Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion

Nyahahahaha Edition

Discuss the lore and story of the Warcraft franchise and its application in and around traditional games.

>Document compendium: Contains official (ex-canon) DnD 3.x variants and a fan made DnD 5e version! Also contains the official Warcraft Chronicles volumes 1 and 2.

Previous thread:

Warcraft lore is garbage. I love it.

This is now a LOA thread.

Praise the spirits, or Krag'wa will eat you.

...I wanna ride that frog.

This is instead a banshee queen thread.

>makes you Warchief

Grats, mon.

Lightforged were a mistake

Anyone else get Primaris Marines vibes from those guys? Like I know none of the allied races are particularly inspired but they're literally just Draenei But Better. At least the Nightwish Elves have a bit more personality going on.

50% of the things after vanilla were a mistake
75% of the things after TBC were a mistake
90% of the things after WOTLK were a mistake
99% of the things after Cataclysm were a mistake
99.1% of the things after MOP were a mistake
99.8% of the things after WoD were a mistake
99.99% of the things after Legion were a mistake

They're pretty much that exactly, yes, even in the lore. They're ubermensch draenei that have been quite literally reforged in the essence of the Light, effectively brainwashing them. They're an interesting idea, being a good example of the callousness of the Naru and the Light as a whole, but they make a poor choice as a character option. Maybe if Blizzard had made them more... "mechanical"? Sort of like half-constructs or warforged-like? That would have been far more interesting.

Personally, the reason I dislike them is the fact that they supplanted the Army of the Light, which was supposed to be a coalition of many and various races from across the Twisting Nether, having come from the many worlds that the Legion had previously attacked and/or conquered. Basically, they're yet another retcon concerning the draenei. 'Course, that retcon was only made because Argus and Sargeras were turned into a single patch (and you don't even fight the latter), when they should have been their own expansion entirely. But I guess people were sick of demons or something stupid like that.

I personally feel that both void elves and lightforged were such a weak choice lorewise and the general feeling of them. Like their lore is so bullshit and made up on the spot and it feels like when you roll one you have to play either paladin or shadow priest because they're literally cut for those roles.

They look really cool tho so for people that don't care it's a win I guess.

>the last WoW expansion sets all of Azeroth against the universe's own creators: Blizzard and its writing team.
>the heroes must undo all the work of the creators or at least get them to reset the paths of fate, clearing the way for WC4
Could it work?

One of the Void Elf racials is discounted Transmog prices so I think Blizzard knows full well who will play that race.

Alright, /wlg/.

Will they be playable?

Do you want them to be?

Oh, they absolutely are. As someone who primarily plays Horde but usually has one or two max level Alliance alts to play through and get their story, I think the Alliance got royally shafted when it comes to allied races. Even the Zandalari are much cooler than the Dark Iron, and I love the Dark Iron. Though, it doesn't help that the tauren are my favourite race, so I'm perfectly fine with the Highmountain.

Why not.

Yeah aren't the remaining allied races the following:

Zandalari - Kul'Tirans
Mag'har - Dark iron

I think so, and yes. I think they'll be more portly than fat, with their women being "thicc", as it were. They'll likely be added opposite the Mag'har orcs from alternate Draenor, mostly to push the whole 'human vs orc' thing.

There's some things that hint at it, but it's not confirmed.

But I'm not sure what ELSE Blizzard has set up right now to be the Mag'har's counterpart. They already let a chance at Broken pass them by.

>the tauren are my favourite race
Same here, which is why I'm disappointed we're not getting Taunka.

There's expected to be even more than that as the expansion goes on, and perhaps even beyond that, given the hints Blizzard has dropped since last BlizzCon. However, the Dark Iron are the ones being added opposite the Zandalari.

>Tfw thiccfag
>Mfw alliance get thicc ladies first

That would have been a much better choice, yes. Always enjoyed the Taunka and their hashness, though technically they're already a part of the Horde in the lore. That doesn't discount them from being a potential allied race, though, I imagine.

Dark Irons and Zandalari are comparable, in that they're a cool variation of an existing race that people have wanted forever.

Highmountain and Lightforged are comparable in that they're really just extra customization options sold as a "race".

