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>Welcome back to /srg/, chummer
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Personal Alerts
* Your Current Rep Score: 2078 (1000% Positive)
* You have 1 new private message, titled 'Come on boys. Get your realistic masks, your Physical Mask spells, your Fake SINs and get ready. The Brackhavens are officially back on tour'
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* Running Being_Brackhaven.BTL...

>Shoot Brackhaven
>Conserve Brackhaven
>Do not buy CGL books, only Brackhaven books
>And always cut a deal with Kenneth Brackhaven

Kenneth Brackhaven Edition

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/mtsmevrvk6s8a87/SRM Neo-Tokyo FAQ v1.0.pdf?dl=0

Well meme'd friend

How do I stop my players from breeding their dependents
I cant just start killing babies

cant you

>I cant just start killing babies
yes you can
If they make too much noise, the first collateral will be their loved ones, starting with children, then spouses, then family, then friends

If you're against killing them, there are plenty of reasons to kidnap babies in shadowrun.

But do you have anything against breaking their legs?

Why is that a problem? People start families all the time. Increase the costs of their Lifestyle and call it a day. Unless you are talking about them breeding their own children. That isn't okay.

I just wanna know why players would be breeding dependants

why not?

Is it that hard to imagine a person, even a runner, wanting to start a family with their significant other? Or even knocking up a person by accident?

How does Brackhaven like being called 'Ken'?
Best ways to piss off a well known NPC?

>Best ways to piss off a well known NPC?
Be a Technomancer

Get a load of this moralfag.

>procreating is an issue of morality

maybe he's an anti-natalist
A paradoxical group: Their own ideology means that by itself the group of followers shrinks unless recruiting non-followers happens. And total success will lead to their extinction

Nothing wrong with procreation at all! I was just pointing out how user was drawing the line at procreating with your own children.

I wonder what the Human Extinction Movement's up to in the 6th World. Think they had anything to do with VITAS?

>Reapers see metahumanity as a cancer consuming the plan-
>et, and themselves as just another malignant tumor. Predatory
>exploitation, overpopulation, pollution, and other man-made
>ravages have destroyed the eco-system. Metahumanity has
>evolved into a parasite that must be eradicated to ensure the
>planet’s recovery. While poisoners revel in environmental
>pollution, reapers desire the extinction of their own species.
>Driven by self-loathing and self-destructive obsession, they
>are fond of devising and employing weapons of mass destruc-
>tions—nuclear, bio and chemical weapons that will ensure
>that humans (and sometimes even animals) are annihilated
>so the Great Mother can heal herself and start anew. Reapers
>are often found among nihilistic, apocalyptic, and doomsayer
>cults and radicals who wish to cleanse the world.

Not familiar with the lore, who is Brackhaven?

Governor of Seattle, businessman (not megacorp but he's a Name), racist dickbag. Had a shot at POTUCAS once.


Can't or won't?

Character from a bunch of runs.
He's basically a republican governor IRL.

Did they start to make connections to trump?
just curious

Not as far as I know.

Honestly the game hasn't moved on socially and politically for like 10 years.

Well, it didn't take "turning from an "alternate future" to an "alternate past" setting" too well.


A turbo racist who was the governor of Seattle for.. like 30 in setting years, I think? Very rich, ran a not-quite-megacorp himself on the side, wanted to be president, fucked that up, blah blah. Funds Human Nation, openly associated with Humanis.

Recently got CFD infected as a rager and ran off to the Carribbean after being kicked out of office. Or losing an election. Or retiring. Something like that. Now they've got a happy fun.. something in office.

Oh no, it's cool. They make references to transsexuals now, and have white gay biker gangs who blackmail people for being the gay.

>and have white gay biker gangs who blackmail people for being the gay.
Which even the book calls out with "Wait, there are still people who give a fuck?" Which...why the fuck would they? Unless a humanis member secretly likes the trog cock or the pairing is otherwise racially/socially weird for whatever reason, it seems like gay/trans stuff would have long since faded to background noise at best given all the other social insanity in the 6th world.

Well, apparently in some corporations if you're gay you keep your husband as secret as though you had a mistress or you got taken to a farm upstate. Or never promoted again, whatever.

Meanwhile, downtown, there's a massive gay orgy club and a BDSM sex dungeon that makes the Berghain look tame.

