Anyone got any opinions on Fate Core/Accelerated? Horror supplement should be coming soon. Then, regrettably, a fucking handicapped supp, but that's Patreon for you.
>Tried to put together a game but online players are flakey after.
Anyone got any opinions on Fate Core/Accelerated? Horror supplement should be coming soon. Then, regrettably, a fucking handicapped supp, but that's Patreon for you.
>Tried to put together a game but online players are flakey after.
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I wish there was an official stuntmaker or aspect generator. The unofficial ones are lackluster.
What do you mean a handicapped supp?
You mean a supp about *being* handicapped? Because that sounds incredibly stupid, that's just another aspect of a character and can be handed in core.
Also Fate is great and should honestly be used every time there's a setting with great aesthetics and fluff but absolutely terrible rules.
That's precisely what I mean. It's called The Accessibility Toolkit. I like Fate but why push another project for this?
>"Fate Accessibility is a handbook for bringing characters with disabilities into your games and players with disabilities to your table, using the Fate system as a lens for both. The project is led byElsa HenryofFeminist Sonar."
Aspects, I don't think are that important.
Stunts, though, are incredibly poorly explained by the core rules. An official stuntmaker would be a godsend.
oh damn, a horror supplement
I had no idea anyone would even attempt that aside from me
Stunts aren't too bad to work with. Do you mean you wish there was a utility that helped develop a useful but balanced ability template?
The book gives a few "guides" on stunt balance but I think there are some sub-categories of those stunt guides that can be modeled.
If you want something to give you stunt ideas, on a conceptual level, that might be harder because characters use presumably unique stunts.
I really enjoy Fate but it's a system where there's never anything worth discussing.
It's the recommended system for Night Shift, the official horror setting of Veeky Forums. But yeah, characters are too tough for a proper horror game in the bad system.
Not wrong, but you see I also wanted to lure people into my Discord.
Well there is an expansion coming. We can speculate wildly on that!
Whats the best character concept you ever came up with? What were their aspects and stunts?
I like how in some setting most social skills are wrapped up into something like 'persuasion'. clears up, like, 3 slots and helps my combat character not be autistic in social situations.
A Fate-oriented Discord would be a fine relief from the fucking triggerable community Hicks chaperones on G+.
There's great ideas and G+ posts on Fate, and it certainly keeps the community together, but some topics must never be mentioned in their presence.
utter dogshit
Well its open if you want to join
Dont wanna follow up, or give examples why?
Nah it's just another totally fleshed-out argument for why a non-GURPS system is worthless.
It sounds like it is for disabled players as well as characters
Maybe a GM doesnt want to do calculus
Yeah this aspect makers makes 50/50 good stuff and insane ramblings:
I wish I loved anything the way you GURPS people love GURPS.
I love core, it is definitely in my top 5 systems.
I wanted to run a game of FAE to my gf, to introduce her to pnp rpgs and to check out the system, but I'm having trouble wraping my head around the concept of approaches and how different groups interpret them.
Flashy is especially confusing to me, since I see a lot of people interpreting it as the "cool and stylish" approach that you use whenever you do something over the top and rad, but Fate is literally "over the top and rad: the game" so every action when described in a cool way can be flashy. This applies to all other approaches.
Can someone enlight me on how to pick the proper approach for tests?
Well, you wouldn't want to be flashing, or describe yourself in a flashy manner, when you are trying to be stealthy or careful would you? i'll post the snippet on approaches from their website. Careful: A Careful action is when you pay close attention to detail and take your time to do the job right. Lining up a long-range arrow shot. Attentively standing watch. Disarming a bank’s alarm system.
Clever: A Clever action requires that you think fast, solve problems, or account for complex variables. Finding the weakness in an enemy swordsman’s style. Finding the weak point in a fortress wall. Fixing a computer.
Flashy: A Flashy action draws attention to you; it’s full of style and panache. Delivering an inspiring speech to your army. Embarrassing your opponent in a duel. Producing a magical fireworks display.
Forceful: A Forceful action isn’t subtle—it’s brute strength. Wrestling a bear. Staring down a thug. Casting a big, powerful magic spell.
Quick: A Quick action requires that you move quickly and with dexterity. Dodging an arrow. Getting in the first punch. Disarming a bomb as it ticks 3… 2… 1…
Sneaky: A Sneaky action is done with an emphasis on misdirection, stealth, or deceit. Talking your way out of getting arrested. Picking a pocket. Feinting in a sword fight.
