Which races do you hate and why?
Which races do you hate and why?
Humans, people are so fucking touchy on the abilities of their self inserts.
No race in fantasy settings has as many cuntish fanboys as plain old humans
It's a race that should be appreciated in fantasy settings but faggots in this godforsaken board take it to full HUMANITY FUCK YEAH / LE DEUS VULT territory and end up being more obnoxious than every drow, tiefling, dragonborn or any other race they complain about combined
Humans are great in fantasy, but no playerbase is as obnoxious as puritan humanfags
Vocal human players are one of the most of obnoxious elements of the RPG scene.
I've also slowly come to really hate goblins and kobolds if only because of creepy Veeky Forums posts.
I don't hate elves, they're just boring.
For some reason they're obsessed with having humans be mechanically boring as possible or they're making them magical/weeb shit which humans shouldn't be. Mind you while complaining about every other race. Yes I get it every other race gets low light or night vision, you don't even offer a solution you just bitch about how everything is human + and get huffy over it while shooting down anything for humans even just fucking additional stats.
Any hippie race.
All of them.
goblins, kobolds, and furry races trigger my autism.
It's less about the races than their players.
Beast races are great in theory, but furfaggots are inevitably the most awful people you will meet.
Humans are the bog standard and should be acceptable anywhere, but the rise of HFY pseudo-Nazi Goblinslayer larpers has made me very wary of anyone who strongly wants to play humans.
However closet furry races like Kitsune can just fuck right off entirely. No one plays those but ironic weebs and closeted yifflords (as if there's a difference.)
It's not hate, but I tend to forget short races exist. Things like gnomes and halflings, and sometimes dwarves.
I like them all.
Nigga have you been on Veeky Forums recently? It's not bait, it's full of these fuckers
I'll be honest, Furry races are one I see mentioned alot in threads like this... but I find I'm often OK with the idea of a furry race itself. It's the cringeworthy players who try to turn them into anime catgirls or live out their fursuit fantasies that ruin them. I unironically don't mind me some Elder Scrolls Khajiit though.
gnomes. They are retarded and should just be dropped. Halflings exist and are less prone to mary sue characters.
This. The moment you see someone trying to play off a kobold or goblin as cute, "adorably funny", or sexy, you can safely conclude they're going to cause problems.
It's because you don't want to play a furry race, you want to play a beast-man race. There is a difference.
I feel like this really describes the actual problem.
It's not that non-human races or furry non-human races are bad. It's that desperate weaboos trying to publicly imagine their fetishes are disdainful and shockingly common.
If you pick some weird furry race because muh lore and roleplay it well, and without any hint of weebfurry stuff, then who the fuck cares? After all, that's the fucking intention.
Brown people mostly
Blacks are the worst but Mexicans and South Americans are disgusting in their own ways.
Asians are terrifying bug-like creatures that deserve the cleansing with glassing and Vegemite that our brothers down under will bring upon them.
>Australian audaciously calling anyone subhuman.
After spending half a year here, I can safely say if your ancestors were anything like you I understand why the British exiled them to the other side of the planet.
Tieflings. I initially had no problem with them, but now they're just fetish bait, and literally no one who plays one has pure intentions.
>Today I will remind them.
Kenders are the only race I have a problem with, because the only things that differentiate them from halflings and dwarves are awful traits that only appeal to That Guy.
Kobolds because unlike lizards and dragonmen they have no room for cool angry monster characters and just house furryfaggots
Not to mention how theyre all just shitty manlet dragons
I see this argument a lot but I have a difficult time understanding the descriptive difference between the two...
what gives beast-men fetish-retardant?
Fucking knife-ears
Humans are too generically "useful" as a race where they're boring in their usefulness. I don't know about non-dnd games but in 3.5 and pf, the bonus feat is effectively essential for low-level AND high-level play, either because you need those bonus feats for combat feats or metamagic to survive low levels, or you need the feats to match high-level issues face-on. The only time I've found it okay to play a non-human race is a game between levels 8 and 15, and even then, it's usually still better to play a human.
Elves are whatever suits the special snowflake type that you need.
Dwarves are drunk scots who live underground, drink too much and believe in norse mythology. I have seen them done different in literally one setting, and that was my friend's homebrew where they were carved from stone by their god and sent out into the world as her minions to spread her messages.
Halflings are gypsies.
Half-breeds have the issues of both parents and also are snowflaking everywhere.
Orcs are african tribes.
I hate all of them except the one interpretation of dwarves.
Fetish bait furries tend to one of two things.
1.Completely human except for some retarded quirk like cat ears or a tail.
2. Literally a full-on animal that still walks and moves like a human despite their body not being built for it.
3. A shapeshifter that can swap between the two formes, see Kitsunes.
A good beastman race will avoid either extreme and be it's own thing rather than blatant fetish fufillment.
Fucking dwarves. Every player who plays a dwarf plays one fucking dwarf. Every universe houses the same dwarf. Dwarves as a species are just clones of eachother.
