Pitch a campaign based on this image
Pitch a campaign based on this image
You can't tell me what to do.
This could easily be the greatest photo ever made
>Comning Soon:
>War Trannys of Taard
I wonder were they found high heels big enough for a man foot.
Honey there's a whole market for man sized heels.
Isn't this basically a normal shadowrun campaign?
Nah, need more flashy bits.
>A hand picked squad of losers, psychos and nutjobs
>Complete deniability
>You're going to have to learn to work together if you want to complete the mission
I set it in the Venture Bros universe.
>rogue trader and his sororitas escort hit the club
>starting goals for the trader are get some squeeze
>starting goals for the sister are to keep the trader alive long enough for the talks in 5 hours
>let the PC's spiral it all downhill fron there
A muscle bound poorfag is pushing a crippled rich-literal-homosexual through a middle-class neighborhood in a wheel-char while he shoots it up while dying of cancer.
Are you a cool enough dude to stop him? There you go you uncreative faggot.
The hell happened to ukraine?
That's a historic photo from that hyperwar I'm sure.
Gary Johnson 2020
It is a future where a disease spreads, the disease can make you musclebound, but it also makes you essentially a lobotomized simpleton. This is also the future where resources have all but ran out. So vehicle warfare is no longer viable.
So the primary means of locomotion is to have the Lunks push you around.You want speed and efficiency, so you dont want to tire your lunk out, so people have their lunks push smaller single transport things like wheelchairs and drive bicycles with sidecars. You don't want them to overheat, so they cant wear much.
Pictured is a typical citizen unaffected by the disease riding to a common war for resources, pushed by his lunk. Also fashion is devolved and people dress themselves and their lunks fairly weird.
>Billionaire Mastermind and platinum selling paraplegic rap artist GJEE-MONEEY has decided to take his campaign of questionable lyrical content and irritating nasal vocals to its logical outcome against his more outspoken critics. Armed with weapons bought from black market dealers and ebay, he aims to slaughter his detractors in the most brutal and showy manner possible.
>Aiding him is his quest is former KGB agent/Miss Universe NATALIA ANA BURGOVA MOTALIA MOLOTOV BURG, who after a freak accident in the Philippines, the former superspy is now a top enforcer for those with eccentric tastes and loadsofmone, able to crush skulls with his thighs.
Are you bad enough dudes to stop the death of rap critics everywhere and end the tyranny of GJEE-MONEEY?
I would honestly rather help him out. No matter how bad his music is, rap critics are worse.
>after a long time working together, Natalia develops a crush on you
Wat do?
Every player creates a crazy criminal mastermind billionaire and a weird henchman and they duke it out
Yeah, if that was my campaign I’d probably pitch it in the garbage as well.
>The relationship between the Imperium and the Adeptus Mechanicus personified
Explain I'm a monk and must remain celibate.
>You guys will be playing masters of disguise
Street Level Shadowrun.