Also you and your girlfriend are welcome to join the discord above.
Also during char gen you rate how your character would do in 4 of the aproaches, one is +4, one is +3 and so on.
A mummy raised back to life with nano tech. Could deliever an electric shock with a touch
Good thing almost no GURPS players use that.
But physical disabilities don't fucking prevent tabletop gaming.
Fuck, I got into TTRPGs because I needed a hobby I could do in a wheelchair. Why the fuck do SJWs think anything that doesn't represent every possible subgroup and obscure niche isn't inclusive? Why do we need a special "accessibility toolkit" for disabled players? It's not fucking basketball, the rules don't need to change to accommodate physical disability. God, this shit is fucking condescending. Do they think people in wheelchairs or shit like that want to play people who are in fucking wheelchairs?
And if they mean mental disability, then it's going to be useless, unless they came up with a revolution in the field of psychotherapy by writing a book that inherently helps such issues.
Yeah, most people with proper disabilities would rather be treated as just another player as much as possible.
It only seems like people who have minor disabilities want people to pay attention to them. "Oh! I need special stuff because I'm OCD!" try not being able to walk you dumb cunt.
Unfortunately, "I'm OCD!" is really misused. Actual legit OCD is fucking godawful. "Being mildly picky or particular about a specific thing" is not OCD and it bugs the shit out of me when people use it as slang for just being picky about something.
Remember, it's not a psych disorder by definition unless it causes serious negative impact to one's daily life. Wanting a clean bathroom or wanting your players to use coasters or whatever doesn't make you OCD. Being unable to do anything else because you're consumed with irrational urges or worries is.
Maybe, just maybe, its for people that want to play a character with a disability and it isn't about inclusion or SJW.
Fate already fucking lets you do that, though. Fuck, for the past nine IC months I played a pregnant woman, I can understand wanting to play something other than a badass. But Fate doesn't need a special supplement for that, the core rules already allow you to do that.
>The project is led by Elsa Henry of Feminist Sonar
Yes, it's about "inclusion" and socjus.
There's a certain subset of tumblrinas who think disability is some kind of a badge of honor, it's an identity they can add to their increasingly ridiculously lengthy list of identities that make them special. And there's a certain subset of disabilities that are relatively invisible and easy for stupid people to underestimate the actual severity of, like depression, ADD/ADHD, HFA, OCD, social anxiety, PTSD, and the like. It's these people, who frankly aren't ill at all and at best have a few quirks (as does everybody) that they've pathologized for internet brownie points, that demand "inclusion" because they want to draw attention to what they're claiming to have for the purposes of seeking attention.
I was raised by a combat veteran with PTSD, and I always knew - if not the exact term, at least the concept - what a "trigger" is. It still bugs me a little bit that it's been so misused and distorted by hypersensitive retards. These people really should fuck off and take their fucking X-cards with them, rather than demand yet another hobby change itself to please their attention whoring.
You got stories?
Not really. It's not something that lends itself to storytime. It's little things, like for instance, I was always told growing up not to wake him up if he was asleep and having a nightmare, making noises or moving and shit like that, because he reflexively struck me once in a panic after being woken up from a nightmare.
Flashbacks aren't like you see on TV where you're in a perfect memory recreation of an environment, it's more like a feeling than a memory.
Maybe blind and deaf players???
What's the expansion about? Hopefully more well defined character options and genres.
A psychogenic metamorph / slime girl that could shapeshift into and/or infiltrate / possess other creatures, even being able to explode them from the inside out later on, though she mostly just turned her tentacles into sharp objects.
No magical realm, just body horror and plain old monster horror.
As mentioned, Flashy is for when you want to actively draw others' attentions. It's often used as a stand-in for Charisma-like actions, though it has other uses, as well. For example, haphazardly mixing potions or chemicals in an attempt to create something new might be Flashy.
The author is blind so it probably goes into a lot of detail about that.
I get the playing disabled characters part, but the part about disabled players just feels like padding. Who is this for? If one of your players is disabled you already know how they want to be treated. If not are you reading this book on the off chance one joins your group at some point? And that's ignoring how people can have widely differing views on how they want their issues to be treated. And if what it says just boils down to "Keep an open mind and be tactful" , do we really need a guide for that?
>no magical realm
Oh i was just going off of what OP said about the horror supplement. But I can't seem to find any info on it.
Well, when you mention tentacles and slime girls, people tend to look at you askance, especially around here. In reality, both of those things are just an assumed form; as a metamorph, the character was just basically a puddle of flesh and body fluids.
