Why is the weeb anime aesthetic NOT ideal for creating a fun, vibrant, and endearing tone for a setting?
Why is the weeb anime aesthetic NOT ideal for creating a fun, vibrant, and endearing tone for a setting?
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Really makes you think.
It IS ideal, and any virgin faggot who tries to tell you that an aesthetic is unusable because of its country of origin is a pathetic, worthless sack of trash.
Because it often leads to the same problems that plague current anime. Less focus on actual stories and character development and more focus on cute characters doing cute things, among other less desirable things. Tone is always important, but you gotta know how to best control it, and not let it take control.
>cute characters doing cute things
>less desirable
It isn't?
>fun, vibrant, and endearing
>not focusing on colourful, cute characters doing cute things
Gonna have to ask my players why they're faking their fun, those lying shits.
OP is a shit who's never Ryuutamad
Exhibit A
The people who hate the anime aesthetic usually aren't after "fun", "vibrant", or "endearing". They want "serious", "gritty", "visceral" and other such things.
You're trying to compare the type of people who like PUBG to the kinds of people who like Splatoon. Neither is bad, but they're after very different things.
Personally I like a good balance. I don't mind the anime aesthetic, but if it's going to turn into a bunch of fa/tg/uys pretending to be teenage girls trying to make the whole campaign some cute slice-of-life comedy, fuck that. I already have a weekly ERP game, thanks.
That's a big assumption. I like Splatoon and PUBG bores me to death, but I despise anime art in RPGs. I don't like "serious", "gritty", or "visceral" things either. On the whole I prefer things to be more relaxed and lighthearted, punctuated by grim moments of gravity or danger. But nothing makes me cringe harder than people trying to inject anime into RPGs. It's not even anime itself that's the problem. I watch it, I like it, I even think some of it is genuinely good, but anime on Veeky Forums is a cancer. And you can thank the kind of people who use anime art for that. Without fail, always the most cringe-inducing threads and some of the worst players I've personally come across. I've literally left games because of them. It's like some kind of Pavlonian conditioning shit, anime in RPGs for me is always immediately associated with some of the worst parts of the hobby, and I don't even mind because I think it's justified and a useful redflag to have.
To address OP's question, the weeb anime aesthetic isn't ideal for creating a fun, vibrant, and endearing tone because it's saccharine, and artificial.
The style used in the new berserk anime.
You sound like a faggot.
I even partially agree with you, but you still sound like a faggot.
>it's "all anime is the same" meme
As someone who doesn't get to play ttrpgs, how do you even play am anime game? If you describe a character performing am action how do your players know that character looks like an anime character?
You need to be Barneyfag-tier obsessed to know.
I once played a character lifted straight from shonenshit in serious D&D game and nobody noticed. They even praised my roleplay.
What character?
Even adventure time aesthetic is better for that.
I do this shit all the time as the DM. Characters and whole subplots I rip straight from anime that I enjoy. My players don't realize it because none of them watch anime.
Anime tends to be over acted with overly cute or edgy characters and a story that so untreatable only unrelatable characters could fit in.
As some one who does not watch anime (nothing against it) I can always spot a player/gm that does. These people well very much over act and play snowflakey characters/campaigns. Its almost as if they think you cant play a cool character unless the edge is cranked to 11. 90%of "that guys" tend to be weebs.
Classic art is god tier.
t. weebs
I have literally never seen it done well, ever.
>I can always spot a player/gm that does. These people well very much over act and play snowflakey characters/campaigns. Its almost as if they think you cant play a cool character unless the edge is cranked to 11. 90%of "that guys" tend to be weebs.
I like 80's/90's anime aesthetic but modern animu style doesn't really do it for me.
That and (most) anime is incredibly unrealistic in how it portrays human psychology and social interaction. So it becomes incredibly obvious when someone is a weeb because they way they roleplay is very disconnected from how an actual person would act. It's almost depressing really because the more unfortunate and autistic ones even carry this into real life conversation and then have the gall to wonder why everyone thinks they're a sperg.
Nothing against Japanese animation as a medium, but 90% of the people I've met in real life and on the internet who like anime act like either edgy asshats, spergs, and (for like of a less memey term) soyboys.
