Are demons capable of love in your setting?
Are demons capable of love in your setting?
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I don't know
I don't know.
Can you repeat the question?
No. Emotions are inscrutable to them, except in how they affect human beings. Thus, they are capable of affecting emotions to provoke certain responses, but they only do this when other means won't achieve the same ends.
The ritual is complete. Pack up, we're done here.
You're not the boss of me now
Yes, but they're not capable of empathy.
Yeah, that doesnt stop them from being almost always assholes
Hey, you can have a happy relationship with someone lacking empathy, though. As long as you accept being seen as their most prized possession.
In my setting, not only are demons capable of feeling love, they are the only beings capable of feeling love.
Humans leech the feeling from demons, which is why whenever a demon is summoned to this plane they go insane and violent. Because their feeling of love has been stripped of them, forever.
Nope, demons in my setting are cruel, ugly, and spiteful. They exist only to destroy everything that's good in the world because they can't have it. Kind of stole the idea from C.S. Lewis.
No. Demons in my setting are made from the souls of the followers of evil gods, who purge such notions from their minions during the refactoring process. They might have notions of loyalty or even camaraderie, depending on the beliefs or needs of their patron, but only towards those who share their religion.
Yes, demons are beings of pure emotion. Each embodies a single emotion and can feel nothing else, as a result they take these feelings to their most extreme and singleminded ends.
Those that are made of love can feel nothing else.
Demons are not automaticlly evil. They are merely a product of the Everchanging Fire of Chaos and thus are being of chaos
Humans arent capable of love how would demons
Yeah, wouldn't it be funny if a gigantic fucking Pit Fiend would fall in love with a lovely and dainty woman who spends her free time taking care of orphans and stray dogs? If this pure and good being could show Gor'thak, Terror of the Underworld, Destroyer of Worlds, how to love?
in my setting only Drow know anything about demons, only Dwarves know anything about Drow, and the only thing people know about Dwarves is they're fucking assholes with nice weapons and lots o' books
but no, they're not capable of love because they're too capricious and elitist to ever view any other being as enough of an equal to deserve mutual or even partial respect
Of course. Without love how can we redeem our succubi?
I posed that question to a demon once.
She responded by asking "what is love?"
To which I replied "baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more."
Pretty constructive conversation, I'd say.
>Yeah, wouldn't it be funny if a gigantic fucking Pit Fiend would fall in love with a lovely and dainty woman who spends her free time taking care of orphans and stray dogs? If this pure and good being could show Gor'thak, Terror of the Underworld, Destroyer of Worlds, how to love?
You say that, but then you've never seen the blind girl and the giant murder machine get along so wonderfully, have you? It's a tragic story that ends with the blind girl dead and the demon crying over her grave, with the town burning in the background.
Tell me you wouldn't.
Yes. Love is the most powerful magic of all, or at the very least a strong catalyst.
kill yourself
Demons make the best partners since they won't actually betray their lovers.
No, demons are cut off utterly from hope, humanity, and the companionship of animals. Those who form in hell realms are raving mad PTSD beasts who live short, pointless existences of slaying evil-doers souls over and over with scalding-hot torture weapons, and those who form outside of hell realms live bleak existences in an utterly futile struggle that they know for certain ends with their deaths.
Yes. But not towards mortals. They see mortals as completely disgusting. They can, and often do, feel love and yearning for their 'divine' counterparts (lets call them angels). But the angels absolutely despise them.
Not really, no. They're capable of lust, and of obsession, but not real love. In either case it's a horrible parody of human emotion, a monomaniacal desire turned up to 11. Demons are inherently made of human vice and residual desire, so anything they feel tends to be monstrously extreme.
I took that concept to 12, I think, sort of. In my setting demons who form in hell realms do nothing but scream and wail in psycho-rage and psycho-grief as they slaughter inmates in PTSD fury until they themselves get slaughtered, usually by larger more powerful hell being type demons. So full of human vice and residual desires that they seldom even have time or capability to think thoughts. They spend their existences screaming in rage and murdering everyone. That's only hell being types of course, demons present outside of hell are more sane, but still evil to the core and nastier than a plague blister.
