>Legendary matters as a theme
>Legendary Instants and sorceries exist , you can only cast them if you control a legend
>New technology means every booster pack as at least one Legend
>The phrase "mana pool" is not on cards, {T}: Add {G} is the format
> Planeswalker redirect is gone, Lighting Strike reads "~ deals 3 damage to any target" older cards that can burn players or walkers are errrated to say so
> The bar from portal that divides flavor and rules text is back
>Legends get a new card frame
>"Hexproof from X" is a new wording that means a card cant be targeted by X things your opponents control
>Kicker back
>New Enchantment subtype: Saga. They have 3 abilities when they etb the first triggers, then at the start of all your first main phases, the second triggers and so on. After the third the saga is sacced. (On low rarities the first and second abilities are the same)
>Legends, Sagas and artifacts count as "Historic" so certain effects care about "Historic" things
>Wizard tribal
Domimaria Leaks
the full set leak is absolutely apocalyptic for them, regardless of the set being good or not, nothing kills hype for sets than people knowing everything, ALA Ixalan.
Fitting that Dominaria should have one last apocalypse, then
>"Hexproof from X" is a new wording that means a card cant be targeted by X things your opponents control
But we already have protection from X
I'm actually really hyped for legendary mattering.
Kamigawa kinda touched on it, I'm keen to see them try and do it a little better.
Also historic is a cool mechanic.
Only thing I don't like is legendary instants/sorceries. They kinda feel silly.
I'm just hyped that we finally, FINALLY have an Angel Lord.
The key distinction being "your opponents control"
Legendary spells are feats of magecraft that not just any chucklefuck can trip dick-first into casting. It's unnecessary, but it makes a certain amount of sense.
Historic and sagas are fine by me, though I'd have preferred to see Sagas debut in a viking/Norse themed set.
I'm a little salty that the RW Angel Legend whose name escapes me is 5cmc for x/3, but given the number of legendary creatures in the set (multiple wizards, three spoiled elves so far, etc) I'm hoping for a third that'd sit somewhere more towards the end of the spectrum where Restoration Angel and Linvala live (4cmc, 4 toughness, and a neat ability).
nothin' says we can't have a norse set later that uses 'em.
when the FUCK do we go to the warstorm surge plane
it's a shame it's a mostly red plane so we'll probably never actually go there
Idk senpai, I'm pretty hype. All it really takes are commanders, big black demons with good art, stax, and mld. The only thing I'm missing is the art, and if Seb does any, I'm going to be stoked.
>yfw the one who leaked was the man himself
I went from wait and see to preordering a box because of the leak.
Standard ramp gets a boost.
How can anyone like historic? I dont get it. It adds an extra layer of comprehension to flavor (Jhoira and that Disciple of Gix legend caring about "historic" cards is really just the on set theme way of saying "artifact"), and the things that are historic feel arbitrary and random. I get the idea but theres no mechanical or aesthetic connection. On top of everything, now its just a thing we have to remember all legends, all artifacts, and certain subtype of enchantments are. This is annoying to me because they were smart enough to give legends a special border in this set to make them easier to identify at a glance for legends matter cards, yet historic cards will presumably not have this and are even harder to track.
> Dominaria gets leaked on the same day when it's announced that Richard Garfield works on Valve's Artifact digital card games
This really activates my almonds.
RG crashing this game with no survivors
I can't believe it's finally fucking happening. I've been waiting for this for forever.
M8, it's a one-set mechanic that's easy as shit to remember. What's old as fuck? LEGENDS, SAGAS, and ARTIFACTS
Hexproof is simpler than protection.
It's simple, but I hate how parasitic it feels. Sure, it affects artifacts and legends too, but I feel it'll only have a point with Saga support
It's actually the exact opposite of a parasitic mechanic. "Sagas matter" cards would have been parasitic because we can imagine them being a set specific mechanic, while "Historics matter" cards can be paired with artifact and legends, that appear in every single set and can potentially fit in the vast variety of artifact matters decks in all formats What feels parasitic are the legendary sorceries, those are completely useless outside of a dedicated "legends matter" deck that isn't and will never be a thing outside of fucking sealed.
