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I love you all and hope you have a good weekend!
im sure that no matter what our opinions are, we as a species can come together to fight the scourge of communism!
do it
you wont
I'm with you. Better dead than red!
I don't hate women, I hate whores, especially snakes that try to present themselves as something else.
For example, a girl who calls herself "quite traditional" but will fuck within a month of dating. That will be enough to send me into a murderous rage if she comes onto me.
You should be waiting until marriage.
absolutely yes
better dead than red
I find purity and traditional women to be attractive as well, but let's not bring this autism to the new thread. Just accept that people have different opinions. Some people like purity, and some people don't care about purity.
>I don't hate women, I hate whores
>if she's not a virgin she's a whore
This fits you.
Both of them do, funnily enough. It's like you can't decide which one to be.
Just fucking neck yourself now, since you're never going to find a gf or even a companion that'll put up with your deranged autistic ass.
Those expresions are amazing
right with ya
Why do people get angry and offended that others have different tastes than them? Just as you're not 'wrong' for lusting after 'impure' women, the guy you're arguing isn't wrong for being attracted to virgins. Just accept that your tastes are different and let this argument die already.
Jesus christ, you mouth breather, do you not understand that he's baiting you? It's pitiful how baitable anti-purityfags are.
Fun one from last thread, I liked it at least.
>Why do people get angry and offended that others have different tastes than them?
Why do virgin man children with neckbeards get angry that girls on't save their virginity for them?
There is a prospective CYOA specifically designed to piss me off, it is an open taunt, and one I did not start.
But yes, if she doesn't wait, she fundamentally does not respect the ideal of marital commitment. She freely gives out that which should be restricted to a lifetime union. Thus-->whore.
I have a consistent and logical evaluation, which you clearly don't like, but you only have completely arbitrary constraints, like a certain # of dicks other than yours you'd tolerate, a set length of time in between them, and so on.
And why do you think I'm here? I don't want the 3D filth that populates this world. They're almost all irredeemable, and the ones who aren't are far away from me, already taken, and probably wouldn't like my personality anyway. Are you trying to make me sad? I already realized this shit years ago, fuck off, you fucking cuckold.
>do you not understand that he's baiting you
Of fucking course he is, but I'm not going to not point out his completely autistic world view.
It's legitimately sad to think someone could have such a skewed mindset. I seriously do hope he gets help. Either that or suicide. Both works.
You save your virginity for the ideal of a relationship and the ideal of a partner, not because the universe predecided who you would give it to. I don't expect some girl to go to sleep every night thinking "I'll be pure just for user!!"
I want her to do it because it is the right and proper thing to do, I don't have to play any part in it.
How well do you think a sperg like me would fare in a traditional society, where men have to take the lead for any romance? I'd be alone there, too, even if all the girls are pure. This isn't about fucking sex, it is about decency. I wouldn't be getting sex either way.
What happens if you choose obeisance and your soulmate-master dies of old age? (Assuming you didn't pick any power that would resurrect them through your demise)
I can't believe what you people argue about in this threads. This is clearly next level autismo
>brush fluffy tail
Page 2
I'm not baiting you retards, I'm serious.
>It's legitimately sad to think someone could have such a skewed mindset.
It was the fucking norm across the entirety of the West up to just 50 years ago, and many areas within it until even more recently. Your mindset is the perverse one.
You want these sources again, fine:
>Bivariate results suggested that delaying sexual involvement was associated with higher relationship quality across several dimensions. The multivariate results indicated that the speed of entry into sexual relationships was negatively associated with marital quality, but only among women."
>"I find that premarital sex or premarital cohabitation that is limited to a woman's husband is not associated with an elevated risk of marital disruption. However, women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship have an increased risk of marital dissolution."
>"Both structural equation and group comparison analyses demonstrated that sexual restraint was associated with better relationship outcomes, even when controlling for education, the number of sexual partners, religiosity, and relationship length."
The only one who should eliminate themselves from the gene pool is you, you blithering idiot.
I really feel like this one is hurt by the poor presentation. I think most people probably don't even bother with it because of that, even though I think it's quite nice.
Hope you have a fine weekend
Love ya too!
>Dragon Fangs
Sounds cool. I'll specialize in magic.
No relationship. I just want someone to bash up close enemies while I hit them from far away.
>Rachel, Slug, Geppetto
Arch is Geppetto. And I am going to redeem Rachel and bring her back to the light.
Also, this thing has errors here and there, kind of a slap-dash quality to it. If the author's reading this, please look over your work before posting it.
Reminder that Sartre was in an open relationship before most of the world even knew what the fuck that was.
He is THE proto-cuck.
Fucking hilarious if true.
There's nothing to destroy.
>He is THE proto-cuck.
I mean, I think as far as the prototype or model of the cuck, you'd more be looking to myth and legend for King Arthur (truly cucked by his queen, with his best knight, as was foretold. No half measures about permission or purityfag screeching of cuck at those who would wed a widow, straight out cucked) or King Shahryar (Cucked so traumatically he took to killing further wives before they could have a chance). I'm sure there are older examples too.
The cuck has a modern connotation of being accepting of it. If you just get cheated on, you're not automatically a cuck.
Marie is my waifu.
Who made this one again?
Reminder: Pasille did nothing wrong.
Magi bloodines fucking when?
Slightly Drunk user, it's his WiP.
Pasille a breeding whore
Soria a shit
Hestia still bestia
Luigichi best girl
Perhaps this is why purityfags never want to Sarte anything (say, "fetishes" to "What she WILL be into")
Is there any cyoa more powerful than Sartre
While I respect Sartre opinions and works towards liberalism and freedom of an individual, I have to say he is a fucking cuck.
>works toward liberalism and freedom
>is a communist
Liberal doesn't mean freedom in the modern sense, since they always push through restrictions on everything. And if you mean classical liberal, that is the opposite of a communist.
I bet this chick would send you into a frothing rage.
I dunno man, I think you do need help though. Shit's really not ok though, hating someone because they enjoy sex.
He sat through the nazi occupation without doing anything, then claimed a status as a hero of the resistance after the war.
Be honest. Have any of you ever Sartred a cyoa before.
I have to give him props for this, they did nothing wrong.
Even he noted that the Germans acted "properly" and courteously during the occupation towards civilians. Now Paris is 2/3 nonwhite and dropping like a rock, thanks globalism.
>Pasille a breeding whore
You mean: Pasille is a breeding mother.
>Soria a shit
A agreed
>Hestia still bestia
Hestia a shit. Get a real goddessfu.
>Luigichi best girl
I see you are a man of fine taste.
No. Then it definitely won't come true.
Gotta follow the rules to be entered into the lottery.
But the rules of Sartre are to break the rules.
But I never post my builds when I do
I use it mostly to genderbend characters
Enjoying sex isn't the problem, acting on it irresponsibly (without marital commitment) is. It's the same thing as the distinction between a wine connoisseur and a run-of-the mill drunkard. It is not the act, it is the form the act takes.
Only to sort out ambiguity. Sometimes I'll add to the personality of a waifu in certain circumstances, but only building off of what has been given, not straight-up fabrication.
Probably the last time I repost this personally, as I think I'm wearing out my welcome until the next OC is ready.
>There is a prospective CYOA specifically designed to piss me off, it is an open taunt, and one I did not start.
If you get mad about a CYOA you have brain problems
Where do you think we are?
Of course I'm a mental mess.
State: Broken
Make: Lifelike
Undeniably Sentient
- Overpowered
- Combat Ready
- Galatea
- Intelligent
- Stoic
- Friendly
- Emotive
- Rapport
- Maker's Mark
- Ticking Heart Aflutter