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False Flag Theatre edition

Tau leaks

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Best faction reporting in.

why did they nerf tau support systems so much
some were already shit

I want Lelith to choke me to death

whats your faction again?

Nth for never-ever

Too many feels... Too soon...

N+2th for no more releases for us

*with her thighs

GW is helping herd the narrative shitters into their Power Level containment zone where they can play they retarded fluffy armies.

I am only glad if they can maybe finally fuck off from matched play games.

They aren't. Because Eldar are older than the human race and visited terra a thousand times before Humans became a star-faring race, Earth Myths are named after them.

Likewise, shit like Katanas and Helmet-combs were based on Eldar visitors.

The Emperor was around for all of it, and hates xenos because his ancient Eldar gf yvraine dumped him in the ancient times.

What's a good loadout for Sentinels? Looking to fill out my Fast Attack on the cheap, but want them to also be useful

good taste

what do you guys want most in the Codex?

GW is helping herd the cancerous fucks into their Matched Play containment zone where they can play they ridiculous spam armies and pretend they come close to approaching balance.

I am only glad if they can maybe finally fuck off from power level games.


Post your guys

Especially orks

>Big E comes back
>Finds Gorillaman taking his sloppy seconds
>Gives them both a nice hot dicking as a parting gift before making their brains explode.

Best timeline?

What happened to the wraith knight?

I want her to kill you too

We did get them in the end!

Suit armies BTFO. I'm having a fucking party tonight. I'd just like to thank everyone. I'm so happy.

>FA slots on tbe cheap
Scout Sentinels with Multilasers.
They’re not there to do damage, but rather prevent deepstriking/scouting onto objectives.

oh man, that's some tasty bait..

>That ear sticking out through her biceps
I guess they're called knife-ears for a reason

Reminder that Tau cannot be trusted in diplomacy and will get all pissy if you ask for a cultural exchange.

That skin is terrific. How many points are you up to now?


It died in the dawn of war 3 trailer

>Charge a battlesuit
>take mortal wounds
>kill a battlesuit
>take mortal wounds


>retarded taufag can only parrot other posts
Lmao kys already you cuck

I’m currently brewing another batch of Vostroyans, where I’m trying to diversify the colours I’m using (black leather instead of brown, etc.)

I just didn't have any other 40k thumbs up pics.

Post new Tau lists

Some kind of Splinter Rack thing. I need more drive-by dakka.

Is there such a thing as "ground floor" in DEland

>only 1250 points
What stone age meta do you play in

Yes, but it also serves the role of ceiling, wall, and potential rival.

That'll more likely than not be a 1 cp stratagem, eigher shoot twice from a raider or re-roll hits or something.

Yeah, I live in Deland Florida, of course we have
>DE Land
Oh nvm, my bad.

It's the floor with all the meat grinders.

I'm mostly satisfied with the rules right now, some point reductions would be nice, especially on Reavers. What I wouldn't give for twin Splinter Rifles, not that our sprues would support that.

Sort of wish we can deepstrike Venoms again, actually for that matter all our vehicles.

I'd like a faction bonus of like -1 to hit if I advance or something cause fast af boi

Not on table. And it's coming from a DE player.

Damn, you can really see the stupid scale creep on the suits. That Ta'unar could ride the Sky Ray like a skateboard.

Are you insane? Satisfied? Did you play against blood angels or any deep striking melee armies? We get absolutely rekt even with anti deep strike unit.

That's why we have venoms, though. I think it'd be stupid if we got -2 to hit on advancing venoms.

>>>help me

How are suit armies BTFO? Haven't been in the threads today.

I'm sure we'll get some kind of Deep Strike strategem, especially as every other faction has it seems

I'm hoping for another generic HQ or two, or at least more options for the ones we have; a Scourge or Reaver HQ would be unreal. Otherwise, just fleshing out the army with relics/strats/traits etc and maybe a cost reduction on Reavers and I'm happy.

Oh, and maybe a buff for the Pain Engines

>Post your guys

These were the final touches on my 1500 point for, next project is Tzeentch Daemons

I'll do my Dred Mob one day, I promise

Are you that one guy that keeps getting rekt by BA that talks about it every thread

>I'm sure we'll get some kind of Deep Strike strategem,
We have one. It's woefully inadequate to deep strike two units, total.


Yes. I lost my game again yesterday because he bubble wrapped 2 kabalite ro stay protected from my shooting phase for one turn.

Riptides are good but not good enough to deal with Inquisition Land Raiders and their special rules

A better, more cost effective one, I should have clarified

I want to once again be able to build an army that does most of its damage in the move phase.

Crisis unchanged
Support Systems nerfed
Meh Strategems

The taufags are salty due to not getting the crysis suit spam they were hoping for. No decrease in point costs, no increase BS and a price increase to the suit systems. Tau are still fine though. It's just an overreaction on both sides of the fence.

I love to see/have seen this entire thing in person
Dioramas with AdMech are the bomb

I have a question. Suppose my Shrike and Vanguards deep striked 9" away from the opponent's Dark Reapers. Shrike rolled for charge first to deny overwatch and he made it. Then, will my Vanguards be not able to re-roll for charge (Shrike special aura) because he made 9" charge?

Add in a min pathfinder squad plus the pad
Basically a blob of FW with HQ aura buff filling, so quintessential 8th edition army design

I've had good games against deepstriking armies, but we can just leave combat with all our fly units.

Imagine how fun wych venoms would be if we fly across the board?

