"Hey, that's a cool A.I./Robot/Homunculus/Golem/Grimoire you've created. What do you call it?"
Bad Names
>People use pretentious, on-the-nose references
Welcome to amateur genre fiction, user.
Moist von Lipwig and Adora Belle Dearheart still remain to be the best worst names I've seen from any character.
I once played a Paladin named Jonathan B. Jovian. He had a wild mane of hair, and his shield bore the sigil and motto of his church "Living on a Prayer" and he was a joy to play.
Too dumb?
Do what you want, man.
It's your life.
>stealing this
>God, not
>Jonathan B. Jovian
References aside this is a great name. It flows well, sounds nice and has a nice mythical theme.
Played a guardsmen called Kay. He used to live in woods. Loved to scream for the emperor and had an extreme attachment for blowing things up and making weapons.
He was a good character, I had the highest perception but failed every single perception test.
I feel like a lot of the online name generators are way too out there. Everything is either a short 2-4 letter grunt, or a 12+ character abomination that can't be pronounced by someone who speaks English as their first language. The middle ground isn't that great either, being filled with popular Christian names (Michael, Chris, John, etc.)
The worst I'd ever seen was a friend tried playing a sorcerer in 4e and had a name with two x's in it. I don't even remember what the name was but it was annoying as fuck to pronounce.
that's one way to interpret the lore, yes
I wanna be the first to say that "Drizzt" is a shit name.
I'm the person you responded to, and I agree.
My current group ticks basically all the boxes for fantasy names.
>two counts of 'adjectivenoun' last names
>long and obnoxious name that sounds like trying to read off a string of letters from a handful of scrabble tiles chosen at random
>one decent, short, flowing name but no last name
Admittedly none of them are *terrible* names, but some of them could do with work. Just glad I didn't get any horrid puns or memes. No, Jim is not short for Jimmothy, Dave.
My friend once played a skeleton named blitzkrieg.
He was a bow-focused ranger with zero personality.
Fucking top that.
Was your friend's character a warforged?
No, a Tiefling.
I do like the idea of a Warforged Wizard named Xerox though.
God damn it user I laughed aloud.
Now I want to be Xerox the Warforged Wizard, printing out sheets from my spellbook to cast them.
Had a friend play Clark the Cleric.
Every Tiefling player I've ever met has given their characters absolutely impossible names. I don't hate the race but it sure does attract some insufferable roleplayers.
>not giving your tiefling a pompous british sounding name
Usually I try not to make fun of Final Fantasy because it's just too easy. Today I make an exception.
This is Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn, a faction leader in FFXIV. The rest of her faction (Roegadyn) aren't any better. The Sea Wolves in particular manage to tick all the boxes:
1. Their names are all adjective-noun and son-of-adjective-noun.
2. They have an extraordinary abundance of X, Y, and Z.
3. They are unpronounceable to someone who has English as a first language.
Don't believe me? Here's a Roegadyn dictionary courtesy of Square-Enix:
Florence Ashmore, Tiefling Bard at your service.
I've only had one Tiefling player, and his character's name was Akmenos, the very first name you read when you pop open the PHB to the list of example tiefling names.
For a second I thought I knew you, then I realized you and my friend are equally lazy.
Re-read what he posted.
If you showed up at the same table as me with that name I guarantee you either I'd forget it or make you wish I did.
Joke names are great, I love them in MMOs:
>Hyur scholar Healery Clinton
>Hyur paladin Chill Clinton
>Lalafell white mage Little Help
>Tauren paladin Holycow
>Nelf druid Willferal
>Gnome Travelsize
>Obese bounty hunter Boba'Fatt
>Jedi SamuelLJackson
>Sith Lord Stranger Danger
you are the sad little king of a sad little hill
I didn't realise there was a dictionary. Honestly I never thought about Merlwyb's incomprehensible name for long because most people just refer to her as 'Admiral'.
Would her first name be 'Wall Woman' then? Having trouble parsing the last name, 'Blue Fish something'?
