Warhammer 40k

Rough Rider edition.


>Warhammer TV Tip of the day:



>Old Black Library Mega:


>Previous Thread:

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i guess this one has the previous thread linked

First for pheromone trail being useless

Tau codex looks boring/bland as fuck, but stratagems could still save it.

Quick, fix the tau codex by releasing a fun, not over powered stratagem.

Mind Control
2 CP
Use at the beginning of the phase
Choose an enemy unit within 12 inches of an Ethereal unit you control. You may immediately shoot or pile in and fight with that unit as it were your own unit in the appropriate phase. If it already is the appropriate phase (for example, you forced a unit to shoot in the shooting phase), then that unit can no longer be chosen to do that action this phase by your opponent.

How about some kroot stratagems?
Or even Vespid?

what are those?

>not linking previous thread is a sign of laziness
>still has forgebane preview
>no 40kg

Why would you want stratagems for shit units?

Jump Boost
Use whenever, i don't give a fuck. Choose a unit you own with a jet pack. It can immediately move as if it were the movement phase.

what units are those? doesn't sound like most iconic tau unit, the iconic riptide

Persistent Targeting
Choose an enemy unit with markerlight tokens on it. Those tokens don't wear off for the rest of the game.

So I bought a Lord of Change on a whim today, guess I'm building a Tzeentch Daemon force after all

Is the sword worth taking on the big bird, or stick with the staff? Impossible Robe seems like a no brainer choice for the relic, with the -1 damage taken warlord trait I guess?

I'm planning on running a bunch of flamers as well; it looks like they'd be really vicious with the Deep Strike strategem or even summoning, anything I should watch out for them with?

Which of the Imperial flyers are actually good? Particularly the Forge World stuff.

I liked the idea of a multi-race alliance, as shit as their rules are now.
The alliance part seems to have taken a backseat to the anime mecha element of Tau.

A couple weeks ago I brought this from a charity shop and after looking through this wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Codices_(List) I found it wasnt in the list, as far as im aware it's 2nd edition, it contains rules for every army, contains lots of lore, how to paint, building an army, scenarios and lots of colour photos of the oringinal models for most armys.

Just wanna find out what it is and how much it could be worth

If it literally works whenever, and like it's the movement phase, I will make a coldstar with fusion blades, maybe even pay the extra CP to add an onegar, move him 20", charge, fight in my fight phase, and then dip before the enemy's fight phase.

thats 3rd ed

it's the 3rd ed core book, don't expect much

It’s the 3rd edition rulebook.
It was the 8th of the time, but instead of Index it had every army in the basic rulebook.

It also has the lore for Stone men and non retarded Imperium world nomination

>It also has the lore for Stone men
Wasn't it like, one sentence?

ill then shoot you using my admech statagem which lets me shoot whenever the fuck

Ty anons


>Particularly the Forge World stuff.

Fucking Waacfag.

sounds fair to me, since you're spending a limited resource to accomplish that, and it is inferior to just deep striking drones directly into combat with units you want to tie up

*protects this thread*

which hive fleet has the neatest fluff?


Son, lost weight. Too much weight.

*helps paladin senpai protect this thread*

Flgs is having a "for fun" Great Crusade tourny. 1250pts and you have to bring a Special -Named- Character. I have been slowly painting my Primaris from the dark imperium set as Lamenters and was considering bringing them and Malakim Phoros to this.

Seeing as it's for fun, I thinking of making this fluffy as fuck, Malakim and his army running up the board as a last ditch "heroic charge" and if they don't get shot to fuck before they reach charging distance I'll drop in 1-2 Sanguinary Guard to assist them.

Does this sound like something fun to go up against or does it sound to tactically retarded to even be used in a 100% fluff list.

Checked. It might be a cyclops but it's kind of cute.

Thoughts on my shitty WIP thicc scheme for some fucking bugs?

>Implying that FW is overpowered outside of a small selection of units spammed by tryhards
>Implying that the crappy plastic flyers for SM/IG (Valkyrie not included) don't look like shit compared to the FW models.

I want a bomber that doesn't look like shit but don't want to shoot myself in the foot. Sue me.

That has never been legal, even with homing beacon, you can't end a move within 1" of an enemy.

And B, if JSJ works like that startagem, that's fine, because a warlord trait lets me JSJ.

>The ghostkeel got a huge buff
>Already pretty good

Should I get Forgebane if I don't play Ad Mech or Necrons or 40k?

Nah, sounds fun. Maybe explain what you're going for to your opponent so they don't think you're a retard.

Brrrrrrrt is good boy


Not how Ethereals work.

3rd sphere Markerlights
Select an enemy unit with one or more ML on it. All shooting attacks against that unit gain +1 to hit.