Been working on doing "my dudes" for a future guard army, any tips and help to make them better (in terms of writing) would be really helpful


I dunno what to tell you man, sounds like you're not screening that well. Not sure why you couldn't assault them with your Harlequins or whatever while they'd tied themselves up with the Kabalites, but if everyone else seems to be doing fine with their DE and you're not then you gotta figure out what the issue is

If he's out of range when they roll for charge, they do not get his aura bonus.

With chaos terminators, is there any reason to run 2 autocannon 8 combi plasma instead of just 10 plasma?

It seems to trade some power for a bit of versatility, if I understand it right.

Does anyone use build points?

Yeah, it'd be insanely good. I just don't want to be cheap (immune to BS5+ fire, or BS4+ moving heavy weapons).

you could just run some of them as bodygaurd teams equipped appropriately.

ot sucks but it only can't be done in matched play, but personally i don't mind greater restrictions there in the name of balance. Narritve still works for doing crazy fluff stuff.

Daily reminder that eightposters can run the eight as crisis suits. Eightposters don't want the eight, they want to spam commanders.

Maybe a 1 target Stratagem that targets Venom/Raiders? Honestly I just want something that helps Venoms have a bit more staying power instead of being shot off the board by bolters and the like. I miss Bolters glancing on 6s instead of the current wounding on 5s

I remember when GW said Tau thought titan-sized warmachines were a waste pf resources.

But I guess that doesn't sell as well as giant mecha.

I want crazy arcane weapons that kill people by shattering reality around them, or summoning impossible entities from the sealed off forbidden zones of the webway.

I want crazy unique character effects, like literally teleporting behind you to in combat to "nothing personal kid" some faggots in the back.

I want wargear that is literally just designed to troll independent characters.

I want units that are most lethal in the movement phase.

I want to send my transports screaming across the board at 500 god damn miles per hour into an enemy tank, and kill everyone in a spiteful fireball.

And I want to pop an orgy of bloodbrides out of a webway portal and right up your ass, already having feel no pain, furious charge, even fearlessness,
PLUS whatever bonuses they get from whatever drugs those crazy bitches are on in this particular span of 2 minutes,
IF I've got the points, skill, and balls to pull it off.

In short, I want less bland, and more F U N

That's why the largest suits in my army are Broadsides.

it is 40k after all. reasonable and realistic choices have no place here.

So... you want to be OP.

I'm not stupid. But he bubble wrapped 2 kabalite that cannot fly and therefore couldn't flee. Also I screened well enough to keep him from deep striking for 2 turns. On the third he destroyed my kabalite, shadowseer and first troupe Master. The first troupe of harlequin was exposed because I succeeded at killing his assassin on shooting phase and they were left on foot. Then they died to bolters and snipers. The second team of harlequin was wiped while protecting the objective I was supposed to protect. The starweaver got killed by another charge of death company.

>Reminder that Tau cannot be trusted in diplomacy and will get all pissy if you ask for a cultural exchange.
That depends on if the Tau said "yes" to giving the 7 Ethereals and then changed their mind, of if they said "you can have the other casts" and the Dark Eldar said "okay".

All of the stuff I mentioned had been a thing previously, and none of it was OP.

Use cheap as fuck kabalite chaff?
At 7ppm a three 5 man kabalite squads are only 105 points.


>Take Farsight, 5 crisis suits, a broadside, and a riptide
>8 suits

Yep, it checks out.

Are sniper drones still complete dogshit with codex leaks?

Did you even follow the fucking discussion? I had 20 kabalite warriors ffs. They were on a pretty line. The issue is not I badly screened it's just the fucking death company man. He always succeed at hiding them in melee to avoid being shot at.

[Duel of Fates internally]

>Riptides are the iconic Tau unit!
>what are crysis suits?
>kroot? What’s kroot?
I understand where they’re coming from to be honest, I hate tau suits but I at least appreciate it’s supposed to be their thing.

Also death company charge 3d6 with jump pack.

Friendly reminder that your wrong and I am already building a crisis suit team just for this. I won't be able to do it perfectly as fusion blades, engram chip and onager gauntlet are signature systems, but I'm gonna do my best to get as close as possible.

But thanks for your zero-value input.

How big is his aura? You only need to place him within 1” of the enemy and if he’s On 32” base it’s possible to toe the line and be within 6” of them.

Read the pic dude. They said no to the Ethereals, but didn't give a second cultural exchange of 7077 (weird number, I know) other Tau or the original seven Ethereals. I mean come on, all we wanted was to have a snack, I mean *chat*, with the Ethereals, but noooo. They had to get all rude to their saviours.

But user you can. Stratagem : Emergency Dispensation: 1CP for 1 extra ss, 3cp for 2 extra ss

On characters. Crisis suits aren't Characters.

What the fuck?!

It's on boys and girls!

tell me about your dudes

that still depends on if the Tau originally agreed to the 7 Etherals or not.

Every model in your army is a character with their own story to tell, user.

Oh yeah...

Shit, but...
Yeah. Youd just have to use patrol/battalion regiments to get three more commanders to use the ss

I play a full DE list and I avoid foot slogging units if at all possible. I've tried out the 20 man kabalite squads and I've never gotten them to work. They get surrounded or are just too slow to keep up with the rest of the fight. They are cheap which is neat but for me Kabalite Raider/Venoms are still a favorite.

Does anyone else loathe the look of the old style plasma guns?