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16 Point Units Of Kroot Hounds edition

Tau leaks

>Warhammer TV Tip of the day:



>Old Black Library Mega:


>Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for old people codex being not bad pls

second for Hammerheads are worse than Breachers destroying rhinos


So those antenna things are drilled into their skull?

You gits rememba dat dis is happinin today, if ya want ta see some o dem blue boyz get krumped good

When march to battle, what's in the background playing?


>tfw no ex dark eldar eldar gf

Nth for Tau are Fine

I was saying the fuck at quad fusion ghostkeels, which arnt a thing

i assume you mean collider and 2 fusions?

First for Tau Infantry

I have mixed feelings about everyone spamming Fire Warriors now. On the one hand, it's good to see the faction going back to its combined arms roots. On the other, my hipster heart really enjoyed playing an unconventional Tau army and rolling people with it.

>no clown pussy
why live?

>XV15 is the unit leader
but it was the other way around in dow!

Oh that, yeah I meant triple fusion via collider and two regulars

Got stuck on thinking it was the quad commander for some reason

So, I'm new to being a horde army, what units are cheaper than kroot hounds across the game?
Is it worth considering taking an unbound list of 125 kroot hound units (500 kroot hounds)?

Was probably a little late in the last thread to ask this, but would a Forgefiend or Maulerfiend be a good addition to a Tzeentch Daemon force?

Looking at it a bit closer, I feel like a Forgefiend with Flickering Flames backing it might be a good way to dent tanks that I'm otherwise lacking a bit.

I am super comfy right now.

I'm just sitting back, favourite wine, chocolate. Waiting on the warhammer live stream.

I love what GW has done with the Tau Codex. I hope the salt carries over onto the live stream. That would make my night perfect.

What are the rest of you up too?

He/she's cute. Are they still useable? Don't see them in the index so guessing they just proxy for one of robotnik's stealtheggs?

fair, right now mine are 2x fusion and raker, howver with the +6" range im gonna go find the unpainted colliders for them

>skipping out some CP for like 5 more kroot

not worth user

After all the hubbub, are Commisars worth taking at all?

I've got a few Get Started boxes coming, and I'm going to have a surplus - I'll probably paint at least 1 anyway, but I may as well sell duplicates if they're not worth it, or not worth remodelling

> Newfag whose gonna be around for a while who wanted to play some 40k
> Play a short game with him, honestly a pretty fun
> One point I have to roll a FnP roll
> I say something along the lines of “right, that was only one damage so I roll one dice”
> “Die” he says
> Wat.avi
> “It’s die, only one die, not plural”
> “Oh yea sorry m8”
> “Please don’t do it again, I really don’t like it”
> Look up at him, he looks like he’s genuinely upset about it

I’m not sure what to make of this, I mean I guess I’m a bit of a brainlet for using the wrong word but it doesn’t seem like something to get upset over

Best of Queen almost drowned out by the sounds of Chimera APC engines.

debating what sep't traits would fit my stealthsuit army

So the triple fusion build is viable?
Sweet, was a bit worried.

what are tau players specifically upset about with this codex? It's a lot better than their index.

But even with perfect rolling, literally no army would ever be able to put out enough wounds to kill it.

There's no difference between the suits. If I ran Tau, I'd model burst cannon stealth suits in XV15 and fusion blaster stealth suits in XV25.

Are sniper drones now worth it? 18 points per model still sounds ridiculous when ratlings are 7 points each.

Reading up on options for my next army and generally relaxing as I have the apartment to myself tonight. Normally I'd take the chance to get some painting done but I've packed all my stuff away for a little bit as tomorrow we're getting a kitten

with the +6" range treait and them being -2 to hit from 6" away now, i think they are more viable

A lot aren't like me. Some are butthurt that they aren't returning to the glory days of being broken, and the index still allowed commander spam.


Dice is also acceptable as a singular, just as die can be plural.
It's uncommon, but English is throughly flexible when it wants to be.

