread ANY disease, including ones with innocuous symptoms. Similarly, cults of Nurgle tend to attract the dregs/cogs/drones of society who are already ignored and expected to be filthy/untouchable.
> How do they even recruit before they reach the pandemic stage where people convert en masse to escape the horrific suffering they're being forced to endure.
Because A: people in the Imperium, and really all of the 40k-verse, are already forced to endure horrific suffering, with or without disease; Nurgle offers release from all suffering. Think of your lowest point: now immagine there were someone who you could pray to who WOULD make you numb to all of it... chances are at that point you would have done it. B: Nurgle loves ALL life... he's actually the only Chaos god who genuinely loves his followers, even the unexceptional ones, and is the ONLY deity in 40k, chaos or otherwise, who actually has anyy form of post-death continuance for his unexceptional drone servants. If you are follow one of the other chaos gods, but you aren't exeptional enough to become a Daemon prince, or if you serve the Emperor and aren't exceptional enough to become a part of his saint-ghost-marine-chapter, then it's into oblivion for you, but even the lowliest drone of Nurgle is at-least reborn as a plaguebearer upon their death, which is objectively the best afterlife that all humans but that "one-in-a-trillion" action hero can hope to strive for. Take an honest look at yourself: are you a one-in-a-trillion exceptional champion with a chance of achieving Daemon-prince-hood? Are you an Eldar with a Soul-Stone? If you answered no to both of these questions, then it's a choice between
> an eternity wandering Nurgle's Plague Gardens?
And a brief moment of non-sapient torture leading up to oblivion.


The little ills, a child with pneumonuia, a man with a gangrenous leg, a night with "really" bad curry.

>Who would /want/ to join Nurgle for the sense of community, when they'd knowingly damning themselves to an eternity wandering Nurgle's Plague Gardens?
Addressing the latter part first, they don't know shit

Addressing the first part, nurgle's MO is to target the hopeless and depressed

they disguise their lairs as daycares or fast food restraunts

Why not a group of Officials and Biologis Magos who infect people and send them out through the imperium and meet as a cabal of masked plague doctors. They themselves are not infected, decayed, or rotting but are a cult dedicated to the creation, the suffering and spread of disease.

They use internet forums



I want to actually exterminate large swaths of the human race now. Literally wipe them off the face of the Earth, as though they were never there.

Nurglite cults probably don't work the same as others do. They probably spring up fast and hard like whatever plague is hitting the population.

Read about the history of the black plague, In many ways the lucky ones. Take a minute to imagine living on any imperial world being fucked with by nurgle. masked guardsmen would probably be screaming through a broken voxcaster for everyone to line up while a strange skeletal figure behind a cloak tests everyone. Oftentimes with instruments coming out from the machine-beings own body. To resist meant to be another corpse thrown onto a growing pile of diseased and deceased stacked up somewhere down the street.

Eventually you'd probably hear a calling from within your own mind professing that humanity is wrong and that humanity promotes cleanliness and sterility because they are afraid to realize how wrong they are. Then you feel wrong, you're healthy afterall, and because you aren't incubating these diseases- you're wrong too.

Eventually you find yourself naked in a sewer, frolicking in the putrid waste- and you've never felt happier or more free in your entire life. You have to tell others, show them how great life could be if only they realized how wrong their sterile, tidy lives really are.

I wear no mask.

Nurgle is twisted hope and family, right? I assume that would be the entry steps into nurglite cults. Papa Nurgle loves all His children, and that could be a comforting thing for many.
You baptise your children and burn the prescribed incense and one day when the cough starts getting bad the priest tells you he can relieve pain and give you hope.

Then before you know it you got space aids

Welcome to Khorne brother.

>You will never feel the fatherly love of papa Nurgle
I didn’t want this feel

As do I fellow user.

