ITT:tell me about the nations that goes DEUS VULT! in your fantasy setting
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Literally all of them.
They all derive their national identity from ancestor worship, culture heroes and tribal deities, so basically everything that is in the nation's best interest is a good and pious act.
A massive Island nation that has split into two nations. The Avion, who were northen people who sided with Queen Avion and now worship her as a goddess/saint who saved them from the southern Savages, the Fionna, who were looking to appease their Fey Gods with human sacrifices after a terrible blight destroyed many crops (it was actually the work of demon worshipping cultist who were killed off by the Witch Queen Fionna).
The Avion attempted to march onto the south with the newly formed military might granted to them from the Mainland Empire but were pushed back and the two nations have basically been in a 200 year stalemate
Here's mine.
>It is called the Dominion Of Light a dystopian religious lawful evil empire pretending to be noblebright lawful good one.
>state religion is the Church Of Yaldabaoth.
>races of the empire are dwarves, humans,halflings and mainly light elves.
>the empire is actually a remnant of a bigger empire ruled by sun elves until the light elves separated from them and caused a civil war which drove the sun elves into near extinction and fleeing into an unknown island.
>their god Yaldabaoth will declare a god of a race a demon if he/she doesn't agree with him controlling the world and the other gods and ironically he is actually a delusional pretender god
Theocracy of the Pale
They worship Pholtus and no other. Those that do not are heretical heathens that must be purged
Not a nation, but the Executioners of the Ecclesiastic Church are the ones who do it. They go full Deus Vult on any and all Warlocks/Witches and monsters.
Ironically, the Vampires.
It's funny because in the end the Crusaders fucked up and lost horribly at the end of every Crusade (particularly the one where they thought it would be a good idea to send children to do the fighting for them).
Deus Vult indeed, retards.
The only nation-state in the Plateau, the totalitarian theocracy of Tsuxia is too preoccupied with cultural homogeneity to be expansionist -- this is fortunate for Slipstream inhabitants, since Tsuxia houses slightly more than half of the total human population in known existence. Tsuxi doctrine is that geeps and womps are Invaders and Streamies are poor Invader attempts as infiltrators, so the population is homogenous -- there are plats of every color, but only plats, to the point where being too tall is suspect. However, most Tsuxis peasants and workers do not even believe that the people outside the Plateau are anything other than monsters or demons.
Hybrid and deep life is hunted down and disposed of mercilessly, which has allowed the Plateau to function as a biological reservoir for the old ecosystem. A large "shield wall" has been erected to block off the Plateau's only mist-lapped valley; what little commerce Tsuxia has with the outside goes on there, and periodically exiles are left there. Crystals are rare, and are generally mined from the Plateau's outer walls; power comes from geothermal vents and windmills.
Tsuxia's government claims itself to be an extension of the Celestial Bureaucracy and the descendent of the shadowy organization that managed to repel the Invasion a thousand years ago; in practice, today Tsuxia looks like an amalgamation of every badly-run empire in human history. Few buildings are over three stories tall, the cities are livable gray and uninspiring, the political structure in practicesquat and brutal. A third, or a tenth, or one percent ó it's impossible to tell ó are part of Oversight, the counterespionage branch of the Bureaucracy, which controls all economic, social, and political activity in Tsuxia.
Fear of the long-dead Invaders is constant, and paranoia is institutionalized. In fairness, however, it was this brutal system of control that allowed any semblance of human civilization -- not to mention the original ecosystem of the world -- to survive after the botched Invasion. Tsuxia has been officially under emergency management until such time as when the original ecosystem reasserts itself -- this, obviously, has not happened. To enforce its isolationism, Tsuxia keeps a powerful standing air force and isn't above raiding "Invaders" for resources if it cannot obtain them in other ways. Tsuxia's militia is largely concerned with keeping the peace, but its sheer size makes it impossible for any other land to invade the Plateau. Civilian travel is limited largely to trains between cities and agricultural hubs, and horse or mule back otherwise; the cities themselves are officially designated as "temporary refugee shelters" and numbered, although most of them have evolved a name over the centuries. The central seat of the Buraucracy is a large land-crawler-temple called the Celestial Array, and moves cities every twenty years in an attempt at fairness; it currently resides in City 17.
