Rolled 9 (1d10)
It's about that time, Veeky Forums.
Why was the Chapter founded?
Rolled 9 (1d10)
It's about that time, Veeky Forums.
Why was the Chapter founded?
They were founded to take the fight to the enemy.
Roll 1d100 to see which Founding.
Rolled 48 (1d100)
Founded in the 37th founding, in the wake of the Cursed Founding.
Roll 1d100 to see which Chapter they hail from.
I nominate the name "The Dirty Dozen" and they have a dozen companies.
Rolled 85 (1d100)
Could be worked in.
Imperial Fists, a noble heritage. It means their Betcher's glands and Sus-an membranes are missing.
Roll 2d10 to determine their geneseed purity and demenaour.
Rolled 10, 10 = 20 (2d10)
Flawed and Honourable. As if the already imperfect geneseed of Dorn wasn't enough, they suffer yet more flaws. Perhaps that explains their dogmatic attachment to maintaining honour.
Roll 1d10 to determine this additional flaw.
Rolled 10 (1d10)
Some kind of cult permeates the Chapter, performing actions that outsiders frown upon.
Roll 2d100 to determine the Chapter's greatest legend, whom each battle-brother look up to.
Rolled 15, 40 = 55 (2d100)
The Chapter still tells the story of the rank and file battle-brother who slew the greatest servants of the Archenemy, a Daemon Price, proving that great deeds can be done by anyone, no matter their rank and skill.
Roll 2d100 to determine the Chapter's base of operations.
Rolled 70, 63 = 133 (2d100)
A Medieval Ocean world. Are there floating castles, or are there archipelagos where warring kingdoms fight for control of the islands? A fine ground to recruit neophytes.
Roll 1d10 to determine how involved the Chapter is with their domain.
Rolled 7 (1d10)
Damm, this is a pretty good chapter
They are distant rulers. The population might appreciate or even fear their superhuman stewards who claim their sons every few decades, but it is best to stay away from their holdings.
Roll 2d10 to determine Chapter organization and combat doctrine.
Rolled 3, 10 = 13 (2d10)
Supposedly a codex-adherent Chapter, though what we know about them so far casts doubt on that claim. They also embrace terror tactics, perhaps a result of the mysterious cults mentioned previously?
Roll 1d100 to determine Chapter beliefs.
(I'll be gone for a little bit, but feel free to continue rolling or wait for me to come back and discuss what's been rolled so far)
Rolled 18 (1d100)
I'll wait
I know right?
Yeah it looks great so far, about the cult we could say that they decorate themselves with corals and shit, you know because of the ocean world thing
The Chapter reveres the Primarch, Rogal Dorn. As would seem fitting, being an honourable Chapter. But is it possible their beliefs and sense of right have been twisted? Considering their fondness of terror tactics and strange practices.
Roll 1d10 to determine the Chapter's strength. How many battle-brothers do they have available?
Rolled 3 (1d10)
For one reason or another, recent casualties or losses have reduced the Chapter's strength to around 700 combat-ready Space Marines.
Finally, roll 2d100 to determine the Chapter's closest allies and greatest enemies.
Rolled 84, 29 = 113 (2d100)
Surprisingly they have close ties with the Inquistion. Perhaps some radical Inquisitor which whom they share ideals? Their most hated enemies are the Greenskin hordes. Perhaps not the foe most susceptible to their favoured tactics.
So to summarize; They are a 37th founding Chapter, perhaps they've been somehow affected by the wake of the Cursed Founding, either because the curse had not lifted, or because the demand for new Space Marines rushed their creation.
They are an Imperial Fists successor, with all that entails. They believe honour must be maintained above all else, and some kind of cult is prevalent within the ranks, which is frowned upon by most outsiders.
The Chapter records say a mere battle-brother slew a Daemon Prince, a feat worthy of legend.
Their homeworld is a Medieval Ocean world which they distantly command, not taking direct action in the world's internal politics.
They are a codex adherent Chapter who favour terror tactics, and they revere Rogal Dorn. Recent casualties have reduced them to below full strength.
Now what can we make with this?
Ill spit ball here: perhaps the sanctified battlebrother managed to singly handedly route some large threat to the empire by resorting to a fear campaign? Perhaps living just long enough past the battle to pen an addendum to the codex astartes
Naval sniping chapter: brother so and so snipes the eye out of a greater daemon?
maybe they are like navy SEALS chapter?
and they go around bombing shit all the time
it would be cool if their fortress-monastery was underwater and sea creatures lived there too
Octopus/Squid theme would fit in with Ocean world and Terror tactics. Or maybe deep sea themed? Mysterious, terrifying, etc.