Legendary functioning completely differently on one card type then on every other type is dumb. Maro constantly mentions how some old mechanic or another was bad for working differently on different card types. If R&D is recognizing old mistakes like this all the time why do they constantly continue to make those mistakes?
Its not a one set mechanic. It isnt a mechanic at all, its a game term that applies to ALL legends, artifacts, and I guess sagas which ARE a set mechanic, which are now "historic" under game rules. The only set mechanic part is caring about historic cards.
And the problem is, artifacts in magic arent always billed as "things of history or from the past". Thats what theyre going for to connect them, but it doesnt really work like... most of the time. Just random items are artifacts. Servos are artifacts. I dont care about flavor mismatch, I get that its a game, but the problem is this flavor connection is what its hinging on as a device to help make the term feel holistic.
And its fucking stupid this label applies to a super type, a card type, and a subtype. I did just realize i guess there IS an aesthetic, the mechanic cares about one part of the type line for three different card types, but its not one you apply while playing as a decice to connect them.
They just did this with ascend too. It bugs me. Ascend was for good gameplay reasons at least. But the legendaey thing reslly grinds my gears. If this was the solution, did we REALLY need legendary spells at all? Id have rathered a new subtype like sagas like "Event" or something. Spells with subtypes is an underutilized design space anyway after them getting burned by Kamigawa.
Reminder that having some mechanics is fun and okay sometimes and "parasitic" isnt synonymous with "bad"
I agree but I still don't like this specific one. It's going to be fun to cast legendary sorceries in limited, but it's also going to be really frustrating having a completely dead card in your hand just because you don't have a legend. Also unless some weird combo comes up you can be pretty sure that none of them are going to see play in constructed.
Yes, that happens with any parasitic mechanic. Theyre being very careful with this, to the point theyre having a massive amount of legends with a guaranteed legend slot in the pack. Is there going to be times where you dont have your A to fo with your B? Sure. Does that make it bad inherently? No. A lot of fun things are like that. They know how to execute the asfan to make these work. I havent heard any complaints about host and augment for example, and hosts werent a guarantee in a pack like legends in dominaria. We also dont know the rarity distribution for legendary spells.
So are the Knights looking pretty shit to everyone else.
>Gluge of Wizzard Cards
Gotta seel those precons huh?
The knight commander honestly seemed decent to me. Not great but cheap repeatable removal is a thing in commander.
He requires a filled board state and that goes to shit if a bored wipe comes in
Aka almost any tribal commander. As much as people hate eminence commanders, they sure dont appreciate the problem they solved tied to tribal.
Yeah. Honestly its why I appreciate them. They can be annoying but they solve a huge problem that made any tribal outside of elves useless
>no slivers
Holy shit thank you. Im not the only sane person. Oloro pissed people off but eminence really solved tribal's issue of being too wrapped in their board state
Weep not friend. They will probably be in the Core set
Magic was born and dies with Dominaria. Fitting.
I also think the loss of the mana pool is stupid.
I dearly hope that Bolas gets BTFO by a shitty 1/3 rogue
What I need to know is if Tetsuo has a red relative too.
The mana pool isn't gone. Reread it.
Fine, you pedant. I also think that no longer referring to the mana pool when mana is added is stupid.
The Antiquities War could make for a really fun Standard deck
>ALA Ixalan
How many cards from Ixalan are played in standard? How many are played in Modern? EDH, etc?
Opt? Some removal? Ixalan was a shit and boring tribal set. Being leaked early has nothing to do with the lack of hype.
>Hostage Taker
>Jadelight Ranger
>Lightning Strike will be once Abrade leaves
>Chupacabra apparently ruined mtg with its untold power level
>Search for Azcanta is played in MODERN
>mono-white vampires is a deck
Stop talking out of your ass
>Replacement effects are unaffected by Naban's first ability. For example, a Wizard that enters the battlefield with one +1/+1 counter on it won't receive an additional +1/+1 counter.
So this card doesn't combo with Sage of Fables?
"Legends matter" is a solid theme, but Kamigawa went way too ham on it. Dominaria looks like a much better approach.
The legendary instants / sorceries are such feel bad cards, though. It might seem like a small hoop to jump through but it is actually a big restriction as far as casting spells go.
>but Kamigawa went way too ham on it. Dominaria looks like a much better approach.
