Gentlemen, how do we fix Stormcast Eternals?
Gentlemen, how do we fix Stormcast Eternals?
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I liked them a lot better as living armor embodied by lightning souls than literal fantasy space marines.
Honestly, there's nothing that wrong with them. Just make them less Asgardian and it's perfected.
I like them as they are. They're pretty cool. Maybe not push them as much in every starter set. But since the latest 40k starter doesn't include numarines, this gives us hope for that
Keep developing their story. The plot hooks are already in place, just keep going.
More angel dudes would be cool, I like the art-deco style wings
Differentiate the hosts a bit more through the rules, and stop showing the same boring gold/blue colour scheme all the time.
give them some nice customization bits like new helmets and cloak to replace the shoulder pads
Stop including them in every fucking order battletome and every single release.
You can't, age of sigmar is terrible!
>Seperating factions into pocketverses
Just terrible!
Give them guns
a Spiritual liege !!!
Don't be silly.
It makes perfect sense to kill our old fantasy IP and create one completely derivative of our Sci-Fi Fantasy IP, given that our old Fantasy IP is becoming enormously popular among people playing the critically and commercially successful games based on the IP.
We wouldn't want people playing a videogame coming into one of our stores and actually being able to buy the miniatures based on the game. That would be insane.
>its 2018 and people are still butthurt about the death of fantasy
Should have bought more models m8
Give them variant armors. Different shapes & definately different heads. Not that I hate the spikes, but even just different placement would be a good thing
>I liked them a lot better as living armor embodied by lightning souls than literal fantasy space marines.
>iven that our old Fantasy IP is becoming enormously popular
WHFB was dead as doornail when AoS was made, this was before Fatshark and Creative Assembly injected life into the property
We give them the "Knights Excelsior" treatment.
i don't think you're being entirely sincere here user
Visual remake into somethng like picrelated with bit of angels aesthetic maybe , some grim stuff about each hosts, some dooms and curses.
Make the sculpts more ornate and weird.
Stop trying to force empathy for them.
They should've always just been Diablo angels mixed with Bayonetta heaven stuff for freaky but cool.
Never cared much for Warhammer Fantasy, but after playing the shit out of TW:W 1 & 2 I fell in love with the lore and read up on a lot of it. It's such an interesting universe.
I like how pretty much all the fantasy popular with mainstream is dark and gritty and GW cooks up giant golden homos with bizarre alien script and jaggys flying everywhere from their armour
They want the soyboy demographic. It's pretty obvious that is what AoS is targeting.
Delete them
You forgot that it's what replace their own (and the first) dark and gritty universe
>They cook up
Not GW user, it was Kirby that micromanaged AoS into a shitty horrible launch that barely managed to be saved by Rountree.
>>how do we fix Stormcast Eternals
>make them Reiksguard
>and GW cooks up giant golden homos with bizarre alien script and jaggys flying everywhere from their armour
So they just mixed BA aesthetic with korean MMO and Ultrasmurfs fluff?
More gear options besides "yet another hammer."
For starters, shorten it down to "Stormcast". Make it so that you don't feel embarrassed to say their name.
Besically this, they've should finish this "celestial" idea by turning SCE into some grand majestic angelic-beings, but they stuck into generic paladins to applease younger crowd (sorry, no citation, but I've heard GW decide to make AoS "entry-level" for their hobby)
Primaris Thundercast Extraternal HammerStorms
>We wouldn't want people playing a videogame coming into one of our stores and actually being able to buy the miniatures based on the game. That would be insane.
Of course, who would want to have alt-right in their stores, when we can have these sweety progressive crowd
Make them look less stupid. Like, not even WoW armor looks this atrocious.
You haven’t played enough WoW then. Sigmarines still look decent in comparison
maybe they could kill off age of sigmar in a rushed shitty fashion and reboot with a new game like
Era of Disorder.
I mean it if shitting the bed didn't work the first time clearly shitting it again will.
At least WoW have T2 for Paladins
Fucking THIS.
An army of Alphonse Elrics that are slowly turning more and more into unquestioning automatons as their armor bodies get repeatedly destroyed?
That's metal as fuck.
Now its just "mum! im beens chosings to be special snowflaek! imma be realm marine nouw!"
You can always fluff your dudes out that they have been cursed with a twisted form of reincarnation, but their bodies whithered away over many years, and all that’s left now are the steadfast souls that try to find a way to break the curse and not to break apart, because can you be reforged if you don’t have a body? Nobody knows, and it terrifies them.
yeah, and everything you posted means nothing.
No one cares about your special snowflake OC shit. all that matters is what's in the models and text.
1) Make them actual souls of of old heroes from WHFB, as it would ease old players into the new game knowing their dudes are still around in some from.
>but it's been a long time, their souls are-
Dracothion shows up to take souls of Old World mortals and poops them out in the Realms. If he held onto those souls, why can't he hold onto people like Kurt Helborg, Volkmar the Grim, or hell even Felix Jaeger? It's already a massive asspull to explain how mortals popped up already, why not pull a bit harder and just say the SCE are the souls of angry Old World Warriors reshaped by Sigmar to avenge the Old World and generally bring good stuff to the new one
2) Improve their bodyframe so they look like proper warriors and not walking gold plated refrigerators. Vorrus from Malign Portents seems like a much more suitable body for an SCE.
3) Fix the naming conventions. As they are, they're supposed to be descendants of thousands of potential civilizations that have been around for centuries or more. You mean to tell me none of the thousands Sigmar made into SCE have developed a language or naming convention beyond [Gibberish] [Noun-verb]? That's just stupid!