I think I got in a dungeon with Healery Clinton once.
FF14 is full of great player names. Also I sometimes use the names of bots off my blacklist when I want to name an NPC everyone will forget. I write them down somewhere, and you can be guaranteed my players won't remember it, so they're perfect for throwaway weirdos.
Sea Woman, daughter of Blue Fish.
Realize Roegadyn is not a truly different language, as +70% of it is mutually comprehensible to an English speaker, once you get the hang of the Norse accent and/or stare at the dictionary for a few minutes. You find that the Roegadyn in Limsa (ie Sea Wolves) have names like "Old Ship," and the Roegadyn outside Limsa (ie Hellsguard) have names like "Old Ship" just in plain English.
Yeah she helped me finish off that epic fate in Coerthas the other day, she's pretty cool. Usually I see her dancing afk at the aetheryte in Limsa.
>He will be the first of his kind of robot/AI
>What's his name?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Adam and or Eve
>"Hey, what are you gonna call your thing?"
>"[Noun]y Mc[Noun]face"
I had a player do this. His Elf Bard was originally proposed as Cunty McFingerton. Eventually, we settled on Cathleen McFingerton but the lack of creativity physically pains me.
that's a great name for a lesbian bard, perhaps she is singer/songwriter in a folk band, her instruments are her voice, hips, and tamborine
Current;y playing a human Monk by the name of Iswamu Temm Yio, which is an anagram of "I'm Tommy Wiseau."
You can assume their personality
I just take a word from my first language(finnish) and just scramble them.
Like Orun Grave-Memoir, which is just Poem(Runo)
Or Julius L'amnuell, (Lumen alla = under snow)
I insist on my character names being both RP names and joke names. IE:
Miqote (catgirl): F'elidae Felis
Lalafell (gnome): Chihuahua Chihua
Au'Ra (dragon girl): Chisai Ryu
Hiro Protagonist
All Sith names are joke names.
No notable storytime sadly, except for the fact he was a Best Jojo Reference
It's now or never.
Snow Crash was a fun book.
What, you want someone to name their half demon "Tim Mcdonald" or "Sarah Watts"
It can be done well.
I suppose that wouldn't be inappropriate, considering plenty of tieflings are raised among regular-ass humans.
Well I assume he is useless in an encounter if the enemy is female.
>he doesn't call it THE BEAST
Amateur hour around here.
He's not gonna live forever
>the beast
Still one of the coolest machines ever.
What kind of man builds a machine to kill a girl?!
Is this a JoJo reference?
Actually the girl herself made it.
Did she use her hands or, like a smart man, use a tool?
Sad to say I'm fucking terrible at coming up with character names.
>What's your wizards name?
>Really? Your elf wizard is named Bentoo?
Yeah. My friend Ben was in the room, and I finished filling out his character sheet at 2 o'clock. So Bentoo.
>Jesus Christ, dude.
Doesn't matter, now listen:
>"Yes, Ran."
It's actually a super computer that she has a special ability to interface with through cables embedded into her, and ultimately was so overwhelmingly powerful that it could have single-handedly won the supernatural war they were involved in thanks to its ability to hack anything, as well as to use electric cables as tentacles.
She could remotely attack anyone that was within a city, communicate to them through televisions, and watch them through security cameras.
Problem was, The Beast had a mind of its own, and it started to get jealous when she started hanging out with a guy.
No one actually knows who made it, which is kinda scary.
>Rickert Blackthorne
>Ezra Caine
>Orlin Odrasta
>Grumni Ironfoot
>Bardin Blackhammer
Rate my names
>Still one of the coolest machines ever.
I wasn't talking about whatever anime that was.
>Is this a JoJo reference?
Does your handler know you're on the Internet unsupervised
Except if you read further down it was both a reference to JoJo and to Jon Bon Jovi
Don’t be catty when you’re clearly wrong user
One of my favorite characters I've ever played was a human Paladin named:
Immith Cedric Lyonel Avagar-Bersk the fifth
I insisted everyone call me "V"
Also, he had a 4 wisdom and an 18 charisma, so it was super fun.