Eh, really? It looks dominaria is going way harder than even kamigawa was to m.
correct, but it does trigger evolve 2x
Wasn't the "as-fan" of Champions like 2.5 or 3.0?
Right now they are stating 1.0 (assuming the document is correct about that - "A Legend in every pack"). That's way lower.
>Jadelight Ranger
Rivals wasn't leaked early, cumstain. So what do we have?
>Hostage Taker
>Lighting Strike (lol)
>Search for Azcanta
So out of 300 cards you were able to come up with 4, and of those 4 you have to mention fucking Lighting Strike of all things.
Sorry bro. Remember, triggered abilities are always formatted as "when ___ occurs", "whenever ___ occurs", or "at the beginning of ___ step"
My mistake, I ddin't realize you were going to be this anal when your complaint was "boring tribal set", and automatically assumed you were also including Ixalan in this.
>Hostage Taker
>Legion's Landing
>Carnage Tyrant
>Treasure Map
>Adanto Vanguard
>Ixalan's Binding
>Field of Ruin (also Modern)
>Mavren Fein
>Settle the Wreckage
>Merfolk Branchwalker
There, I'm bored now.
>What Ixalan cards were played in standard?
We shifting goalposts now?
>ixalan was a boring tribal set
Stop being a dumb nigger, Ixalan sucks, no shit, but you asked him what Ixalan cards are played and he gave you a list.
>Ixalan was a shit and boring tribal set. Being leaked early has nothing to do with the lack of hype
>"but achkually"
Legendary Sorcery sounds far cooler than Sorcery -
I think the mechanic sounds pretty cool, the one thing that bothers me is that it doesn't really have anything in common with the permanent legendary rules.
And needing a 'Legendary creature or planeswalker' is kind of weird, though I can understand how a legendary enchantment can't cast a sick spell.
>oh shit I've nothing to refute this person
>better make a strawman
kill yourself
they made a rule change that you can't redirect damage from players to planeswalkers now. This means either
- they're finally working on finding ways to make Red fun to play again and not a derpy color that gets its mechanics cucked into oblivion
- they're working EVEN HARDER to protect their precious fucking mary sues
The optimist in me says it's so they can print creature strength burn in standard and have that not make burn (the deck) too strong.
The pessimist in me says it's to make planeswalker answers harder to come by.
Duress has been in multiple Pro Tour winning decklists in more than one format over time.
Your new is showing.
Actually on topic: The 3 CMC creatures of a single colour are all nuts. Leatherback Baloth with upside for GGG, efficient beats plus removal for RRR...the blue one is actually the least exciting as it is just an efficient flyer.
It's a good change. Less wordy. It sucks that it comes from a place of virtue signalling, but the whole 'broken clock twice a day' meme applies I guess.
Downside is that it makes it slightly harder to tell if an effect affects multiple players or not.
Could have been avoided if only English had a non-gendered third person singular pronoun, but it will never happen.
I'm curious as to why this would be the case? If you can't redirect player damage to walkers, and instead it's a direct target, bolt still works as intended, right? Where's the rarity of answers coming from?
However the rules change does allow some new tech - you can now burn out planeswalkers if your opponent has a leyline or is hexproof.
I think this is a net positive - more cards are going to be worded to hit either "any target" or "target creature or planeswalker".
There's also the Kitesail Freebooter being played in modern, and sorcerous spyglass is in some sideboards in modern
For the longest time I honestly thought Kitesail Freebooter was a Kaladesh card everyone just forgot about.
I'm talking about in standard.
This is an almost non-change in modern.
Strike then. I'm just curious about where you're coming from, because I can't really see where this would be a problem.
Yeah but being hype now doesn't do Wizards any good. Hype on release day is what gets the most sales. The average consumer is a moron driven entirely by how they feel right this instant
Did you actually pre-order this far in advance? Pre-order prices are inflated until the week before release
As fan of legends in kamigawa? What the fuck? 3.0 is 3 legends a pack. That was not the asfan of legends in kamigawa. Where in the fuck did you get that? You werent guaranteed a legend a pack in kamigawa, that was why the theme wasnt done well there. People couldnt tell legends were a theme except when you took the set as a whole.
