What abhuman would make the best wife?
What abhuman would make the best wife?
A dead one. Stop daydreaming about mutants and pick up your lasgun, boy.
Depends on taste and if you want to have children
did i miss anyone?
What problems would mistaking a member of the mechanicus for an abhuman cause you?
Depends on their specialisation.
Fine taste
Thats one thicc lady
I'd usually say no to ogryns but if she looks like OP's pic, I'd be all for snu snu
>Being a furry
Their scientific name is Homo sapiens hirsutus
>Suggesting and revelling in the death of the Emperor's sanctioned subjects
That's a blamming
But that is an astropath....so normal mutnant human not inbreed navigator.
That robe is awfully low cut for one of the mechanicus.
What's the point of implants if you don't display them?
why is she pitch black like the Queen of Mars?
user... I...
She's just brown, but has lots of obscuring robes and hood
Given GW's home country, relative age and how much they reference other Brit Sci-fi stuff, if anything Felinids would probably end up looking like pic related.
>you expect me to wear beige and green?
>Helmet covering this hairdo?
Can someone explain how the Navigator Gene can't be carried by non-Navigators? They call it recessive, but I thought that was like sickle-cell anemia where you can be a carrier but not suffer from it. Are there genes that are just straight-up lost?
Navigator Lady
Reminder they are all inbreed...unless that is your thing you sick fuck.
I will sticks with my hot astrophys and nullmaidens.
But psykers and untouchables aren't abhumans. Also I like the idea of saving a NAvigator girl from her evil house so that we can get normal kids together while handholding.
I know. Personally I like abhumans, I just never seen one I find appealing.
This is why I will stick with my mutants, I get more to choose from.
you're thinking this too far user. Well, farthest than GW anyway.
but it can actually happen, if the gene induce a deffect in the efficiency of your reproductive organs (note that there are really no genes that are truly recessive, or dominant. It's just that some of them have a more visible phenotype. So the visible stuff here is the astropathomancy stuff, and the hidden stuff is that even one allele is sufficient to give you less children), or kill you before you can produce children in the name of the Omnissiah
Give Navigator girls a chance. They can get freaky when they get older, but if you like Innsmouth you are going to like that too.
If an ogryn was smart enough not to literally smash me during snu snu I'd be all over that
so I'm gonna go full weeb and jump on the felinid train
Bone head implant....just saying could come in useful....
I'm struck by inappropriate curiosity if that lovely shade of purple goes for all her soft mushy spots or it's just the tongue...