How does Veeky Forums display their painted miniatures?
How does Veeky Forums display their painted miniatures?
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Ikea detolf with extra handmade levels.
I have a nice beveled glass cabinet I'm working on restoring to use for that.
Inside locked boxes because proper parenting doesn't exist anymore nor does common courtesy or accepting fault.
Got one of those for my minis as well, how did you make the extra levels? Weld bars onto the fame and insert glass plates?
that's neat sempai
i'm gonna need the story on that one mon frere
Several different cheap but sturdy shelves. I've magnetized the bases of my minis so I can transport them on metal cooking pans, which is hella convenient transport wise but since I'm lazy I just leave them in the pans when I'm done gaming which looks pretty awful.
You can get them on ebay. They're just acrylic glass and D clamps.
Tossed carelessly in a plastic box without a lid
>live with old parents so they don't have to live in a retirement home because I'm the last man out of 'nam child and my older siblings aren't even in state anymore
>live in the basement so i'm on hand
>have the culmination of my entire tabletop career stored in a storage room
>whole wall has old maps and character art of a quality worth showing
>book shelves on one wall full of books, manuals, folders and some minis
>even more minis pretty much all over and on shelves and the few tables as well as dice and various figures
>various normal storage boxes stacked around as well made of clear plastic so I can just see what boxes have what instead of digging
>while I'm out working a 12 hour shift my white trash cousin comes over with her kids
>so long as the kids are our of her sight she doesn't give a shit and she runs off the policy to NEVER say no to them because that's negative and negativity is what turns boys into chauvinistic piggies like their daddies according to some facebook page(this is entirely serious)
>so long as it's not something like them dying or starting shit on fire she will literally refuse to get up and instead yell at them to come to her and explain what's happening and if they ignore her she just says whatever
>for about 10 hours the kids had been in the basement tearing my living space up until they found the storage room
>they played with all that shit so hard they damaged not only the metal minis but the actual unprotected wall containing the maps and art and everything on it
>glass table smashed minis chewed on and fucked up boards which custom shit I was gifted torn down the soft points and colored on all the paints I used just thrown all over and splashed on every surface in the room all the brushes fucked with in some way plenty chewed on or snapped
>slap the fucks up side the head when I see it because the asshats were still down there and the first thing I heard coming home was the ceiling light being shattered
Yeah this But I went to a crystal crafter to make 4 extra plates.
Get a real job & move out of your parents house
Some cheap metal ikea shelf that I bolted to the wall. It was like $35 if I remember correctly.
Beat the children. Beat them harder to make up for their lost "childhood". Beat the mother the hardest.
>their crying FINALLY forces their mother to waddle downstairs to find out what happened
>parents are essentially deaf there's every chance in the world they heard nothing but there is no way the mom didn't hear the kind of commotion that would need to be caused for structural damage to the room to happen let alone glass fixtures being broken or for footprints on the damn walls
>parents see it and are instantly furious
>the kids the entire time keep telling their mom I did it like fucking retards
>dad's screaming at cousin on how much getting the whole place cleaned and drywalled would cost as well as the light
>she's actively refusing to pay for any of it
>manage in the meantime with google to tally up a rough estimation of the worth lost for the things I can actually attribute market value to
>sits around $10k give or take
>actually blanches and tells me to fuck off she's not paying that much for toys
>know exactly why she won't pay for it she has this trip to hawaii just for her she's been bragging about fueled by child support like everything else in her life and if she pays us she won't have the money for the trip
>sit her the fuck down and tell her this'll be going to court then where I can include ALL the damages to my property not just the shit by hard numbers as well as the damages to the house and possibly emotional damages to the kind elderly couple who let you into their homes
>very grudgingly accepts while cussing my parents out and sobbing
>eventually get my money after every body in the family including her parents twists her arm and pays the damages to the room as the repairs happen
>never see her let those shits out of her eyesight every again
>use some of the money to buy some stage gear boxes that lock
>after cleaning everything up and stripped and repainted and salvaging what i could everything goes in those boxes
>anything new goes in them to this day and stays there until it's needed
>get a real job
I already have one it helps pay the bills and funds my vices to boot so mom and dad don't go bankrupt.