You're just whining tho
We already had hexproof too
I think wizards likes color hate but doesn't like how protection serves as evasion. I agree with that line but I wish they found a way that prevents combat damage too
If they don't print enough cards that can target planeswalkers.
And at the moment if something can shoot players, it can shoot walkers, so are those effects errata'd? That's going to be really confusing later on.
The document states that over 100 cards are receiving errata for this, so that could be an interesting oracle article.
However, I'm assuming that all old cards that say "creature or player" are now just going to say "any target" and they will call it a day for older cards. They will focus on specific wording going forward with new ones.
Adeliz, the Cinder Wind (UR Human Wizard)
Arvad the Cursed (WB Vampire Knight)
Aryel, Knight of Windgrace (WB Human Knight)
Baird, Steward of Argive (W Human Soldier)
Darigaaz Reincarnated (BRG Dragon)
Demonlord Belzenlok (B Elder Demon)
Evra, Halcyon Witness (W Avatar)
Garna, the Bloodflame (BR Human Warrior)
Grand Warlord Radha (RG Elf Warrior)
Grunn, the Lonely King (G Ape Warrior)
Hallar, the Firefletcher (RG Elf Archer)
Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain (UR Human Artificer)
Jodah, Archmage Eternal (URW Human Wizard)
Kazarov, Sengir Purebllod (B Vampire)
Kwende, Pride of Femeref (W Human Knight)
Lyra Dawnbringer (W Angel)
Marwyn, the Nurturer (G Elf Druid)
Muldrotha, the Gravetide (BGU Elemental Avatar)
Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar (G Elemental Avatar)
Naban, Dean of Iteration (U Human Wizard)
Naru Meha, Master Wizard (U Human Wizard)
Rona, Disciple of Gix (UB Human Artificer)
Shanna, Sisay's Legacy (GW Human Warrior)
Slimefoot, the Stowaway (BG Fungus)
Squee, the Immortal (R Goblin)
Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle (W Bird Cleric)
Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive (U Human Rogue)
Tiana, Ship's Caretaker (RW Angel Artificer)
Torgaar, Famine Incarnate (B Avatar)
Urgoros, the Empty One (B Specter)
Valduk, Keeper of the Flame (R Human Shaman)
Verix Bladewing (R Dragon)
Whisper, Blood Liturgist (B Human Cleric)
So which ones have big story and lore implications?
All old "players only" cards will be errata'd, any new "players only" cards cannot target planeswalkers
>Legendary matters as a theme
Fair enough, if they think they've solved how to do that.
>Legendary Instants and Sorceries
Not sure I care for this idea - I don't like cards that only work if you control cards with a particular, easily targetable quality. Why not bring back Epic, or a variant thereof? Only make some way to "opt out" of the Epic spell if it becomes problematic for whatever reason.
>Every booster has at least one Legend
>Ditching the "mana pool" phrase
I strongly dislike this and will use the opportunity it implies to add mana to my creatures, my hand, and my exile zone.
>Target phrasing change
Fair enough.
>Portal bar is back
This is not what I meant when I said I'd like to go back to Caliman from Portal 2nd Age.
>Legends new card frame
>Hexproof from X
Not neat. I don't mind the idea in theory, I just dislike that it's using an existing keyword. I guess this replaces "protection from X"?
>Kicker back
Eugh. I never cared for kicker as a mechanic.
Will have to see some of the cards, but sounds neat.
>Wizards tribal
Whatever. I just want my Jhoira Artificer card.
I dunno, I just think it's gonna be a huge mess.
>"Okay I Bolt using my M11 printing on your Nahiri, Innocent of All Crimes."
"In response I use my Incontinent Flamespew on your Nissa, Avatar of Shrubbery"
>"Incontinent Flamespew doesn't hit Planeswalkers."
"But your Lightning Bolt says 'target creature or player', as does my Incontinent Flamespew!"
>"Yes but it was printed after the rules change, so my Bolt can still hit planeswalkers, whereas Incontinent Flamespew was printed after, and thus can only hit creatures or players."
I dunno, I just see this ending poorly.
Radha, Jodah, Rona, Shanna, Teshar, Tetsuko, and probably the Avatars.
