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What kind of Asshole doesn't have a Mausoleum on Wheels? Edition

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Thread Question
>If you could live in any realm what realm would it be? Personally I want to live in the realm of beasts and see all the megasuper beasts that exist

Just waiting for the shitposting to start

Who's gonna be first this time?

>Free People battletome

Do we really need one? We have artifacts, allegiance rules etc.
Most of the models are still available and there's huge variety.
Would be nice if Free peoples, Ironweld and mages were merged again though

>Thread Question
As the normal human I am? Azyr. I don't care about Stormcast or Sigmar, but I'm not ready to die yet

If one was to ever be released my gut says within a 2 year time frame at the least

Da boyz o' da Purple Moonz iz runnin' away, dis is too much fer us. Wot'z your lot up ta?

>Would be nice if Free peoples, Ironweld and mages were merged again though
Its mainly this that I‘d like.
Also, a battletome would just be cool to consolidate all the relics, traits and rules into a single book with some cool fluff and pics as well. Add in a few batallions, some different rules for freeguild armies and voila.

What I really want is for GW to release a new knight kit desu. Best thing ever would be giving us the option to create custom knightly orders

I don't like the idea of merging factions.
Separated factions are cool.

But having a few Allegiances combining them together, I don't see why not.

I'm taking my people and getting out of here you assholes can eat each other faces off and cause a magical cataclysm just keep me and my family out of it

I want to blow it up, but I'm not sure if shooting RAGE to the rage-powered sphere in the sky is the right choice
It would be pretty shitty of GW to make options that don't allow the faction to lose in any way, but since it's Chaos I can see them do it

Thats why you fuck off and let them kill each other until they get asshurt and leave

But we can't let the worst god do whatever he wants. Maybe we should still take the chance

I find the ally system too restrictive, if AoS had 40k style detachments I'd be fine with all the microfactions but obviously that's not the case. At the moment I can take a single Celestial Hurricanum at 2k points and that's all my ally points gone.
>Its mainly this that I‘d like.
Also, a battletome would just be cool to consolidate all the relics, traits and rules into a single book with some cool fluff and pics as well. Add in a few batallions, some different rules for freeguild armies and voila.

It would be cool but let's be honest, Free Peoples only exist to let people play their old WHF armies. How long are GW really going to keep producing old fantasy kits?

>What I really want is for GW to release a new knight kit desu. Best thing ever would be giving us the option to create custom knightly orders

100% agree, I can't even find decent 3rd party alternatives.

Have they announced the new date for the Warhammer event? The one that was postponed because of snow?

>100% agree, I can't even find decent 3rd party alternatives.

>ally system
I never said anything about Allies. That's why I was suggesting alternative Allegiances.

If you have an allegiance that put them together you can pick what you want.

But it's cool that you can go very thematic armies with the microfactions.

Having them but also alternative bigger allegiances makes everybody happy.

>finish painting unit
>cant take a good photo

I hate this feeling. I should get a lightbox.

Why are you highlighting the recesses of black with grey?

This is why you don't literally paint black black

You dumb piece of shit. There are no more Empire Knights. If one wants to field humans on actual horses armed with melee weapons, there is literally no GW product that can be used for that.

So, with the new GH coming out in a couple of months, what is it you hope for?

For me, it's 40k's character targeting restrictions.

I was just expanding on my thoughts on the ally system since you said you don't like the merging of factions. But I'd be fine with your allegiance solution too.
Legacy soup book when?

When are we getting the Deepkin info?

I'm trying to write the fluff for my army. Can anyone tell me which unit is the typical leader of a Blade of Khorne army?

>There are no more Empire Knights.
Ever heard abou Perry?

Those aren't recesses, the highlights are just a bit too thicc

Khorne bros are still the most aesthetic faction.

Honey, do read the comment chain before you open your cock holster.

That would be great, though that may make some hero options a bit too strong, since you don't really have as many units in AoS as in 40k that could receive a Sniping rule

Literally never.

So how are you actually supposed to paint black then?

Well, they could make the restriction shooting phase-only. That way you could still snipe Heroes with magic.

But I'm tired of losing my general turn 1 against every cunt with a Glade Guard unit.

I have an insane theory that I need like five more minutes on like don't rush me bruh

Do you mean, for e.g. god specific keywords for chaos?

I.e. under tzeentch you can take tzeentch daemons, arcanites and std with mark of tzeentch.

That could work for free peoples + friends.

Just need to make a new keyword and add it to all the relevant units.

Oh, that's definitely true, don't think I'm contradicting you, particularly now that my army is ridiculously hero-dependent
I just think that some options may get too strong if they get that level of defense, so they'd need to think that carefully

Not sure what youre talking about. Im only highlighting the edges

I mean, the Free Cities concept was a good start, but it never went anywhere...