Permanent Tsuxi settlements outside the Plateau are limited to a few highly fortified bunkers on small lands of strategic importance near the Plateau itself.
Halflings trying to exterminate all other races.
My setting has a bunch of these, but there are 4 major "knightly orders" that fight against evil. The first is the order of Lothar, who fight in the east against vampires. The second is the order of Althar, who fight in the north against the monstrosities of the great swamp. The third is the order of Histor, who fight against the Caucusite invaders of the southwest. The Caucusite are sort of equivalent to the Moors of our world. The last is the Order of Sigval, who got fat and lazy as they gaurded the border with Lombar until they started a crusade for the ancient Dragon Lands to find the secrets of their power. Each of the orders stems from one of Sigvalds knights. There used to be 7, but time has eroded them.
My halflings are usually the Salem style witch hunters
The people living west of the large mountain range have constant religious wars with people north of the mountain range, because on religion says that the volcano on their border region is the prison of the evil demon dragon, while the other ones claim that the volcano is home of the benevolent god that brought them fire and taught them smithing.
Dimwitted lawyers who buy into mass panic?
They became witch hunters because a light elf crusader host from a fanatical empire "saved" them from a horde of satyrs even though it was mostly the halfling druids spells that banished them and the light elves declared the goddess of the halflings a false god even though the light elf god is actually a pretender god, most of the halflings believed this lie and hunted down their own druids and burned them. The surviving druids and their followers became nomadic and some became mercenaries to the not! Tsarist Russia
So...yes? Your halflings are Puritan dumbells who bought into senseless hysteria and unceremoniously murdered innocent people?
Yes they didn't just kill innocent people and magic users but actual demon summoning witches and the undead
Then they're not "Salem style witch hunters". That was never a job. Those guys were mostly just local mobs who dragged roasties they didn't like before kangaroo courts.
Well, the Iron Priests of Kythira attack any nations that practice fleshcrafting, as they see it as the most vile of heresies (embracing the Body instead of the Spirit), and are in a near-constant state of war with the dreaded Sorcerer-King of Aid-Ala-Tum as a result. The Sorcerer-King and his dread Heralds, likewise, wish to spread The Way of All Flesh by force, by unleashing horrible plagues and demons created by the darkest secrets of fleshcrafting on their enemies. The Devites, beyond the Mountains of Black Gravel, also launch raids over the mountains to feed their god's endless lust for blood.
"the crusaders" weren't, for the most part, an organized force answering to one ruler
The crusades weren't this quick, instantaneous thing that lasted for a year or two, they lasted almost 200 years, but that doesn't mean 200 years of war, but that several crusades happened during that time, with varying intervals of time between them.
That they'd fuck up is to be expected, considering that by that time, the crusaders were tired, on a different, hostile land, wearing armours better suited for an european battlefield than for the unforgiving desert.
They had also accomplished their main goal, which was driving away the muslims and taking back what they had "conquered".
While taking Jerusalem and Constantinople was one of their goals, it was also the one biggest thing they all had in common. The nobles, the peasants, the kings, the priests, the whores: they all wanted to take the Holy Land back. But after so many had died and the muslims were pushed back, the faith thing just wasn't enough to justify the crusades going on.
So they fell apart and lost ground.
The only thing they lost was their moral superiority when they decided to profit out of the Crusades. Retaking land conquered by the enemy is a noble cause, killing innocents to pillage temples is not.
Crusaders did both, but muslims only did the second one.
In my setting there are 3 human kingdoms. One has royal guard that work like Paladins, but are not Paladins. And are for defense of the Nation, Vs the army who would invade.
Then you have the Arabian rip offs. With to many wizards and sex slavers for a proper Paladin like group. Other than Arabian Knights for hire.
Then you have the capitalist farm folk who hire Orcs to guard their shit.
The real Paladins in my setting don't hold to a single Nation/kingdom. You got the Order of Truth, who seek out to embetter all men and spread the holy word.
Then you have the order of Knowledge, that acts like a pesudo cult of wizzards while being clear Paladins.
The 2 Paladin orders work together while hating each other often.
(All this is WIP)
>Retaking land conquered by the enemy is a noble cause
It was just some dirt in the desert. People who romanticize it are idiots. There is nothing noble about wasting your life or the lives of others.
I know right? Land is just dirt, what reason could possibly exist for people to want "lands"? Especially ones that were said to be holy in a time period where people where extremely devoted to religion?