4) When originally released, GW didn't specify clearly SCE was a human-only club. Abolish that. Let Sigmar make Stormcasts of any race that was loyal to order. The dwarfs get their Grudgecast Eternals and the Elves get their Highcast/Elfcast/[Something]cast Eternals. Fuck I remember in the real old AoS threads of someone brainstorming a legion of Greenskin SCE that were killed off before Gorkamorka packed up and left and Sigmar kept their souls to make Ork Eternals
5) Up the risks. As it is, they die, they get a free respawn at the sacrifice of losing their fee-fees. Make the conversion more drastic if they can come back again and again or limit the number of respawns. Living Armor could work, or make them semi-transparent ghosts bound to armor.
That sounds some drivel written by a high schooler attempting to make a sympathetic character.
>Sigmarines still look decent in comparison
That is an opinion you are having that is also wrong.
There's a minimum age limit on this board you know.
So it would fit perfectly into AoS then
The point is to fix the shit, not add more shit to it.
They have to go back
Sounds like Eldar lore
which they only got to do because GW didn't give a shit anymore due to them killing the product and gave away rights to any company that asked nicely (and by that I mean paid money).
By removing them.
No, it was because GW got new management that handed out video game development rights like they were skittles.
so like these guys from Endless Legend?
Yeaaaah.... because it was a dead product line that they wanted to wring more money out of with minimum effort on their part.
No, I'm referring to both Warhammer Fantasy and 40k. GW got very liberal with both IPs going for a shotgun approach.
>WHFB was dead as doornail when AoS was made,
>release shittiest edition
>increase prices
>launch the event literally called End Times for year
>wondering why it's dead
Yeah, totally surprise.
>this was before Fatshark and Creative Assembly injected life into the property
Except Vermintide and TWW were released in the same year as ET ended
leaner proportions
more cloth and chinmail
more armour variants
stop injecting them into everything
Make them less bulky and tone down thei shoulderpads.
Remove any connection to Sigmar and make them Daemons of Law. Utterly unflichable and uncompromising in bringing "Order" to the world, regardless of how many has to be killed for it.
Obviously shit like Stormcast Eternals are here to stay, but is there any chance that the old Fantasy World might come back in some form?
>I don't play AoS and know nothing about the Stormcast, but I will bitch and whine about them: the thread.
It's almost a parody at this point.
I hope not.
Fantasy didn't budge for over 30 fucking years and the entire setting was stuck as a Pseudo-Historical setting which bored me to tears.
I'ts Ironic Malign Portents has been more interesting to me that over half of the fucking backstory WHFB shat out in the last 15 years of it's life.
Simple, melt down the plastic and make them into somthing actually worth bothering with
That reminds me, I have a guses as to why the tomb kings are waiting so long, they are more of an order faction and they need to remake them to not risk being pigeonholed into a death faction
WHFB hasn't been good since 1996 m8.
That doesnt make AoS good through some sort of inverse suckitude principle.
AoS is fine for what? a 3 year old setting?
AoS is Mutable and vast, it has some grounding, but has enough range to fit your own ideas within it.
WHFB was entirely the inverse, where almost every inch of the land had been meticulously plotted out so any attempt at your dudes beyond "Mercenaries for X faction" where slowly bled out.
WHFB was best when it was halfway between what it was during the time of Heroquest and what it was during the end times, with massive MASSIVE gaps between everything solid that could be filled by your imagination.
People like you who see that as a weakness sound like you very much were not into the Wargame hobby before the WHFB games came out.
It's Ironically why Dark Imperium is the best thing to happen to 40k, it split up and shook up the universe as it was getting too stagnant.
How would tomb kings be refluffed as a non-death faction?
Golden Skeleboys
Somehow they completed the resurrection spells, many souls who's bodies decayed past the point of restoration inhabit bodies like the ushabti and others, but the rest are glowing beautifle flesh and blood at last, their goal is to rescue their old pantheon from the gullet of nagash
Stormcast are fine
Maybe you dipshits should try reading the lore instead of pretending you have
> try reading the lore instead of pretending you have
Is that the new excuse AoSfags use?
>Ignores everything just to impotently whine about things in a thread
>Let Sigmar make Stormcasts of any race that was loyal to order
He does, I thought. He even turned a demon into a stormcast
>Diablo angels
Fucking this, I'd play the shit out of them if they'd been based on Imperius.
Yes SCEfags like to ignore everyone to complain. It's a regrettable trait all preteens have.
He turned a human chaos worshipper back into a loyalist.
Which is kinda retarded. That implies that Archaon, who is now a chaos demigod because his faith in Sigmar was broken, can be redeemed by a hammer to the face and become Stormcast
Delete Age of Sigmar.
This. The ball has been dropped so hard when making SCE, and this would go a long way to making it better.
Stop injecting the cancer called politics into everything, asshole.
*Age of Smegmar
give the different hosts different masks. Like a happy one or an angry one.
I can its easy
Make them female, that way we at least get some fap material out of all this stupid shit.
Should have fucking put effort into making the game better instead of milking the audience with increasingly overpriced models while phoning in new editions.
Holy shit these fuckers are ill-conceived. When they came out none of them even had faces. Fucking stupid. The art is so bad, too. It's technically proficient in some cases but incredibly dull.
Faceless immortal musclemen who fight immortal deamons and hordes of steroidal mooks over infinite magical realms is boring as fuck. There's no stakes!
I only read the free stories that black library published when AoS first came out and, boy, was that the worst shit I ever read. I actually renamed the infamous novel Eye of Argon and tried to pass it off as an AoS novel on the warseer forums and people fell for it.