/5eg/ 5th Edition D&D General

>Unearthed Arcana: Into The Trash

>5e Trove
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>Previously on /5eg/:
What do you do during downtime? Is it just shopping for you or does your character go see a play or something?


Have you ever played an Evil character in a Good party? How did it go?

My character contemplate what went so horribly wrong in my life that I ended up traveling with these fuckwits.

Thundercannons use DEX right? Or do they use INT?

dex, it's a ranged weapon

I would never allow Evil PCs at my table

>What do you do during downtime? Is it just shopping for you or does your character go see a play or something?
He tattoos the names of his most recent significant kills onto the flayed skin of his first victim that stands stretched onto his cabin's wall.

I had fun because I like ruining everyone else's


>What do you do during downtime? Is it just shopping for you or does your character go see a play or something?

Depends on the character, obviously. My warlock is a bit of a hedonist, so it's usually drinking, carousing, eating fine foods, or whoring.

>Half-Orc Nature Cleric
>Half-Elf Glamour Bard
>Wood Elf Hunter PHB Ranger
>Mountain Dwarf Paladin (Oath not decided yet)

How will this party fair in LMoP?

>mfw no Humans

I've done it before. As long as you define evil as 'out for personal gain' rather than 'fuck the world', and you realize that working with the party is easier and more profitable than working against them, it shouldn't be an issue.

Is it true or fair to say that 5e's combat feels too one-note? My friend says you basically spam an attack until the creature is dead. On the other hand, he's a BM but doesn't use his maneuvers.

>mfw no Humans

Good. After 3.5/pathfinder I'm tired of humans being the best choice for every class and build.

Now everyone plays half-elves.

Literally Hitler.

How else are you supposed to enact your fantasy of justified genocide.
Most evil acts are only a matter of perception. I could do many things you would classify as evil, completely justifiably. Like raising a mob of undead to crush a village that slighted me when I was younger. Only because the nation that I'm allied with wants to start a war, and I offered to do it for them.

Very well.

I played an evil Bard. Everything looked fine for the party, the evil acts were all when they weren't looking. Really supportive, good and cheery bard, and seemed like such a good person.

It only became obvious when a group of Paladins were very suspicious of my character, but the party vouched for me, not knowing that I had done shady shit behind their back, until the Paladins tried to apprehend my character and force him into telling the truth.

The big highlight of the story was when the good characters had accidentially killed cultists who were actually part of the clergy (Evil or not), and was being prosecuted.

Being unable to outright take the blame, he instead planted evidence he did it, put an anonymous hint to the Paladins that he had done it, and killed one of the clerics who were to hold the public trail (That the good PCs wanted to agree to participating in), and deliberately being caught.

It led to an escape, where the character got away, but kinda was forced to permanently leave the party. He lived on in the background, and occasionally was used by the GM to give us some hints or necessary items.

Evil characters can have friends they will sacrifice personal freedom for.

But human is still the best for every build.

Too one-hour and simplistic*

Humans are shit in 5e.
The only benefit they provide is a feat at first level.

>doesn't use the primary function of his class
This is like playing a wizard and not casting spells.

Variant human is explicitly optional and should not be allowed for exactly this reason.

One-note, God damn it.

...which is always better than whatever you would get from another race.

You'll have to make examples cause some races provide some really nice benefits like Half Elf and Tiefling.

But if the class distinction or example is taken away, does 5e still samey or simplistic in combat?

>What do you do during downtime? Is it just shopping for you or does your character go see a play or something?
I'm thinking of letting my players take on an old fortress that is partially destroyed to have as their home and build up how they want.

Tell me about where your characters live, /5eg/

Depends on where we are, bigger cities helping out at orphanages, looking into smaller issues the guards might be neglecting, helping organize ways to improve living conditions in poorer areas, get cats out of trees, helping old ladies with groceries and general community projects. Smaller towns is helping settle disputes between towns folk, helping with local projects, ensuring the elderly of the area have decent living conditions, general organizing for community projects and finding lost pets.

If in between places, general reading of potential threats in the area, sometimes recreational reading and trying to figure out the next location to search for a lost friend.

