Can't sleep. Its story time.
"His Face, All Red".
Can't sleep. Its story time.
"His Face, All Red".
Other urls found in this thread:
feel like you missed /co/
Even if he did, I'm always down for storytimes of Emily Carrol on Veeky Forums. I use a lot of her comics as inspiration for some of my horror games.
Hell, there was a whole encounter I set up a few weeks ago that was basically Margot's Room but with a nightmarish mosquito-woman wearing the wife's skin instead of a werewolf. It was great.
Nope. Fairytale horror story for Veeky Forums. You've never seen a Veeky Forums storytime before?
My relation of similar melanin content!
Rolled 95, 2, 94, 73, 13, 48, 24, 85, 13, 83 = 530 (10d100)
Wrong board
Moar please
>being this new
>You've never seen a Veeky Forums storytime before?
Only of the DnD comics.
Oh get your shit together, we story time this all the damn time in /co/ during Halloween
I've seen _this_ storytime on Veeky Forums before, you bugger.
And plenty of others. Orion was especially good.
Sorry, someone apparently reported this thread, and it made me do all sorts of captcha to prove im not a bot.
Requiem the Vampire, Courtney Crumrin, Metabarons... We do tons of comics here. Its all genre.
Yes, and?
So Should I not bother then?
Anyone reading?
I cheated and read ahead and then cursed the author for leaving it off at that place.
I'm enjoying it, please continue as you like
I like it. Very folk-tale.
Will do.
go on
Faster you slut
Im going as fast as cooldown and captcha will let me.
I don't get it
I don't get it
The brother that came back is a doppelganger, more than that, I don't know
The artist used to come here, would post this in threads and would finish off with "And here's the link to my tumblr".
Literally just made as promotional material, don't give it too much thought.
God I love that ending. It's super good in the printed version too, since it's over a page turn, so you see one in the middle of a completely black page, then another. Thank's OP.
Maybe his broter was survived, and the skinwalker is just taking care of his business while he's knocked out at the bottom of the pit.
This is clearly the pit in the forest though, so who knows why he had been digging.
Huh, I never knew she came here. Cool.
Aaaand I don't get it
Whats not to get? They go out to hunt a monster in the forest. Brother kills a wolf thinking it was the monster, and the MC kills his brother. The monster takes the brother's place. The hole being dug could either be for the MC, or for the not-brother, and is left to be an unsettling mystery
Did you never grow up with folk and fairy tales as kids?
Not really
>Whats not to get?
>he says, while not understanding that there was no monster, just a wolf
Frick yes!
I'm personally from Scandinavia, so most of the folk tales I grew up with were norse myth and similar stuff.
But the questions here are:
>What is the monster
>Why does it take the brother's place
>Why the hole
>Why the being awkward around murder-brother
And if there is no skinwalker, then that just raises further questions
>The monster takes the brother's place.
Isn't that a different monster?
>The hole being dug could either be for
There's a doppelganger afoot and the real brother probably kills the MC when he investigates at the end.
>>he says, while not understanding that there was no monster, just a man
>Did you never grow up with folk and fairy tales as kids?
Yes, and they always ended with some kind of moral, straight forward end. This is not an unsettling mystery, it's just a "wtf" end. If you don't have an explanation or at least some kind of theory, go fuck yourself.
Wait. What if the MC actually shoots the monsterin the forest and the brother is really his brother. Then he basically jumps into the den of the creature investigating on something he never actually did
The lack of understanding is part of the point. It's meant to be like a fairy tale.
The big thing to note is that the narrator descends into a hole with a tree beside it, which the hole his "brother" is digging in the field does not have.
So what we can assume is that the narrator is in the hole where he left his actual brother for the final reveal.
But why'd his brother's actual corpse in the hole in the woods just look him in the eye like that? It seems to be an unconnected spooky phenomenon just popping up at the end for no reason, which feels out of place. I feel like something has either been omitted or been missed by me, the idiot.
