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>How to Jumpchain
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Anyone got PDF of that Conduit jump that got booted from the drive?
Starting off strong, I see.
Let's talk about anger, Jumpers. How long can you sustain a grudge? And do you practice any sort of self-restreint on that front, or do you liberally indulge in revenge schemes?
I'll just go ahead and officially claim The Keys to the Kingdom, considering the user who originally brought it up didn't do so. Expect a finished jump in 2-3 months, because wagecucking blows.
gotta see how bad it is
>or do you liberally indulge in revenge schemes?
Slaanesh told me to rape so I did
Quite a while.
So Imaginos V1 body (GUNNM), Busty Babe (Diebuster), Nanosuit V2 (Crysis) and The Artificial God (Supergod).
Anything else I should add into this to become a true Deus Ex Machina that uses no supernatural aspects?
Come on every scene with jesus is pretty good.
Super Robot Wars is criminally underrated, with all those you could merge with one of the suits and with enough perks from there become a destroyer god of gravity. Powered by science. And also alchemy. Also Macross, and Symphogear
And you're already creating mass and energy ex nihilo, continuously evolving in ways unsupported by the standard model and are an advanced weapon of mass destruction designed by the same people who derived energy from mathematical formulas. Not systems, but actual maths that somehow generate energy. It's a little too late to quibble over not being supernatural.
What is this?
Over four years going at least.
>And do you practice any sort of self-restreint on that front, or do you liberally indulge in revenge schemes?
>Super Robot Wars
Haven't actually heard about this, do I just need to combine with the suit to actually become a god of gravity?
Oh that's a good one.
Isn't that stuff magic? Like being powered by songs or emotions or something?
>derived energy from mathematical formulas
But user, this shows I am the true Deus Ex Machina. I derive power from literal math and logic, it's not supernatural. It's more just a natural thing taken to the true extreme.
God is Dead, some comic people were talking about in the context of maybe being made into a jump after they noticed it was made by the same company as Spawn.
It's objectively trash, but I mean if you like edgy fuckfights there's no shortage of that. And the trashiness does tie into the metaplot, if you care about such things. Buddha and some random Native American demigods fixing/destroying everything at the end come off as massive Mary Sues after you have the motherfucking Trimurti and YHVH himself trapped in this endless cycle of violence, though
The spinoff/interquel Book of Acts is much better, mainly because it's a series of mostly unrelated stories in the same setting and because the main point of it is to give different perspectives on the living narrative aspects of the gods
Jesus a chump.
I have a terrible temper but I'm physically unable to hold a grudge. If I did have one I'd probably over-correct with trying to stay fair and proper.
Threadly reminder that you had four years to make that jump for the series you enjoy, so complaining about quality, canonicity or people making jumps for series that aren't finished is just entitled shitstirring.
>Black Panther jump
Why would it nees its own jump when its part of mcu already? Why must you start this at 5 AM in a new thread? Get a job nigga!
If you care, you'd hop on the IRC while Red is on and ask her yourself.
Desu if the jumps were split, I'd rather just have separate jumps for the Netflix series. Jessica Jones, Daredevil and Luke Cage are just completely different from the movies in tone and content, it's easy to forget they're even part of the MCU. Of course, last time I saw either was more than a year ago, so something could've changed since then.
Besides 'An Inner Clockwork' from Penny Dreadful, are there any perks to prevent you from butterflying away the setting's happy ending?
Maybe something that enforces fate in settings where fate isn't necessarily a thing?
Having never seen any of those, are they actually set in the same universe with the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy?
Don't forget Iron Fist. I know it's really easy to forget Iron Fist and I do too sometimes but it did exist. Unfortunately.
They are but it like never ever matters or comes up aside from the vaguest side mention one liners.
How do you boost morale, /jc/?
You just shoot the first person that tries to run. Morale is useless, you need your troops to fear you more than they fear the enemy.
I'm sure the Comissariat loves your sense of duty to the Emperor.
>said the impulsive, angry meatball whose sister sacrificed herself to let her comrades survive, as the rebels' last line of defence explodes in the background
Maaaan, more than anything The Last Jedi suffered from the writers having no goddamn idea what kind of story they wanted to tell.
Im pretty sure sun tzu said to do something similar. What with his whole edict of cutting off the head of any soldier who disobeys.
