How come in 25 years Magic the Gathering hasn’t had its own cartoon or movie yet?

How come in 25 years Magic the Gathering hasn’t had its own cartoon or movie yet?

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Because the setting sucks dick.

Lili a cute.


because all they're good at is worldbuilding, and even then, they started to suck in this as well. Their plots are terrible and characters one-dimensional brainlets.

Considering Hasbro is responsible for a certain OTHER wildly autistic toy-based cartoon series, I really wouldn’t want to see what they’d do to MtG.

Because it would be very boring and no one would watch it.

fan-made dubbing of Justice League (cartoon version) would do

They shouldn't be attracting kids to the franchise with that issue about the tournament judge.

>implying a SoL anime about cute girls playing magic would be boring

Considering there's already a Mange about just this... Well multiple actually, but only one about MTG.

It's not like getting child molester in charge of children's entertainment worked before, right?

But it does.
You do remember the kid with the spiky hair, right Veeky Forums?

It's called Duel Masters.

The series was literally written as a MTG manga and had the game swapped out with a baby's version of it at the last minute.

That’s like dnd movie was good and successful

Why would anyone want to see a fat sweaty Manchild child molester blow his autism buxs on expensive cardboard only to sperg out of control

I say the same thing about warhammer amd warcraft. R rated cartoons when?

the more time people spend watching tv the less time they spend buying cardboard crack you fucking moron

>R rated

The same reason anyone watched Chris Chan? The fucking car crash?

They've explicitly explained this. It's because Magic didn't have a face until relatively recently and it's a lot harder to sell something unless you have a face.

40k got a movie...not a good one, but still.

It would be horrendous.

I feel the need to post before the thread dies.

Because it's horribly written. Their heroes are horrible people and Liliana should have been strangled already. It argues for moral relativism while providing the most convincing arguments against it possible.

Isn't that, itself, a statement embedded in the text?

Isn't what? You're confusing me sorry. I'm not very perceptive today.

Isn't the fact that you can figure out that they're horrible people doing unjustifiable things not in and of itself a thing?

She's an old hag!

Yes, but I meant I don't understand what you were saying. Were you saying that they intended to send that message?

*puts on Veeky Forums hat*

That's for you to determine.

*Tips dunce cap*


Well, the biggest problem is the lore is fucking gigantic. Where do you start? How do you establish? Begin in Ravnica with the Gatewatch? Where do you go from there?

How do you explain Urza, Mishra, Phyrexia, Planeswalkers, Nicol Bolas and everything else?

I'd honestly LOVE to see a cartoon based on MTG. But it would be difficult as hell.

It's fucking tried several times. No one has interest in it.

Tetsue Umezawa. That's where you start.

Focus on one thing at a time, and have the rest be !DEEP LORE! until it gets its own series? A Ravnica cartoon is a fine place to start. From there go wherever the hell you want. And MTG cartoon doesn't have to capture literally all of MTG

Dont you mean Tetsuko?

Its not a kids game
>inb4 pics of that girl playing daddys expensive as hell elf deck.

But it would have great potential for a anime series


a good commercial starts grabbing you with info-buts as soon as you get sound and visuals.
....they treat it like a fucking movie opening.

Magic the Gathering has a plot?


fucking auto-correct strikes again

Urza and Mishra don't have to be explained, they don't matter. Phyrexia doesn't need to be explained until it comes up.
That just leaves planeswalkers and the multiverse.

Because "Fantasy" is Hollywood poison. Hollywood hates it because of the 70's and 80's and actors hate it because they think it will ruin their career.


Planeswalking in general is a shit idea. If all the planes were just one place or specific regions of a bigger world, it would be different.

As it stands literally half of the planes could burn to the ground and it would mean next to nothing to anyone.

Magic is only good because of the general themes and the color wheel, not the characters or locations.

Better question why do nerds think every-single-fucking thing they like needs to be adapted into another medium? I thought we were past the area of everything needing it's own tv show, cartoon, movie, MMO, card game, book series, anime, and breakfast cereal. Sometimes shit works in one medium but not others. Stop throwing money at shit just because it has your favorite nerd branding on it. That's how we get shit like Ready Player One.

You do literally the only thing everybody cares:

Season 1 - The Brother's War
Season 2 - Wandering the Planes
Season 3 - Preparing for the Invasion
Season 4 - Invasion

There. The thing that WotC doesn't understand is that nobody wants a new story. They had a goo- they had an okay story with Urza-Mishra-Yawgmoth-Gerard. If anything they should've kept the story, but added/changed mechanics.

While you are entirely correct user, I will fight you tooth and nail that the Cinnamon Marshmallow Scooby-Doo! cereal was the tightest shit ever.

Because nerds by and large are emotionally stunted manchild and like actual children they expect everything they like to be made into everything so they can have their entire life revolve around it. So they can have Star Wars bedsheets at the age of 30, and Avengers feety pajamas, and other cringey shit. Liking something is one thing, having a t-shirt is another, but having your entire life focus around this shit is just incredibly sad. Also anyone at this point who expects anything good out of Hollywood just deserves to be beat in the head with a hammer when they step into the theater and pay $15.

>Oh boy a He-Man movie I bet it'll be great
>It's shit
>Oh boy live action Transformers?!
>It's shit
>Oh boy a Warcraft movie?!!!!!
>It's shit
>A Power Rangers movie where the rangers look like shit, Rita looks like shit, Goldar looks like shit, the zords look like shit, and the Megazord looks like shit? IT'S GONNA BE MY MOST FAVORITIST MOVIE EVAR!!!!1
>It's shit