Stonehammer McGorrinson is a heavy armor wearing fighter/barbarian who is loud, crude and likes his ale a little too much. He likes mining and forging and god gave you two hands to wield a weapon with, so by god you better be using a hammer or an axe. Of course, this character has some complexity, personality wise. He thinks elves are prissy hippies who don't understand his down to earth ways and they're too uptight. Humans are brash and weak and can't build things that can stand up to MUH DWARVEN CRAFTSMANSHIP. But underneath the gruff exterior, he has a heart of gold and people just need to get to know him.
Every fucking time. Like clockwork.
I hate elves when they're just long-lived effeminate, snobby humans with pointy ears.
I hate orcs when they're just off-color humans with anger issues.
I hate dwarves when they're vertically challenged pop culture glaswegians with an axe fetish.
I hate beastmen when they're furry wankbait.
I hate the undead when they glitter.
I hate humans when they're faceless player stand-ins with no identity or culture of their own, besides anachronistically enlightened worldviews.
A beast race when played at maximum un-annoyance is when they're basically just something like a regular character in a crocodile that was stretched to fit a human skeleton. Maybe with a couple quirks or two that hints at them not necessarily being brought up the same as a normal person. Maybe a lizardman is completely normal until dinner time when he tips his head back like a fucking pelican to eat. Everyone would be quickly reminded that yes, that is in fact a non-human character.
I kind of enjoy kobold. Just got to play them to role. That being basically perpetually angry north koreans.
To be fair, the fact dwarves in media are often similar and so few people are annoyed by this is kinda proof that it works. People nod and go go yeah, thats a dwarf.
While i get the goblin slayer love/hate was HFY really that bad? Sure some of the greens were stupid but there were good ones in there that were not super op sue.
I like humans and Orcs mostly
Most of them. They're unnecessary for the most part.
I can not understand the fantasy obsession with having other intelligent races inhabit the world. Especially when they're always just humans with like a different coat of paint.
If theyre actually inhuman and alien, then that's interesting, but when the fuck does that happen in the bog standard fantasy world?
I dunno man, I can't stand the hippie snobby treehugger elves either but at least with that race, there's some fucking variety now and then. Hell, even just bouncing between what type of elf changes them pretty substantially. A high elf is going to be different than a drow. What's the difference between a mountain dwarf, a hill dwarf and a duergar? Basically nothing other than the depth of the earth the reside in.
Shit like this is why dwarf was a class in early dnd. I thought we'd be past it by now.
The blacks, because it makes me feel really edgy.
>that pic
Only thing I can think to add to it would be if you could somehow incorporate pic related
Maybe put a d20 on the guy's shirt?
if they werent halflings id play them every single session
>wahhh my stuff my stuff
take it back then pussy jesus fuck you sound liek a crybaby
Elves. People who play elves are always the most snoby cunts, while being Borderline if not full SJW cucks.
>Every universe houses the same dwarf. Dwarves as a species are just clones of each other.
This already sounds more interesting than standard dwarves.
Frankly, anything fey. current GM likes to shoehorn them in wherever possible and they range form trickster to complete dickass; and no matter where they are on the spectrum, they have no concept of mortality because they'll just poof back to their home realm and be back within a couple days. They constantly fuck with politics, they claim pretty much the entirety of the wilderness except for roads somehow, and they always end up giving use some bullshit ultimatum to gain the party's help. Frankly it is to the point where if I remember to do so when creating a character, its going to be a cold-iron-wielding, jack-booted, not-quite-a-nazi, mage of some type bent on severing the feys' connection to the material plane, then going full final solution on whats left of them.
This is a great thread, OP. Not chalk full of generalized and oversensitive retards at all, no sir.
I played a game in a homebrew setting where the dwarves were the druids. The Green, ala Swamp Thing, had brought them to consciousness from stone and dirt so they did dwarf things and druid things. Less nurturing nature, and more letting nature be nature. They viewed metropolises, urban centers as natural hive behavior for highly social animals and very rarely interfered.
That pic is old as dirt, even older than the complaints department one.
When was the last time you saw Macha on Veeky Forums?
Cat people. Never known anyone to do anything of value with a cat person, it's always just fucking magical realm.
that actually sounds awesome as fuck
Weird, 4-5 years on Veeky Forums and 10ish on Veeky Forums total and I've never see the pic before. Guess I need to lurk more.
What's a good substitute name for humans that doesn't sound so common? I thought of sapients.
No matter what you call them, your players will just call them humans.
It's generally a good idea to avoid weird or eclectic terms for well-known concepts. You should only give humans a different name if you're playing from the perspective of aliens or something.
Homos (depending on maturity level of your audience)
Terrans (though it's kind of a cliché)
Or just name them after their major nation/empire/country/whatever. Like if they're from Gondor you call them Gondorians. Bad example but you get the idea.
I plan on creating a setting where humans are still fresh and the most uncommon of the big 4 non-goblin/orc races. Is it a good idea?
This, you don't want to turn out with another Aelf
its fine, but ask yourself, do they really need a new name?
They are easy to overlook
Is this actually from something?