In theory yes, but in general no. Demons in my setting are people who were deemed to be useful by evil gods and thus instead of reincarnating when they died their souls were remade into demons. They maintain their core personality but their personality traits are kicked into overdrive. Considering the type of people who become demons in the first place most are already psychopaths, becoming a demon makes them even more selfish and psychotic. So yeah you could have a demon capable of love but far more likely than not a demon is probably just obsessed with people similar to the man or woman they loved in life, they don't actually care whether the people in question are happy as long as they have possession of them.
Inherently in my headlore? No.
Demons are demons because they fell from grace as angels or they were morphed into terrible creatures as mortals who underwent a ritual or who’s soul was pure evil.
However. Even demons can have “positive” traits. They can be redeemed but the chance is almost nonexistent.
For instance, in one of my campaigns I have a Demon Prince who threatened the existence of practically the whole world. Pure 100% unadulterated chaotic evil who wants nothing less than to kill and destroy. However, he does have a positive trait in how he is honorable. He won’t backstab/double cross anyone, and fights fairly
you dont’
No, but they routinely fake it to ensnare retards who think with their dicks. Bonus points for faking redemption.
Shit setting desu
Sorry I’m not a faggot who’s delusional about changing the ways of a DEMON.
That’s like changing the heart of a dretch. Would you even attempt such a thing? Probably not. Because they’re fucking ugly. Well guess what, your succubus waifu has a heart and soul that’s just as ugly and foul as that dretch.
The essence of the demonic is that which prevents or subverts another being from achieving it's heavenly reward/ascension/enlightenment/whatever. So, something demonic could very well be capable of a kind of love that entraps the lover's soul in some way, rather than the kind of selfless love that wants what is best for the one it loves.
This greatly expands what forms the demonic can take. Can it be an infant? A beautiful angel? A sentient object? An overwhelming desire like greed or an addiction, perhaps solidified into ethereal or physical form? The question then is not whether they love you, but can you stop loving them?
in Hell, the demons are purely spiritual beings, and essential part of the greater spiritual realm.Just like some Jedi green frog muppet mumbling riddles, they have something of a spiritual 'lesson' they are teaching/inflicting as well. After an eternity of torture the victim's eternal souls probably learn whatever it is, perhaps becoming demons in their own right thereafter.
That's exactly the logic of succubus-redeemers. If you can change what stirs the heart of a demon, why redeem a dretch who will still be ugly afterwards when you could end up with the perfect succubus waifu who already had a good exterior from the start ?
I agree with what you say about hell, but in my setting hell wasn't eternal, sentences there were simply extremely long, so long they seemed eternal. Millions of years long, billions or longer in some cases, though only a few fractions of 1 second were passing in real time, no matter how long the sentence was. Its one of those Live/die/live/die/live/die until you ~sometime later~ get out, sort of hells.
How do you expect to redeem a succubus when all you’re not truly concerned about them, you’re just being lustful and greedy because of their looks?
You just proved my point. All the white knight beta faggots that want to redeem a succubus just do it so they can fuck a succubus. That isn’t a good action. You can’t turn someone to being good through being a selfish, evil prick
I like believable characters, making a demon a pure evil machine just makes it look less like an actual character and more like a robot, it takes a lot of the fun out of it in my eyes, plus it's always better when embodiements of evil have somewhat relatable human traits.
I also like tragedy, so if a demon was to fall in love, a part of him would gradually become more and more human while never completely turning to "good". He will start to realize his nature, how twisted he really is and always will be. He will find out that he is doomed to walk the line between good and evil, never able to completely cross over or come back. Love will soon turn to bitterness and the demon will ultimately end up commiting suicide whether intentionally or semi-consciously. That or he will turn completely mad and developp alternate personalities, I'm not sure yet. Thoughts ?
Hey, there's more ways he can end up than just dying or going full bonkers.
Other routes include.
>Goes crazy into convincing himself that he's a good guy while still doing fucked up demon things in the name of "heroics" to prove to himself he's change.
>Decides that being evil is the only way he can be, but refusing to give up on his lady love. Tries to drag her to the underworld Hades style.
>Goes on a quest to be reborn as something good, be it a mortal or an angel.
