Warhammer 40000 General - /40kg/

The Plot Moves Forward Edition!

>T'au and Mechanized Infantry:

>Bork'an and Riptides:

>Farsight Enclaves, Laser Swords, and Commander Changes:

>Dalyth, Ghostkeels, and the Future of Altioc, Raven Guard and Alpha Legion Stealth Traits:

>Warhammer TV Tip of the day:



>Old Black Library Mega:


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>mfw I click the daily painting tip and see this guys face

What's the best army if I wanna field operators operating during an operation?

fix me

Fuck, Marry, Kill with Peachy, Duncan, and Ceri

What is best IG regiment?


Nazi army, because it is what the ig player use for proxies

nothing to fix


Ignores enemy rend, 6" move, 4+ save against mortal wounds.

Deathwatch or Scions


Vostroyan Firstborn


>Wanna buy bits for my big conversion project
>All bits sites sold out
>Only ebayer will cost me £10 delivery per item

Truly fucking suffering, I don't wanna have to recast all the stuff myself

T5, W3, Tellyporta deepstrike

*blocks your path*

We even ask when the answer is so obvious?

nothing needs fixing, you are beautiful the way you are.

Tanith First and Only

Who did that art?

I hate weeb shit and anime cringe but loved AT-43 and literally those art pieces alone tempt me to play infantry and small suit-spam tau. You guys know what I mean?

Invuln, extra attack, extra wound, reroll charges. Haven’t fought them this edition cause no one takes them but if they aren’t supposed to be tanky as terminators at least pack a punch. I mean they’re M4 for god’s sake, they need some help

How would DE players feel if their rules worked something like this?

>Sub-faction bonuses in the DE codex are determined by the Warlord's sub-faction and all in the army benefits from it.

> Warlords allow units to reroll 1s to hit in the shooting phase, units also reroll 1s to wound in the shooting phase
> Warlords allow units to disembark after the transport has moved, your opponent must subtract 1 from any hit rolls when shooting at units with this tactic if they are less than 12" away.
> Warlords allow units to add +1 to their power from pain, units may advance and charge or advance and fire (but not both).

pretty sure they already have W3, but they need the tellyport for sure


tee hee lol

Does Daylth claim it’s bonus if it goes second on turn 1? I assume so, but I’d rather not be fucked over playing with or against Tau.


All that knight talk last thread has me wanting one even more, any of the FW ones worthwhile?

Chaos Dreadnoughts are so cool. I wish GW would bring them back.

>Grognard is now a popular term used by normalfags


That’s actually not bad. Incentivizes legitimately fluffy play but doesn’t seem OP. Would have to be careful cause o could see mono-unit spam becoming very powerful there, but I really like the basic idea of it


No, because it's claimed in 'the opponent's subsequent turn', & unless you count set-up as a turn then Tau won't have had one until after the opponent's turn 1

I regret missing out on getting this one after reading the wb omnibus with The Warmonger

Is this an alternative to standard traits everyone else gets? Cuz if that's the case no thanks.

What';s stopping you from converting models like the guy in the picture you posted? Need daddy GW to do everything for you?

Nope, don't touch the fw stuff even with a stick, everything suck so hard 7th edition orks looked better

I have 3 Russes. Is it worth upgrading them all to Tank Commanders?

I believe Adrian Smith is the artist for that piece. His stuff is great and he is my favorite warhammer artist

T5 D3

damn, that sucks

This isn't news. Pretty sure I remember normies using it back in the mid 00's on the ENWorld forums.

cadia strong

Magnus is a tough boi.

What the fuck are the WB up to these days anyway? Even DG/TS finally came out of hibernation.

I was answering most questions last thread about knight piloting.

I have a knight errant, Cerastus Castigator and Warhound Titan.

I really like the Castigator. The Porphyron is really good (I dont have one but I wish I did, could just buy another warhound titan for the same price). Some people swear by the Acheron. Dont know about the Magera or lancer but they look fine, if not a bit limited in scope.

The Cleghorn Royal Engineers!

I really like Catachan just because I love punching.

guard=salamanders=imperial fists>>>>>>>>>>rest of astartes

Crusading with Big Gold Daddy Lorgar.


Have we considered that maybe it's a good thing that large centerpiece models aren't killed in one turn of shooting? Because it'd sure be nice if people got to use their 400+ point models if they don't get first turn.