Help me, /srg/.
I want to play a doctor specifically so I can try to upsale people on cybernetics and get them into deep debt getting super yertzed out.
How do I make this into a more substantial and playable character?

Why would he be running instead of staying at his clinic?

one of the many problems with this character.

Running provides two things that every needs. Money and contacts.

Why would you assume any specific PC can get everything needed without running? Regular runners have to deal with dry spells and fixers that want to keep them from retiring.
Why would a street doc not be in a similar situation that keeps them from pulling out of their still fairly shitty life?

Work it out with the DM that the start 3 missions have something to do with your trade specifically. Then mold your character into the start of the campaign and by the fourth mission your in so deep with the trouble you brought on yourself you have to shadowrun.

A compulsion to push the boundaries of humanity cost him his medical licence and SIN when he 'cultivated' the daughter of a corporate exec with some unsanctioned 'ware. Now he runs the shadows to be able to afford to rebuild his life and steal any neat prototypes he comes across on the side.

Now thats a better backstory! Feel free to join my session, I craft a story with that!

Enemy quality: Cyberzombie corporate exec daughter.

I'd dearly love to play some Shadowrun again, but my free time basically isn't.
Honestly I wasn't even thinking it would go that far, I was kind of thinking Wuxing exec, daughter was showing signs of magical talent but burned out.

dropbox.com/s/mtsmevrvk6s8a87/SRM Neo-Tokyo FAQ v1.0.pdf?dl=0

Hrm. Sucks to be in Japan, looks like.

Help me understand damage compensators, /srg/. Am I correct in thinking that having a rating for them that's not a multiple of 3 is useless? I initially thought they acted mechanically like hard armour but now rereading the rules it seems like they just stop you from taking the dice penalties for having taken damage. Further question: if they do hust prevent the immediate penalties, what happens when their rating is exceeded? Do all the penalties hit at once or do you just take -1 for every three boxes past the damage comps' rating?

EVERYONE likes the trog cock, chummer. Some just don't admit it.

just get pain editor lmao

i've seen a few of these posted here. I am unenlightened. Who is the artist for these?

>nigelposter came back
>he made a thread
God have mercy on us all.

Whatever happened to that Ork Underground PDF Season 4 mentions?

Eventually, friendo, eventually, but this is chargen and I only get one piece over 12 availability, and it ain't gonna be a pain editor

What is it gonna be? It better be something really fucking good, because pain editor is one of the best items in the game.

Character background is ex-knight errant Rapid Response Team and his whole shtick is busting down doors and getting shot at so the rest of the team don't. Hence SWAT armour for the aesthetic. I know I'm gimping myself a little since Ares BGH is arguably better and then I could take some cool stuff but it just looks way cooler in my head if he's actually kitted out properly.

>he cares about fluff more than pure optimization

Could you settle for riot gear? it doesn't require restricted gear.

So say I take 6 damage and I have damage compensators rating 3. Will I take a -1 or a -2 penalty?

The point to Shadowrun is minmaxing your style, not your dicepools.
Except when you play with random internet strangers who just want to wave their 30-die e-dicks in your face.

Maybe, but isn't it pretty meh armour-wise? If not then it could work, because the thing is I really need to be able to soak up damage because as of right now the team is basically all squishy characters.

>minmaxing your style

I love distinctive style

this guy gets it

So, failure guy from last thread. I've already retired my shitty lame old character and have submitted my new Kenneth Brackhaven character (I'm the face, so I even got a sweet voice modular so I can sound like Kenneth Brackhaven while I'm negotiating with the Johnson)... how can I get the rest of the PCs on board with playing shadowrun correctly for once?

I am seriously considering commissioning artists to draw me more pictures of hot dog runners.
I don't even have a group right now.
What's wrong with me?

Your problem is a lack of devotion, mate!

It was incporated as the Seattle UNderground. All the Dwarves are coming back in and claiming all the territory as now it has legal backing, and Renraku is handing out SINs to everyone. Well, everyone dwarven. The orks are driven off into the back tunnels. Bit of a powderkeg.

Does anyone know who the governor of Seattle is now that Kenny has taken up multiple personality disorder and started his own Shadowrunning crew?

>Kenneth Brackhaven goblinizes into an ork. His father Charles has him murdered and brainwashes and surgically alters a SINless orphan into believing he's Kenneth. Officially, Kenneth's goblinization went into remission.

Not even Kenneth Brackhaven is Kenneth Brackhaven.