They can only love each other, to love a mortal would be like a man loving an infant, in need of immediate purging
Very nice
It’s ok though. Honestly seeing some thirsty neckbeard try to “redeem” a succubus in my game would give me a massive hardon too.
>the super hot and charming charismatic bard tries to go all MUH DICK on a demoness
>feign interest. Roleplay like she’s really taking an interest in him, turning away from evil.
>she could even tag along the party and everything. She becomes just another familiar face and regarded as a friend
>tearful backstory about how she doesn’t want to be like this anymore, turned to evil because of desperate circumstances, blah blah etc
>bard or whoever thinks they’re gonna get some. Leans in for a kiss
>I play this at full blast
Ya. My dick would be diamonds lol
Maybe, maybe not; but no one is stupid enough to give it a go. We already have enough problems with those living in the afterlife after we accidentaly ingresed to a reunion of the elven phanteon after eating some mushrooms.
Of course they are.
That just makes the things they do to you much, much worse.
Because they're demons. They *need* to do terrible, terrible things, and if they must love you to do these things, They Will.
Depends on the demon.
Does a love of chaos and bloodshed count?
Honestly what you described is probably more feasible than thirsty succubus fags getting a pure demon waifu
In my setting, only people's inner demons exist
desu family desu I'd rather waifu a giant (female) pit fiend or non-succubus demon than an actual succubus. Succubus are cute and all, but I'd rather redeem/just befriend a more traditional kind that's centered around violence/deception/greed/wrath/etc rather than just another lust demon.
It's a shame that basically any female or really, the vast majority of all relevant demons tend to be fucking succubi. They're overdone.
I like that.
thirsty succubi fags and teenagers need to be put to work in the mines if they have nothing better to do then lust over monsters from the pit.
>It's a shame that basically any female or really, the vast majority of all relevant demons tend to be fucking succubi. They're overdone.
Do I have the CYOA for you!
Erelyra is objectively best girl though, but a Felira is fine too.
>picking anything other than mhyrienne
Mhyrienne is literal perfection, though.
Don't know about love, but they're capable of dying alright.
dantewontdie is an extremely overrated artist.
>"monster" girls
Lilly is just the most sensible choice. I'd be happy to remain her slave too.
>pit fiend falling in love
That would be awesome.
What makes you say that. She is pretty bland and doesn't have the provider wife appeal of Errors.
Some of them are - it's a rare thing, but not extremely rare. It can, however, lead to many tragedies - it's still a demon after all.
Prepared to be cheated on, sometimes with multiple different people. Demons tend to be quite primal in satisfying their desires, they are not as sophisticated as Devils.
They will try to force kinks on you, won't care about taboos like incest or zoophilia, and whenever confronted about those deeds, they will always find a way to blame somebody or something else for their behaviour - whether it's a skimpy outfit of a woman passing by, a handsome stud winking at them, somebody saying something that could be misinterpreted as a suggestion even if it's very far-fetched. It is never their fault, it's somebody else's.
That does not mean though that they won't try to stay true to you if that's they promised - it's just that sooner or later, they will snap, even if it happens just for one day every other month.
Unless you like stuff like swapping partners and/or being a cuck - then you'll find yourself in for a treat.
Did I mention they tend to get very aggressive if they lose at anything?
They will fake love as a means to damn you for eternity.
I run mostly D&D (I know, I know), and I love the planes and planar creatures a whole lot. I play around with their motivations and stories beyond what's expected of them now and again.
So far in my games we've redeemed a succubus (not with the D even) and a Babau. The succubus went on to become a chaste paladin, the Babau went into becoming an Inquisitor for a church, hunting evil. St. Cuthbert I think.
Succubus stayed the course, but Vaark, the Babau, fell into old habits again later, sadly.
But love? I have an exiled Baatezu general, disguised as a mortal, who married a human girl and had some kids. He's a lawful creature, so he married the girl who liked him because it was 'the way of things'. They had kids because it's 'the way of things', and he's okay being conscripted into his nation's military because it's 'the way of things'. I'm hoping the DAM takes the bait and gives him a reason to care about his family, and see if there's any love at all inside a devil's heart.
I see Demons being more capable of love than a Devil. Chaos lends itself to more unpredictability, but they still need to overcome an innate desire of selfishness and maliciousness towards at least one person. I'm open to it, if there's a good story to be had. But that's probably the case with any scenario.