>playing LE paladin
>started of as LN, ended up moving towards LE throughout the campaign
>he finds delight in destroying "bad" people, watching them squirm and suffer
>he loves how even though he murders and maims people, villagers offer him praise and gifts in return
>go into towns with the party, insist we track down delinquents, brutally execute them, reap the rewards was the MO
>offers them no chance for repentance or reformation
>lawful, made a promise to the party that he will stand by them and crush their foes in battle, so never betrayed them
>basically "he only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing" outlook so he thinks the "Good"-aligned people are just pussyfooting around what must be done because they lack true conviction and dedication to do good
>he was personally convinced he was Lawful Good till the very end
I love edge.

Human provides specific benefits that -you- choose. You have a plan in mind and need a feat to make it work. PAM and dual wielding come to mind.

Really the only thing missing from 3.5 that was used a lot was flanking, which is now an optional rule in the DMG. You can still take cover and use the environment to your advantage, trip and shove enemies, and grapple, without needing any specific feats or abilities to back them up. As long as your combat doesn't take place on a featureless 50x50 field, it can be pretty interesting.

>Have never had any reasonable amount of downtime because battle crazy groups
In almost any system, at that
I've only ever had it in ShadowRun with the memeiest DM that I've ever had the displeasure of playing with
>CE drow rogue played completely straight
>Got to arrange the death of a party member (they were leaving), steal weapons (Player wanted me to, thought it was in character) and Still be the party face for some encounters because it's an underdark campaign
>Was in charge of party funds In Character
>Did an actual genocide off camera, but with rolls and everything
That was a fun campaign.

Now I haven't been playing 5e that long but is PAM or some dual wielding feat so important you can't wait until level 4 to get it?

always is a very strong word, particularly once you consider things like lucky, flying, long limbed, any given one of the things on yaun ti purblood,

depends on the build, for example PAM and sentinel with a pike/glave is pretty freaking killer, and with vuman it comes online at lvl 4 instead of lvl 8, which can be pretty significant.

Pretty well for me, the party unfortunately should never trust someone who claims "I want to get back at him for binding my parents into a contract" when the him in question is a high ranking Devil, you're a tiefling and very good at "finding something that needs done and will be back eventually" or "gonna talk to my contacts about potential leads, no you can't come because they don't trust anyone" anytime we entered a bigger city. That something was reporting in or punishing local cults for their recent failures in other areas.

Flanking in 5e is kind of ridiculous though, because as long as you don't leave range you don't provoke OA's; so can just circle around and position way too fucking easy.

Outside of that, yeah, people need to do less white room combat.

What the fuck is that

True that; this friend likes Pathfinder but also recognizes 90% of Pathfinder's content is sheer garbage. He doesn't seem to recognize that combat for martials without 3pp options in Pathfinder is worse than the combat in 5e, the static full attacking and inability to move afterwards is mind-numbing inducing boredom.
I'll have a look at the variant rules and see if I can't include them in our game, thanks bro, the marking, flanking and possibly tumbling variant rules all look pretty good.

See above. You can bring feats online a LOT faster, or you don't have to worry about only getting feat at level 4 - if you only need a singular feat, you can start stacking your stats immediately.

Dual wielding, for example, is pretty feat taxed - you can only draw one weapon for free, with the second taking an action. So either you spend your entire first turn readying your weapons, or it takes you two turns.

Tumbling/overrun is pretty standard. Flanking rapidly becomes daft; and I would say beware of what your party composition is if you bring that in. I was playing a wolf totem barbarian in a game (give allies advantage in melee) when DM wanted to bring in flanking, which entirely invalidated my class feature and made it even fucking worse than not just taking optimal and taking bear totem.

How do you handle Medicine checks, particularly as it concerns an unconscious character?

I use INT as a base attribute, for starters.

That actually brings up another good point; he might be looking at the lack of printed options and assuming that it's dumbed down, without realizing that a lot of it is built into the basic combat mechanics. Notably, spring attack is something everyone can do now (melee rogues should jump into melee, attack, bonus action disengage with Cunning Action, then back off, as an example). And grappling, tripping, and shoving (and the other variant actions from the DMG) are more effective now that there's no feat tax to avoid opportunity attacks.