>etherals dont mind control

t. ethereal

Are Tactical Bombs any good? They seem fun to use, but the missiles seem just better in every way.

>JSJ WL trait
People keep saying that but I havent seen shit
Where do you get this info?

Kronos or Tiamat.

Oh good they're buffing riptides.

Fucking TEQs man.

If you play and (and maybe chaos depending on how they're integrated) armies you can probably make use of the knights. Otherwise I guess you should wait until it's released and see if you can get an into game at a GW. If you enjoy it buy if not don't buy

>australian wild life
gimme a unit like pic related geedubs!

That a crab? What's going on with its pincers?

I think it looks good user, albeit maybe a bit too dark. Then again I am a shit painter that just started nids myself so what the fuck do I know.

I guess the tiny crab just feeds off plankton and stuff like that, the pincers are basically filters where all the food gets caught up and then it can be nomed by stuffing your face in it

Does IG even have plastic flyers besides Valkyrie?

Does Malakim have a model?

So what happened to Eisenhorn, ultimately? He was un-hereticed by the Inquisition, popped in to see Ravenor a few times. Do we have a canon end-of-life tale?

Do damage dealing stratagems for 3 CP like Orbital Bombardment or Nurgles Rot even have a use?
Did any of you anons actually try them?

How about raiding ? Just to remind the faggots who's the favored one

they hold sea anemones and use em to punch shit and collect food


go back to plebbit you nigger

Nope, but I converted a Primaris Apocothary to be one.

Thanks, hoping it will lead to some fun matches but it'll completely fall apart to shooting heavy armies.

OB is trash, don't wash your CP on it.

Great job! Amazing model.

I really feel like it should still just be a one use ability.

Fine, is "shitposting" easier to understand ?

Of course it did. Kiddies and weebs like teh big robuts way more than the slightly more nuanced racial unity politics.

Nothing like throwing internal balance out the window entirely, amirite? :P

It would have been nice to have more units worth taking. Been ages since I've seen a lot of Tau stuff on the table.

get a load of this fag

What is this 'shitposting'?

If you want to get started in one of those armies, yes.

If you think they'd just be fun to paint, yes.

Otherwise probably not.

Dude that's awesome. I mean, buying a small character model for 35$ is ridiculous but you made it worth it!

Someone used it once in a ~10k apoc game I was in.
Everyone groaned at something that wasted so much time.

How about leave them fucking alone?
The're depressed as it is

Something that you practice everyday ?

Not all Forge World is WAAC, user. Just saying....

Just look at the thread, most of them are lost in their delusions, believing the game will last more than 10y

I'm going to start fielding Broadsides again and it's going to be glorious.

So you're just going to rub it in their faces?
God, you're like a vegan that opens up every conversation with 'as a vegan'

Lived out his life on a retirement planet with his own little plot of land and pet dog.

Is this the inquisitorial equivalent of 'gone upstate to live on a farm', or was he mentioned in a book? Eisenhorn and Ravenor are about the only 40k books I could stomach.

Yes, because i hate these fags for willingly accepting the atrocious lore and models gw shat out for them


Full unit of railsides plus the commander strat for swag points, I don't care if it's less effective than just having the Commander shoot.

sounds like how a lot of people feel about /40kg/

Anyone want to raid /40kg/? Those faggots have it coming.

I haven't read any of them user, I just didn't want you to be sad.

Is there any lore suggesting they can mind control non T'au?

I think thats already pretty well covered

you have to be 18 to post on Veeky Forums kiddo

is this a general? I don't have much to say about rough riders.

How dare people like things you don't like, dear shitposter?

I, luckily, have 3 magnetized ones and I'm slightly in favour of the missile ones.
quick calculations leads me to believe mont'ka + commander ability kills any t7 3+ model in the game barring magnus (who's left on like 2 wounds).

I don't care if it's less effective either because I'm probably going to run CIB commander and he's pretty short on range which means you need him close. For the first round it's unlikely you will have many targets for him anyway so it's probably better to use mont'ka on your gunline/broadsides anyway

The vendetta is made from the valkyrie kit with a FW upgrade kit, so it's mostly plastic (or it could be kitbashed from HWTs or something)


the alien auxhiliaries would be the most likely

>Being this emotional about tiny toy soldiers on space or medieval fantasy

Shitposter-kun, you need help

Gulliman is ma waifu.

Well, ATT is down so you'll have to scour the Dakka Dakka thread.

Good job user, it looks good. Your edge highlights might be a little thick but I have that problem too.

Not a crazy one, but I feel like it would be 2CP based on other race's strategem. Ditto

Shocking right ? But we live in a world where a man got elected as potus while screaming fake new and muh wall, so i think my autism is pretty tame compared to his

>calling the election autistic

>not mentioning the nuclear sperg out after the results of the election because people didnt like it