Yes you are making a compelling argument for stupid people, I'm sure.
Played in a setting where the local DEUS VULT guys were the Christian Arabs living in India lead by swole warrior Jesus, they Allied with !America who had powered armour and giant mechs and the Penguin Kingdom of Antarctica who had a low orbit ion cannon, to fight the angel cloning, blood magic wieldan, half demon !Mongol/Chinese crossbreeds, with the Thunder Warriors of the Golden Horde flipping sides once or twice.
It was a pretty metal world ending war.
Deus is somewhat uninvolved in our campaign. We have a buncha Manichean cultists following the 20 foot tall ghost of Mao trying to spread communism. He is backed up by the 20 foot tall ghost of the Virgin Mary and actual angels, though, and had a boxing match with a 20 foot tall ghost of a chinese pirate in the Hong Kong Bay once.
Aqua Vitaelis, northern empire, sorta in decline for the last thirty five years in setting. Likes to make nice words about how they are divinely mandated to rule the two giant river systems that provide trade and transportation through the continent. Actually rather weak militarily right now due to multiple uprisings and unrest caused by excessive taxation and graft by the minister of weights, the current power behind the throne. The empire claims descent from the twin gods of the two rivers, and the old emperor (who got ganked 35 years ago) did actually have a minor level of control over the waterways. The general populace is no longer sure if that was real or propaganda.
In any case, the heart of the empire likes to claim divine right whenever they don’t like how things are going elsewhere, and the citizens of the Capitol province buy in wholeheartedly, pretty well convinced that they live in the best, most prosperous land of the world. And they do, kinda, it’s just bought at the expense of the outlying lands.
>Swole warrior Jesus
Please, elaborate.
But Moussillon is already a Bretonnian city.
The western part of the continent was split into three cultures; the remains of a Tiefling Empire, a viking-saxon Kingdom, and a shattered realm of numerous petty tribes and Kingdoms. 350 years ago, men, elves, dwarves, and halflings from the eastern Kingdoms came together, uniting as an army to serve numerous Good-alligned gods, before marching through the vast steppes that seperate the two halves of the continent. Once they reached the shattered realm, they crusaded, conquering numerous petty kingdom and pushing out invaders from the two more unfied kingdoms.
These days the Kingdom is a feudal monarchy, but a large amount of power and influence rests in the Church, which represents numerous different Gods.
And you're being a literal caricature of a fucking fedora tipper. I know it's shocking but people can actually have ideals that are beyond material.
>dominion of light
>sun elves
>light elves
>pseudo lovecraftian god
Historically they have, now they mostly end in failures now that they've run out of tribal bumfuck pagans to convert and had to move onto civilizations that could prove to be an actual challenge
>The only thing they lost was their moral superiority when they decided to profit out of the Crusades. Retaking land conquered by the enemy is a noble cause, killing innocents to pillage temples is not.
>Crusaders did both, but muslims only did the second one.
Nurredin and Saladin launched their jihads on the premise of retaking land conquered by the enemy.
at one point or another most of them
half of the humans went DEUS VULT and killed the giants who are now butthurt !vikings in the far north
the other half are DEUS VULT'ing in the name of strong and thick dragon dick
the orcs DEUS VULT in their usual way (rape and pillage)
the elves have had a thousands of years long holy war over their gods having a spat- with the dark elves conquering the world at one point due to DEUS VULTing
Not exactly a fantasy setting thing, but in a game of Everyone is John I did conquer Jerusalem then got everyone addicted to Dr.Pepper
Buts that's wrong. The 4th crusade was a complete success
By the time the first crusade started, it had been 460 years had passed since the first christian city fell to the invaders. It was 443 years after muslim armies plundered and ravaged their way across Italy. It was 427 years after the first muslim army laid siege to Constantinople. 380 years after the fall of Spain before the muslim armies.
363 years after the first army attacked France, setting in motion the process that would give the world Charlemagne.
249 years after Rome, the capital of the christian world, was sacked by muslims.
By the time the first Crusade began, two-thirds of the christian world had already been conquered.
So no, it wasn't about some patches of land in the desert. It was about taking back the lands their ancestors lived in. It was taking back the lands from which the muslims stole christians to serve as slaves in the most cruel, bloodiest slave trade the world has ever seen. It was to topple an enemy that hated them for the mere fact that they refused to bend the knee like so many other tribes and religions did during the muslim conquests.