>There's a doppelganger afoot and the real brother probably kills the MC when he investigates at the end.
Wow, damn, thank you, I just look at the figures without reading now all makes sense.
Really, this end makes no sense.
Interesting that the double knew the MC's credit stealing.
Also interesting. The real brother gave the MC lots of attention.
>The lack of understanding is part of the point. It's meant to be like a fairy tale.
Fairy tales makes sense in their own way. This is not the case. You simply don't know what you are talking about.
>Puts thing in deep, dark hole
>Things comes out of deep, dark hole but different and slightly unsettling
Well, "imposter" brother never actually looked MC in the eye. This is to differentiate "imposter" and "real" brothers, suggesting that his real brother is the one he does, in fact, find at the bottom of the hole at the end.
I interpreted it as the undead brother coming back in mint condition (hence the repaired coat) but he has to lie deep in the ground every night, at which point he returns to his "dead" state. The MC mentions how his brother never turns and looks at him, so it's significant that the first thing the brother does when the MC joins him in the hole is look at him.
It probably ends with the MC dead.
>So what we can assume is that the narrator is in the hole where he left his actual brother for the final reveal.
I always took that for completely implicit. The doppelganger didn't dig a hole that deep in a couple nights.
but why didn't the brother turn his face?
why did he dig a hole?
why did the first hole smell like the brother's bush already?
Doesn't explain why the brother started ignoring the MC. Doesn't explain the new hole either.
Thats honestly really sad.
>Thinking that the monster was the wolf
I guess I'll spoon feed ya'll.
The "monster" is guilt. The reason it took the form of the brother, was because opportunity was there. For the MC to out the imposter, would require the MC to admit he murdered his brother.
Let's be honest, we know the answer already: bad writing. The atmosphere and build up was good, but the artist didn't know how to finish the story.
So the MC's brother is being mimicked by a doppelganger, and is also currently a zombie or something?
What bothers me is why he doesn't kill his brother again.
Like, rather than investigate what is obviously some kind of monster hole, just kill the new duplicant, hide the body in the monster hole, and wash your hands of the matter.
>I guess I'll spoon feed ya'll.
>The "monster" is guilt. The reason it took the form of the brother, was because opportunity was there. For the MC to out the imposter, would require the MC to admit he murdered his brother.
How the fuck did I miss that?
Doubt it, but that's the most satisfying explanation.
You can't kill your own guilt by just killing its manifestation again.
Great samefaggotry.
Who says?
Have you ever tried?
It worked fine for me.
The moral is "don't go into the woods, because strange things happen there".
Here's what we know, given the information from the comic:
The brother that comes back to the village can't be the real brother, because of what is it? Who knows. Maybe it's the original monster, a shapeshifter. Maybe it's some sort of spectre/dybbuk.
The important thing is that it forces the MC to return to the scene of his crime, where something waits for him. Maybe the older brother survived the attack, and made a deal with something, or maybe he's returned as undead, or maybe it's one of those "haunted by your misdeeds until you return to the scene of your crimes and the body drags you down to hell" scenarios that pop up in narratives every now and again.
>The "monster" is guilt.
I thought to be the case but then
>Is this guilty? Or is this my brother, whole, not a double
I mean, really.
>"The REAL monster..."
>"is MAN"
>hastily pulls out flask and chugs hard
The "monster" is guilt. The reason it took the form of the brother, was because opportunity was there. For the MC to out the imposter, would require the MC to admit he murdered his brother.
Fuck. I feel like an idiot now.
Meant Did you* Auto correct and its late
>Who says?
>Have you ever tried?
>It worked fine for me.
The monster is obviously not guilt, but some form of odd forest creature. I wouldn't go to skinwalker immediately. It could be a pod person, a reptiloid, a replicant, a S.N.A.T.C.H.E.R., or any other number of things.
The fact that he is digging a hole seems to imply snatcher, so he can link up with their underground transport network.
However, the bloody body seems to imply some kind of vampire scenario.
Either way, it's clearly not guilt.