Insider trading? Coinbase listing imminent?

What is causing this never ending ripple moon? I'm making ridiculous gains.

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Everything you thought you knew about crypto is being rewritten as we speak.

Ripple is the future

fidget spinner psyops have brainwashed people into loving the spinner.

but i dont like ripple

i quit this shit if ripple wins. 50% of the buying is those retarded korean fucks anyway, I hope they all get nuked.

What's the best way to buy ripple?

Come ON coinbase transfer my FUCKING ethereum,

I didn't buy into ripple because someone called them "Chuck-e-Cheese tokens"



good fuck ripple is on coinbase

Ripple doesn’t care

People just trying to buy enough to make for the 20 that are stuck in their fucking wallets

It's about to fucking breach $3 usd I can't even explain this anymore.


no it isn't lmao i meant transferring my newly bought ethereum to binance

Ripple is not a cryptocurrency. Its another E-coin scam. I can't wait to watch this thing collapse

I work for a particular large financial corporation, and while I don't have "insider information", I've heard rumors and whispers about certain things with Ripple that leads me to believe this is actually true.

Do with it as you may, but I honestly don't believe Ripple is going to end well.

ripple is gonna fund my retirement

eat shit wannabe libertarian faggots

It will end well for (((them))) and smart people who see through it.


Until this shit collapses and you lose everything and are working the grease traps at McDicks.

>muh crypto crash to $0
literally what every jealous no coiner is wishing for

Fucking Koreans, man.

Yeah, one thing people need to understand is that crypto, while a major inconvenience to the old money, is not going to stop them. Ripple provides a clear pathway for them to snatch the ball back from the little people.

Even based on the fact that the Ripple company owns huge swaths of it's own coin and it's entire profit system relies on the value of it's coin going up should make anyone's ears perk up. The only way they will ever be able to profit is by dumping their own product.

Ripple is replacing btc

Check em losers

Hail Trump! A being of light, friend of Israel.

Peace be with you brother!




most people will still only hear and read what they want to and let blind greed take the best of them
some just need hard lesson i guess

Boo hoo bitch.

I could be wrong but I don't think I am. The financial institution I work for is still focused on BTC/ETH with almost no mention of XRP even with the recent moon.


Veeky Forums disappoints me. A news paper talked about xrp in Japan today and it's getting green lit to be integrated with some Japanese banks.

So what. What about that justifies the price of the XRP token?
Do people even know what the goddamn ripple system does?

XRP integration not ripple system...

>What about that justifies the price of the XRP token?

How many fucking times must it be said on this board that usage of the XRP token saves banks 60% on remittance costs? I can't even tell you how many times I've posted this.

That doesn't answer the question.

Are you fucking dense? banks exist to make as much profit as possible. If you present them a technology that saves them 60% on a specific service, you honestly think they're not going to at the very least raise an eyebrow to it?

people are chasing the next bitcoin/ether

every newspaper/magazine has a "how to buy Ripple" guide

coinbase rumors are intensifying

Do you actually think they will buy $1 trillion worth of XRP to move a trillion dollars?

Banks do not even use the ripple token.

>Cuallix became the first worldwide institution to use xRapid — Ripple’s solution that utilizes XRP as a liquidity tool — to reduce the cost of sending cross-border payments from the U.S. to Mexico.


more will follow.

How else would you do it, smartass?


Where can I get ripple at?

Ripple Labs sells XRP to institutional buyers at a discount every month (and they are prevented from dumping in the market by legal and technical constraints)

when financial institutions agree on something, it becomes a reality, so yes, in the future they could buy a trillion to move a trillion.

why do i feel like this is kind of true. what the fuck is going on?

its too late for you user, sorry.

Jesus fucking christ are you kidding me??? You are truly fucking clueless.

Just kidding get on coinbase, buy eth. Get on binance, buy xrp. HURRY!

Ripple 101

-The supply is fixed. There's no inflation.

-The current transaction cost for a standard transaction is just 0.00001 XRP.

-The transaction cost is not paid to any party: the XRP is irrevocably destroyed.

-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7, and can scale to handle the same throughput as Visa.

-Ripple Labs share is locked in 55 batches, only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. This makes their incentives 100% aligned with XRP holders. Ripple Labs is always working on creating new partnerships (e.g., Amex, Santander, ..) and expanding XRP's marketshare.

-Ripple doesn't use proof-of-work anywhere which requires inflation and/or outrageous fees (as in Bitcoin)

-Ripple is more decentralized than Bitcoin. With Bitcoin, you have no choice but to trust whoever purchased the most hashing power (currently it's a chinese company called Bitmain). With Ripple, you can run your own validator and setup your own trusted validators list. 10s of non related reputable public and private entities around the world are currently running validators (e.g., MIT, Microsoft, ..etc), many more keep joining.

-The software is open-source (Stellar was a fork of Ripple).

I'm the clueless one?

Yes dumbass, if you wanted to send $1 trillion worth of Ripple YOU WOULD HAVE TO BUY $1 TRILLION WORTH.

No different than if you wanted to give me $10,000 in cash you would need $10,000 in cash to do it.

Holy GOD do you need this in crayon?

thats not how it works you fucking faggot, please Veeky Forums stop spoon feeding these retards. They will never learn for themselves

NO YOU FUCKING WOULDN'T. That's not how it works. Learn what it is dipshit...

Holy moly, it's almost 3 ameribucks

Bank a needs to send 1t to bank b
Bank a trades 1t for xrp in a 3 second trade
Bank a sends bank b the xrp in another 3 seconds
Bank b sells xrp for 1t of the currency it wants in another 3 seconds

9 second global cross boarder payment

xrp is just fucking worthless

Ok genius, enlighten us: how the fuck do you send $1 trillion without actually having $1 trillion.