Give the men a reason to fight, give them a bunch of better gear, and pump them full of bardic magic to make them stronger.
Harem perks
Dungeon Siege 2 has Railroad Plot, which helps keep the world going as it would have without your interference unless you want to make a change, in which case it then helps you to make those changes.
When their will is subordinate to my own, morale ceases to be an issue.
Pole dancing.
Thanks user. Just what I was looking for.
Mathew Reily Universe (I think that's how you spell the name) has a perk that keeps the plot working. It's kinda needed in that universe cause of some fuckery that a bunch of aliens thought up in order to challenge humans.
It's been a long time since I read the Art of War, but I vaguely recall that decapitation was for deserters rather than disobedience.
I do realize that decapitation covers the "tries to run," of course. And I could be misremembering the Art of War.
That's the one where things are so precarious where accidentally changing anything pretty much guarantees that everything ends, isn't it?
They did actually. My luck perks ended up with me being the Lord of the Comissariat, then when politics got boring I got myself a Warrant of trade and pissed off. By the end of the jump I was still confused as to why I had a Xeno construct named Orrikan and a strange Eldar who called himself Eldrad giving me advice. There was also a random clown, Ceogorach or some such I think their name was, he told the most fabulous jokes.
Basically. I mean I think some of the failures include making the moon fall, turning the sun supernova and perhaps forcing another galaxy to collide with our own in a manner that destroys both. It's.. it's a strange place from what I've read in the jump.
I was thinking the part where he made that all woman group to proove he was the real deal, he then decapitated one for not following orders and trained them into a fighting force. I could be wrong though it has been years for me too.
Anyone familiar with Negima, How strong is Gift of the Twilight Imperium?
Could you tank magical strategic nukes (Strategic Class Magician, The Irregular at Magic Highschool)?
>You are INCREDIBLY resilient to magic. In fact, any and every form of magic simply cannot effect you unless you will it to do so. Blasts of force hit you and do nothing, and while fireballs may threaten your clothes you will not even feel the heat. With training, you can even weaponize this ability, forcing summoned or magical creatures to fade away when you strike them. You can choose to be affected by a particular bit of magic, but doing so feels unnatural.
>Your Magic is strong. Like, holy shit is it strong.
>This manifest in being in the possession of a custom Magic Sequence capable of damage similar in scale to strategic weaponry, like nuclear bomb or large-scale artillery, representing your potential for destruction. Or it could be a defensive power on the same scale. It’s your choice of spell.
Would help if anyone is making that
>Jesus a chump.
the whole defeating death thing is kinda funny though
>Black Panther jump
616 or MCU?
now I can kill white farmers
Gift of the Twilight Imperium is fundamentally an absolute magic negation that, without any conscious effort, only applies to your person.
Whether it would apply to a Strategic sequence is another matter - If the magic directly applies, then yes... The MC's Strategic magic works by creating what amounts to a small-scale nuclear detonation though - The blast is a simple scientific byproduct of splitting atoms in a small bit of matter.
I cannot fucking stand the Rebels. It's the same thing every goddamn time.
>xD We're gonna save the galaxy so that things can go back to the corruption and criminals running loose because we literally will not take the appropriate actions to stop them, and also we're going to kill MILLIONS while "saving" everyone but who cares they're mean :(
Lawful Evil or get out of my face. The real world can hardly not manage being run in anything but an authoritarian manner. Put that shit on the scale of Star Wars and there just objectively isn't enough time in the day to do it any other way, and even then I would doubt it's efficiency, but it's the best system there is.
Not to say you can just get ride of the criminals, because I'm aware of the place of Hutts and things, it's just better to control evil rather than get rid of it*
>but it did exist. Unfortunately.
I keep hearing through others that the fight scenes are just plain bad and boring. Is this true?
I doubt it if the blast is powerful enough to cause ambient shockwaves, and also since the blast itself is technically a naturalistic matter-energy conversion while the magic is merely affecting an information dimension to manipulate physical properties.
Much science version of throwing a rock or creatince ice, basically.
You know, he could have just jumped off the speeder and let it crash without him.
