>Goliaths see females and males as equal in all things, and they find societies with roles divided by gender to be puzzling or worthy of mockery. To a goliath, the person who is best at a job should be the one tasked with doing it.
>dnd 4+
Goliaths see females and males as equal in all things...
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That's perfectly in line with their characterization as a culture
Seems fine to me
They could turn any race and any culture in to that line and you'd be a bigot for arguing against it
But they didn't
What the fuck is a Goliath? You know that's just some dude's name, right? It'd be like calling an entire race "Stevens" or "Freds".
>Dwarves see females and males as equal in all things, and they find societies with roles divided by gender to be puzzling or worthy of mockery. To a dwarf, the person who is best at a job should be the one tasked with doing it.
This makes a lot of sense if they aren't as sexually dimorphic as humans.
>To a goliath, the person who is best at a job should be the one tasked with doing it.
>their society has males in every position of leadership or that requires physical activity
>They laugh at the notion that females weren't given equal opportunity to obtain those positions
I also believe in meritocracy. It just so happens that men are naturally going to be better at virtually everything that biology allows them to do. A purely meritocratic society would have far less women outside the home, let alone in the workplace, than ours does now.
But if the females are the best at producing new goliaths, wouldn't that mean...
If you're triggered by this then you must be new to D&D. This sort of stuff isn't anything new. I would be more concerned about rape being removed from origin story of half orcs.
Not necessarily; there are some women who are smarter than men, or men who are better at various tasks then women. You wouldn't be able to paint whole-cloth in a purely-meritocratic society; most sectors of industry or business would, indeed, be dominated by one gender or the other, but there would always be individuals of the other sex who are on-par-with or superior to their coworkers.
>Dwarves see female and male as equal in all things
>Including beard
>this leads to rather awkward courtships that largely revolve around politely discovering without directly asking about the contents of their pants
I don't disagree with you hence my use of the words "virtually" as opposed to "literally," and "far less" rather than "no." My point is that a meritocratic society would look a lot more like the US in the early 20th century when it comes to gender ratios, which is not a coincidence. There are plenty of women that are exceptions to this but nowhere remotely near enough to negate the generalization. Also, as another user mentioned, women are by default the best at giving birth, which would mean that would be their primary duty.
>implying you can only ever be concerned with one terrible aspect of a narrative at a time
It’s the cumulation of this sort of shit that makes it bad. Having this on top of the “we can’t have the rape backstory” just makes it all the more apparent who’s being pandered to here. If it was just one thing, yeah, no big deal.
Who says you can't have the rape backstory?
in theory in a society with more focus on labor intensive roles and jobs, then the men are probably more likely to out number women for meritocracy in such tasks.
but if our society were to be purely meritocratic, then in theory averaging things out should be rather equal numbers. You won't see any major gender discrepancies unless you looked at specific industries. again in theory, since our current society has a very large focus on college education careers rather then more industrious jobs.
>Dwarves aren't Scottish
>they're Thai
Whats your point user?
>Thai Dwarves
>Rich culture of prostitution
This raises further questions.
Not really, you don't go to Thai land and not be aware of lady boy prostitutes unless you're an utter retard and deserve what you get.
*laughing drow matriarch*
>assuming people are going to Thailand for prostitutes and not to learn about the culture, architecture, history and food
Or "Franks"
What's funny is as you get more secure in your masculinity you'll find you can drop the "muh male superiority" pose.
Nigga, why the fuck would you do that? You gay or something?
Terry Pratchett did nothing wrong.
How is it male superiority to say that women are better at something?
wow, way to assume.
is it possible it could be my JOB to analyze these things?
Why derail now and not earlier?
Oh so you a gay nerd, my condolences homie.
or I'm an anthropologist with a speciality in multiculturalism.
and you're a bigot, good to know.
it's inconstitutional to own niggers like this in this day and age user
That’s not true at all. Women are greatly overrepresented in marketing and CEO positions because of diversity but are not always equally capable.
In fact women in higher up positions only seem to be a negative for many companies.
They did they same thing with Medusa, when her 'race' is Gorgon. People who write bad fantasy are stupid, and spread stupid ideas if they get popular.
I will agree that it feels like higher up positions filled by women tend to largely only be a diversity issue and they tend to lead based on biases relating to gender. But we are discussing a true theoretical meritocracy. There are two points I would like to propose for such a hypothetical.
The first is that if it was a true meritocracy then the women in charge might lead better then they do now because there is no such concern for gender related biases in the first place. In fact the number of women in charge could indeed be lesser since they would have to truly earn the position and not get in because they happen to be the most compatible and competent(compatibility takes priority here keep in mind) with the goals of the board or whoever it is that places her in that power.
Second point is quite simple, the people in power of a business are the minority, even if in the complete meritocracy that men tend to have the better merit to lead the business, there is still all the lower positions where the demands are not as harsh and thus both men and women have a greater chance of being seen as equals in those roles.
>You know that's just some dude's name, right?
This dude?
Why does he wear the mask?
no one cared who he was before he put it on
Is there any sound in the world more satisfying that "Goliath online."?
If I take it off would he die?
"Battle cruiser operational" along with the charge up and firing of the cannon.
>Goliaths see females and males as equal in all things
> the person who is best at a job should be the one tasked with doing it.
But if everyone is equal in all things then wouldnt everyone complete their tasks at the same quality as the other making them all technically the "best at a job"? Get your shit together WotC.
I think it's more of they don't buy into "only men are good at x and only women are good at y."
Ooh, I just got a little chub.
A true meritocracy would be comprised of the best of the best. I think the split would be closer to 80-20 and even at less demanding levels 70-30. For the most part women are biologically designed to be social and emotional creatures which while essential in holding society together make them poor at cutthroat decision making which is necessary at a corporate level.
