>dude, let's make a load of games that we won't keep up support for so they basically DOA
>yeah, but we'll use the branding of yesteryear to make these schmucks think they're getting a taste of those great games from when they were kids
>hmm, why do we need to actually make an intro box with all the rules in it when we can sell them piecemeal?
>yeah, don't want anyone thinking communities for the original games still exist either, they will be so grateful to us
Dude, let's make a load of games that we won't keep up support for so they basically DOA
Bloodbowl is being supported though....
Underworlds, Blood Bowl and Necromunda will keep getting gang releases. Armageddon, Gangs of and Warhammer Quest are the ones that are shit.
this, wtf OP
Armagedon was only ever throwaway product packaged with the new terrain, people liked it so they rereleased the book.
Silver tower has had 1 big box a year and continues to have rules supplements released in White Dwarf and other repackaged heros (That are great value BTW).
Necromunda and Blood Bowl are Forge Worlds responsibility.
Shasdespire has had 4 Expansions in 5 months.
>Muh support
What the fuck is this cancerous concept.
Does monopoly need 'support' does Scrabble need 'support' does chess need 'support'.
The games the game and works the same whether it's being supported by the develepors or not.
their tiny minds have been poisoned by dlc
shit happens when the most succesfull miniature game out there is a card based game with miniatures as X-Wing. GW only copied the format. Shadespire is a good product but is the same card shit as x-wing.
Less support means less money investment. I don't need to shell 400 dollars each month for a game
I've only got Shadespire, but I'm looking to pick up Silver Tower eventually. Not sure what your issue is. You're buying a closed off game, at least with Shadespire, that's made to be enjoyed on its own. It's an added bonus that the figs actually work with actual Warhammer.
Yes, by Forge World.
yeah, so?
in OP's pic it is listed as a game getting no support/will lose support
> Be GW
> Release Specialist Games
> Games are fun for a single campaign before dwindling and dying
> Rerelease digital versions
> Competitors release improved rulesets
> Rerelease for nostalgia
> Don't update the rules
> Priced by Forge World
> Exactly the same game but more expensive and competing against other manufacturers and also your own digital versions
If these games are still going strong in 3 years I will be stunned.
aren't half of those things pure board game where you have no urgency to actually expand?
Also shadwpire and bloodbowl got expansions.
Considering that their primary games alone have 8 + ranges to support/update, expecting frequent support for games that are effectively done at the end of release is foolish.
Shadespire is getting new releases. Necromunda and Bloodbowl go via Forgeworld, which has been disrupted recently because one of their small team died of cancer. Don't be a faggot.
Bligh died a year ago, user.
True, but it's still had a knock-on effect.
>Needing GW to hold your hand
The Bloodbowl community hasn't given a shit about GW's support in nearly two decades. I'll take sculpts if I like them, but to me they are just another fantasy rugby miniatures manufacturer.
Let's not make the man out to be Atlas. Alan Bligh's death disrupted the workflow for Horus Heresy, there are different writers, sculptors and artists working on the Specialist products.
Both Blood Bowl and Necromunda get mainstream Citadel releases every quarter, it's only the upgrades and individual character models that are Forge World's responsibility.
>be gw
>computer game company offers you $$$ for your license
>digital game of your product releases for pc
>salty neckbeard who still lives at home with parents and works 20 hours a week at wal mart buys it for pc
“Ha ha ha gw good luck ever making money”
>guy who moved out of his parents after college and earns $50k a year also buys pc game
>buys bloodbowl box set
>New gw customer
Good luck finding any games without doing the publishers work for them, aka shilling hard.
Consumer identity and hype trains. Everyone on Veeky Forums could download any/all games they want right now and never buy anything new and still have enough games to play until they died. Shit's absurd.
I don't understand this line of thinking at all. Are you really so socially dysfunctional that you can't find casual pickup games for whatever your system of choice?
Never going to buy GW again. Its that plain and simple. I would rather give my gaming dollar to Frostgrave or Infinity.
They just don't produce anything of value anymore. Even their fluff over the last 18 years has become really myopic, boring, and shitty.
The worst part is that all their products are built to rip you off. The bait and switch they try to pull every time is clear to everyone.
I'm going to play Necromunda, Mordheim, Gothic, and Gork for the rest of my life (and 5th Fantasy). I certainly don't need any of the miniatures they are offering. Nor do I care for the new designs. Frankly they just look like they are a pain in the ass to paint.
I have have a sack of Chaos Cultist and an Empire Militia box. What more do I really need? Thanks For the Kill Team lists in SWA? They are still pretty shitty but are a skirmish basis to work from. Playing a game of 40K looks like the most horrible way I could possibly imagine to waste a weekend. What is even worse is the kind of people I would need to spend time with to do this.
Everything GW has it owes to Rick Priestly. That is the seed of the whole phenomenon. They can go on forever being a mediocre British gaming company until some Chinese people destroy them. Or they can continue with Ricks vision of a greater tabletop world and remember that their IP isn't worth shit because none of it is original anyway.
>One team released in the last 10 months
Ok, user
with necromunda its still pretty new anyway. it was released what 4? months ago and its already had its 2nd release.
We know its going to be supported by GW for a while, they've given us a listof planned releases and if it keeps going at 1 release each quarter its going to be a couple yeara to get everything thats on the table now out.
Blood Bowl was released in November, 2016, and included the Reikland Reavers and Gouged Eye teams. In 2017 it received four additional teams; the Dwarf Giants, the Scarscrag Snivellers, the Skavenblight Scramblers and, most recently, the Elfheim Eagles. THREE of those teams came out since last March, the most recent of which was December 9th.
They've specifically announced all of the remaining original gangs and the order that they'll be released in. Orlock just came out so we'll see Van Saar in May, Cawdor in August and Delaque in November.
In addition, they just released rules for playing Genestealer Cults and just about every single option you need for that gang is already present in the Neophyte Hybrid box.
And they've announced plans to release rules and models for Palatine Enforcers, which would theoretically take the place of the old Arbites Enforcers; and, new for this edition, Chaos Uprising, Outlander Gangs and Guilds. So, there's your 2019 schedule.
They have not announced, but may yet still do, Skavies, Ratskins, Pit Slaves and Spyrers, which could very well round out 2020.
So, yeah, a couple of years on the stuff we know is coming, alone, and plenty more that they could do besides.
2020??? Are you fucking kidding me? They had six gangs out in months after Necromunda was released the first time. And it was new blisters and bullshit bounty hunters every month.
GW is a fucking dinosaur.
you're so wack
>local bloodbowl community revitalized
>shadespire carved out its own niche as a lite strategy board game
>SW:A/necromunda got all my grog friends to drag out their gangs and start up a league with new blood
Happy as a clam desu. Wish they went with card terrain+bulkheads for SW:A, even if I knew that'd never happen.