>Except if you read further down it was both a reference to JoJo
I'll take your word for it.
Its all the same
No PCs here but sharing a list of my current game's NPCs:
ones that have already appeared, ranged in popularity order (forgive "quality" translations plox):
>Jacques Noir
>Inspector Pickle
>Prof. Crabolus
>(name unknown) titled himself the Bandit King
>Le Diamantaire (the diamond dealer ?)
Upcoming ones
>Joe Salmon (and his three "brothers", each with their slightly different traits; a mexican, a zombie and the wrestling guy)
>something something renegade ?
bonus points if you can point out which name goes with which character from [controversial webcomic]
This was funnier when I misread it as THE BEST
not the user you replied to but
Hey, Problem Sleuth was a good comic.
So was Homestuck until the start of A6, desu
is it okay if you name an Egregore that?
I know one named Choice. and another was Chastity. Virtue name Tieflings are better.
I named my Warforged Errmac. In the DMs setting warforged had access to a hivemind/cloud system. Somehow mine went rogue (he was literally a rogue), but he was just removed because his AI was damaging their systems.
Kill me. I am the cancer.
My current game's party
>Roderick, of the House Rose
>Bomrek Zirilkestral
>Suòri Skornbrekker
>Syviis of the Storm
Bonus points if you can guess races and classes
>Have a Spanish character called "Xavier"
>Everyone pronounces it "Eks-Aviour" like the guy from X-men.
Right now i'm playing a gnoll monk called Yheenal-gar'threyyrr, but in common he goes by Running-Shadow
I named my Paladin Vigil.
But i have a good explanation for it
>The worst I'd ever seen was a friend tried playing a sorcerer in 4e and had a name with two x's in it.
I remember years ago, our group decided that if you hadn't come up with a name the first session you should just roll a d100/4 until you had enough letters to satisfy yourself. Can't remember any of them, but we had some absolutely horrendous names come about as a result.
Roderick is a human paladin
Gray is a dragonborn monk
Bomrek is a Slavic alcoholmaster
Suòri is a dwarf fight and Bomrek's best friend
Syviis is an elf cleric.
Shiiiiit to that's like 99% right
4 bonus gurps Character points for you! Meet us in GURPS general to redeem them!
I always translate something into a language the other players don't know
My new wizard is 'frank ocean' in persian
>'frank ocean' in persian
>اقیانوس آرام
How do you pronounce this?
I found this persian romanization site and did my best with the wikipedia page about persian phonology
Fight me
>This is my Barbarian
>His name is Figbat Diggernick
>shortstack rogue
>career criminal who makes people feel uncomfortable
>pink hair in pom pom ponytails
>nicknamed Big Deal
>"hey user what name and class"
>his name is...
How does one come up with a name that you can use over and over so you don't have to come up for one every single time?
>Iswamu you are encountered by a witch and your instinct punched her to another realm, even though you weren't supposed tp
>user,"I did not hit her, it's not true! It's bullshit! I did not hit her! I did not!"
Names of My 5e characters in order
Lillith Halfsong - Tiefling Bard
Smarx the Gommunist - Goblin Communist Rogue
Throden-Korth, Herald of the Summer Storms - Lizardfolk Lightning Barbarian
Mairon the Fair - Half-Elf Bardlock
Serena de Estrellas - Half-Elf Celestial Warlock (Magical Girl)
why would you do that
Haha. Wow user, that is me. I spend hours thinking of a good name. Sometimes days in the back of my head while doing other things.
Know what? I've never regretted any names I've every come up with which is more than I can say about my friends or even random strangers on the nets.
I had one that I even used in RPGs and most RP tabletops, but as I googled it, I didn't like much that it somehow some pinoys girls are named that way. Never thought that by randomizing letters would do that. I made a new now.
Ymonrha, with Egyptian origins.
I do similar things with my character names (though my default is latin).
The easier way to do it is to press the button in google translate that makes it say the words in the box.