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Balanced Tau Edition!

Tau Leaks:

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Is the Warhammer Cafe confirmed to be in Dallas or is it just a rumor?

*blocks this thread*

Fix them and make them unique

Also this thread is claimed for the Glory of Tzeentch!

Newbie question: I have acquired a can of retributor armour spray. Reckon I'd be alright on clean unprimed firewarriors, highlighting with auric armour gold? Any particular shade I should use with that combo?

>when the WAAAAGH shows up in your sector

He wiggle!

Grapevine. A stones throw from DFW international and a better location than Dallas proper because it means is Fort Worthians don’t have to go to fucking Dallas.

>when the WAAAAGH shows up in your sector

>tfw T'au slaughter your entire squad except you, but then you remember you don't suffer morale effects from casualties suffered in the shooting phase

>when the WAAAAGH shows up in your sector

>draw a human without a nose
>call it a tau

>no fusion blasters/blades
>dred has 4 klaws
that is one ded coldstar

>mfw I just found out that Immortals are s4/t4
It's not like I've been winning because of it so I guess it doesn't matter

>still having this 'tau are cute' delusion that is only real in an alternate reality
Just accept it user

Are those tau bitches happy now? What was the tau’s terrible secret?


Reposting request for some sort of warhammer tv archive, or for somebody just to tell me what the hell the startide nexus is.

No. Always prime your models, in this case light gray or white.

Hell yeah, I live near Dallas and I still can't believe how lucky we are to have it here

>tfw you remember you have the best Primarch, and therefore are the best Chapter.
How can smurfs, fags and furries even compete ?

>Codex army vs Index army

Inb4 >m-muh GT
That was literally Kustom Kannons bubblewrapped with boys. Orks Codex is internally unbalanced as shit and terrible at melee

>they are all space marines with a 6+ fnp
Unique armies... the fuck do you think this is, 7th edition?

They have been like that since the 5th edition codex in 2012

>retributor spray
>on firewarriors

Wtf user.

But, they are your dudes. Auric armor gold should be fine as a highlight.

I'd invade her Damocles Gulf if you catch my meaning.

>Play Tau with the funvee list
>he alpha strikes some 600 points into my deployment zone
>can't crack the Crassus in one go
>pile 30 scions out and spend the whole game blasting one squad of crisis suits to pieces after wasting his commander
shit's hilarious
scions can't kill multi-wound models worth a shit without quading down on special weapons

>red thirst makes mediocre units into good units (intercessors, reivers, vanguard vets)
>jump packs completely negate the biggest weakness of assault armies (mobility)
>their wargear lets them create mad units that other marines cant take (jump plasma/melta company vets, full heavy flamer devastator squads, jumpy hammer captains)
How can other chapters even compete?

(They cant)

>thigh pinch from stockings

Dreds erupt of the ground to murder your shit. Seems legit.

But he was cute in his original form.

by having a primarch that's actually alive

And as far as shade goes, GW recommends Reikland fleshade, but I personally would do Agrax Earthshade

Download the citadel paint app, helpful for beginners

How's Guilliman's Primaris buddies treating you?

>almost gets eaten by Nids
>Takes Papa Guilliman's Tall, Tough Primaris Detachment like the good little chapter they are

>not playing Bling'kan, with blue and gold
earth caste detected
>terrible at melee
You have clearly never tried to fight an 8ed ork melee list then.

>gw will never give us the deepstriking dreads we deserve

>How can other chapters even compete?
By having a Primarch that isn't dead.

We will never know the artist. Shame.

>finally all chaos and imperialshit planned for now got released
>time for other things
>imperial knights codex
fuck this gay shit, I'd rather gargle on sigmar's cock

*proceeds to cut that xeno slut to pieces with a chainsword*

>Only get to fight once per turn

1 point World Eaters 0 Points Daddy lackin' homos

The first time me and a friend played he advanced and charged in the same turn, had terminators at 5T, moved during failed charges, fired both combibolter guns without the -1, and was about to kill 9 of my dudes with his captain because it rolled 9 dmg...
He was blood angels. I was playing another friend's tau army. I won

Next FW order, I'm buying of these. What am I in for ?

Drop Pods should just be 20 points and in return not deny enemy deepstrikes or hold objectives.

Suddenly, Space Marines are actually mobile again.
It's not like the deepstrike unit limit doesn't nerf them enough.
Also, Astartes pattern chainswords need to be +2 Attacks

I got started with them in 8e and I swear I saw t5. Maybe I just read that their weapons were s5 and didn't bother to read the rest of their stats.
Now I'm going to have to tell everyone in my LGS that I've been cheating all this time aaa

Where did you hear this? It's obviously coming soon, but I haven't heard anything specific?

But user, that's not a Salamander. Even your chapter master praised Tu'shan as the embodiment of what it meant to be an Astartes

>You have clearly never tried to fight an 8ed ork melee list then.
I have, they get fucked by any remotely good unit.

20 points makes them more effective at shooting than tac marines.

>BA Chads start developping typical BA traits
>Death Company Chads soon, with Sanguinary Guard Chads being a certainty in the far future.

Yup. That's the a problem with Tac Squads and Bolters though.

>90 ork boyz delivering 6 attacks each
I mean, maybe mortarion, and other units with an absurd amount of attacks and toughness could cut a swathe through them, but if they get the charge off your battle line is fucked.