It's the elves where the Alliance gets shafted. "Cool race we quested an expansion with" vs "Hot Topic Elves made up on the spot".

Mag'har COULD have been meh but they gave them a shit ton of customization options so you can be basically any clan. But we need to see their counterpart, confirmed instead of speculated, before we can make a judgement on whether the Alliance got screwed.

Fuck everyone else, Blood Elves are cool, at least in concept and their general art design.

Honestly, we need to see more of the Dark Iron, too. The Zandalari already have custom druid forms and yet we haven't even seen all the character options for the Dark Iron, never mind anything else. I don't think we've even seen their mount. And, personally, I hope they get to be shaman, since I think their totems would be awesome.

>not playing blue

>effectively brainwashing them
>a good example of the callousness of the Naru and the Light as a whole
Do we actually know this, or are people just jumping to conclusions? Lothraxion is Lightforged (or might as well be), but he's still had respectful disagreements with Xe'ra. He talked her out of killing Alleria, for one.

Well I'd certainly be invested in the setting for once.

>Side that doesn't have laster dinosaurs
>picking ever
Dark Iron Shaman totems showed up WoWhead. They're like, anvils.

They're just high elves but red.

As far as elves go I don't hate them. I can even accept their lore explanation for joining the Horde. I just hate how they diluted the Horde player demographics.

Like most OG Hordies I like ugly. I want ugly. I want undead castles and mud yurts and tipis and stinky cowmen. What I don't want is Elves. But because most WoW players won't play something they can't masturbate to, Blizzard felt obligated to give Horde elves to balance the population.

No joke, I would have preferred it if Alliance got High Elves instead of Draenei. Then Alliance gets something they want, and Horde doesn't get something they don't want.

I still think we should have gotten Alteraci instead. Would have balanced pops, and wouldn't have led to all the rvb shitposting fuel the elves gave us.

At worst you could say it ruins the "Orcs vs. Humans" theme but fuck that theme desperately trying to recapture it is one of the reasons RvB sucks so much.

Nice, I'm glad. And yeah, they look pretty cool.

lightforged draenei are so attractive

I submit the quest text of the quest "Safe Passage" for worst example of nu-Blizzard writing

>Being a human and a night elf, the archmage and I aren't likely to be well-received by the orcs of the Frostwolf clan.
>We need you to make an introduction for us with the Throm'var farseer.
>There is much to discuss. Shall I bring you up to speed on the way to the village?
Quote by Cordana in relation to meeting a village of Draenor Orcs from 10 years before an Orc has ever seen a human or an elf.

Hey, has anyone (either if you're in the Alpha yourself or you've just managed to catch someone else finding them) found the Drakkari speaker in Zuldazar? He was datamined on WoWhead but and like the Shadowtooth ambassador he was but unlike the Shadowtooth speaker I haven't seen someone find him and see what he says.

Are the Drakkari still around, or is he a "relic" like Ik'nal?

They were still around at the end of Pandaria, so I assume so. As I'm sure you're aware, the Zandalari Empire has become a coalition or "empire" consisting of most of the still existing troll tribes, including the Gurubashi, Amani, Drakkari, and Sandfury, with the Zandalari themselves leading them. The Darkspear, Revantusk, and Shatterspear are pretty much the only ones not to have joined them (until now), being members of the Horde.

The Drakkari are the only major empire that doesn't have an enclave in Zuldazar right now.

Since a lot of Trolls in Zuldazar express a prejudice against undead, and in Throne of Thunder the Drakkari were portrayed as undead, my personal theory is that Zul'drak is being rebuilt but the majority of its citizens are now free-undead. So the average Zandalari writes them off as a "fallen empire" when they aren't.

Drakkari are also consistently sneered at as backwards savages by the other tribes. Which is saying something.

>sneered at by the other tribes as savages
>Only tribe besides Zandalari that still keeps their capital in a relatively impressive state
>Maintained a friendship with a tribe of Wolvar in Zul'drak as stated by that tribe's chief

I know they ate their gods but the Drakkari were pretty alright before they got desperate. Maybe they're just remembering the ancient Drakkari.

Which one is your favorite?