Deep sea themed would be cool, they bombed the shit out of people from underwater, and them their airships jump out of the water and the some davy jones looking marines pump lead to anything thats left
I think something like that could be cool. Perhaps their terror tactics are that they just show up from beneath the waves, marching up the beaches, while looking all fishy and monsterous. Perhaps the Chapter cult revolves around deep sea lore.
Snipers are indeed scary.
"The Ork WAAAGH was routed after they became too scared to continue in that direction."
Is it wrong I'm seeing something like Oceanmaster in my head? Like, bit less goofy with a kind of Deep Ones flavor to it?
>davy jones
Pirate space marines? Pirate space marines.
maybe killing that daemon prince cursed them an can only live underwater or something like that?
>Space Marines wearing fully sealed power armour, filled with seawater.
Kind of like loyalist Plague Marines but more yucky deep sea stuff and less space aids.
Their nemeses could specifically be Ork Freebooterz. Maybe a specific Kaptain or something who they chase around.
So we've got cursed, mutant Aquaman marines looking like sea-borne abominations wrenching themselves from out of the abyss? Sounds like a winner.
maybe they look like big daddy looking motherfuckas
I feel like that would be a pretty major weakness, assuming theyd need the seawater to survive
>'Dere it is, ladz! Da ones dat took me shoota hand - da Big White One! I wantz itz flashy bits!'
They do have some shitty mutations to their geneseed. This could be the manifestation of that.
maybe they need to take some kind of holy water unless they transform in ocean deep monsters?
>there is a deep monster squad
Maybe an entire fortress monastery submerged, that they launch a submersible battlebarge from?
I feel the lads that did the Star Krakens kind of got the whole mariner marine look down. Still, not a bad idea.
Sounds more space wolf/blood angel than imperial fist imo
Can't assault your fortress monastery when it's underwater.
I mean, you can, if you can hold your breath long enough.
Orks still need to breathe air, right?
hmmm then we have to go for more deep ocean stuff
Perhaps their Inquisitorial allies is a radical Inquisitor who recognizes that they are loyal and so does edits some paperwork, waves some concerns and does other inquisition things to keep the Chapter from becoming excommunicated.
>What are Rebreffars
Seawater might be a bit much, but a monstrous physical appearance works. That could be how we got it good with our inquisitor friend - they help to maintain our little secret, and every so often they sic us on whatever heretical target is on the block for the week. We could have it that our brothers always have their true faces and forms concealed, either by helm or like heavy robes that obscure their features. It works with the Angels Sanguine.
maybe they wear masks or something like that
maybe something like this
>I beseech you - judge me not by my appearance, however rife with corruption it be. That burden is mine to bear, one which I willingly endure all punishment thereof. Instead, judge me by my devotion to my father, the Primarch, and by the fervor in which I purge in his name the enemies of man!
As the space marines crew stationary weapons, vehicles, or their own ships their bodies slowly bond to their machinery until they are permanently stuck to them.
Too chaos
okay, how about their fortress-monastery is like Atlantis, and it was sunk as a curse of the daemon prince
we could give the marines a greek underwater feel
Space marine naval snipers/bombadiers who have a deep sea fortess they use as a port to launch modified submersible frigates. They venerate a fallen battle brother who banished a greater daemon by dragging it down into the deep, forcing it to endure intense barometric pressure as they both sank to their deaths in the insanely deep ocean. While the daemon escaped into the warp, their now legendary brothers armor still sits at the bottom of the sea; becoming a site of pilgrimage and final test for the legions neophytes. Only one non astartes has ever survived the trial, an order xenos inquisitor whom gained the trust of the legion through the act.
The chapter master has to absolutely have a chain trident
Cont: the space marines whilst content to let the warring nations of its homeworld raid and pillage eachother in great naval battles, takes the threat of of orkish incursion very seriously. They have seen the havoc ork kind can wreak long after their armies and battlefleets have left: their corpse spores giving rise to whole nations of feral orks within a decades time. Land being too precious a resource to the legions recruitment to allow such taint; the legion fiercely attempts to dissuade orkish raids from the neighboring system by attempting to deny them the satisfaction of battle. Instead relying on their expert marksmen to stealthily remove high priority targets,and a penchant for sinking space hulks into their great oceans as a means of breaking ork resolve
I like this
Yes, yes he does.