Is thinking you're Kenneth Brackhaven the SR equivalent of thinking you're Napoleon?

Seems like you'd get more leverage going in reverse...

We could potentially add a *third* Brackhaven layer with a CFD infection with his mindprint..

And the body of the original Brackhaven being invested by Shedim.
Hell, you could have 3-4 'legitimate' Brackhaven's walking around, before you get to the Shadowrunners who have been cloned/biosculpted to look like him.


>It turns out Brackhaven is actually the face Lofwyr wears when he wants to shitpost IRL
What would your runners do with this paydata?

"Please give us money and we will help you. Also, please don't eat us."

And this leads back to that idea three or four threads ago, where Kenneth Brackhaven, the 'real' one, is concerned that his brand is being diluted and hires the runners to go out and commit hate crimes in his name. And appearance. And illusion. And CFD infection, now.

Is this a winry rockbell cosplay?

When everyone is Kenneth Brackhaven... no one is.

Oh preach user.
I'm currently in the most style-less group possible and going to drop the have after this run.
It's like they never heard about "style over substance"

It is!
-1 penalty. Damage Compensators essentially increase the threshold for you not having damage modifiers.

Thanks a bunch man! Follow up question and this is where it gets weird in my head. If I have rating 4 damage compensators and take 6 damage, would my penalty be -1 or would I not take a penalty?

No penalty.

Just how big is your Shadowrun Tits & Ass folder, Yekka?

I've never seen him post a repeat.

>how big is your tits & ass
With biosculpting anything is possible

Got more of this broad?

After much consideration my punch adept is going burnout.

What useful cyber/bioware can I fit into 3 essence?

I already got:
>Alpha muscle aug/toner
>Aluminium bone lacing (Is extra 3 armor worth increased essence cost?)
>Platelet factories/double elastin (are they worth it?)

What else could I get? Something not that obvious? Quality of life 'ware?

Attached: kungfucyborgposter.jpg (500x711, 219K)

Bone density augmentation may be better for a punch adept. +1 unarmed damage and less essence cost.

Lacing and Density 3 have the same damage bonus.

The essence difference though lets me fit in a pair of striking calluses, so I should think about that.

Tell me, omae, have seen this movie?

Attached: repo_genetic_opera.jpg (648x892, 599K)

Bone density goes to 4, titanium lacing only goes to 3.

>bone lacing:
1: STR +1
2: STR +2
3: STR +3

1: makes damage P
2: STR +1
3: STR +2
4: STR +3

I can see that being a cultural thing. Traditionalist places, like Korea or the CAS, or places with long histories of anti-gay sentiment, like Christianized/Islamicized parts of Africa, would keep it down.

Doesn't make sense in Seattle, though.

Attached: DJ.jpg (620x527, 90K)

... shit. I've been doing it wrong since 5th ed was released. Looks like there really is no point to chose it over Lacing.

Attached: omegawarebonelacing.jpg (682x1024, 167K)

I'm thinking of getting skill hardwires (Automatics) 6 to give my samurai a means to fight at range, but focus primarily on unarmed.

Does that make sense? Or is it too big an investment? And is the fact that I won't be getting more than 13 dice ever a problem?

Didn't mean to (you) that guy. Sorry.

13 dice is decker deathwish tier. You might be better off using thrown weapons to capitalize on high STR and grenade options.

Hi, I'm trying to get into Shadowrun I was in one of the earlier threads a little while ago and I am a little shaky on the rules.

Would you guys mind if I asked some dumb questions in here? plz no bulli

I think I'm used to the skill checks and everything, even mundane combat seems pretty straightforward. I was reading through some of the magic stuff and had a question about it: Since Force is something the player determines and it causes Drain, aren't they always going to default to the lowest? Especially with summoning where the Force also determines how the spirit resists being summoned?
Also, how do I know when to impart limits on tests? Weapons all have limits, right? So I get that, but on a normal check, what should normally be the limit?

13 dice is 7 agility + 6 skill ranks.

For throwing weapons I'd get 13 dice too, but the shuriken does the same damage as the ares alpha but doesn't have smartgun capacity and less armor piercing and range. (And no burst fire or full auto)

Throwing weapons hnonestly seem like a trap option.

Defaulting force to the lowest is a very viable strategy and one often used, but force also determines the limit of the spell, as well as the effect of some other spells.
Plus low force spells are easier to counterspell and don't work in background counts (If you play with those, most don't)

>what should normally be the limit?