>Saproling lord
Highlights for me:
Hopefully it's Jhoira as an artificer rather than a time wizard. She's not supposed to be a time wizard.
I was never that pushed on him after The Gathering Dark.
I could have sworn he died...must have misremembered that. Anyway, important only in that Multani was my first Legend.
Fair enough...
>Tetsuko Umezawa
Well, it wouldn't be Dominaria without timeline fuckery.
I have no idea who this is, I'm just highlighting it because I accidentally read it as "Female Incarnate" rather than "Famine Incarnate" at first.
This is exactly why they have waited so long to pull the trigger on this particular change, but honestly they have done messier errata bombs in the past.
you're confusing tesuko (who we currently know nothing about) and tetsuo (the one who fought against bolas and essentially won)
Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain
Legendary Creature — Human Artificer
Whenever you cast a historic spell, draw a card. (Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic.)
Yeah, she’s an Artifacts Matters Commander now.
>Hopefully it's Jhoira as an artificer rather than a time wizard. She's not supposed to be a time wizard
Shes an artifact legend, its just disguised and combined with her role as the new Sisay by caring about historic spells instead of just artifacts. But shes going to care about artifacts like 90% of the time.
You already have Tendershoot Dryad - get to work!
With Dryad and the new lord Saprolings get a free +4/+4 with city's blessing...and that isn't even vaguely magical christmas land.
For sure playing a big part
>Belzenlock (Last demon Lili needs to kill)
>Jhiora (She's on all the promo art with Teferi and Karn)
>Jodah (Classic character that's finally getting card representation, he's got some hand in this)
Might have a big role
>Slimefoot (Jace planeswalks onto the Weatherlight and "landed in something slightly gooey" according to the last RIX story segment)
>Squee (Probably the oldest member of the Weatherlight crew at that point)
>Tiana (Watching over the Weatherlight)
>Tetsuko (Might have some insight on beating Bolas)
Mild story role
>Whisper (Probably part of the Cabal going off of color/creature type)
I think slimefoots gonna be comic relief, kind of like the role squee played before. I actuslly dont expect squee to play a part in the story at all but I moght be wrong.
This seems boring. Like super boring. Boring in the sense that you can't even do dumb shit like Suspend an Eldrazi and Wildfire.
Time Wizard from a gameplay perspective is vastly superior to this thing.
For now there's plenty of support for the high end of the curve but we miss the cheap token generators. Hope there are at least 3 in the unspoiled commons bulk
No, I know they're different. But they're both Umezawas, and they're also connected to the Umezawa from Kamigawa through some kind of timeline fuckery.
>Magic has adopted "they" as the preferred third-person-singular pronoun for a player, replacing "he or she."
Fuck this shit
Go back to your containment thread.
Every use of 'they' over 'he or she' saves five characters, user. That can be pretty valuable. And 'their' over 'his or her' saves the same amount, too.
I can't think of a single time in all of Magic's storylines where Jhoira cast any spell. Conversely, she's well-known as an artificer in both the story and the cards, outside of her time wizard Jhoira of the Ghitu card.
Now, she's the better part of 1500 years old at this point, so I can totally buy that over 1500 years she'd learn to cast a spell or two, but the point is that fans of her as a chracter had been waiting for her to get a card since Urza's Saga, and when she finally got a card in Time Spiral it was as a fucking time mage for no discernible reason (she doesn't even do any time magic -or any magic - IN the Time Spiral book). This makes the Vorthos angry.
So you can go have fun with your Jhoira time mage, but meanwhile I'm happy I'm finally getting a proper Jhoira Artificer card.
>Squee (Probably the oldest member of the Weatherlight crew at that point)
Jhoira should be nearly a thousand years older. I don't know when Squee was born, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't more than a few decades before the Phyrexian Invasion. Jhoira was already something to the tune of 1,000 by that point thanks to the effects of Tolarian slow-time water (of which she is the discoverer and the original beneficiary, although not the creator).
Cards like this make me want more creatures with Ninjutsu.
Honestly, English is hella stupid - in a sane language you'd just have a gender assigned to each and every word, so it would be just "he" or "she", saving tons of space. "They" is a second-best solution - it does sound a bit stupid, but at least it beats spending three million characters on "his or hers".
>literally depicted casting this spell