Gilneas > Dalaran > Stromgarde > Alterac > Lordaern > Stormwind > Kul Tiras.

>Furry, ruined
>Schizophrenic Allegiance

Kul Tiras. But only because of BfA shit.

Are humans the Mary Sue race?

To a certain extent, yes, though I'm sure other would argue that's the orcs or draenei.

Nah, not really. They don't have a raw deal but their writing is flavorless by design.

If Human RPers got their way that would definitely be the case though.

Draenei fit the "Sue Race" best, they're just less boring so people don't harp on them as much.

I will say I kind hate how humans are treated as "protagonists" of the story despite not deserving it. But they as a race don't have much sue traits. Just their characters.

I always saw Draenei as basically Optimus Prime: the race. Powerful and heroic but there's enough going on there where you can't really call them a Sue

Im certain there's some people who'll say it's the orcs, but those are just buttblasted fanboys drunk on the Blue Kool-Aid.

There really isn't any "Sue Race" in Warcraft. At least by what little common metrics the term even has left

Orcs aren't really sues. Thrall himself maybe. But not the Orcs as a whole. If anything the Orcs are anti-sues, as Blizzard has made them so flawed now they're just annoying.

I miss the days of my redeemed people carving a life for themselves in a harsh desert instead of a schizophrenic race that constantly alternates from evil warmonger and peaceful shaman.

Honestly though, I'll still take them as they are now over the bland mush that is humans.

Kul Tiras looks to be cool. Giving humans religious diversity and actual culture besides "generic medieval fantasy".

Zandalar still looks better, but I'm a Trollfag. It was always going to look better to me.

>Strongest mages alive are 2 humans despite elves practicing it longer
>Varian was the strongest warrior around because he was mad I guess
>Turalyon leading the army of the light despite them fighting way longer
>Don't have any weaknesses like orc blood rage or forsaken depression about life.
>Varian lecturing Tyrande on war tactics despite her being way older
>Super proficient with the light
>Also have the numbers unlike the draenei who are powerful but the trade-off is that they're few

Hmmm I wonder

Dinosaurs are the easiest sell for me, which is one of the main reasons I picked Horde. I don't think I can give an unbiased opinion on Zandalar vs Kul Tiras.

requesting Smug Pepe as an orc and Crying Wojak as a Stormwind Guard juxtaposed over Zandalari dinoriders

>Dinosaurs are the easiest sell for me, which is one of the main reasons I picked Horde

Literally the reason I decided to try WoW.

>What's this WoW thing I've heard about?
>Check website
>Alright, alright, cool...

Troll main from the start.

The mounts were a big factor in why I went Horde I admit.

>Alliance gets horses, goats, robo-chickens, and cats
>Horde gets wolves, rhinos, skeleton horses, and freaking VELOCIRAPTORS

Honestly I could never understand why so few people played Horde.

>Varian lecturing Tyrande on war tactics despite her being way older
Tyrande is fucking retarded. No wonder everyone outsmart her.

>read Arthas novel
>Arthas and Jaina makeout in Dalaran
>Kael walks in
>Y-you dropped this book
>Chad Arthas steps in and thanks him instead of Jaina
>Y-you're ashamed of her! Otherwise you wouldn't hide! If it were me I'd ha-
>We just want to avoid rumors Kael
>T-that's not how you treat a woman!
>Kael you creep me out
>*autistic screeching*

Makes sense he's team up with Illidan

at least Illidan is only a cuck and not a pedo race-mixer

Implies he ever had Tyrande to begin with.

Illidan is a straight up incel fedora lord. No cuck would have the balls to scream "I AM MY SCARS" at an actual angel.

>leader of the Lightforged is a Human

I know Humans are obviously going to be the most relatable race, but it just seems lazy to make them so proficient in everything.

That orc is about to make Anduin a man isn't she?

Arthas is a big autistic fuck too though
>You are proud of me today dad? REEEEE WERE YOU NEVER PROUD OF ME BEFORE?
>Uther said good job on holding out? REEEE I DID THE BEST I COOOULD
>Jaina says following the demon to an icy continent is a trap? REEEE YOU BETRAYED ME HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST SOMETHING LIKE THAT.
A bunch of major lore characters are autismos.


