You people told me that Raiblocks was going to fucking moon and i spent $5000 on it when it was $37 and now i come home to see I have lost a shit ton of money so I panicked and sold. This was money I had borrowed from my brother you fucking retards, what the fuck? I need a new coin ASAP because I am fucking panicking I am supposed to pay him back in a few days.

Other urls found in this thread:


>buy high sell low


we love you for it



You did the right thing

buy high, sell low

U honestly deserve it for taking financial advice from a meme board. I hope u lose it all retard

go fuck yourself idiot, you wouldn't even say this shit to my face

You’re retarded on so many levels

>I sold
When you're giving handjobs to your brother to pay off your debt even he's going to call you a weak-handed bitch.

Not only did you sell at a loss, but you sold at a loss using someone else's money.
Are you stupid?

HODLs make gainz, not emotional selling at a loss. thats like saying "I know I'm a loser - take my money"

yeah actually he probably would say it to your face you weak little bitch

run along now, go make more bad decisions that we can laugh at later

Seen about 10 of these retard threads in the past hour. Never change biz

All you had to do was hold for a week and not check the price

>buy someone because people tell you too with no research
>sell because the price corrects

It's pretty much the only way to lose money in this market, user! Congrats are in order, it's quite a feat!

its called Ion m8, you'll thank me later

also, masternodes

fucking hell lmao

>raiblocks goes from 30 cents to 500 dollars in 3 months
>user gets in at 37 before it hits a real exchange
>sells at 25

Lmao some of you are not going to make it.

So let me get this straight, you spent pretty much no time on this board prob know jack shit about crypto currencies in general and all the manipulation that happens and decide it's a great idea to put 5000$ in some random ass currency that is mooning really hard on some obscure exchange? Are you a complete fucking idiot or something? Is this bait or something?

It will dump even harder once it hits Binance, you are so fucking delusional lmfao

You don't lose if you don't sell.

Stop making these pajeet larping faggot threads

Just put it all on Colx and watch your investment go x4 this month.

see you missed out, boi

Its going down because its being dumped. Bitgrails have 15BTC withdrawal from yesterday and peps with 100ks are selling.

There wont be a dip on binance because withdrawal limit will be upped again as this is all coordinated. Rebranding coming up as well next week!

Can someone please explain why it would dump once it hits Binance?

Because people who made mas money could not cash out of bitgraila duo to low wihdrawal limit. Now 15BTCs per day can be withdrawn and I think buying opportunity starts from tomorrow till Monday when rebrand is coming.

lmao youre a fucking pussy kiddo

I'm fucking dying hahahahaha

go fuck yourself retard


Remember, buy high and sell low everytime.

I think I just bought OP's $1700 bags

I made $4000 today alone taking financial advice from a meme board so....

>buying a coin thats up 100x over a few months
what did you expect user?

Post pic with sharpie inside ur anus, at least half of it must be in, make sure to hold a timestamp with date time and “buy high sell low”
Post your ETH wallet on Binance and I will send u 0.5 ETH to invest in a x5 end of this month and possibly will go further from there to x10 in a couple months.
If u make ur money back I’m hoping u will return the ETH to the address it was sent from.

I’m leaving this thread in 2 mins if u don’t reply back.
You do have a Binance account right?
If you don’t then you’re beyond salvation.

I can't do this, that would be extremely humiliating.

>You people told me that Raiblocks was going to fucking moon
and it did moon?

Nobody will ever know who you are. Is it worse than not being able to pay ur brother?
I’ll give u a clue if you’re smart enough u can figure it out yourself and invest whatever money u have left without sharpie in pooper.

This crypto is a platform, started by a multibillion dollar company and had partnerships worth billions before even being released.
Do not spoil it anons, maybe he can figure it out.

just invest in dogecoin you'll see 200% gains in a few hours

jesus could you have bought any higher? this shit was being shilled on here when it was pennies.

This user ia giving you a way out. This user is giving you the chance to not look like the fucking loser you are.

I’m out.

Never buy memes unless u buying in early.

hey come on...how do I know you won't laugh at the picture and not give me shit....


We’re all in this together biz


You’re going to be homeless soon, we wont ever meet face to face faggot

Have some respect, prick. My friend's brother's cousin bought into verge at it's peak as his first crypto pick straight out of coinbase. He's all fucked up. Quit his job. He's having to go to his parents for help and shit.