Tau can deep strike directly into combat. Tau are the kings of melee.

>what are tau players specifically upset about with this codex? It's a lot better than their index.

It killed Spammander. So, possibly not.

They are mad, because suit only armies won't be cheese anymore. No more auto win. But remember kids. Everyone was playing tau for the aesthetics....


this The guys just being autistic, brush it off and continue playing.

He has autism user he can't help it.

Just try to remember, user. Proper grammar is a small price to pay for having a fun opponent.

...or down?

Tg decides!

Would be so tempted to start calling them 'dee's, 'chancecubes', 'rollyboxes' etc. (Does that make me a bad person?)

Vior'la! Very fast blueberries moving at incredible hihg speeds!

Sweet, I love the look of that model.

Going to get a jump on that once I unload my Necrons post Escalation League....Or do one of two Gimmick marine builds.

Probably Tau to paint something that isn’t power armor

but they're tacticool

I'm fond of up, personally.

> literally no army would ever be able to put out enough wounds to kill it.

800 points of my current army puts out ~400 hits at s5

they are only 1 wound and 6+ save, you will be shredded up hardcore by most lists

>Look up at him, he looks like he’s genuinely upset about it

Yeah. I'd say he's got some formal of autism. It's best to just agree with him. His life is probably pain, so it's best not to make it any worse for him.

There's a kid with autism at my local GW. He's alright. I actually like playing against him, because he knows the rules perfectly.


Funpost and taupost while you can, from what I've seen the salt vortex starts around 5pm GMT on weekdays

>funpost and taupost while you can
I always funpost and Taupost, salt vortex ain't stopping me

People who relied on Commander Spam are salty because they want to keep belting everything at 2+ to hit.

I also spammed Commanders, but it was only because my Broadsides and tanks were so overcosted it wasn't funny, and you could lose 600pts to a stiff breeze. If you weren't fielding Commanders for anti-tank you were needlessly gimping yourself. Now that the dedicated AT is reasonably costed I'm fielding them again.

Many players wished to have some wargear like vehicle wargear coming back. some fan favourite items got turned into lackluster stratagems, commander "fix" is super lazy, they didn't address most of the problems tau had and some units are still extremely bad(hammerhead)

I'ts not a bad dex in power lvl, it's just not really fixing anything that a lot of players had a problem with.

Salt vortex started hours ago.


They are still down. It was the place to be after the info dropped. Never seen so many cry-baby faggots in one place. It was like the death of suit army cheese was the death of someone they loved....


Yes im 12

I'm still mad that geedubs fucked up the CSM coded so hard after the masterpiece that was Traitor Legions. We somehow went from each legion having a unique feel about them to bland generic shit.

Old One Eye should have an innate FNP equivelant
Change my mind

Im still annoned that body guards dont have BS3+. There is no porgression, and no clear way suits or firewarriors get from 4+ to 2+ as for commander/fireblade

I sort of hope that they but the only one large commander thing in the march FAQ for all armies

no. Burden of proof is on you meme man

if i had to start all over my dark imperium box, i'd paint them either minotaurs or red scorpions

Other than crisis suits I dont see much to be mad about, salty faggots just love hating on blueberries and for every "why arent crisis bs3?" post I've seen there have been at least 5 "LmAo taucucks are btfo!" posts

Odds are looking good cryptekh options from 5th are coming back, because now we have models to represent the wargear.

If we get royal courts back as well, we'll be back on top.

does anyone else think 3++ saves in an addition with so many wounds is a bit much?

It's pretty easy to convert stealth suits into XV15s if you take the torso and head of a Breacher then add it's shoulderpad to the front of the chest, take all other parts from the stealth suit including cutting the jet pack off and sticking it to your new torso, then put the antenna on the side of the jetpack.

isnt that if you roll the reactor?


