>dm gives me a chance to befriend a demon
>it's never been to this world so doesn't have a name yet
>I wanna start it off well so I allow it to pick a name
>it names itself Murderkill
Dm gives me a chance to befriend a demon
Other urls found in this thread:
What would you have picked? It is a demon.
You know what's coming OP.
Just call it Murd for short.
>ywn have a bellicose son with inhuman bloodlust
>ywn take your son hunting so he can vent his bloodlust by killing animals
>ywn be proud as your son rips a deer apart with his bare hands
It hurts
What's this from, looks familar
Rick and Morty. Good show.
oh no
It's a DUMB demon
what was the purpose of this post, other than alerting everyone you're hungarian
He's also showing us he doesn't know how to use a reverse image search properly.
So it's an edgy teenager demon? Adorable.
You better give it the middle name "Death". How else are you gonna give it the best theme song? youtube.com
For real though, Murderkill is an adorable name. It's like naming yourself "Captain Badass von Punchington."
What a retard, that's like naming yourself Wankmasturbate.
>hanging out with demonfriend at the pub
>cute girl walks in, way out of your league
>demonfriend notices you're checking her out
>posses her body and and contorts her into walking to you
>"no need to thank me just make sure you kill her when you're done so I can claim her soul"
>kicked out of bar
Are you sure it's not pronounced Mort de Quille? Maybe it's French.
Are you sure that's not pronounced d'Eath? Mort d'Eath Quille?
Of course it looks familiar; every single one of those pedo pandering loli shows look the exact fucking same
New Game
Except she's legally an adult.
Except she looks like a child
Tfw you'll never fuck your demon bro while he's possessing a hot slut.
Why live?
Don't be an asshole, user; she's Japanese.
Well, at least you know where things stand.