Yes. The problem is that Iron Fist doesn't wear his mask for like the entire show, meaning they can't get a stunt actor in like with Daredevil (And Jones/Cage aren't martial artists, just bruisers, so it's okay for them to just brawl). Meaning they have to use the actual Iron Fist actor in most of the fights...who is clearly not a trained martial artist. What makes it even worse is that he's meant to be this epic master of fighting and yet only his enemies and side characters actually look like that. If he was on his own it might not be as bad.
>now I can kill white farmers
I think some people pointed out that despite Palpatine being trigger happy, the Empire was actually run very efficiently. Didn't this whole mess happen because 1. The first rebels literally threw away all their military infrastructure after overthrowing the Empire, and 2. for some reason Leia & Han trusted a creepy old man to play uncle to their son?
I'm starting to think the real balance between the light side and dark side is tha the light side slowly lobotomises you.
>Isn't that stuff magic? Like being powered by songs or emotions or something?
Sort of. It's a bit like Ar Tonelico in that it has more to do with sound being physical waves than what they're actually singing about. The stuff they're using basically starts shitting unholy amounts of energy when you sing at it in the right way. Their stuff is actually incredibly advanced power armor that's sort of an energy projection which can grow all sorts of mechanical parts and shit.
It's like Nanoha in that it's called "magic" but it's actually just an energy source they can manipulate like electricity and so on. No reality warping, violation of thermodynamics or the like to be found.
One of my favorite rants has to come from someone complaining about the fight scenes in Iron Fist. He got so angry, he declared the original Power Rangers as having better fighting.
The scary part is, I'm not sure if he was exaggerating or not.
Palpatine's Empire was more efficient, despite not having been around all that long and having to still jump through hoops with the Senate for most of that time. Were there negatives to it? Of course there were, no nation is flawless, and no coup is ever truly bloodless.
But Sheev managed a much less bloody coup than the rebels did, and that should tell you something.
>No reality warping, violation of thermodynamics or the like
There is, in fact. But that's the purview of the Lost Logia and Alhazred.
>Not your post but twitter and facebook and reddit. Proof that africa is genociding white farmers and landowners and all anyone is saying is "lol they desrv it fo bein whit" like seriously?
They just want to shoot boers for their own problems, I mean their ancestors are long gone but they can take it out on the descendants
I agree with you, the fucking rebels are literally blowing up government buildings and killing people for no reason. They are terrorists. Sure the empire had its faults, no questions there, but the rebels are murdering millions in order to disolve the empire and them once they do? THEY DONT FIX ANYTHING they just let the broken galaxy decend into war. The movies and shows even make me like the empire more than them, and the shows go out of their way to make the empire cartoonishly evil. I fucking hate the rebels.
But they're mean tho
It's more like Jedi/Freedom so long as it doesn't oppose on other's freedom, or Sith/Control even if it is oppressive. It's more nuanced depending on the individuals and goals at hand, but that's what it goes back to most of the time. Sure, Palps was objectively incredibly evil and occasionally tortured people and it would certainly be shit if your ticket got pulled, but he made the trains run on time.
My current jumper rules by effectively being so ludicrously good at logistics it's impossible to overthrow her. Well, that is, if you try, you'll get two days into your coup before realizing the thousands of supplies that were in cold storage for a decade were actually empty boxes, and you've been shipped thousands of active targeting beacons instead of IFF units like you thought.
It's very Lawful Evil, but man Lawful Evil is the funnest alignment to play.
2 lewd?
Sheev did it legally too, the senate gave him power legally and the rebels are illegally trying to tear down their own government to undo it.
Jesus christ star wars mirrors the american elections.
>The Rebels when talking about Sith
Anyone know a good place to find strong independent women to ravish?
Not really, there are no censors in there
Also you get a chance to 'drink' the Juice
Nah jedi are more about not rocking the boat, sith will do anything if it gets the job done. Light side is also run by a bunch of retards. Not a euphimism they actually retard their ability to feel emotions because emotions are darkside.
Is the country from the scenario in Fire Emblem Archanea able to expand at all? I want a goddamn Empire.
Have an update with A perk,And an item.
>violation of thermodynamics
Doesn't one of their warships straight up destroy bits of space-time/
No.. go away.
Well, to be fair, he did commit sedition to set things up to be legally voted the power. So it wasn't entirely legal - But overthrowing a government is rarely done so cleanly, so I have to give him props for his method and the irony of being elected to lead the successor State by the one he was overthrowing.