Age of Sigmar. Aelf is also a cryptocurrency.
They're too boring
The player will be either a full on asshole because "ORC BARBARIAN xD" or think he's the shit with "It's a sensible orc barbarian xD"
Pretty much any non-human.
Traditional fantasy games are about simple humans overcoming the odds in a fantastical world where dangerous monsters are utterly alien foes to defeat.
They're not about a band of super heroic furry, mushroom, half-genasi, dragon, hominids, flying around being murder hobos but that's pretty much every nu fantasy game.
Unfortunately everyone thinks humans are 'boring' because they lack any imagination or personality themselves and need to play some weird monster race to pretend to be interesting.
It's normalfag, you normalfag.
Black people
For having too much fast-twitch muscle fiber.
Go the final fantasy route and call them Humes
The good thing about making humans a proper fantasy race is that you can modify them to be more fantastic/heroic while retaining their iconic human traits instead of just being around
>this whole thread
That's not a cool name you wanker, normie is better
What about non-barbarian half-orcs? I know it seems like it's the only class retards ever pair them with, which is surely where your dislike of them stems from, but half-orcs as a whole can be pretty cool if done right. I mean, that's true of most things, sure, but half-orc sorcerers have always been one of my favourite race / class combos.
To be fair it's not a specifically half-orc thing. It's more of a "strong race + barbarian" thing really
>That's not a cool name
That's the point, you can't use it outside of Veeky Forums because it's not family friendly and pc enough.
My point exactly, call the humans "normies" and it sounds nice on the ears of normalfags
I'm inclined to say that humans should either be the only race in a setting, or not in a setting at all.
Or not playble.
Europeans and Australians.
Fuck, at least Slavs know how to have fun.
It's not so much the races that I hate but the way they're played.
Take Humans, for instance. Good, middle of the road race in basically every setting. I'm sure there are plenty of settings where this isn't the case, I'm making a generalisation. They're a good jumping on point for a new player because they're instantly familiar and set up in such a way that you can play them as basically any class, albeit often less effectively than more specialised races.
But you just know that somebody is going to go hardline on their HFY bullshit and throw a tantrum whenever humans get BTFO in the campaign. (a local village raided, an army destroyed, etc...)
Most races seem to have an archetype that people play into. Elves are frivolous and snobbish. Dwarves are gruff and don't do diplomacy. Any of the umpteen gnome/hobbit races have to be "lovable" tricksters. While I don't have a problem per-say with people playing an archetype, I do find it grating when everybody plays the same archetype.
The interesting thing I've found is that this problem doesn't come up anywhere near as much in Science Fiction settings where the playable races are wholly unfamiliar to the players. The player has a preconception of what Elves, Humans and Dwarves are supposed to "be" like. And that same logic would apply to Klingons, Asari, Wookies and any other popular sci-fi species. But throw a wholly unfamiliar set of aliens at them, and each player comes up with a wildly different interpretation of what they are and how they might play them.
So I guess my real complaint has less to do with fantasy races and more to do with players not experimenting.
Slavs are predominantly European though.
Any form of regular elf (including things like Eldar). Making an entire race of just 'better humans' with very few other interesting aspects is so lame.
Marcile is cute! CUTE!!
>Dwarf Women seem so scarce because there are none.
>nor are there technically Dwarf men
>instead of a normal reproductive method, a Dwarf will occasionally enter a fugue state where he will rapidly, yet methodically craft a sphere out of the most robust materials he has to hand.
>after meticulously inscribing the entire surface with runes, the dwarf will tend to collspse from exhaustion
>after a week or so, the sphere cracks open, revealing a fully grown Dwarf, identical to the 'parent' Dwarf, in a crystal-lined cavity resembling a geode.
> Together with his 'Father', the newborn will harvest the extruded minerals inside the cracked sphere and craft an heirloom that the 'Son' will keep for the rest of his life
I strongly dislike humans, but in tabletop I'm completely fine with them.
Haumic folk
Sapients can apply to all civilized and savage races in fantasy or sci-fi. Basically whenever you hear someone talking about sentience, they mean sapience.
If you're going to give humans another name, give them a name prescribed by one of the other races. Maybe something that's a gross generalisation without being overtly racist. Farmerfolk, Low-Elves, Hill-Men or something to that effect.
Half-Orcs: for some reasons I dont like that their origin comes from an unplayable race and a playable one. most people roleplaying of a half-orc is just "I roll to attack" at this point i think a much better race could be made using the same mechanics in order to create the buff dude race.
Tiefling: I hate them on the basis that they are in the basic races yet they did not include the other planetouched. Planetouched should have been the standard race with Tiefling, asimar, elementals as subraces of that one.
I also hate tieflings because it also goes down the line of unwanted kid from an unwanted union.
Dragonborn is a weak third but that is because i feel dragonborn are a bit out of place with their lore. they just came out of nowhere and their relationship with dragons is kind of weak.
It's like I said, the only people who actually like Kender are massive That Guys.
And pedos, which are worse than That Guys.