Anyone have any recommendations for a system that can match the tone/setting of pic related? I'd like to run something for some friends, but I'm not sure what to use, I was thinking about GUMSHOE since it's rules light but I'll take any recommendations. Also has anyone played the board game? It's on sale but the shipping is the price of the game so I'd like to know it's worth the price.
Anyone have any recommendations for a system that can match the tone/setting of pic related...
I just wanted to say that Theodor Bastard is doing the OST for the coming part.
I've played the original game and thought it should have music by Theodor, I listened to the music and thought it was meant to be in the Pathologic.
We live in the best timeline.
Haha, I downloaded Amazon Music last night just to get the free trial so I could listen to the soundtrack asap since I didn't back the remake, probably gonna buy it soon because I just got a bonus in. It's really good, I'm going to try to play The Marble Nest soon but it probably won't run on my computer.
If you order the boardgame, from what I heard, be prepared that it's a competitive game where if nobody takes the fall, everybody loses. Which is an... interesting dynamic.
As for the game, I'm almost certain it's actually based on an RPG session, but I have no idea in what system. For some reason I'm thinking something CoC-like, % based "simulationist" with the GM running it like it's a freeform.
GURPS to showcase the mind-numbing tedium of gameplay.
>I have no idea in what system
>thinking russians use systems
90% chance it was freeform.
Look up Noumenon.
You play as dreaming (dead? possibly unborn?) psychic roach people who metamorphose throughout the game. As I recall the conflict resolution is handled with dominoes.
Dunno what russian RPG scene is like to be honest, but if it's anything like the LARP scene, it's running on 'shrooms.
I mean, you only have to play Pathologic to see that
Is there even people who played Noumenon?
Now that's an insult to all Russian LaRPers
I will have you know that they actually function on alcohol
I'll look it up. The group I'm playing with is pretty green to ttrpgs so I'm trying to ease them in with something relatively easy to get into. That's kind of why I was considering GUMSHOE, because it's super easy to understand, and the resource management aspect of the skills sort of falls in line with the gameplay of Pathologic. I'm curious to see how the conflict/resolution thing works with dominoes, thanks for the recommendation.
Oh shit, was this game done by the guys who did Knock Knock? That game was the shit.
>googled it
Nice. thanks, user.
Yup, I'm playing Knock-Knock while I play Pathologic and it's pretty fun. They also have another game that's pretty good called The Void, it's very dreamy and surrealist. Also they're remaking Pathologic, and I'm pretty sure you can get a demo of the remake on their website. I will say though, Pathologic and The Void are pretty frustrating with their resource management (I like it, but make sure you save often because the games kind of assume you've got a hold on things while it's teaching them to you )
>That game was shit.
Fixed that for you.
Every Ice Pick game has been worse than the one before.
That's just russians.
>not knowing the mushroom elves
I thought the Void was really good, I haven't played cargo but it looks kind of eh. Knock Knock was good for what it was, but I couldn't imagine paying more than the dollar or so I spent on it.
Early albums were released under the name Фeдop Cвoлoчь, which is basically the same but in Russian. They are very different in style though.
You might also want to try Shiva in Exile, which is a side project of the female vocalist.
It's a lazy stereotype that all Russians do is drink. They also huff petrol fumes and smoke, usually at the same time.
Like every time this game comes up, GURPS
That or something like the urban shadows, since it has some neat political
One user actually played a Pathologic game in 5e, and it apparently turned out well, so hey.
I'd be curious to see how that 5e game went, especially since so much of Pathologic is just the walking and talking. It would be cool to do a low level no xp game though.
>huff petrol fumes and smoke, usually at the same time
Wouldn't that set your larynx on fire?
yeah if ur a pussy lol
Look in the archive for the last Pathologic thread (or was it two threads ago?) the user described how it went
Unknown Armies
If you want the tone, then I'd say Apocalypse World. If you wanted to accurately approach the place of the player in the world and the problems they deal with, I'd say refluffed Dogs in the Vineyard.