/pol/ will be taking over this board soon. Fight me Veeky Forums-fags!!!
/pol/ will be taking over this board soon. Fight me Veeky Forums-fags!!!
I am too busy making money
I don't give a shit, as long as you go all in on TRX
this board is already mostly /pol/ oldfags that migrated once that board began going to shit so unless you mean nu/pol/ will be taking over the board then nothing will change.
we don't care. have fun with our bags tho
we're here to make money faggot not tell who's white enough and who's not.
well said OP
these niggers, spics and jews better watch the fuck out
I give a shit, where do you live?
I'll fight any polifag for my fellow biztards.
If you're in crypto then you know about Jews already
/pol/ is Trump worship from fat neckbeards now though. Its reddit 2.0 over there.
This election was the worst thing to ever happen to this sitr
Dude shut the fuck up with meta posting about other boards. It's fucking annoying and cancerous. Cuckchan is just /pol/'s infantry grunts. The real SS is spread on other boards that are more obscure. Fucking faggot.
i have around $600k in the stock market. i honestly dont even care about the 25% gains this year, as i can only think about crypto. it's funny how our lizard brains work
except for everyone btfo pajeets for shilling their dis cord BZC bullshit
fuck off
Crypto is already a white supremacist thing, shitlord
tfw you realize biz is just /pol/ with a "if you can't beat em, join em" attitude.
Fuck off, this was suppossed to be a neutral board where no one claims rule. Just because you've adapted and grown the Jews nose to come over here and sniff around for free monopoly money doesn't mean you own the place
If humans made contact with aliens would poltards start a species war against them for not being white skinned with blue eyes and blond hair?
I'm /pol/ through and through, I just decided to make money instead of wanting to kill kikes and SJWs(all should still be gassed). Welcome brother.
/pol/ is mostly edgy kids and larping shitskins. I'll enjoy dumping my bags on you retards when you arrive.
no, pol believes every race deserves it's own homeland. niggers belong in africa, chinks in asia, etc. we'd only make war on the aliens if they tried to emigrate here, become citizens, and alter the demographics and politics of our country.
Or because they have bigger dicks.
Maybe this is the real problem of poltards.
Why haven't you been here all along OP? This was always a /pol/ board. Remember back when we were all edgy libertarians? That was when you should have been buying crypto.
Do you have the wojak version of this meme?
Dumb nazi retards.
GTFO from my autist nerd gains.
Buy BitClave (CAT) on BiBox, imminent moon mission.
>we'd only make war on the aliens if they tried to emigrate here, become citizens, and alter the demographics and politics of our country
But that's not what happened to the native Americans
LMAO at /pol/ fags in here. Get out you inbred bitch.
Buy BEAN /pol/. KEK wills it.
Been /pol/ forever basically, mr false flagger
trump ruined crypto you massive faggot fuck you
>But that's not what happened to the native Americans
yeah, obviously.
Smallpox and cholera happened to the native americans.
Who gives a fuck? Chugs are sub human. I've worked and interacted alongside them my whole life. I feel zero remorse or guilt about them almost dying, only regret that they didn't.
The tax bill did not touch crypto, despite what r*ddit wants you to think.
Money > politics. Just ask the politicians. Rofl
What's the name for the board denizens? Like I get some of you hate /pol/ but this Veeky Forumsraeli thing is way too far.
Inbred is an anti-white stereotype that is actually a Jewish projection of a problem within their own community. It isn't really true, even in White Afghanistan (Appalachia) and places like Alabama. Jews have a huge inbreeding problem though, especially within their more orthodox communities. Also everyone knows Arabs are some of the most inbred people on the planet but you never hear people talking about it on the talmud vision, that would be racist. Its only not racist to put down white people, even when your attack isn't true.
Veeky Forumsbeaners
/pol/ack and Veeky Forumsinessman
those are boring tho
Crypto has potential to truly become the greatest transfer of wealth in history.
just look at the responses dude. WE DON'T WANT YOU. You are literally the asshole cyst of the internet, the exact same behavior and low iq as SJW's.
not to mention you worship the "master race" that lost every war, and is now idolized by basement dwelling pussies
fuck you. go away. pic related, you fucks are also DUMB as shit. atleast your shit investing ability will give us some gains
It already has, hence (((They))) are attempting to reverse it with XRP Ripple.
gtfo tumblrina
nice rainbow graph faggot
> I clearly say SJW's are retarded
> calls me tumblrina
see. Just replace "racist" or "sexist" with "jew" or "subhuman" and you get an alt-righter.
this, haven't been to /pol/in months because it's nothing but
>you're not white
And I'm fucking euro American
>Inb4 le 56% meme forced by leafs and pajeet meme flags
Soon, the blockchain will eliminate the nazis. They have been deemed unfit for the future. They will not even see it coming.