Thank you so much. I have actual OCD and generalized anxiety and it makes me really bothered to see people using the terms for really retarded shit like that.
"Please don't mix my dice, its my OCD kek"
Yeah try not being able pay attention to what you're looking at because you've been manually blinking your eyes for the past two weeks. Not that cute, is it?
Well when you say it like that i understand the no magical realm. But when you just say 'slimegirl' people think /d/ or /aco/
That is my interpretation of it, but I see people using it for over the top attacks too.
For example, jumping side-ways, guns akimbo in slow-motion Matrix like, blasting away at a group of enemies. Some groups would rule that as a flashy attack, even though I think it should be a forceful attack if your intention is to cause damage with guns.
Well i think THAT would be flash, forceful would be lioe shoving someone or breaking a door
What topics?
For something truly over the top and/or bombastic, sure, I think that makes sense and have called for such an approach before in those circumstances. That said, like you, were it the example given, I'd probably just call for Quick or Forceful.
You can certainly just use skills instead
Might reduce the serious gray area involved with Approaches
Not him, but I prefer approaches to skills for that very reason. Skills are little too narrow for my liking, and if an approach is too grey, I just have to make a call, flip a coin, or ask which they would prefer.
Any advise for a first time FATE GM?
Yeah, talk to your players about the fact that they're going to want to tweak their Aspects and Stunts as they grok the system. That's fine. They weren't making informed decisions when they originally wrote them, it's not fair to hold them to those decisions.
A dark elf slave girl who could use polearms and cast spells. But she wasn't a real slave, as she liked to use rags because "clothes are too expensive", and was actually filthy rich because of reasons.
I've ran a short but extremely interesting game of FAE before it fell through for IRL reasons, but I'm starting to think that I prefer Core. It was an historical investigation game (with a dash of weird science), and some approaches were used disproportionately more than others. I think that clear-cut skills work better in general.
Have you tried replacing FAE approaches in your games?
Whats FAE?
Fate Accelerated (Edition)
Never played it, what does it add?
More like what does it take away
Skills change to Approaches, drops the more complex Stunts. Little to no GM advice.
It's a variant, but not really that wild.
The biggest issue is that approaches tend to result in characters that are really one-note.
Oh aproaches replace skills? Thats broad and dumb
You can check more here.
It's sold as the lighter version of Fate. It is.
Apart from approaches, you have a couple less aspects and stunts. But the approaches are an issue. They can work, the same way Risus works. But at the end of the day, it's generally not worth it.
"DnD application" of Fate has STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA as its "approaches". If you are DnDrone like myself, you might find that more familiar to work with.
Yeah? Nah.
A friend of mine has an anxiety disorder that severely impacts her life. She's described it alternately as hearing screaming in her head for hours to days at a time and being irrationally terrified that doing a specific thing (such as going outside) will lead to her dying. It's a horrendous thing to have to deal with and it's only with a cocktail of drugs and therapy that she's able to be moderately functional.
It boils my piss when people say they have anxiety just to avoid confrontation. They don't even understand what they're talking about.
I mean things are a spectrum. I have a near-constant sense of dread, like my entire life is going to fall apart, but it's really quite mild. I can ignore it unless I'm under duress.
I wouldn't say that's normal, to be constantly paranoid that I'm going to go blind, my son's going to get into a car accident when he's out with his grandparents, I'm going to get t-boned at every intersection... that's anxiety.
But it's NOT NEARLY so bad as what your friend has. Like many things, it's a spectrum, and part of that spectrum is "not disordered but given to anxiety."
It's not fair to people on the extreme end of the spectrum to over-sell a minor experience, but it's not fair to say that ordinary people don't experience anxiety attacks, either.
That's handy
I wonder if a reduced skill list with classes--or maybe professions, since that's more descriptive of skills--could do the job.
Must have been done already, I guess
That's in the System Toolkit.
Ah so it is, thanks
Makes me sort of want a "buy-in cost" subsystem for skills based on your investment in the profession that houses the skills.
I mean, that would do the opposite of making generic super-skills but now it has me thinking...
Give them a reduced skill pyramid and an Archetype. Each Archetype gives you some number of skills. Say one combat and one utility, at +1. Then give them a 3-high pyramid to spend as they see fit.
Skills covered by the Archetype get the +1, but other skills get a -1 default. Some I would maybe leave generic, particularly Notice and Investigate. Not covered by any Archetype, but not penalized for any character.