Everything's better in gold.
Righto, I'll snag a can of Tamiya Fine or such

Thanks for the advice anons

Going to go for kantor blue for the fatigues, will that paint on fine over the gold spray?

Nuln oil for the wash?

>An animalistic growl came from the gue’ron’sha’s helm. The Imperial warrior put his shoulder down, drew a chainsaw blade, and charged.
>Bravestorm grinned fiercely as the Space Marine’s long strides ate up the distance between them. The gue’ron’sha was planning to get in close.
>A microdec passed, and the commander eye-blinked a sub-routine he had waited a long time to use.
>The XV8 took a stride forward, pivoting hard at the waist. Bravestorm’s massive onager gauntlet swung out in a backhand blow. The Space Marine’s blade was swept aside. The battlesuit gauntlet caught him in a full body blow, crushing gun and warrior alike against the lateral wall of the corridor.
>Bravestorm resumed his gun stance, already firing by the time the gue’ron’sha’s mangled corpse fell in a disorderly pile to the ground.

>packs into rhinos
>gets shot to pieces before making a charge

There's also the other issues that covering the board in drop pods would bring.

Reikland flesh shade, got it, sorry was typing the reply -cheers

Agrax is better on gold, blue fatigues, really? I guess if you did them very dark it could work. What sept colour user?

>tfw you face a shooty army so you consolidate 2 squads of 10 for order efficiency since you don't take morale tests for shooting

That's why I specified they should not be able to deny deepstrikes in 9" or hold objectives.
They're a box with a bolter, they can't hold ground.

Not him but I've heard the guy who leaked the 1ks and tau codex say they are after the 3 xenos

The best part is making Crisis kebab with the 1D3 damage lances when you charge them.

They'd still block movement.

>this is boring
>nice lore xenos
>where's the part where the space marines win for believing in the emperor
>must be because tau are a mary sue race

>Using handsome squidward for BA art.

>Orks just got crushed by Turn 2
sure buddy
Those 90 Orks boyz won't be dead 5 minutes in

Glorious land dropping from the sky. Sure 2/3rds of them pancake into the dirt, but the rest,oh the fun they will have.

>Tfw I was the comissar behind the marine, and now I have open path to both filthy xenos

Custom my dudes sept, rules wise I was going to go for borkbork but Farsight's fusion-sabre-suits are mighty tempting.. maybe I should just pause everything until the codex actually drops

>For each hit roll made by warlord, +1 to wound for that hit
Bork'an Warlord trait looks alright, could be fun with CiB or Missilepods

>Drop Pods should just be 20 points
No... maybe shave 15pts off, make in BS5+ and it cant hold objectives or deny enemy deepstrikes.

7th pod spam was awful

Kans, not land. Pissing autocorrect.

who are the thiccest B R A P H O Gs in 40k and why are they thiccsters of battle?

They don't have such a massive footprint, are bound by the 9" rule unlike Spore Mins and also give up Killpoints.
Also you can also charge them for extra movement, so there's that.

>implying that people call tau a mary sue race just because space marines don't win against them
The absolute delusion of taufags

Sanguinary Guards are just that fabulous. They're beasts on the tabletop too.

If you drop say, 15-20 that's a huge wall.

Simple LOS and footprint becomes an issue then user, drop pods are big bois, and being able to flood the board with tough stormbolters your opponent either has to walk around or destroy would have serious balancing issues.
50 ppm sounds more fair, at 20ppm they sound like such a utility you'd be bringing tactical squads just for the drop pods.
Zoning is huge this edition, and easily spammable path-blocking units would be interesting, but they'd need to be costed appropriately. Too cheap and you could literally box your opponent into or out of areas.

user my fucking melta spamming SoB list at 1000 points can bring down around 40 Orks a turn.

Killing Orks is not hard

Custodes can deepstrike dreads.

>Not riding in a Land Raider with Kharn and an exalted Champion.

So are sensai cannon?

>7th pod spam was awful
And is also literally impossible going by current match rules
9" rule neuters Meltas and Flamers so there's literally no weapon left that is actually dangerous for an alpha strike
Dropping Marinelet Infantry anywhere on the board is not worth more than 20 points.

*teleports behind you*

Unironically agree. Has anyone ever played a good a BA player? One that doesnt just use descent of angels to slam death company blobs into screening units on turn 1? Totally nuts. Its like they were made specifically to counter shooting metas (excluding smurfs).

I sure won't user. Can't have my waifu be real, so why not enjoy what 2d I do have?

That's honestly not that many orks.

>15-20 that's a huge wall
have you actually read the rules at some point?

No, I mean, what colour? Sept colour is very important for A E S T H E T I C S
I also have a blue and gold my dudes sept, but my fatigues are black and the sept colour is blue

Big sororitas tits in all our faces

its fusion sabre suit not suits

*counter charges*

strong BA players use Descent on Sang Guard and charge DC with the pre-game move, but yeah.

You'd have to MSU pretty hard to do it, but it's possible. Even 10 is a large amount of area denial.

Sisters are for lewd !

Multi melta termies is pretty lethal

What kind of cadre is best suited for each sept?

>want to play world eater
>don't want to stick with manlets if they're upgrading
>also don't know if I want to convert (like blood warriors) because having an army of proxy conversions might be off putting

What do?