The other 10% are black.
for lack of a less memey*
must your bait be so obvious? have you no subtlety?
this, any game I've ever played in like this has resulted in the GM doing cringey "cute" anime stuff with his npcs
it was hard to sit through desu
It's like how I can always spot someone who listens to trash metal, likes only dark and edgy shit, and watches shows like "Vikings".
They usually can't accept any jokes, are unfun to play with, and often are autists about rules.
Luckily we have those people generally contained to the Warhammer RPGs.
Frankly whenever someone says shit like this I take it as a challenge
I agree with this user.
There is a strange disconnect with how people interact in anime versus real life and it's very stark. Especially when it involves common tropes from anime. Take the whole tsundere character archetype. That kind of behavior usually stops by late childhood/early teens. If a grown person behaved that way in real life you would correctly assume they were severely stunted in the emotional development department.
Anime tends towards certain characterizations that can clash intensely if you are not running an anime style game. And let's not delve into the whole scantily clad loli characters I have had people try and play...
>inb4 #notallanime, not wanting to be the little girl, not wanting tsundere party member etc.
because the kind of folks who watch anime substitute real life understanding of social dynamics for anime.
this behaviour is reinforced by their fellow weebs who act lulzrandom and tsundere and make them feel accepted.
I don't find anime fun, vibrant, or endearing
You're right desu. Anime aesthetic feel so played out and boring
Most folks i know who watch anime are well adjusted human beings.
Unless we talk about the "Anime" folk, which is a vocal minority.
You don't notice that John Everyday has a treasured Blue Ray of "Legend of the Galactic Heroes" at home until amongs his movie collection you visit him, maybe not even then.
Chantal that nosy cunt with her "Sword art Online" stickers at her workspace on the other hand, you hate her already and now you have some obvious feature to pin it onto it.
Like with fat people
or people who dye their hair in neon colours.
Most of them are minding their own buissnes, but they have easy to identify behaviour or looks that makes it easy to pin down when you don't like them.
Isn't a noble who put's on a "noble face" by shittalking peasants, saying they are better by birth and too good for this shit, while actually caring about his subjects and friends,
he does so because it's his strategy to keep his face amongst other nobles who are still the real power players in a rennisance setting but social tensions among the upper social ranks is rising because those filthy peasants get uppity. So the nobles sweep down on anybody "showing weakness/un-noble behaviour", replace them and keepin his rank as Noble is his best way to ensure a fair life to his subjects.
Technically a tsundere ?
No that's called fucking politics
What if I'm both?
Stop watching Berserk
Stop watching magical girl anime.
>fun, vibrant and endearing
>Nazi Germany
>fucking politics
Where is the difference to normal politics?
I'm not saying people who like it are stunted. Just the characters.
No. The tsundere character does what they do out of embarrassment and a lack of understanding how to convey their feelings like a grown ass human being. Intentionally manipulating people with the same behavior is just being manipulative.
Having been getting players from Veeky Forums since Veeky Forums was a twinkle in moot's eye: You're fucking faggots. There are just as many awful players who hate anime as there are that like it. Whether or not you like anime is unrelated to your badness as a player. I've had bad players who were enormous HEMAfags, those who were convinced that old time pulp fiction was the only acceptable fantasy, those who lived and died by the Silmarillion, and those who kept up with whatever new fantasy/sci-fi show or movie happened to crop up each year.
Being a bad player is indicative of not understanding team dynamics and interpersonal relationships, and if you're already in this world of escapism, your flavor of nerd media makes no difference.
What weebs think is cute and what normal everyone else thinks is cute are two very different things
shitty clone mary sue MCs are rampant
cute desu shit for people who can't admit its magical realm
Not a single one of those posts said "all bad players like anime". Try not being so defensive.
>if you're already in this world of escapism, your flavor of nerd media makes no difference.
You can be a perfectly well-adjusted person and watch anime or play rpgs or what have you. I don't really know what you're trying to imply here. I certainly hope you aren't trying to lump all these very different things under one umbrella of "nerd media".
>perfectly well adjusted
>Veeky Forums
Regardless, you disregarded the point of the post. To make it clear, the point is the following:
Your taste in media is largely irrelevant to your skill or social adjustment as a DM or player.