We prefer poltards to fucking plebbitors though, go back there you faggot.
t. you
I'd hate to be a 56%er
Thankfully I'm English with nordic ancestry so I'm not only good looking, I'm also smart and have a big cock
t. soyboy cuckold
it's the jews
triggered so easily by the truth. look at the other posts and the facts. you're stupid and disliked
you just reek of normie cringe, cancerous faggot
Not Business
Quit distracting us from gains
Your ancestors invented nothing till the last 200-300 years. "Nordics" you think you actually did anything for western civilization? The Romans and Greeks did it. Not you. You built trash on top of the real people.
>I am a centrist who is too intelligent to believe in anything
>That means I can criticize everything and no one can criticize me
You have low testosterone. Stop eating soy, go to the gym, get some poon, if you also happen to start thinking more right wing and wanting to gas the Jews don't worry, it's natural.
t. Mudshit
Ey mang iz u be doing da CRIPtocurrency
Sorry about the 56% meme ameribros, but you know who's forcing that.
the english are not white
You're so predictable, leaf
If you hate Jews just because they're greedy then you'd have to hate everyone on this board as well. We are all Jews here, by disposition.
I believe in myself, and myself only. I seriously doubt you'd call me low T to my face. I can guarantee I can outlift you, and I do BJJ too. So if I wanted to twist your limbs until they snapped you couldn't do shit. Now go back and pretend to be tough poltard. I don't need advice from a skinny retard
No one hates Jews just because they are greedy. People hate Jews because they destroy your culture and genocide your people. They have been kicked out of their host nation 109 times in recorded history yet still think it's everyone else that's the problem.
>say that to my face not online and see what happens
Wow don't cut yourself on that edge bro. Everyone can smell the soy on you m88.
>I believe in myself, and myself only. I seriously doubt you'd call me low T to my face. I can guarantee I can outlift you, and I do BJJ too. So if I wanted to twist your limbs until they snapped you couldn't do shit. Now go back and pretend to be tough poltard. I don't need advice from a skinny retard
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
nice copypasta
black dude here, welcome pol, can't wait to dump my bags on you
>100$ ebt money.
Sure it was probably jews or lefty shills in the beginning until assmad leafs and poos realized it annoyed Americans and is now shilled nonstop. Then they act like we've never been the target of a meme before because they're so fucking dumb and new that they don't stop to think there's a reason we're called burgers and that McMansions are a thing. That board went to shit man. But I'll check your dubs for you
Yeah fucking niggers.
How dare they invent the cell phone.
How dare they hold patents.
A black genius man is still called a nigger. Well done my boy. You score 10/10 in redneck social studies.
Oy Vey!
lmao, typical retards, i wonder how any of you behaves irl, y'all pathetic
keep circlejerking and stay cucked pol
>because they destroy your culture and genocide your people.
the /pol/tards unironically say this while ignoring the fact that white europeans destroyed and genocides countless cultures around the entire world. Then when you bring up this fact they try to bring up some lame rebuttals and pussyfoot around the fact that when it comes to their actions, historically speaking whites are no better than the jews that /pol/tards hate so much
inb4 b-b-but other people did it too!
Don't insult these geniuses. They're white so they're more important than any guy on the planet. Even more important than satoshi nakamoto. Their white genes are something worth more than a trillion dollars. Worth more than oxygen. Nevermind that they never did anything. They're important because they exist and have white ancestors.
No argument, just a "wow just wow." Typical soyboy response.
You won't even be noticed amidst the reddit invasion.
Yeah fuk that guy. No insulting the fuking white race. No sir. Gas the kikes is your greeting isn't it.
>and then ID's got introduced
>soon to be followed by flags
how delusional are you
>Even more important than satoshi nakamoto.
Hal Finney was white.
>They're white so they're more important than any guy on the planet. Even more important than satoshi nakamoto.
you really don't know shit, do you? Not all races are equal, the japanese are clearly superior to niggers and are equal to most european races
Oh no, I am so sorry we stopped you from your wonderful culture of blood sacrifices, slavery, and genocide and introduced you to technology, ethics, and hygeine. Life must be so hard now.
>the japanese are clearly superior to niggers and are also superior to most european races
Fixed that for you.
all cucks need to listen to this.
Money doesn't have a political stance. Nobody cares what board you come from either
Really I just want them to leave us alone. If they all fucked off to Israel I would not give a single shit if they killed every Palestinian there. They give us no choice other than the gas chambers though.
Didn't stop you from nuking them and stripping them of their culture.
Don't even reply to me you freak.
Half of us are from pol
>" People hate Jews because they destroy your culture and genocide your people. "
lmao, this user right here is fucking stupid and prolly doesn't even know what the Balfour Declaration is.
just fuck off already /pol
I'd tell you to catch aids but you already have from the last nigger who fucked you
You're the Jews greatest allies. The only people who will defend the Jews in the world right now are whites. Specifically the whites who have blond hair and blue eyes.
Why does /pol/ always try to ride on Veeky Forums's coattails when crypto is up but spam DOOM threads when it's down? It's sad and it's even sadder /pol/tards parade around "/pol/ is always right" mantras while being filthy nocoiners.