I'm playing an eleven year old school of illusion wizard. What are some spells (of any level) that an obstinate, bratty, approaching puberty boy would take?
I'm playing an eleven year old school of illusion wizard. What are some spells (of any level) that an obstinate, bratty...
Did you just assume the gender of your own character?!
As a 14th level illusionist wizard you could cast the spell programmed illusion on your arcane focus. Set the parameters to activate when a you face an expected foe, like an attacking dragon. The programmed illusion can be up to a 30ft. cube, so you can make a wall of floating tower shields, a cascading waterfall, or a large stone wall; however, I would suggest programming a subtle object like a small rock, or wisps of black smoke emanating from your shadow. As a bonus action on your turn you can use illusory reality to make the illusion real. If you happen to go first in combat, you can ready your action to trigger when a dragon makes a breath attack, an enemy holding a weapon moves within 15ft. of you, or enemy spell caster begins to cast a spell. At this time use the malleable illusion feature to change the illusion to a 30ft. wall of iron, 30 interlocking tower shields, or a 30ft. pit. You've instantly created cover for yourself and provided a free programmed illusion that acts as a contingency spell for you. Also, it is permanent until dispelled, resets after 10 minutes, requires no concentration (so you can have more than one programmed illusion at a time). One could spend a week designing programmed illusions to appear under a myriad of circumstances.
...You do realize that people can see how many posters are in a thread, right? See, watch. After I post, it'll go up to '2'.
I'm seeing 3 after your post (making it 4 after mine)
Somebody posted before me by a few seconds. Still, OP is a samefag.
>newfags trying to activate memes from 2015
Id kick you out of my house if you showed up at my table with a charactersheet like that
A bratty 11 year old boy... Jesus user we play these games to have fun.
See, as your unfortunate party member, I'm just going to drug you and sell you into the care of the local shifty wyrd and she can handle your brattiness just fine while we go get on with our lives.
Fuck off applesponge
>...You do realize that people can see how many posters are in a thread, right? See, watch. After I post, it'll go up to '2'.
Next time, just turn off auto-update and screencap it so you can see the reply and the poster count.
Isn't applesponge a type of cake?
It's a forced meme used by newfags, ledditors, and tumblr posters to try and "get" people who they think are /pol/.
So basically like counterpart of soyboy and cuck.
It's intended to be a mockery of words like "cuck" and "soyboy" that are either used so outside their original meaning as to be meaningless or just used to insult and demean with no real rhyme or reason, by deliberately using a seemingly random word to insult people.
Damn kids these days and their weird "hip" language. Back in my day we just called each other fags.
But less memorable, yeah.
More or less, but forced rather than organic. Basically they wanted a stupid insult of their own to use. Amusingly 'Nazi' and 'fascist' don't work because /pol/ considers those compliments.
The insulting context of 'cuck' is pretty obvious, soyboy nonwithstanding. It's no more strained than the generalized use of 'gay' or 'retarded' as a pejorative.
I'd say applesponge is really more like soyboy than cuck.
He's clearly going to use illusions to disguise himself as a hot girl to try and play "lit pranks" on other people, until a hotheaded orc gets wind of him and decides that "a hole is a hole" and seizes the boy on his hairy muscular arms, keeping him easily pinned and unable to cast spells while he drags him to a deserted alleyway and has his way with the boy.
It's not particularly like either of them, really. Though I guess soyboy is closest.
Soyboy is basically trying to draw a connection between weakwristed vegan asshats whose only notable personality trait is their diet (and I have had the misfortune to meet someone like this) and the far left activists who only seem good for muckraking and virtue signaling. The goal being to make the movement look weak at its core.
'Applesponge' is just noise, and specifically made to be just noise. It's supposed to be some commentary on how insignificant /pol/ is I guess, but it's so out of nowhere and doesn't connect to anything notable in the /pol/ stereotype so it just goes nowhere. Soyboy at least works in that you can make the connection between the term and skinny vegan guys, applesponge is something you'd only figure out by running up against people trying to force the term.
This thread didnt start strong, but wow did this ever get pathetic.