>I want a new knights
> but GW-only

Where the black meets the gold trim, those aren't edges, they're recesses.

Do post all of those non-GW knight models that fit the Empire aesthetic and use GW heroic scale that you clearly know about.

I agree, but I don't want to play multicultural GA order fantasy.

I just want my humans to have their own thing.

you have a point with those, but I would still prefer Khorne over almost any other faction.

Well, your grey highlights are a bit too thick, so at a glance it looks a bit off. That's all I can think of. The places you highlighted are all correct and the gold in particular looks fantastic.

You can go dark grey and then shade it with Nuln Oil, but that's one of those I'm-too-much-of-a-cunt-to-do-it-normally options.

Could probably mix abaddon black and eshin grey and layer the black with it.

Not that guy but this is something that always confuses me when highlighting. Do you highlight were 1 colour meets another, even if it isn't an "edge"? Like where the black is meeting the gold trim. Because logically it doesn't make sense for the light to catch there.

>Most aesthetic faction
>Not THE AESTHETIC faction
Aztec. Lizardmen. On. Dinsaurs.

i love the daction but i really want new models for them

Nah, maybe just use a smaller brush for the next ones. It looks fine.

>posts art because he knows the models look like trash
>neglects to mention that the new lizardmen lore made them beepboop npcs

I was talking about painting black, not user's SC paintjob.

Isn't it a Lord of Khorne?

>Implying lizardmen were never biological robots
>OP didn't post pics of models either

They always were but now they're nothing but figments of a frog's imagination with no purpose in life but fighting chaos. Yay for AoS lore.

Someone give that model a shade and a drybrush.

Even then, pure Eshin Grey is a perfectly fine colour to layer black with. If you darken it down too much, nobody will notice you highlighted it at all.

How likely is this scenario?

It's too grey. Obviously you wouldn't use the mix for highlights. So you paint it black, then layer with the mix, then highlight with eshin grey. If you want you add a lighter grey for fine highlights.

>your grey highlights are a bit too thick
I get this comment every time I post my dudes. I'm doing them that thick on purpose so its noticeable on the tabletop

I agree with that sentiment.
Also I would shade it and dry brush it but large models just scare me when it comes to painting, and I already got everything glued together so I'm afraid of rehighlighting it after Shading, not to mention not knowing which shades to even use

Which would the "leaked schedule" be?
Also I don't think they'd actually release a new starter set. Maybe it could be a game using real miniatures like the many 40k has received if that rumor is true, obviously

>now they're nothing but figments of a frog's imagination with no purpose in life but fighting chaos
Thats not true
They are daemons conjured in the image of the lizardmen. They are bound to the will of the Slann like how a plaguebearer is bound to the will of Nurgle, but that doesn't mean they have no individuality

They havent explored the seraphon lore more than just grand-scale mythological type storytelling. I'm hoping we get some stories from the perspective of a saurus leader.

>The shadespire team
>Vermintide actually hyped and talked about on the site

The 'next' Skaven to come are gonna be Verminus arent they? the most boring skaven element they could chose from. Fucks sake GW

>Also I don't think they'd actually release a new starter set
Why wouldn't they? Blight War was released pretty close to the last GH, too.

Current 40k uses easy-to-build and was push fit the couple of editions prior, so wouldn’t hold your breath

I'm actually reading the Clan Pestilens novel and the Seraphon play a big part in it and you can tell each one has a personality, though they're very subtle as they are still lizards.

Fret not, the scales make it the easiest thing in the world to drybrush. Nuln oil should be fine for most of model, but mix a bit of water in. Use reikland fleshshade for gold.

You can drybrush the colors with whatever lighter variant of the color you like, or even the same color since the rest will be darker after shading.
Also there's a youtube tutorial for basically everything.

To be honest, old GW Knightly Order kits were literally historical Gothic Plate knights with skulls on them. Also a reason why GW will not, most likely, bring back basic horses for Freeguild. Even the Spear of Shadows book had the Knightly Order dude ride a demigryph.

Blight War wasnt really a starter set, just a boxed bundle.
Starter set implies a new ruleset.

If it’s not a Skaven soup book, I’ll chug a pot of ‘Ardcoat

Nah. Vermintide, especially 2, soups skaven together. The first had moulder, eshin, skryre, and verminus working together. This ones bringing pestilens and more skryre to the table.

stay triggered fagget

I dont like femenist elves and I am not sure about an entire army based around what is described as Teclis' "failed experiment". Neither of those seems like a great backstory for an elf army to me and I think that pic related would make great elf armies (excerpt of fluff about the hysh and Ulgu elves) and I am looking forward to finding more out about them. If you dont like that and consider it shitposting then you can suck a dick.

Okay, so hear me out. This is a bit messy.