Or maybe Jaina's bleeding hollow is a death sentence.

Srdomgard :DDD

>Kalecgos goes crazy and becomes a raid boss in BFA

Fuck, I don't know why that made me laugh so hard.

I know it's a meme, but I seriously wanted her to be a dreadlord; it would have been a great twist for this expansion. I know that's super doubtful, especially now that the Legion is kind of a non-threat, but a person can dream, can't they? Either way, I still think there's something up with her outside of having a near psychotic break.

That too but so many lore characters are obviously autistic.

Velen tipped his fedora at the Temple of Eluns

Genn literally started another war by assuming the Horde deliberately left Varian to die

Thrall abandoned his people to go larp as Superman.

Tirion Fordring and everything he did

And do I really need to get started on Garrosh?

What of the Argent Crusade?
They control most of Lordaeron along with the only land path so Silvermoon
What happens to them when the Alliance conquers EK?

>Some of you guys alright. Don't go to Light's Hope tomorrow

*blocks your path*

*teleports behind you*
psh, what did you sacrifice?

That already happened in the Sunwell, though. We beat the demons out of him.

Ugh Garrosh was awful.

Went from mopey orc to guy who wanked orc culture while knowing nothing about it.

No coincidence the story got more enjoyable once he was gone. Imagine the Legion cinematics with him.


Going to use my boost to make a Troll Survival Hunter, are there any Headhunter/Shadowhunter sets?

The red one from that troll dungeon with Hakkar looks too Shamany.


Would have been so much better than Wrynnwank and Sylvanus pushing.

Lothraxion could argue because he already knew of the Void even before he became Lightforged. Most of Xe'ra's troops have no clue about the Void or especially Dark Naaru.

Mix and match some of the older tier sets and dungeon gear and you could have a nice effect. Lightning-charged Helm with Rift Stalker lookalike shoulders from SSC mixed with some Northrend blues could look pretty cool.

There are times I wish I made my hunter a troll. Tauren are my favorite race but very little of the hunter sets look good on them.

Thanks user, much appreciated.

I feel the same way about Tauren although, my hunter's a Belf , ranged weaponry just feels so wrong for 10ft of horn and muscle.

>my hunter's a Belf

Doomhammer died for this

>and ranged weaponry (and lighter armour) just feels so wrong

I do agree with you though, but I would go further and say that most sets of anything look awful on Tauren.

I wanted a Not!Legolas, and I don't enjoy playing female characters.

I am not playing a Nightelf male.

>I wanted a Not!Legolas

Grom also died for this

the future is elvish

And it's beautiful.

I am entitled to one blatent and poor ripoff of a non-Warcraft character to try and shamelessly ape.

Every variation of Gimli was taken already on my server

The only way BfA is going to make a lick of sense is if the various Class Order's are constantly harping on about neutrality and actual threats.

What actually is going to happen is nothing and all the faction-aligned leaders are going to fuck off back to the Alliance and Horde in order to herf derf war of worldcraft.

Grom was an elfaboo. He'd be proud to see the Horde full of elves.

Does she have a dick?

She does not. Not even in alternate versions.

Interdasting. Reverse search is giving me nothing, I will gladly pay you tuesday for a sauce today

Slightly unrelated but there's nothing worse than seeing city nelfs in rp servers acting and looking like the pic.


Also all of you are cancerous fucks and know shit about the lore

BfA is going to take a pretty quick turn into Old God territory, I imagine. The whole expansion is a super obvious set-up for the Void Lords. Hell, Azshara is already confirmed as an end-of-raid boss. Plus, the whole war thing reeks of smoke and mirrors, honestly, and is bound to fall apart even before the expansion's end, giving way to the true threat: N'Zoth.

Here's hoping we finally get naga as a playable race sometime during the expansion or in the next one.

No u

Grom liked the night elves, who are basically the strong smash-ready orc-elves of the elven world.
High elves, their mutations, and the nightborne are too sticc for orcs to actually like more than just bodies for the war

Pic related?

who faps to this seriously

bunch of freaks

futa draenei incest is better

Dire elf?