There’s a reason men are overwhelmingly the serial killers and sociopaths in our world.
Other race names:
Boris' = Orcs
Gregors = Dwarves
Martins = Halflings
The Lyssa = Elves
Bucks = Humans
>not Jacks
one fucking job user
>What the fuck is a Goliath?
A race of giant kin whom, like Firbolgs, rejected the Ordning. While firbolgs take to the forests Goliaths took to the high mountains and their culture adapted to it. They have a live fast, die young style where scars equate accomplishments and if you can't keep up with the tribe you don't deserve to.
Pls don't rape the orcs user. They are for HUG not FUG.
Why would they be Jacks? Every species gets a name that reflects their specialties. Humans are for breeding. They get to be Bucks.
>Whats your point user?
Same as always.
Humans are for EVERYTHING, they're the average for everything and the most expansive and flexible, and that includes breeding
that's why they're Jacks and not Bucks
Humans aren't average. They have to be known for something, something they're exceptional at. Humans only live for less than a century, but they've outbred every other species on the planet, including orcs, elves, etc. They're like rabbits.
Plus there's half-elves, half orcs, tieflings - there's nothings humans won't breed with.
The only reason they're Bucks is because Cocksluts was too on-the-nose.
M-my nickname with my family since I was a teeny tiny baby. This post makes me uncomfortable.
Goliaths have always been a shit race. They manage to step on the toes of both Dwarves AND Orcs/Half-Orcs. I ban them from my games completely.
Discworld is shit.
I went there for both.
I'm making my goliaths the most mysogenistic and evil of pieces of shit ever. Like, women getting traded like cattle because they are "the best at the breeding job" and the males just boasting and shitting on everyone since they just aren't as good as them. Because, of course, if you were the best warrior, you would he a goliath warrior. Just make then complete scum by twisting their phylosophy to the max.
Make them the elite orcs if my setting.
>GM a game
>explain that different species have vastly different kinds of sexual dimorphism compared to humans
>explain that as such gender/sex roles will be different
>two players call me a SJW and get really angry
Why tho? Anyone care for me to explain to see if I got something in particular wrong.
But why? Blatant childish fuck you-ism aside.
No, because you did nothing wrong. Those autists just wanna fag the fuck out about something.
It would be more SJW to make the genders have literally no differences, if this story is true, I think your players are retarded.
Jacks short for Jackrabbit get the fuck over yourself.
>Dwarves have a reputation as a species entirely comprised of shortstack women.
>Male dwarves aren't even rare, it's just they look too much like the women for most people to tell the difference until their pants come off.
Now that's an entertaining spin on the cliche!
They mainly got angry about the fact that in goblinoids females are larger/stronger.
>to a goliath, the person who is best tasked for a job should be the one doing it
But that's how our society works too. Do goliaths have sexual dimorphism like we do?
>Entirely meritocratic society
Yes? And?
I mean I know exactly why they did it, because 'tee hee, womyn are just as good as men in MY fantasy setting :3c'
Except that the main beef most people have with ultra progressives is that they aren't meritocratic. They're entirely orientated around the person that's best for the job not being tasked doing it if they're a FVKN WHITEE MAYLE, ect, ect.
So hey, call me wild but I'm more than happy for them to point out their own hypocrisy.
Poor man's half-ogre.
Tell them
a: you're basing it on [insert animal here which has larger females since you gotta be sturdy to birth out in the wild and look after the kids]
b: 'It's my setting, I know what I'm going for, you don't, if you want to bitch do it online after the game'
In mythology Medusa was one woman. In D&D they're a race.
In mythology there was only one Minotaur. In D&D they're a race.
In mythology there was only one winged horse named Pegasus. In D&D they're a race.
So when D&D takes a guy from mythology who was really big, and make a race of really big people named after him, that's fucking unacceptable?
It would be extremely painful.
Okay so who takes care of nursing the babies? The ones who have breasts? Okay then. Who takes care of taking care of said babies once the nursing is done? The ones who gave birth to them that they have spent their formative months with and thus would psychologically damage them if they gave them up now? Okay then.
There, boom, Goliaths should have traditional human gender roles.
Giant kin are ogres. Goliath is a villain. Their skin is composed of interlocking warts. Their core belief is how superior they are to everyone else. They make their children go to war at 10 years old. They have no set government structure. Their leader is whoever they feel like following at the moment. Their code of honor has them fight fair only when they would win anyway. Etc.
They are composed of villainite. The only reason they are not a monster race is because you are TOLD they aren't evil while everything describes them as the worst pieces of shit.
It's kinda limiting to assume real-world humans would have the only gender roles possible for intelligent species. I get that it's our only model for things as smart/social as humans, but different real-world models of childrearing do exist. Once a male elephant is weaned it'll fuck off into the wild (sometimes hanging out with a single, older, male elephant for a while) and only sees other elephants when it's time to mate. Plenty of apes will socially-rear their children so the babies get milk from way more people than just their own mother. I'm sure there are plenty of other ways that I don't personally know about that would still make enough sense to not make your players go "wtf this is bullshit, immersion broken"
You're a big guy
Like Rome!
Whose being pandered too? Those guys with the greenskin fetish?
Menare pretty emotional too. They displays it in a different way tho
Or Minotaur
Shush, you. He's got a Narrative he wants to push.
I figure that's more to do with environment than anything.
They live as barbarian tribes in the wilderness. No room for pampering or weakness. male or female, the strong survive and thrive.
>To a goliath, the person who is best at a job should be the one tasked with doing it
It's the same in other societies. It is that way in current societies.
It's just usually a man that's better qualified.