I like this quite a bit. It doesn't lead to the cliche demon waifu that everyone wants, but it opens to demons or devils with more distinct personality.
I can definitely accept that if it's a succubus/demoness doing it. As long as I'm taken care of, treated well, and given lots of affection and demon sex, I don't mind being seen as a possession. It could even be a relief - no need to worry about constantly working to keep someone's interest, just relax and bask in the feeling of being an object of desire who just needs to be submissive and look pretty.
>"Redeemed" succubi
>Implying that succubi were ever evil
Don't listen to the anti-succ propaganda. Succubi are compassionate beings of love, lewdness, and lewd love.
This didn't happen to be inspired by those creepy "Buddhist Hell" videos on Youtube, did it?
"Hey mortal, wanna /ss/?"
>Shapeshifter who doesn't like to shapeshift
What's the point?
>Succubi are compassionate beings of love, lewdness, and lewd love.
Well, that's at least 1/3 true.
Yes, but then their chaotic nature expresses that love in unpredictable ways. One such demon loved his worshipers by fusing their souls to his, another married and had kids but didn't love the kids and ate them. Once two demons loved each other and decided to fuse into one being but the resultant gestalt no longer loved itself and split apart. It can be good or bad but its always weird and unstable. Demons always love themselves though, if they stop they cease to exist.
In my setting this has only truly happened two times, and the result is that the demon changes into a form of spirit that isn't strictly a demon anymore.
Demons in my setting are always born from fears, and they instinctively want nothing more than to devastate mortals by making them come true. Since they feed on the "soul stuff" from negative thoughts and emotions they don't really understand the concepts of love to begin with. Most of them are just horrible nightmare fuel made manifest.
I know it's cliche, but the exception are demons that are born out of fears that contradict this like succubi.
Someone fearing that their lover will find someone better form them that will steal them away. A a young couple in an arranged marriage where both of them are hopeless romantics, but they still harbor doubts about the other persons chastity.
Situations like that have the best chance of spawning succubi, but the only time where one grew feelings of true love it was because the situation was engineered by a couple of gods who wanted to see if it could happen. And the result would always be said succubus becoming something more like a djinn.
There are some fucked up ones that posses "quasi-love" though. For example if someone would fear having a loving spouse that would hurt them or cheat on them for example.
Don't know,i never let them live to find out
Oh it's much, much worse than those videos, but yes, it is a similar place to those videos.
Fug, that was a good show
tfw no demoness dominatrix gf
I actually had to refrain from watching it because it became too painful a reminder that I didn't have a dominant demon gf.
bad feel
Ashralak's ground is made of melting scalding boiling bodies which scream in pain continuously at all times, it rains billions of melee weapons down on inmates every second of the day and night, scalding salt hailstones pummel the inmates there every second of the day and night, there is so much heat that just existing melts your skin off there, fires so hot you explode like a bomb (from the heat) spring up in big random fire geysers, salt dust and fluid glass fall from above at all times, the west wall is 10 thousand foot high salt dunes, the east wall is 10 thousand foot high piles of scalding slag metal, the north wall is fluid-glass seeping blades, and the south wall is salt water seeping blades. The roof is downward pointing fangs that drip poison. An inmate's life is never longer than 4 gasps of breath, and by the 4th breath you have melted all the way down to a pile ala incredible melting man. Sentences range from 2500 billion lifetimes, to 5900 thousand septillion lifetimes, and most lifetimes are shorter than 4 breathes due to the falling weapons or other things. All 5 senses are useless, as there is to much evaporating material for sight, it is to loud for speech and hearing, and nerves deaden so fast touch is gone only a few seconds into the first breath.
There is only one hell realm in my games, and it connects to every possible universe in my games, so anyone who dies in a condition of going to hell, goes to this one specific place.