Tzeench is hope, Nurgle is depression, Slaanesh is joy, Khorne is anger. I think nurgle cults start with acceptance. Tzeench cult scheme so they don't have to worry about getting out bed to take a piss, Nurgle cults piss the bed and accept that they'll smell like piss as the price of comfort.

You know that one kid at school that smelled like cat piss? Nurglite cultist. Nobody wants to acknowledge those people exist and have to interact with them. They're fine sitting in the corner tounching as few things as possible

>Who would /want/ to join Nurgle for the sense of community, when they'd knowingly damning themselves to an eternity wandering Nurgle's Plague Gardens?
When you're sad and alone, and people actively avoid you, nurgle loves you. Eternity is an acceptable price for loving the unlovable, if you ask me.

Remember Nurgle loves you for all your flaws, not in spite of them. You are Beautiful. You do have value. You are loved. You're not alone anymore, Come give your grandpa a hug.

they start in the worst part of the slums and creep throughout the settled parts of imperial worlds following whatever disease(s) have been unleashed upon the planet.
The cult might be led by a humble preacher in his rundown makeshift church that the local government probably doesn't even know about.
Eventually the cult might spread to people who arent at the bottom rung of society but high enough up that they can start messing with thing that will allow the disease to spread.

We know it's you posting Nurgle

It's a miracle in itself that the corroded wires are able to function.


This is why Khorne is God i'd have the hardest resisting
So many people needs to be killed

i saw these caps in a metokur video and since then im fucking scared for my life. Im bi and ive never actually been in any kind of relationship (welcome to Veeky Forums amirite) but im really damn afraid of being in one now when i saw this shit.

>the extensive rot, visible decay, and fact they're carrying and actively spreading a grocery list of fatal diseases
So, completely normal underhivers then.

Why do you have to make me feel this way user?

Fuck man, I've seen these posted a couple of times but they still make me sick
I mean, there people with some really weird and sick fetishes, but these go to the level of fucking pedophilia

>Who would /want/ to join Nurgle for the sense of community,
Anyone who wants a god that actually cares

Remember son, the Emperor is also all for wiping out some fuckers.

/pol/ was right again gays must burn

This post is 100% Khorne approved!

> t. /pol/tards think their opinion matters

If you are spreading AIDS on purpose you need to be wiped out from the face of the earth, no matter what gender, race or religion you are.

Khorne understands your need for slaughter, user. As does Khaine.

> the /pol/ boogeyman

We’re talking about fictional deities and you want to scream /pol/?
I swear the left screams /pol/ as much as the right screams cuck

Found the Pozzer. Kill in the name of the Emperor!

Some Nurgle plagues take long, long time to incubate.

Doesn't Nurgle's Rot speed up and slow down depending on the situation and the evolving needs to create an epidemic?


He's not wrong though.

Nurgle is love, Nurgle is life.


I always imagined inbred white supremacists to be a kind of Nurgle cult.

It isn't just plague. Nurgle gets a lot of recruits from mutants and beggars. Scavvies of course are obvious recruits as well as generational disease carriers who keep Nurgle as a kind of family cult.

I wonder what you average doctors take on Nurgle would be in the 41st millenium? It must be a complex relationship of research and protocol. Are their fields of medicine that are branches of the Inquisition or the Sororities?

>be local police chief
>restrain prisoners in jails
>stab them with tainted spikes of Nurgle's blessings
>create horde of poxwalkers

By cleverly disguising themselves as, get this-
ordinary sick people.

Easy solution - don't be gay.

Hate for the unclean is the highest virtue to which man can aspire. Do not be ashamed.

Hate! Hate! Hate!
An emotion as pure as it is deep!
Hate! Hate! Hate!
Let it flow, let it run free!

Book of the Astronomicon, pg. 101


Yeah. GW and Black Library don't do a great of job of transitional stages of Chaos worship.

The way it's presented it's like one day you're like "I might not have a shower today" then the next your intestines are hanging out of your stomach and your arm is bloated with pus.