What about their appearance, do we go deep looking mofos or something like greek atlantic mofos?
Both. The general appearance is the Greek/Atlantis look while the cult obsessed with terror rocks the deep sea horror theme.
Their battlebarge must be white
That or they have like a white terminator or dreadnought
Maybe their champions are colored white to differentiate them from the rest.
What are their colors? Deep sea green? Colorful coral? Boring blue?
Mobius, an old dreadnought filled with corals and the weapons and skulls of his enemies
Chapter Master Nemo?
The Nautilus?
basic marines are aquamarine with sand yellow
and when they go up the ranks their colours become more dark
How is that the result of a geneseed flaw? WTF
I vote for some weird ass daot tech that lets the inhabitants float on the water. Or maybe a fallen mega titan on/in which they live?
I HAVE A GREAT IDEA. The chapter has taken the self flagellation of the impfists to the next level, and seeks to cause as much pain as possible onto themselves and others, behaving like a cult.
that's way to edgy man
Edgy is good.
it needs to be grim like the deep sea shit we were talking, not coldsteel levels of edgy, it looks child like
The 1d4chan tables directed to that table for flaws. There is another roll result and following table for additional geneseed flaws. I.e Geneseed flaws and general bad things are different.
Full on cutulhu shit is pretty edgy too duud. Like how the hell would you make it work when CHAOS already exists in the same universe? The only idea that pops to my mind is shit like corpse worship (not the one on the golden throne).
as of right now we have this
going full death cult isn't good
Sounds boring and generic as hell desu. I like the snipers though... Maybe employ veterans as scouts?
Yeah, it's all a bit much. I think it's fine if their chapter cult is just a further emphasis on the Fists' tenants of self-flagellation, but with a focus on their cursed existence and the price that one battle-brother paid to fell that daemon prince in a "can never be forgiven' way
Agreed, sounds like something slaanesh would get too excited about.
Seconding greek/deep diver cult look and seconding darker pallet for the cult itself. Also a partially sunken titan would definitely be a cool set piece and target alike
I mean space is an ocean so maybe have the little guys feticise terror bombing then?
If you want to go the greek route mycaeans provide hell of a lot of background, and also the minotaur playes well into the terror angle, but I feel like we’d be copying the minotaurs then... Maybe look into other seafaring cultures like the spanish during middle ages?
Theyre imperial fist successor: they presumably have retained bolter sniping from their parent chapter
I swear evwry single time we do this they are ALWAYS distant rulers
Since they are dorn's people they should completely wall off the tiny islands they make base on.
What of the Carthaginians? They had a mariner tradition and culture kind of, right?
Yeah, that’s a possible idea. The issue is just that they’re quite similar to greeks. Also I hope you’re not trying to sneak in the sacred band...
That WOULD fit the terror aspects
I meant in strictly aesthetic terms rather than thematic. Also, perhaps they self flagellate by enduring the pressures of the deep either to some extreme or for an extended period?
The issue is that oceans don’t really exist in 40k. The one thing that makes me wonder in this thread is, that why do we assume that the ”ocean” is automatically pasific in climate? Why not have a crazy hell ocean like in neptune? Maybe the mehreens could then specialise in harsh cold conditions and airborne combat?
Aesthetic = thematic imo. I like the idea of a pain cult and maybe it could be organised so that the officers always go ”deeper” when they advance in rank. Also remember that space could be ”ocean” so maybe the marines like to self flagellate by spending time in the void?
There are no oceans on terra. Pretty sure oceans exist on imperial worlds, especially undeveloped ones. So while a crazy sea mitebcool its not very likely that people would be living there
I know oceans exist in the literal sense, but not in the military sense. Armageddon is probably one of the few places where amphibious assault makes sense, but WHY DO THAT when you have drop pods and space ships?
I see what youre saying. And of course the deep cult members have the deepest. Also i cooked up the idea of submersible small ships with the intention that they were capable of going from the depths straight into high orbit should the need arise. The vernacular gets a little confusing admittedly when trying to say ‘their spaceships are also submarines’
Maybe they excell in marine enviroments
I mean you can't do drop pod assault in the ocean
I’ve studied way too much physics so submarine/ships sound bad in my ear. However, why not have terminators specifically trained to fight under the ocean? I’m sure there are many places like sewers where THAT would be usefull.