Is Skycoin a good idea or nah? What's the deal with Skywire Miner?
Skycoin (SKY)
probably the best coin you could buy now. gonna moon in a few months when miners get released
I just can't quite figure out what the product they're trying to make is all about. From what I read it's some kind of service that pays you to give away your internet browsing data?
Skycoin is very interesting. I'm holding some, though I do have concerns. They use a consensus algorithm they call Obelisk. It's very interesting. However, the words "in practice" and "in reality" sure do come up a lot. A denial of service attack seems more likely than with other coins because of how the algorithm depends on miners producing similar blocks and how it is still possible for it to reach a state where consensus cannot be reached. I think that's one of my smaller issues though. The bigger issue I have is about the team. None of them use their real names anywhere. There have been interviews with one of the creators who goes by "skycoin synth". The dude is a little nutty. Additionally, they have major problems finishing anything they start. They start some new grandiose project one after another. I'm optimistic about Skycoin overall though and maybe I'm wrong and the other stupid projects they have planned do manage to be successful. I'm skeptically holding.
Skycoin promises everything and all the sketchy behavior on top of that. I'd say this is a relative to crypto even high risk high reward coin. If I had to bet however I'd call i a scam. Which is why I'm out after a +120% gain. Hope it moons for those still in.
Im all in, it's only a matter of time until people realise it is the most ambitious fleshed out project in the market right now.
Fuck day trading
Why would you be all in on such a risky coin? Are you a gambler?
From what I've seen in Veeky Forums and on their telegram, some of the devs look unstable/unprofessional desu. If you can get it at a good price, sure, but I don't know if I'd trust the team behind it not to pull some insane shit at some point, which makes it a riskier bet than some other projects. I have no idea if it's easy or profitable to mine though, but their miner does look cool.
Nice ID. Well done.
I've done my research and I believe in the fundamentals and im sick of day trading, I have enough money.
That's why it is undervalued, all good projects are because people cant be bothered to understand them, this was the same when bitcoin was first being developed. Skycoin have devs who worked on bitcoin
Just watch Synths coin interview, he is very stable
i actually like the devs and their idea. half of my portfolio is sky.
>Just watch Synths coin interview, he is very stable
Watching it now, thanks.
>I have enough money
You fookin won't once helium laugh and his merry band of anonymoose pull their crazy shit on you. Have you heard this one guy in interviews? He is vocal about not giving a shit about people.
If you want to sit back comfy on an all in go with skateboard partnerships for an ez 20x this year. Thy gamble?
Are you a paid shill or even from the team? Stop tricking newfags.
why are you fudding so hard pajeet?
Im not paid but I am invested if you can call that bias, but you should dyor anyway
thanks just sold 100k
The name makes me think of Skynet and spooky killer robots from the future and for that reason I am out
Because I believe in decency and my doubt is my honest opinion. To be frank there's generally something off about posters in almost all skycoin threads, I might be terribly ridiculously wrong but all these fucking sugar sweet play always unfolding here.
I have done my research and because of that I think a post like this one is the strangest fucking thing coming from a guy who's supposedly done his research. Nobody in their right mind would all in on skycoin. So I think it more likely than not that you're a puppet.
>To be frank there's generally something off about posters in almost all skycoin threads
i have been poopsocking biz for months (bought in skycoin originally at like .0008) and i haven't noticed this. skycoin threads are generally like 15 posts long and go to archive. i mean, look, sky very recently did a 2x+ and there are barely any threads on biz still
>i have been poopsocking biz for months
No wonder, your ID betrays you, literally FBI
Even if you don't like the other things, the coin fees (none) and transaction speed/limits make this coin undervalued.
Ofcourse there is something off about us, we actually really care about the technology rather than just the gains, like the original people in bitcoin.
>we actually really care about the technology rather than just the gains
i do care about the gains short-term, but i am using those gains to accumulate the 3 crypto that i actually believe in: xmr, sky, and eth. i whored sky out earlier to buy more xmr (sorry baby) but i've since bought back in and have the same amount of sky.
if fucking ripple gains complete dominance and the bankers take over again i am going to kill myself
A mans got to eat, regardless of what happens, the next few years are going to be absolutely insane for crypto.
I could definitely see the rippling happening, so much dumb money right now who have no clue what good coin distribution entails
i really do see crypto as another chance for humanity to not fuck up wealth distribution. i am not a commie, i lean toward capitalism, but the fiat bullshittery where there are trillions of fake dollars with no backing but american bullets makes me love crypto. i am putting as much cuckbuxx as i can spare into crypto with absolutely no intention of cashing out back to fiat because i am tired of all the fucking restriction that the gov and other entities have placed on fiat
Why hasn't anybody checked these trips?
>Just watch Synths coin interview, he is very stable
He sounds like a mountain of cocaine
>obsessed with proclaiming being done with day trading
ergo was until recently a retard because nobody who can make day trading work goes straingt to russian roulette on skycoin
Has a mantra of
>I understand the fundamentals
>They were early bitcoin
what a deep insight, at least it sounds good
>dumb money right now who have no clue what good coin distribution entails
im out
>im out
bye, pajeet
check my trips
I'm skeptical, on one hand projects like Sky are doing distribution right, on the other hand the smart will always find lots of ways to trick the dumb.
I see crypto more of a forced awakening for a lot of people, it is forcing/tricking them into learning a lot about technology/finances. It scares me because they will have to create increasingly elaborate systems of control to deal with it.
Im not all in lol, i still trade, i was exaggerating, im all in for the long term, I siphon 80% of my profits trading into it and im not fucking selling
>It scares me because they will have to create increasingly elaborate systems of control to deal with it.
there will be a point where these systems of control become too much for the average person to bear, along with other pressures exerted by a society that would allow such systems of control to exist.