Seeing as you WILL be nova charging every turn it balances out

So, here's the thing:
Suit 'cheese' didn't win tournament games. Commander spam for only good for tabling an opponent or losing on objectives. Commanders were weak as piss once you could shoot at them. Any deep-striking army could counter them pretty easily.

Nice dubs gue'user, truly you walk the path of the tau'hah (for the greater bemusement).

[blocks your path]

Motherfucker tells you to die and you just go along with it?

It has shit firepower for it's cost unless it's accuracy is boosted and markerlights are really hard to use now, so no.

Also you'll be novaing it's gun every turn, so you only get the 3++ if you spend a command point on it.

In that case I might have to steal user's idea and only have the fusion blaster carried by an egg.

>Suit 'cheese' didn't win tournament games.

It did in 7th, and that was what all of the taufags were asking for in 8th. They didn't get it, so now we have a massive salt storm to deal with. And you know what? I fucking love it.

Does anyone do this? Does anyone go and put big cloaks on their suits?

>tfw you realize the 4 at the end signify that it's still a prototype and is nearing the end of field testing
>tfw we still haven't seen an XV108

>tfw really got into Tau years ago but was too poor for an army
>Fire Warriors were my favorite
>tfw got really turned off by the Suit spam
>even thinking of running a Vior'la (or other sept) detachment of count-as Gue'vesa while I can keep the rest of the force straight Tau

My autism is sated my friends. Suitfags be damned. Especially love the idea of Crisis/Riptides/etc being less common. They're so much more compelling as an elite handful in a bigger combined-arms force. The stars have aligned and now I get to run one of my favorite factions without feeling like a munchkiny pissbaby and it fits the vision for my dudes perfectly.

>beta testing for 100 years

T°au confirmed Kikestarters!

I'm not just specifically talking about the riptide, just anything with more than 5 or 6 wounds having a 3++ seems a bit hard to kill in what is supposed to be a killy addition.

>Darude Saltstorm

It's a good day. A really good day.

If Tau are space cows, why do they have sharp teeth?

Almost nobody wanted suitspam lists, we just wanted better internal balance. Any faggot who played Tau for Riptides left when 8th hit and even with commander and drone spam Tau haven't won a single competitive event

To eat sentient creatures with.

Serves literally zero purpose.

Receeded lower jaw

Literally an upgrade from Black Legion's trait.

Sorry, thought you were talking about 8e Commander spam from the index.

Yeah, the rapetide lists being played at my LGS were the reason I started a Tau army. I saw that heinous shit being spammed, the players knowing fuck-all about the army or how it worked, feigning ignorance at how powerful it was, and ignoring the rest of a really strong book. I played Fire Warriors and Broadsides, with Hammerheads and only three deep-striking Crisis Suits in 7e. Then 8e hit, and RIPtides got nerfed to shit, and my combined arms force suffered a bit, but only in the AT department. Commanders filled that gap, and now that Broadsides and Infantry are good, I'm fucking vindicated.

Get fucked, suitshitters

My Breachers and carbine Firewarriors are happy

Suck it kaoz skum

GUYS. GUYS. Warhammertv over at will feature a fluff writer that will discuss the new T'au lore and will answer chat questions.

Anyone interested? It's gonna start in like 45 minutes.

>Serves literally zero purpose.

Don't play Tau, and you won't have to worry about it. Seems pretty simple to me.

over at twitch

>4 Fusion Coldstar confirmed


Will they bring up M'ao, Glorious Gate Keeper of the People?

>300 points

The black legion trait also served zero purpose, though I guess was microscopically more relevant on assault units nowhere near their target with assault type weapons.

I'll be there to witness the salt chat.

Fucking disappointing, guess my Fire Warrior spam is going to be Bor'kan or go home. At least we still have Mont'ka for alpha striking Fire Warrior blobs, right? ;_;

A possible 1-6" move bonus is going to be great for either getting in close or getting away. Either way more mobility is a plus.