Its more intense
>'everyone on Veeky Forums is an autistic freak' meme
>denying that weebs are possessed of unique and easily identified social and roleplaying deficiencies
Because those who follow weebshit know that it has become reliant on memes instead of care and imagination.
To look at weebshit is to either be turned off because it is different or to be turned off because most of it is shit
>people on Veeky Forums are different than those Filthy Normies
Well memed
more of this shit please
>can't accept jokes
the entire setting is an extremely elaborate and deadpan joke
This is a good thread
there's a picture very similar to where a bunch of anime grills are on some kind of fantasy beach house that's on the water
one of them is water for a water-based bus i think?
saw it years ago but its probs the same artist
this better be useful to you because my brain forgot a lot of childhood memories to make room for random jpegs from Veeky Forums that get burned into my brains disk space
>That and (most) anime is incredibly unrealistic in how it portrays human psychology and social interaction.
Anime is just as over the top, unrealistic, and idealized as Shakespeare and Sophocles.
Is anime narratively comparable to such works? No. But it's using the same narrative tools pioneered and refined by the Greeks and later playwrights.
It's from a setting called CAT-tastrophe, where you play as catgirls (or catboys) in a flooded post-post-apocalyptic world. Or dog-girls, or rabbitboys, or whatever the fuck.
No, but there's a bunch of noble/wealthy characters who became tsundere because they're forced to act perfect all the time, then unwittingly expose their "true self" to someone and end up using their interactions with that person as an outlet for stress.
>Take the whole tsundere character archetype. That kind of behavior usually stops by late childhood/early teens. If a grown person behaved that way in real life you would correctly assume they were severely stunted in the emotional development department.
Original definition of tsundere is "starts off disliking the protagonist, becomes affectionate by the end of the story".
Later usage involves mood swings, which generally *are* supposed to be a sign of serious issues (unless it's a gag comedy).
Later usage done badly involves a character who constantly assaults the protagonist for no reason, and never warms up to them, but whom everyone including the protagonist sees as charming anyway.
>magical girl anime
"There's a bad guy made out of pure evil and the heroes shoot love/happiness/etc. at it until it dies" is the exact opposite of grimdark.
There's only one magical girl anime that I'd call grimdark and it's not even Madoka. It's also both a Danganronpa ripoff and features powers that run on videogame mechanics
I cannot understand why westerner love edgy over cute
It's not so much edgy over cute as much as I prefer a separation based on tone. Cute is fine when it's in a cute game. Moments of cute are fine in a dark game but not constantly.
If you are referring to why fewer westerners like cute slice-of-life or magical girl tier games it's just that they don't appeal to most of us. I want danger, conflict, and lives on the line in my make believe. The more moe styling of things holds zero interest to me as none of conflicts seem worth actually caring about. I feel the same with high school settings. The drama of it didn't interest me when I was in school and even less so now.
As to edgy are you using it as the buzzword form for anything darker than cute-girls-doong-cute-things or in the actual term of try-hard pushing social norms for shock value?
Is not that anime cannot fit into normal games or that it cant be played well as a tabletop rpg. It all depends on the mood of the game, the players themselves, and if the campaign or game itself is anime inspired.
There are many games that are inspired by anime itself, and use many of its cliches and tropes in the game itself, and many of these are good. Games like Breakfast Cult, Maid, Ryutaama, and other similar games are inspired by anime or have at the very least some of the tropes applied into its mechanics or art style.
The last one is what colors its use in anime by and large now.
I think that's kind of my biggest issue with "anime" in a game sense. People want to play the archetypical anime characters which, more often than not, are just two dimensional character slots to fill out on the animeshow checklist with little real characterization to them. If fleshed out as individuals that don't fulfill stereotypes it becomes indistinguishable as anime from any other genre.
Ragnarok Online is the best mix of wacky, beautiful, cute and grimdark
I love the aesthetic but I more or less agree with this. I'd have to really trust a DM to play in a setting that takes heavy cues from anime, the games I've been in that borrowed a lot from it have always been iffy.
"Ideal" depends on context. There is no such thing, in this sense, an an absolutely best option