>move out of your parents home
And abandon my parents who can't do any of the housework or reliably care for themselves so they'd have to move to a retirement home in a state with the worst elder care while also raising their living expenses threefold at best? No thanks.
Are you from the USA?
i keep them locked away in a tackle-box, in a tool box, in a bag, on a shelf, in a closet, in my basement, so that no mortal man will ever see my failures
christ, user
I keep painting supplies and WIPs in a tackle box.
I'd been looking into getting extra levels for my own, cheers user.
How the hell are you not in prison for murder?
You are a stronger man than I, user.
You're a man worthy of the Emperors respect user
Yes. Elder care here sucks terribly even at the best of times and is designed to separate people from their money as quickly as possibly for as little effort as possible.
Brother you are right
I'm in hawaii. Give me some info and I'll slash their car tires when they come. Gonna give them the racism too, No charge homie.
>painted ANYTHING
That being said
Here’s my junk
I used to use a shelf in my room by my bed so I saw my best minis when i woke up each day. However, they gathered a lot of dust since I didn't play with them too frequently. I moved them into storage cases to keep them from getting too dusty and to keep them safe from my cat, who would sometimes sniff at them and tried jumping on them one time.
Minis actively being worked on live in my paint box, which is a medium-size toolbox. I play BattleTech, so I'm only working on 2-3 minis at a time, the box is plenty of space.
Wait a minute that color scheme
Those are clearly red scorpions you blind retard
On another board that would be a whole different pic related matching that post.
There is a devastator squad that i got off ebay and havent stripped/repainted yet that is imperial fists. They look like marines malevolent from a distance tho.
One day they will look like actual red scorpions.
Over my battlestation, of course.
None of em are painted yet, but I'm just getting into the hobby.
this almost happened to me when I was a teen and my dad's black electrician decided to bring his kids over while i was out with my mom, they got into the game room and fucked everything up but since I was so young it was nowhere near the loss it would be now. Ever since I am ultra paranoid about anyone's kids coming within a hundred yards of my Veeky Forums stuff, when I get a house the game room is going to have a keyed lock
My nan went through elder care her in Ontario. I feel you. I’m sure you get it a lot but you’re doing a great thing.
I'm in Hawaii too, I'll help this crazy mother fucker.
Task Force Hawaii-Fucks-Your-Shit-Up is a go!
Await debriefing...
Unfortunately all mine live in their storage trays, as my glass cabinets are full of transformer toys. At least they're ready for play.
In a box. With "Not trash" written on top.
I keep my minis in two thin but high glass cabinets. Can't take a picture because I'm not there currently.
The models I'm currently painting, including the rest of the unit for motivation/keeping track, are on a small table with all my paints and stuff.
Models for wargames I frequently play (currently Mobile Frame Zero and Blood Bowl) are packed in army transport cases because I don't really have a reason to take them out except for games.
On the other topic that popped up this thread: the worst damage I've ever suffered to my models was someone stepping on a unit of dwarf miners because they were on the floor and the lamp was broken. Only a single pickaxe got broken, so I think I got lucky. The worst damage I ever CAUSED, on the other hand, was worse. Some dude had a banner bearer on a horse set up at the extreme edge of the table. When I walked by, something snagged on the model and it fell down, irreparably breaking the only connection between the horse and the base, and scratching the paint of the fancy freehand on the banner. I think he is still salty about it some six years later.
packed away in boxes. I feel like since there is nobody to see them there is no point to displaying them, and they take up a lot of space when displayed.
I haven't got many so I keep them on top a small chest of drawers in my room. A little risky since there's very young foster kids in my house, but it's out of reach and, thanks to my OCD dad, they know better than to touch stuff they don't own