Your (((friend))) was wrong. Leave and stay gone.
For those femanons here, and rapeanons too
I still dont understand why the jedi wanted to destroy the trade federation. Just... why? So these guys want to have free trade in their sectors of space why does that mean you have to blow them up?
Couldn't it be reasonably viewed as Deus Ex Machina after a point, though? Jewel Seeds are the like just being incredibly advanced machinery?
Although now I'm starting to remember some of the ridiculous bullshit that FORCE decided to include and I'm despairing.
You're probably thinking of the Arc-En-Ciel. Which... I think really just scrunches it up over and over, instead of actually destroying it. Basically black hole spaghetti mode.
You're correct, except for the part where Sheev committed treason by engineering a war on the Republic, coerced or bribed a majority of the Senate, and refused to give up emergency powers when the emergency's duration was over.
Kill yourself.
>I think really
You sure? Because I distinctly remember both wiki and thread saying that it straight up destroys. Which seems pretty damn magical to me.
Also you know, murder. In the cartoon at least, he shanked Maul's brother.
Is saying DEW IT really loudly at a Jedi Knight wracked by a moral dilemma with a helpless Sith Lord at his feet a crime?
What's the perk and item added?
Things like this make me think that the Jedi are socialists, with an absolute disregard for the concept of capitalism. After all, capitalism represents ambition and desire, which is very much against the Jedi way.
You're a real cutie
Accessory maybe? I mean depending on how you see the Jedi him not going quietly could be resisting arrest too.
I fleshed out ludicrous power as well as classic kaijin and I added painful car and Tweak's Mo-cap data so it should actually work as intended now
I actually suspect it shreds it and tosses it adrift into the Dimensional Sea which, as we know from the aftermath of Precia's lab, essentially loses things to space and time.
...probably that they were basically overthrowing and enslaving worlds and then declared war on the republic after they found out the trade feds were building massive armies to do so and breaking so many laws, like all the laws, around making armies and weapons?
I feel like Phantom Menace was trying to imply as hard as possible that they were an eeeeeevil monopoly with no space human rights as hard as possible, what with the killer droid army and all, without actually having to explain socioeconomics in a story about space wizards with laser swords.
I was thinking harassment, myself.
Go away.
The Dimensional Sea itself contradicts the standard model, tho
Don't encourage him, retard.
Ok this is gonna sound dumb but I thought their main export was droids.
Why do you even need slaves or really even livable planets when you have a literal army of robots to do all the work?
And since my post got cut off: I was thinking the Jedi are more like actual anarcho-syndicalists. They don't seem to have a preference for the exact style of government, as long as things get made and they get to have a say in how it's run.
That's just another part of their hypocrisy by the way, they keep preaching detachment from all things. And yet this monastic order is sitting around playing space cops for a single planet's government.
>contradicts the standard model, tho
Of course it does. But the root of this conversation was not talking about a hard science only jumper, unless he somehow thinks creating mass and energy ex nihlo is within the purview of the standard model.
>contradicts the standard model
So do the Devices and ships in general, given their dimensional pocket nature.
And magic, given that even without a Device people can still use spells, meaning it's not simply a magitech system (see: Yuuno.)
If we're gonna be completely honest, the canon of Nanoha is an absolute goddamn mess. They begin with "it's technology!" but have Nanoha using telepathy 'with her heart' and so on until early A's when they hard turn straight into "okay no REALLY it's technology". You could make an argument that all the 'heart' stuff is just teaching amateur mages the basic steps and learning their very limited natural control, but do you seriously think that was the intention at the time?
Nanoha: When Cthulhutech advances sufficiently far (Alhazred) that it spawns subordinate systems of magic (Belka and Midchilda) which overthrow the original.
Gud ruck
She could just be a wonky technopath? I mean unless its mind activated tech.. never seen the show myself.
What conspiracies did you uncover in Great Detective, Conspiracy Theorist, or other jumps?
>What conspiracies did you uncover in Great Detective, Conspiracy Theorist, or other jumps?
Jewish people are arabs in denial and Irish people are the ones who actually run the world
mileage may very on the "strong" part but:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Totally Spies
Marvel and DC
Explain pic?