5e tries to be a bit more open, compared to 3.5/PF 'there must be a rule for everything' mentality. The combat section explicitly calls out shoving and grappling as examples of actions in combat, and encourages DMs to use them as models if a player wants to improvise something else. I encourage grappling a goblin and using it as an improvised weapon.
Hit a motherfucker with another motherfucker.

eh the drawing thing isn't that big a deal, you will normally have weapons in hand (or at least one of them, with a torch or something in the other) when adventuring, so unless you are surprised or combat starts in a town (or other place you would be walking around sword in sheath) that's not to big a deal, unless you are duel wilding thrown weapons, then you are fooked. But duel wielding is the difference between only being able to double up on light weapons, to being able to double up on warhammers.

looks like a gnome casting lightning bolt against a spear wielding haystack to me.

Ok so Humans might be the go-to choice for a fighter or maybe even rogue but are feats really important for spell casters like a cleric or wizard?

Don't use the flanking rules from the DMG, ie. "you get advantage on every attack if you're flanking". They break a lot of features that assume they don't exist. Advantage becomes so cheap that you'll have it more often than not, and single-monster encounters (which are already pretty weak) become even more pathetic.

I'm going to try playing a secretly Evil Necromancer in my next campaign, which will likely be stocked with good characters

lord only knows how well that's going to work

Less important, but Elemental Adept, Inspiring Leader, Resilient (Constitution for concentration spells), Ritual Caster (for casters that don't get it), Spell Sniper, and War Caster offer benefits to casters. War Caster in particular is good for gish builds, and getting it for free at level 1 is a strong argument for v.human.

Seems like I'll need to do more research and consideration, thanks, bros, for the insight and experience. It's much appreciated! The tumbling and marking rules don't seem too game breaking.

Yeah, that seems to be the general assumption, bro, people make a snap judgment based on a preconceived, superficial read when there's depth to the rules. They're mostly coming from 3xe and 4e so they do need to change their mindset.

>secretly evil
I think it will be pretty evident that you are evil by the fact you raise the dead

XGE p 76

in a just thinking about it now, how would a houserule that instead of giving auto advantage, you can use "help" as a bonus action instead of a standard action when you are flanking, similar end effect but its only for the first attack, not all of them, and cuts into action economy.

well that's the tricky part

might not even raise undead until I hit 10th level and can cover them up with Seeming and pretend I'm actually a Conjurer

Christ that owlbear's pimp hand game is strong.

>I use INT as a base attribute, for starters.
Wizardfags, I swear to god.

What about the standard +2 bonus, or +1 when applied to 5e?


>XGE p 76
Jesus fuck, hire some proper artists holy shit.

What tretiary stat should I pick for a monk? INT or CHA? One should be 10 one should be 12.

What the actual goddamn Fuck is wrong with the halflings in 5e?

Shitty artists.

Literally only the thrash tier art they decided to use.

Just pay some random deviantart shitter a 100 bucks for a picture of a halfling. There is a ton of good shit out there which is a million times better than the thrash they decided to use.

That's not a halfling, that's a gremlin.

As long as you don't go against the group's interests and be all like "HURRR I KILL THAT PEASANT AND RAPE HIS DOG BECUZ I AM EVIL" you should be fine.

All the other characters look fine, though. Its just halfings that look like literal shit. Even the gnomes looks at least decent.

off the top of my head, an unconscious person is already stable and going to wake up in x hours (1d4 hours I think), let em make the check at the same dc as stabilizing, on a success reduce the time until the target wakes up by 1d4 hours. I would likely rule that it requires proficiency or special tools (such as smelling salts) to use medicine in this way. you may not attempt this more than once per target per day.

You got that backwards user, why would you rape the dog after killing the peasant, unless you are some sicko dog fucker, the point of dog rape is to make the owner watch.

Whenever we get around to running OotA, I'm hoping to run a yuan-ti legionary (conquest paladin) with the Snake Man's Burden.

So in order to play a proper Pirate drunkard is a Fighter/Monk combination the way to go taking Drunken Master and two weapon fighting?

One of PCs has been having unprotected sex with her NPC fiance for quite a while now. Its always fade to black and not discussed any further but how long can I realistucally have them going at it before having to say that the PC is now pregnant?

That sounds all right, but then you're being much kinder to creatures that don't rely on their bonus action to deal damage. For example, a flanking Great Weapon Master Fighter is very happy: if he doesn't score a critical hit or knock down an enemy on his turn, he can then decide to spend his bonus action on Help so it's not "wasted". However, a Dual-Wielder needs to use their bonus action to deal consistent damage, so they'd get much less benefit from flanking.