Learn your history first and talk shit second, heathen.
well, sure, but it was land that they had stolen in the first place. They took the land, started thinking of it as their own and then fought back against the crusades. While I concede that, as they had conquered it and kept them for quite some time, it kinda was their land, it's also the land where generations of europeans had lived in before them and where many more still lived. I can understand and respect him wanting to defend the land his people had fought to conquer, but he was still an invading force and a conqueror.
At least Saladin was. I'm not sure I know who Nurredin is, if you could enlighten me I'd be very grateful. Google won't give me anything on him for some reason
Papal States (religion: Church of the Savior ie. Catholicism) that fight heathen Babylonian warlocks, and sometimes neromantic Germans, with Mongolians Knights because a Pope UNLIMITED FAITH'ed Genghis Khan.
Necromantic Germans who worshiped tribal shit who want to end all life because the evil gods killed the good gods (in their opinion).
An Empire in the East across the Sea of Trees who generally stay out if the Westerners shit. Have a pantheon of several animal gods and their only standing (emphasis on standing) army are the Orders dedicated to them, such as the Pig God of eating, drinking, laziness, friendship and guns.
also, the bit about the children being sent to fight ? Thats wrong
The "children's crusade" was not, in fact, composed only of children. It was a popular movement.
It's goal was to retake the holy land without further bloodshed.
However, they didn't have a proper supply line or any defense against raiders and thieves,, so by the time they got to Rome to ask for the pope's blessing, they were starving, diseased and many had died. The pope convinced them to fuck off and go home and most did. Their leader died crossing the Alps .
The leader's father was hanged by an angry mob when this news reached, as they were outraged that his son had caused so many to die. None of them actually saw a muslim before giving up.
The second children's crusade couldn't even leave France. Some kid said he had a letter to the king of France. After some time, some other kids with "miraculous powers" joined in. He supposedly started doing miracles as well and gathered over 30 thousand people. When they reached the king of France, he, like the Pope had done before, told them to fuck off and go home. And they did.
The boy didn't give up and kept trying, but eventually the people he had gathered (the ones who didn't fuck off) got either too hungry or too tired of his bullshit and fucked right off. back home.
The very idea that children were sent to fight a crusade by the church is retarded and I can't see anyone who isn't a retard believing this kind of story.
Get your head checked, faggot.
Alamicia as they are currently on a huge effort to take more land and also purge them of Gahoul.
It achieved what Enrico wanted: Revenge on the fucks that blinded him.
It was probably more their land than any French knight's by then. The argument that it wasn't is based on the concept that there is only Christian and non-Christian land, and that by being Christians that makes the Crusades a reconquest.
But the Muslims were most of them converts of locals who had lived there for millenia. The Saracens could trace their ancestry to the Levant pretty quickly, while it'd take some creative genealogies to link the lords of the Rhineland to Levantine families. Not to mention there already were native Christians in the area, who the Latins subjugated, too replacing their Christian leadership with their own.
It'd be like if India invaded the US East Coast to restore it to the democracy of their British ancestors after it had become majority Mexican/mixed Anglo.
And Nureddin was Saladin's liege lord and prince of Aleppo, the son of Zengi who conquered Edessa.
>It was about taking back the lands their ancestors lived in.
It wasn't, as the chroniclers of the First Crusade tell us. It was about putting all holy things, places and relics in the hands of true believers - in this case the Frankish-dominated Catholic community. And that's just the reason for the intense zeal of the crowd. Others were interested in apocalyptic prophesies they believed was upon them. Others still were interested in entering Byzantine service earning new titles and principalities in the East.
That's why many left as soon as they'd taken Jerusalem, and only came again and again for the sake of a pilgrimage but not to settle there.
yes I'm sure not a single soul thought of it as retaking their lands.
And I'm sure that if they did, they'd surely be willing to settle in some desert shithole full of christian hating muslims who want to murderrape them, rather than not doing that and staying with their families.
Conquest or reconquest, it still is the process that led to the retaking of Europe by christians.
Muslims were acting like violent savages and the christians, as expected, turned the other cheek for a few 500 years.
But that got old quick and then christians decided they were done with that bullshit and went to war.