So here's the problem I see. I don't think them falling in love is something that cannot happen. In my setting it sure as fuck can. The problem is, you don't want a demon or devil to love you. Their love is filled with crazy warped shit, they'll kill any threat to their love for you. Including friends. Ranger bro who is your best bro since childhood, decapitated because the devil envied what you both had. Parental love? Both parents are now slaves to the devil's house because they do not deserve to give you love. People have to understand falling in love with a denizen of the lower planes comes with 5 cargo 747's worth of fucking baggage. Be it male, female, or whatever gender it decides to be at the time they are all bat out of fucking hell shit crazy. You know the saying "Don't stick your dick in crazy" this would apply here tenfold over. Their idea of love could be holding you hostage and torturing you, then nursing you back to health. Or having you marked with magic so they can control you like an animal or their most sickly cherished possession. Because at that point where they have fallen for you chances are great that you are a possession to them now. Forever theirs and NO ONE ELSES. Here is the kicker, they would be expert level manipulators. You may think the succubi has turned over another leaf, or the Pit Fiend will remove the curse. While all along you are being stringed along on a leash because you did not read the writing on the paper in the 4th magic vacuum dimension in between the pages. "Oh yes sir Paladin I defiantly have turned over a whole new leaf I promise!" party rejoices as the demon is cured, little do they know the Paladin is 3 steps away from a cliff to FALLING! Better yet I wonder why the enemy knows all your locations and plans now? It's because the demon is setting you up, just to kill your party so she can have you all to herself 7 layers into Hell.
tl;dr You don't want their love it is very likely worse than their ire.
>This was cancelled for Brickleberry
Yes, because demons are not inherently immune to illusions.
I worry about people who are capable of imagining something that fucked up.
There are two spots of good news; first, only truly evil beings are ever sent there, and second, you do eventually get out, and when you do, you are reborn in real time, with no memory of your existence there, and since it is in real time, you are reborn only a few 1/100thousandths of a second after your death, in a new body, as a new person.
Also not to be mister edgy-mcedgerson here but what specifically is fucked up about it to you? Is there one specific thing in it that bothers you or is it the whole thing?
It's okay to be bothered by it (it's good, in fact, you should be bothered by utter horror).
Most demons? No. Unless you count their love of death and mayhem. Then yes.
I run only a few demons with the capability of drives beyond compulsion for violence and murder. in my setting succubi are closer to the Witcher's versions. They are more neutral than anything and while they can inflict all the terrible things a succubus normally can they only do if they get upset. Otherwise they prefer to just be left alone. Their biggest flaw and why people hate them is their need to have at least one person. Enthralled by them.
There are also those who do act closer to regular succubi and murder lewd everything around them for keks
I guess?
>Also not to be mister edgy-mcedgerson here but what specifically is fucked up about it to you? Is there one specific thing in it that bothers you or is it the whole thing?
The whole thing. To be honest, I find the whole concept of Hell to be ridiculous. I don't believe anyone deserves to go to such a place. I've read some stuff about people who had experiences where they apparently died, went to the afterlife, and came back. One of the things they say is that when you die, you go through a "life review", and one of the things that happens there is that you experience everything you did to other people in your entire life, good and bad, as if you were them. I think that makes far more sense and is much more fair than condemning someone to random eternal suffering for only a lifetime's worth of wrongdoing.
I also just have a strong distaste for fiction that has an afterlife, but robs people of hope even there. I can't tolerate the idea that anyone can ever be completely and eternally lost to suffering, whether it's some version of Hell, the Wall of the Faithless in D&D, being soul trapped in the Elder Scrolls universe, or all the horrible shit that I've read can happen to your soul in Wraith: The Oblivion. Or anything else you'd find under "And I Must Scream" on TV Tropes. You've clarified that your version of Hell at least isn't eternal and its victims have their memories erased, so that's good, but reading about things like that still reminds me of all the other horrible stuff I've heard and read about.
>Their biggest flaw and why people hate them is their need to have at least one person. Enthralled by them.
Stupid reason to hate them, if you ask me (in-universe, that is; I'm not criticizing it as a worldbuilding thing). I'm sure there are people who would volunteer to be enthralled by a succubus, with no regrets. I probably would. I doubt they'd need to enthrall people completely against their will. Then again, I'm guessing there are a lot of people who couldn't conceive of anyone doing it willingly, because they're ignorant and can't imagine people thinking differently from them. Or they just don't like the idea of men abandoning lives as miserable worker drones to become happy sex slaves instead.