With the news about the Idoneth, I started wondering why they wouldn't expand on the Scourge concept, or make them one thing. It didn't seem to make sense to me, and a lot of people take umbrage with many of the subdivisions in aelfland. Still, I had a feeling that there had to be a "why..."

And then I started thinking about what kinds of themes could justify things like this. And with that thinking, the idea of Ulgu and Hysh being intrinsically linked, circling each other, the idea of there being an Order Serpentis and an Order Draconis... Aelves of shadow and Aelves of light, as described in the DoK book...

I am going to make a very bold prediction- Every. Single. Dark or Light aelf subfaction will have a thematic counterpart. After 3 years putting together this masterpiece in paint, this is my prediction of how things are intended to be seen. I think once the complete set is rolled out we may also see a trend where Aelf factions ally within Dark or Light but also with their thematic counterpart, but that's wild speculation even compared to this.

You will see a few things- I made an assumption about Swifthawk- the use of the name "Agents" and inclusion of Shadow Warriors made me jump on that connection. Without the Shadow Warriors, I would have assumed Lions as the counterpart, what with their bravery mechanics vs Dark Riders making botched Battleshock worse for their foes. Phoenix Temple vs DoK seemed like a good fit, being tied to Aelven gods of the World That Was- I wouldn't be surprised to see someone mantle Asuryan the way Morathi has with Khaine.


It's spelled "feminist" with an "i".

also this pic of current and future elf army releases. I hope seeing this causes your autism to trigger.

>when you're such a sperg you get called out for it and then still keep going

I'd love a whole skaven battletome.
People don't take kindly to me fielding skryre anymore and I did work on a more balanced skaven list.
But it would be more fun if said list was actually supported by fun rules.

Maybe. Would be cool. It’d also take GW about 20 years to release all that though so logistics are against it.

can you stop posting protoss

are we really going to do it?

This kind of theory with perfect symmetry and perfectly reasonable intertwining lore is usually way beyond what GW ever does.

Their lore/development of the setting is way more random, and messy, and foggy, than these perfectly planned theories.

You'll see, everything will develop perfectly reasonably, following a precise design... and then they'll throw some insane curve ball with undead Orcs being the origin of the realm of light or some shit. GW always follows some kind of pattern for a while, then they get tired and throw a wrench in their own gears.
They're the kind of company that would put in their setting four great wizards: "the Great Wizard of the East", "the Great Wizard of the West", "the Great Wizard of the South" and "the Great Wizard of Fire". They always do this.

That's boring though "durrr take all the old shit you already field with slightly new rules" Lame

I wish they would have just combined Skryre/Moulder and could take the fleshcraft/magictech themes further, really go crazy with it and make some disturbing/awesome shit. Pic related when?

>he says as the majority of skaven was neutered after GHB

Is that the chaos version of the lolwut pear on the right?

stay triggered fagget

the DoK lore is Fem i nist poison and failed fish experiments are a weak concept. feel free to argue if you disagree on the merits of either critique.

this is one of the only places that isnt an enforced circle jerk about how everything GW does is candy/rainbows of perfect sunshine.



Kek I never noticed that

I both agree and disagree with you.
I would love, LOVE to have a skaven soup book. However I think that, especially compared to the usual battletome Releases, skaven have way too many units. Yes, stormcast have a shitton of units as well, but they are...well stormcasts. I don't think skaven have been important enough in AoS to be the chaos faction that warrants an extra large battletome.
But I do like your idea, to put out a battletome for the two SCIENCE factions.

>go somewhere else to discuss AoS related subjects

ill take that as your tacit admission of having nothing valuable to contribute to the conversation.

also pic of more lore about stuff going on in Hysh where one of the not shit elf armies is supposed to be from.


So...aside from being order demons, they're the same as before?


you have nothing to contribute yet accuse me of shitposting

did you know Morathi forces all men to be literal slaves. And that she puts a curse on baby boys to make them weak and docile. Its a feminist wet dream.

Theyre created in the image of the lizardmen, so they start at the same point
We have no idea how they'll develop from there. Being made of starlight has some interesting applications, like how vampires will explode if they try to suck seraphon blood, or how the death of an entire seraphon army spills enough blood to sanctify and cleanse a nurgle-plagued forest

you're pathetic. this is also for you

People are mad at you user, but you spelled feminist with an "i" this time, you're literally smarter than the last time you posted.
In 10 posts from now you'll probably be writing dissertations and analyseis too complex and elegant for us to understand.

are we entering shitpost hours right now?
It would prove the shitposters are burgers

>Free Peoples only exist to let people play their old WHF armies
>Implying age of sigmar would be a real fantasy setting without human armies.

SC are the new "human" faction. We might not like it but that's the way it is.

>15 soycasts
>cannot beat 4 skavens

Always starts around 8am EST
Must be somebody on the east coast getting in to work