Like it or not, muslims would have ended up conquering all of Europe if the crusades hadn't happened, and judging by how they behaved back then and how they behave now, I'd say that we'd all be worse off if that had been the case.
I like your India argument though, I have to concede on that point, but I also have to point out that it wasn't the case everywhere.
The Reconquista in Spain was a movement started by the spaniards, supported by spaniards who were tired of the muslim rule and it spaniards that saw it through.
Well, what would eventually become spaniards at least. It was also the Reconquista that led to the existance of Portugal and, subsequently, the exploration of the new world.
Who knows how much longer it would've taken for the americas to be discovered if that didn't happen.
Maybe we'd have no America, South or North today if it wasn't for the Reconquista
Though if that is good or bad is for you to decide I guess
>It wasn't, as the chroniclers of the First Crusade tell us. It was about putting all holy things, places and relics in the hands of true believers - in this case the Frankish-dominated Catholic community.
Good to know they were playing by Crusader Kings 2 moral authority rules of having to control holy sites.
>yes I'm sure not a single soul thought of it as retaking their lands.
None of the ones important enough to leave behind their thoughts, no.
>Like it or not, muslims would have ended up conquering all of Europe if the crusades hadn't happened, and judging by how they behaved back then and how they behave now, I'd say that we'd all be worse off if that had been the case.
This sounds like your argument is based on modern political and ethno-nationalist beliefs over sober historical research. Never mind that the First Crusade was not in any way a process of retaking Europe since it was entirely focused in Western Asia, the characterization of it as a centuries long event in the making is an anachronism.
And Spain is an interesting point, but not in the way you think. The Reconquista was not a movement that was started but instead a reimagining of past events by later Spanish generations of their wars with the Muslim south. It's also interesting to think that the northerners were descendants of Germanic invaders while the majority of the Moorish population were descendants of the Hispano-Romans that dominated the south.
Alt-history is generally futile, especially with such broad, sweeping strokes. We could just as easily say that we'd be centuries behind in technology if there was no Islamic Golden Age, too.
The idea of moral authority derived from guardianship of holy cities is more a later development, both for Islam and Christianity. At the time the focus was on commanding the source of religious relics in order to boost the sanctity of a home region in the eyes of Christendom and God. It's why this period also saw things like Venetians stealing relics from Eastern churches and an enormous trade in relics and pilgrimage tokens from Jerusalem among other places.
Yeah I don't give a shit about ethno-nationalism or whatever happens to Europe. I'm not even european. But if you want to talk history, I guess I have to remind you that the main reason the new world was discovered was because Spain wanted a route for India that didn't involve getting fucked up near South Africa or having to convince the muslims to let them through in the mediterranean. So Spain decided to fund some dude who wanted to try to see if he could reach the other side of the world.
And if you think i'm talking about modern anything here, check your history. Muslims were (and still are, in some parts of the world) the perpetrators of the bloodiest most cruel slave trade in all of history. I couldn't care less if they enslaving themselves, europeans or asians, the fact of the matter is : the various islamic societies throught history were horrible. Female genital mutilation, mandatory circumcision, opressive religious views, executing any one who disagreed for apostasy, executing anyone who wanted out of it.
It's almost like the worst periods of european history(the so called "Dark Ages"), but worse and much, much longer lived than they were.
and on to the so called "golden age" Islam supposedly went through: If it was so great and did so much good for them and for science, what the fuck happened? Almost like their backwards views led them to killing most of their prominent scientists for daring to go against their dogmatic beliefs.
Now, you might be wondering, didn't europeans did that as well at some point?And yeah, you're right. but later on they realized they had made a huge mistake and the church even apologized for it. The guys that believe themselves to be divine instruments of God's will said they were sorry. A tad too late, sure, but they did. Islam is unapologetically anti-science and anti-progress. The very fact that they're universally the most depised religion shows that. Buddhists hate them and thats saying something.
oh and I couldn't really fit it in my other posts, too much of me being a cunt and too little space, but I do happen to know what happened to the golden age of islam
It's simple really: most of the scientists rejected Islam to some degree. Much of what modern muslims claim was written by golden age muslims was actually just ancient greek science they translated. Sure they kept it safe and passed the knowledge onwards, I appreciate and respect their contribution, but most of what muslims managed to progress on was either destroyed or locked away for centuries after the scientists that made the breakthroughs were killed for heresy or apostasy or whatever other religious term they use to justify their carnage.