I know you fucking faggot, can you read?

G-guys calm d-down please

because the XRP is free, right?

jesus christ the level of retardation here is insane.

cant wait for weak hand cucks to sell at the upcoming dip.

I hear the 60% saving thing a lot, but no sources. Where did you hear this?

>because the XRP is free, right?

>Bank a trades 1t for xrp in a 3 second trade

I think you might have a legitimate problem with reading comprehension.

Pic related and

its in the ripple white paper.

The XRP still has to be bought you hopeless moron.

wait, my bad, you were being sarcastic. it's hard to tell with some of the idiots on here.

They will send IOU's of most likely dollars, or even physical gold, but almost certainly not XRP LOL... They will use XRP to pay the tiny fee on the network only.
They will use a reserve currency that has HUGE liquidity that they can buy 1 trillion of, which currently is BY FAR the US dollar.

Please go back and read this entire comment chain. Go as slow as you need to make sure you understand each comment before moving on.

you have no idea what you're talking about. we're done here.

LOL you fucking idiot, you don't even know what the ripple network is hahahaha

They do this a couple times a year. Their sock puppets appear. Articles on partnerships come out. Their bots manipulate the price. It shows how the lack of liquidity in their coin. They can pump it at will but it's non-organic and unsustainable. Just buy XLM, it's better and will win.

pure greed, this is the first non-coinbase alt that normies are being exposed to and they're eating it up because of the low price

litecoin takes like 4-5 minutes not 17 minutes, and that's only because you have to wait for 6 confirms, if you wait for 3 it's like 2 min.

It's called normalfags. Hell even illiterate niggers are buying XRP because all they see is a top 10 coin that is cheap and think it'll be the next bitcoin


to bad im holding 2.5k

being this retarded.

The only fucking idiot here is you. There is endless amounts of literature about how the USE OF XRP ON THE RIPPLE NETWORK saves 60% on remittance costs as opposed to USD or IOUs but you're too fucking stupid to even google it.

leave the retard be.
sage this shit

>muh useless token

They don't get it, and are on denial.

More money to us bruh.

>let's assume BTC is already 1M per coin

you can't send a trillion dollars like that you fuckface. There IS NOWHERE NEAR enough liquidity in XRP to be able to do that. Even BITCOIN has 10x the liquidity. LOL FUCK ME.

I've been paranoïd with hodling xrp but this is the fucking drop in the bucket, I'm selling at 1.50

>you can't send a trillion dollars like that

NO SHIT SHERLOCK. You're the one who threw out the "trillion dollars", you fucking DUMBASS.

They're holding a transfer of mine hostage also. 72 hours. I re-submitted my ID for "accelerated verification" and they said it couldn't be verified. The same ID I registered with in November. It'll be 72 hours before support gets around to helping me. Why randomly freeze accounts when they know they have nowhere near the staffing to handle verification?

Banks move TRILLIONS of dollars EVERY DAY.

It's 2018 and we're changing everything. Try and keep up.

Ripple will drive global adoption of crypto transactions via banks. Banks run our financial institutions. It goes like this:

Banks save money using crypto --> incentivize Businesses to transact in crypto --> incentivize Consumers to transact in crypto.

It is sold to the banks by reducing overhead and presenting attractive features for it's clients. Clients like the speed and fraud protection. Businesses get incentives as crypto reduces bank overhead. Businesses want to not convert fiat to crypto so they offer crypto transactions to consumers.

This is how adoption of crypto will happen.

The part I don't get is where they don't need the coin to use the network? When that secret gets out, one story on CNBC will crash the whole thing.

This guy gets it

Yes, they do. But not all at once. Your stupid ass implied ONE $1 trillion transaction - which would necessitate a $1 trillion purchase of XRP to be possible.

Fuck me, what are you, like 15?

So your saying the price of xrp will need to rise as more banks join the ripple network.....

Thanks for making our point for us retard!


Holy fucking shit lol... You can send a trillion dollars using ripple, JUST NOT WITH XRP.

No you brainlet, I'm saying they won't use XRP as the reserve currency on the network, they will use something with enough liquidity to handle the global need. That will 99% certainly not be XRP tokens.

Users of the Ripple network are not required to use XRP as a store of value or a medium of exchange.

>banks don't want to save money

This is literally your argument. holy shit.

just fuck off.

>No you brainlet, I'm saying they won't use XRP as the reserve currency on the network, they will use something with enough liquidity to handle the global need. That will 99% certainly not be XRP tokens.
I'm pretty sure JPMorgan Chase has the liquidity to back it's transactions. You know of any bigger banks?

Mother fucker have you not read a single thing?
I'm saying they can and probably will use the ripple network but it is better for them if XRP is cheaper.
I'm trying to figure out WHY THE FUCK anyone is paying $3 for something that doesn't actually do anything but pay a tiny fee on a network that will almost certainly not use for anything but that fee and small transfers.

The ripple network can send pretty much anything.
XRP itself though has fucking absolutely zero liquidity compared to other currencies, so why would they even try to use it for that???

Go tell these banks that, then.

Oh yeah and be sure to tell their CEO, who tweeted pic related, that it's worthless too. Clearly you know a hell of a lot more than he does.

NormalFag here, I’m new to cryptocurrencies should I hold the little ripples I have? I bought at .93


it'll happen, don't you worry

useless things with no utility being pumped by dumbass koreans / retail investors tend to collapse to 0, by nature