Disappointing that he shows his fag face. I only hope that they brought the orb in play just so the community votes to destroy it so we can finally restore a more traditional realm map without the retarded HURR FLOATING CONTINENT PLANETS ERRYWHERE!! I think MP is there way to bring traditional Warhammer aesthetics back because people hate the dumbass vague magic bullshit that AoS launched with
Carter Wood
>traditional Warhammer aesthetics Too late for that, they and near everyone else got killed off so unless the fleet of the immortal dragon emperor of Cathay appear it's best to let them rest.
Jonathan Powell
>What are you hoping for from AoSRPG? Tons of resources books
Cameron Perry
There will be AoS RPG?
Jeremiah Young
On one hand, why is there even one person who would vote Eye?
On the other hand, why are there so many voting Drake? How many Chaos player are there?
Brandon Peterson
Yep same company that is making the new 40k one is making it.
Nicholas Campbell
Anthony Reed
consolidate you fags
Parker Adams
Nah, that's Ulisses North America. WFRP 4E and AoSRPG are being made by Cubicle 7.
Cubicle 7 is actually a really great company, but everyone there loves WFRP so I'm kind of afraid that they'll give that game an undue amount of attention.
Noah Ortiz
fuck off, this one is older >40k one Wait, I thought they are making the AoS RPG and WHF RPG
Brody Jenkins
Why should that be an issue? As much as I like Age of Sigmar, there's no one out there playing it for the setting. I'll be happy if WFRP 4E is good.
>Two AoS threads. Why can't you guys just have one.
Kayden Phillips
>AoS RPG >Out of the Seraphon only the Slann are actually living >no chance to play an eager to learn skink adventuring the Mortal Realms with a group to get intel on Chaos ;_;
Jace Cook
Michael Carter
a lot of eye choices have been kinda weak/cowardly, and the drake and skull are a little more brash/brazen. The cool thing as we're learning now is that the 3 signs aren't exclusively order-drake eye-chaos and skull-death since death lead to the mists of blood and the drake lured in kul's blood planet.
Honestly I''m hoping for either the drake again or even the eye just to see what happens
Adam Mitchell
Is Ghost Skeleton user still around? Curious if he was going to go back and give those spooky bois some love after hitting his deadline for a rush job. I want to steal some inspiration!
Colton Smith
>be Death fan >Every single named character now Nagash's BDSM slave