Also, here's a merry list of famous islamic wise men from the golden age, and if applicable, fates/punishments:
>Al-Razi or Rhazes: publicly condemned for blasphemy, most of his work destroyed
>Ibn Sina: apostate,
>Al-Ma'arri: despite openly criticizing the dogmatic side Islam, lived to a surprising 83 years old. Recently, fundamentalist muslims have started beheading ancient statues of him.
>Omar Khayyam: did not believe in the after life, wasn't so big on Islam or in the idea that Allah did everything. Survived by having friends in high places, modern muslims despise him
>Ibn Rushd: got a job working for a Caliph, said shit the Caliph didn't like, most of his books were burnt. eventually, the caliph forgave him, but he died shortly after, with much of his works being lost
>Al-Biruni: believed science should be separated from Islam and that scientific knowledge should not be sullied with religion
Notice how none of them liked Islam all that much?
The fact of the matter is: Simply due to how Islam views the world (everything comes from Allah, everything we do is the result of that) means that studying science is, in itself, a form of blasphemy to them.
The greeks they studied saw religion different and they got influenced a lot. Their works show it.
The entire civilization is based on DEUS VULT and partying
but the most important thing to take out of this is that all they achieved was DESPITE of Islam. Most of them either hated or didn't care for Islam all that much, focusing instead on science and philosophy. gee, it's almost like they were people just like the europeans that drew on ancient greek knowledge to cause the renaissance. Almost like the very fact that people say "golden age of islam" implies that they're otherwise incapable of producing anything worthwhile. The very idea that muslims are held back by their race or ethnicity is preposterous, they had a time of great growth and development but decided to say "fuck it!" and ruined it all because of their stupid, useless religion. Islam has yet to give the world more than horrible crimes against humanity, inhuman slavery that makes the plantations seem pleasant and totalitarism with beards and dresses rather than snazzy uniforms and hats with skulls on them.
I don't know what modern day muslims are waiting to get their shit together and stopping being massive cunts to everyone, but it better happen soon. I mean, they managed to get the fucking buddhists to hate them. You know the guys who sometime set themselves on fire to protest against the chinese government? yeah some of them are murdering muslims now.
Muslim countries are cesspits of ignorance, violence and they treat women worse than they do pets. People were jizzing their pants recently with Saudi Arabia announcing women can drive like it's some fucking sort of huge step towards treating 50% of the species like
human, like it's a huge development, instead of being considered the reasonable thing to do.
Islam undermined it's own golden age and that's why they reversed to shit flinging retards when it was over. The second time the fuckers were starting to suck shit a little less and behave like humans, the US had to go and fuck everything up. Then they reverted to their shit flinging ways and now the middle east is all fucked up again.
>The Pukki are a people of horned folk, believed to have been birthed from the unholy matrimony of a cursed genocider and a vile witch
>They all have literal autism as a racial trait, ranging from complete social retardation to high functioning photographic memories and attentions spans
>The majority of them are dumb and dull though, to the point where many of them have natural resistance to (or simply choose not to recognize) pain and fear, making them great soldiers (but absolutely not commanders)
>Seeing Pukki as soulless thralls of war, a few members of the Church agree that they are demons, fabrications by God to serve as an obstacle to a better future for all civilization, and try to convince the rest of the holy establishment
>While these priests are heard, they're met with great resistance, saying that not only is genocide reprehensible, they don't have proof that these goat folk are demons, just theories, plus getting dozens of nations to agree on the slaughter of taxed individuals is fundamentally difficult
>Without support to fight in the mainland, these rogue priests buy a group of islands between the mainland and the pukki homeland, and erect a massive fortress upon it, dubbing it Fort Isle
>Missionaries are sent to the mainland to recruit for their holy mission, while Crusaders are sent to the island to fight the savages in their homeland so that perhaps one day something good could be made of that land
>Crusaders take horns as trophies, often mounting them to their armor or forging trinkets from the ivory
>A surprisingly large portion of Crusaders are Pukki, having dehorned themselves to join the crusade so they can have free food, drinks, a place to stay, comraderie, and purpose
>Pseudo Lovecraftian God
No he was based on the Gnostic pretender god known as Demiurge
Bump and Ave Maria
The largest kingdom that the Everner live in believe that they are the race that the creator has intended to inherit the world and rule it forever, being the second last race to have been created. The last race to be created they don't count as being a proper people, some think they're not properly sentient.