It's a problem with the system, not your rule, but your rule does exacerbate that problem a bit.

I've tried a similar "fix" myself, although my rule involved opportunity attacks, so it was a reaction instead of a bonus action. I couldn't get it to work in a satisfying way, though.

Why not Swashbuckler Rogue instead of drunken master? DM doesn't really give you anything you may want I think.

The fuck kinda game are you funning

Start rolling CON checks for the fiance whenever they fade to black.

There's only one reasonable way to approach this, user.
Impregnation rolls.

women have about a 20% chance of getting pregnant in a given month if they're having regular unprotected sex

so just roll a d20 every time they have sex, and if you get a higher than a 16, boom pregnant

I fucking hate how the mapcreator works on roll20, is there a better way to do this? We use Roll20 when we play online

It's fade to black because the NPC fiance is really Asmodeus. She's about to give birth to the Antichrist and she needs to make Con saves.
Also, what the fuck.

>maybe even rogue
>Rogue without darkvision

it's a world with fucking magic, who's to say she isn't using contraceptives?

>What is swashbuckler
Monk/Swashbuckler would be a really nice combination. Really nice.

They make good Wizards because they can get access to tons of spells with the right feats. As for CHA casters, Half-elves win that category.

Is the NPC or the PC actively going to an apothecary to purchase "birth control" potions? That's the big question.

I dunno? Is the character actively going to the outhouse twice a day? Or have they been holding in their shit for a week? Or what about actively heading to the market and actively eating bread and drinking water, or are they dying from starvation and dehydration?

They are young, passionate and in love. The lovemaking sessions are spur of the moment that happen before the party has to leave for an adventure or every session end if they are together

>women have about a 20% chance of getting pregnant in a given month if they're having regular unprotected sex
I don't think it's 20% per month, but OP can look it up if he cares.

well it varies throughout the month obviously, but 20% is about the average for the entire month

You don't have to pay to take a shit. If you're a DM and you don't make your players pay for shit that they consume, whether food, drink or fucking birth control, you're fucking up.

Unless her character is actively getting some BC going on, roll a CON check for the fiance. DC17 or 18 for pregnancy.

Anyone knows a good character creator like OrcPub2 with non-free content? I got the the Handbook, but I don't want to spend more $$$ for simple convenience

isn't it mostly just cantrips from feats? The only feat that grants anything above that is Magic Initiate as far as I'm aware

My search says 96% annually, which is ~25% monthly.

just use pencil and paper it's not that hard

If you are not worried about racism, teiflings seam better than half elves to me, and yaun ti of course are OP. Aasimar seam crazy as well. Though I guess helves +1 to any stat, twice is nice for your secondary stat, which yaun and tief arnt really given (who uses cha and int)

Shes 17 and hes 19 will that affect anything?

>If you're a DM and you don't make your players pay for shit that they consume, whether food, drink or fucking birth control, you're fucking up.

PHB 157, lifestyle costs cover all of that. I'd say comfortable and higher would include a reasonable amount of contraceptives, though they'd be alchecimcal concoctions (like silphium) and barriers rather than magic.

that depends what the statutory rape laws are in your kingdom.

Magic Initiate yes, but you can either double down on Wizard spells or put your second tagged skill into another casting stat like WIS or CHA and gain a slight bit of versatility.

The thing is, half-elves get +2 CHA and +1 to 2 other stats as well as half high/drow elves getting access to spells and/or cantrips. A Sorcerer Half-Elf (Sun) can learn 1 cantrip from the wizard spell list for instance instead of taking Skill Versatility and improve themselves immensly. Tieflings aren't a bad pick, but personally I think Variant Tiefling makes a much better Artificer Gunsmith due to the +2 DEX and +1 INT. They aren't bad Wizards, but they only get the +1 to INT instead of +1 to INT and +1 to something else like CON or WIS.

My point is they're negligent, and things like food and rooms are paid for in lifestyle cost - which magical/alchemical birth control can be as well. They don't need to be roleplayed. It's so mundane and stupid to include that as something your player should have to actively THINK about doing. It isn't verisimilitude at that point, it's autism.

They are officialy engaged now though, should that matter?