YES thank you. The therian artwork he did is like what I dream dark elder could look like, and the UNA is some of the most a e s t h e t i c stuff I’ve ever seen. Sad it’s dead, tho possibly converting some guev’esa or whatever umies workin for the blue blok is called to look like that could be rad as hell. I could like tau a lot, if they only dropped the gundam shit and ugly-ass Star Trek fiddly bits

That's not true at all. Fw stuff ranges from trash to okay to absurdly op (a scale of renegade/heretics to necron pylons). Most of the cerastus knights are about average.

how many times are you going to post those fucking pictures?

*protects this thread*

*Covers your rear* ;-)

Konig Heavy Armoured

no love for catachans?

Can someone post the admech kastellans robot combo with stannis screaming?

his marines are always so broad

Back to the cuckshed with you, """"""chad""""""

Acheron is good.

Atrapos is good but pricy. It's shooting is meh but it's great in CC

name better legion/chapter
you can't. Imperial fists are equaly good

How long will AdMech have to wait for Alpha Primus rules?

Thanks, bro.

I do it, because it upgrades accuracy from 50% to 77%. But cheap tanks are nice.

I love to see my Tantalus (or 50% of my army) survive past turn 1 if I don't get first turn

That is a nice graph. Tells you exactly what you need to know - much prefer it to the bell curves for doing exactly x damage

Literally all of them are better than your blackface cucks and autists.

Lorgar came out of his room on Sicarus. There isn't a huge difference for the word bearers since they've generally stayed united as a legion compared to others and are always at work fucking with imperial worlds.

I'll learn your tactics, bitch!

> When the game dies just as you're commanding a whole army.
Still got some Redblock I intend to use somehow.

are resonable marines still a thing on Veeky Forums?

Newcrons are to Oldcrons what Prometheus&Covenant are to Alien

but Oldcrons are to RT lore what Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor is to The Lord of the Rings.

It is mostly trash though, and everything take the nerf stick at each chapter approved

*gives Eldar the D*

>tfw no Skitarii HQ
>tfw no Skitarii elites (ruststalkers don't count)

I think he's aiming to be more spammy than double tracked Russ guy

You left out Lamenters...



That trailer was so rad, why didn't they just make that into a full film?

because furries, mary sues, faggots, emos, mongoloids, discount ad mech and devilman crybabies are better

I would rather not. I only posted it in relevant discussions. Otherwise I prefer to post memes with my responses.

At least I dont post the 'blocks your path' shit in every single fucking thread. I at least have some self respect.

>liking the most pussy marines in the setting
>being this much of omega faggot

There's a lot of interpretations of both of those points. Can you elaborate, especially on the second?

There's a lot of interpretations of both of those points. Can you elaborate, especially on the second?

demanding conversion is fucking stupid and you know it.

>"The Virgin Marine" vs "The Chad Guard"

>not "The Ultravirgins" vs "The Catachad"

You had one job, mememaker

My bad, internet spazzed.

>Conversation turns to Imperial Knights
>H-hey guys, I have a warhound look at it

Anyone know any sites that do cossack heads with facial hair?
Hats are optional.

>>why didn't they just make that into a full game

wait, which chapter is the devilmans?

blood angels

It would be interesting, it would make taking kabals an actual choice as opposed to just giving Lelith blood dancer. I play heavily with wych cults anyways, but this change might finally make me use my Archon as something other than another blaster. As for the traits they unlock, I personally want to be able to charge after advancing, maybe if that's the cult of strife trait? Or maybe if units advance and charge and gets the -1?
Dark Eldar are just so bizarre in how our index is set up even before the codex's release, I have no idea how they are going to give us our traits. We're definitely going to be one of the more unique codexes, I hope they go all out on making ours as weird as possible, especially with the relics. Maybe they could make the huskblade worth it again by giving us a relic that gives it a rule we haven't seen come back for 8th, instant death.

He should finish painting at least one of his models

That plot requires about 530 points of shooting (3 Broadsides with High-Yield Missile Pods and barebones Commander for stratagem and Kauyon).

Thanks, I've been working on it. I think this is the final version for the time being, I have everything in place to give the most useful info I can. Just gotta fix a few odds and ends.

i want to have my own vostoyan waifu