Their wide spanning civic development, their largest population compared to the other races, all are taken as signs of the creators divine favour.
They're in the middle of making war on the race that was made immediately before them, for both religious and economic reasons.
The creator hates this attitude, and is in fact winding up to smite them just like he smote the last race that got too powerful and aggressive
Weird i saw something similar in a barbarian race thread or are they the same one
excuse me what
Isa, Arabic for Jesus, came and saved them by beating the everliving shit out of all the demons when some retarded accidently opened a gate to hell, then closed the gate.
That was not the main reason for Spain's expeditions. Nor was it the reason for Portugal either. The Atlantic City expeditions ultimately began as a search for suitable land for tropical plantations, for the sake of undermining Venetian-Ottoman Monopoly of the spice trade. It was only after the discovery of the Cape of Good Hope that their aim turned towards securing their own Indian route, and mostly to secure the more lucrative Indian Ocean shipping business for themselves. The transportation costs for direct trade in spices were so prohibitively expensive that they gave the Spanish and Portuguese warehouses no profit or advantage in the markets of Amsterdam. And Columbus predates all of that. This was why the slave trade was so quick to form in the Atlantic: the drive for colonial labor on harsh plantations was an immediate focus, and what occupied most of Spain's concerns with Columbus and his activities in subsequent voyages.
And your personal opinions on modern Muslim violence are irrelevant to the 11th century here, which was hardly any better on matters of personal freedom for all, women's rights, or religious violence and oppression. In what way have you measured them to be worse in that regard? What study have you done to compare? This seems more like an emotional position.
And I'll stop you right there on the golden age. Everything you've written is verbatim from ahistorical infographics and screen caps and have no bearing in any academic work. It's no better than accepting other anti-religious memes about Christian attitudes to science. I'd go into detail in other posts since I'm out of space, but I have a flight to catch so I'm also out of time. If this thread is still up when I'm back, look out for it.
Does a rebellion count?
They're doing it for a god and they are on a march to take over a capital. Its just that a few years later they're gonna get the same treatment?
Alright, now that I've got some time, let's get into those other posts:
>what the fuck happened?
A lot of things, mostly beyond the power of Islamic scholars to influence. The centers of Islamic scholarship in the early Middle Ages were densely urbanized regions ruled by Arabized aristocrats who sought out learned men and artists for the sake of their prestige. These governors held their posts through their loyalty to the court of their preferred Caliph or his agents, and secured it through regular bribes in treasure, slaves, and the service of those great men of learning. This allowed several generations of minor nobles and middle class sons and even daughters to travel from city to city seeking famous teachers all for the sake of becoming renown themselves in a particular field, and so find themselves a government post or lifelong position at a mosque-school.
Starting in the middle of the tenth century, the authority of the Caliphs crumbled and gave way to local dynasties. While some were the same old guard of artistocrats, others came to be ruled by Turkish and Berber warlords whose only base of power were their fellow soldiers, and they cared about their wages more than anything. Then in the 12th and 13th centuries, those densely urbanized regions that supported this knowledge economy were devastated or conquered. Khorasan and the two Iraqs fell to the Mongols who razed city after city and created a political divide between themselves and the Levant, while in the west the cities of Southern Spain and North Africa were raided and conquered by both Latin Christian and heretical Berber forces. This would be the equivalent of Europe losing the Rhineland and Northern Italy to Mongols and Arians - how would that have affected the Renaissance and Enlightenment?
It was not in any way the result of a rejection of Islam by its scientists. Much of what the Western world had translated were not just ancient Greek translations themselves - this is why there was an early drive in Europe for direct Greek translations as their Arab and Persian sources had long since become opinion and review pieces at best referencing the Greeks only in passing and focused entire on a contemporary debate on metaphysics that the Latins had no context for. And very few if any of these writers were ever killed for their work or saw them lost due to religious purges. The fact is most of the books we know about just never survived the devastations before the 15th century in the Middle East, including an enormous amount of non-heretical religious books.