Depends on the type of skill.

If it's a mental skill, there's a mental limit, if it's a physical skill there's a physical limit, if its a social skill there's a social limit. There's also an astral limit which is the highest of social or mental.

Thank you guys. I never played with a system like this, so I'm kinda building it from the ground-up, so it's nice to have some support.

Another few dumb questions (and I hope I'm not bothering anyone by asking):
What's the difference between a Decker/Hacker/Technomancer/Rigger?
Likewise, what's the difference between a Shaman/Adept/Mage/Whatever else they get called in Shadowrun?

Although throwing weapon users do have the ridiculous option of bringing along a fuckton of javelins, which are more concealable than guns and hit harder than an ares alpha even on my ork.

So you could technically do something with having like 8 javelins and then just nailing dudes to the walls.

The only problem is that A: That's ridiculous. B: You have no less than lethal option.

There are no stick-n-shocks for throwing weapons, and the only thrown weapon that does stun damage are bolas which don't use the thrown weapon skill. (For some reason, they're not even that fucking powerful)

What if I tied a rope to the javelin and was now CAPTAIN AHAB, CYBERLEGGED STREET SAM?

>What's the difference between a Decker/Hacker/Technomancer/Rigger?

Decker is just another word for a hacker. It's because he doesn't use a computer but a "Deck".
Which is a super crazy expensive mega-laptop.

Technomancers don't use the deck, they magically hack with their brain/soul. (They're bad, don't be a technomancer, and don't let your friends play one)

Riggers don't really hack, they just control machines. They're not going into the matrix to steal information, or break through firewalls, they pilot drones, cars, car-drones, tanks, planes, swarms of drones.

>Likewise, what's the difference between a Shaman/Adept/Mage/Whatever else they get called in Shadowrun?

Shamans and mages used to be different kinds of spell casters way back in the day, one summoned spirits and had totems and one cast spells and dealt with elementals.
Now they're one and the same, the only difference is their outlook on how magic works.
Broadly speaking mages view magic as a bit of a science thing, with rules and as long as you follow those rules and structures you just do whatever.
Shamans have a whole "In tune with nature" thing going on.

Adepts use another kind of magic and can't cast spells (Unless they're mystic adepts), can't astral project, summon spirits, and can't perceive the astral world (Unless they take an adept power to let them do that), and instead what they do is that they channel magic through their own body to get supernatural powers.
Like an adept won't throw a fireball spell at your face, he'll turn his fists into raging infernos and then punch you. An adept won't cast a mind control spell, he'll channel magic into himself to become so convincing you *wan't* to do what he says. (Pornomancers is the fan term for a type of adept that throws a quite frankly ridiculous amount of dice in social situations)

Mystic adepts are adepts who can also cast spells and summon spirits.

>Since Force is something the player determines and it causes Drain, aren't they always going to default to the lowest? Especially with summoning where the Force also determines how the spirit resists being summoned?
For spells it depends.
With many spells the Force only determines the limit on your test. But is some cases (Indirect Combat spells) a higher force also adds to the damage
And with spirits the Force determines their stats, so sometimes a low force spirit is fine (if one of their powers is not dependent on Force) and sometimes you want to roll out a F12 Guardian Spirit to decimate EVERYTHING

>What's the difference between a Decker/Hacker/Technomancer/Rigger?
A person using a deck, programs and skill to enter computer systems (often illegally) and use them for their own purposes.
A person able to use their biological computer and connection to the underlying layer of the Matrix to hack things
A Decker and/or a Technomancer
A person using either a few drones into which they jump and control like a new body, or a person using large swarms of drones

>Shaman/Adept/Mage/Whatever else they get called in Shadowrun?
A Mage following the Shamanic Tradition.
A person able to use Magic to manipulate mana, both to cast spells and to summon spirits.
A person able to use Magic to manipulate mana, in order to enhance their own bodies
>Mystic Adept
A person able to use Magic to manipulate mana, able to cast spells, summon spirits and enhance their own bodies

Why are technomancers bad? And why would you play a Mage/Adept if you could be a Mystic Adept? Is it like a Jack-of-all-Trades, Master of None thing?

If you bought a burger joint in a bad neighborhood and used that legitimate business to approach Ares Macrotechnology for a Business Defense package deal or some sort of contract, would they look into your SIN or business to verify your identity or would they just not bother?