Lived and died in peace, gathering many students to his circle, and was only denounced nearly a century after he died by a few scholars - some of whom like al-Biruni and and Avicenna turn up on this very same bunk list of supposedly persecuted scholars. Most of his work did survive, some of which became very important in Europe, while the only ones that didn't we aren't even sure were books at all, and were spoken in the context of a debate with a heretical Ismaili.
>Ibn Sina
Really? The guy spent all his life in service to Muslim rulers and died naturally. When and where was he declared an apostate, by who, and how did he survive all that time if he was supposedly one of these dead scholars?
With the track record so far of 'condemned' scholars, it's hardly surprising that he lived so long by now. Like I said before, much of this criticism is based not on history but on modern politics and feelings towards modern Muslims.
>Omar Khayyam
Yet another man who should have died according to the nonsensical claims of golden age scholars being secret atheists who were killed off for their beliefs.
>Ibn Rushd
The best one yet! What's not mentioned is how this 'Caliph' was head of a heretical movement of Berbers who, despite also failing to kill him, also burned the books of Al-Ghazali - the very same people always misrepresent as Ibn Rushd's backwards Muslim fundamentalist opponent. What's also conveniently forgotten: Ibn Rushed was a Maliki judge, serving as a scholar of Islamic Law nearly all his professional life, and only writing his more famous works of philosophy after his rival heretic clerics drove him into exile... over his normal, Sunni beliefs. Also not mentioned: Ibn Rushd's primer on Islamic Law is still in print and one of the most popular books for Maghrebi scholars to this day.
Fascinating. A man who also spent his life in the courts of Muslim princes - including Mahmud of Ghazni who made his fame and living as a jihad king regularly sacking India - was a man oppressed for his unorthodox beliefs. Beliefs which, by the way, Al-Ghazali and Ibn Taymiyyah also expressed. And of course he died of old age in peace.
For being people who apparently didn't like Islam that much, they certainly spent a lot of their time serving Muslim governments, writing books on religion, serving as Muslim scholars, and so on and so forth. It's almost like all these claims aren't the result of sober historical research but instead the result of someone's modern feelings and views on Islam pushing them to make up their own views on historical events to justify it.
They might be, but this is about the guys who want to purge those barbarians. And they want to do so with all the strength of a well-oiled war machine.
For example, Fort Isle's main island is a castle. In its entirety. Every acre of land that is not beach is the foundation of a massive fortress which builds not only up but down, deep into the earth. It classifies as a megadungeon, with towns and cities all within a single building, and traps ready to be armed should there ever arise a need. People started farming on the roof. Every other week, they ship up a hundred recruits, a few officers, and a couple knights out to the barbaric lands to join their main force, but the truth is they haven't taken a bite into their territory just yet. The northern coast that they approach is a hell-hole, mountains and beaches guarded by the most chaotic and the most ferocious of them all, which match the descriptions they've heard of these barbaric peoples. The only safe way of passage onto the island is sailing down the coast to the south side of their island into the ice fields, where they disembark and head north.
>Buddhists hate them and that says something
user, these aren't your stereotypical peacenik monks, they're violent SEA nationalist movements that have attacked Christians, Hindus, and all sorts of other ethnic minorities.
Well the ghost of Mao is stirring and Communism is on the rise again after he returned through a portal that was accidentally opened in Hong Kong, flooding the city with spirits. Several other factions threw their lot in with them, either willingly or by being brainwashed into communism by Mao. There's a celestial host of angels with the ghost of Mary, there's the Manicheans who are a real life failed religious branch that believes in an evil material world and good spiritual world (so spiritual communists) and some others. Briefly a buncha chinese pirate ghosts threw their lot in with them but through some convincing we got the pirates on our side while making all the other guys pissed at them because pirates obviously are capitalists at heart.
The spirits didn't start 20 foot tall. That happened when we accessed the conjunction of the dragon lines/the Wuxing on Aberdeen Island in Hong Kong Bay and one of the pirates followed us inside, shortly followed by the marching communist forces led by Mao and Mary, which then led to the pirate and Mao having a fistfight while we got out.
Now Communism is slowly subverting as many nations in the chinese region as possible, usually through agents brainwashed by Mao armed with little red books that are copies of Das Kapital which have been magicked up to brainwash people into communists if you invoke it at them.
Yes as long as they are religious fanatics